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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. Oh my fucking sides. Enemy killing Enemy for the gameover win.
  2. Go find Cam's thread in resource. It's called Randomizer Python or something along that line. How do people miss the link I posted some pages ago?
  3. Still LOT more. That's how many screenshots I took for this chapter, and less than 100 for gaiden. so... [spoiler=DO IT EVER END?] Max str again Get over here, I don't want supermen on my asses. Dodge. WHY (If Vaida spawns, Supermen come running) UGH, GET OVER HERE. Res Raven get tired of this shits. DO THEY STOP? Nino will solo these fuckers. Heal! Retreating with my tail between legs Nope. Oh shit. Eliwood was in range. No. Get. First fight, first crit. Profit 09. Why am I getting this Deju vu? GET 327'D SCRUB I'll give you five seconds to guess what happened here. He happened. Eliwood never crits when he need to. Making Nino do all the works. HEAL BITCH HEAL :( Two sexythwomps do stuffs Level Ouch. We're back at Jaffar Kill Bishop as you may remember from the other savestate. Only this time... Nino fights. SO MUCH DIFFERENCE She's getting a new mustache. They never learns. Don't tell me this isn't bullshit. Murder. Pure Murder I TRY SOMETHING. Priscilla moves back and murder a shaman. I'm guessing you know why. SEEING AS THEY ALWAYS TARGET PRISCILLA, ELIWOOD SHOULD BE ABLE TO WITHOUT GETTING THESE FUCKING SUPERMEN COME RUNNING RIGHT? CLEAN UP LYN HEAL OH MY HEART. I kill the last one. FOR GOOD. La-ah-fuck-you REVIVE I just want the spawning to stop... Heal up I decide to just fuck the wyvern reinforcement loots and get ready :( Hp is better than nothing. Eyeball lingers Murder for muscle. Look like I'm buying steroids for her. C'HERE Okay So, what now? I do this of course. I move Hector to a position below the area of trigger, she comes out. AND THEY DIDN'T COME! HURRAY I wakes the sleepyhead. THIS IS AIUR! Spd get Hector missed. HOW DARE YOU BEST LORD Let's start bait. No one cares. Then I realize something... I forgot Karel. Switched ordering, both lands hit! There we go. GO HOME SPEEDWING GET I HAVE TOO MANY SCREENSHOTS STILL.
  4. [spoiler=Nothing of Value was lost] Eliwood murders I don't even remember how she got wounded. It's okay, Stave Slave will fix her up. This bastard probably did it. Jaffar vengeanced for her. Only a child would love to over top things. Murderfest Oh god. Go fucking away. Murder the drain tank Louise gets a treatment. ELIWOOD YOU SUCK DICK Fiora covers. Allaku Akbar! Profits We all knows this is going to end in a bloodbath Boom headshot! I makes him come over here again. Couple does thing. The pant wearing one dodges skillfully. No one likes him now. HE BARELY LIVES. You should probably tone down the weight of Fenrir a tad bit. There's only so few dark tomes. STOP Please... stop spawning you fucknuts. Let me have my peace -cry- It finally breaks. Go away horsegirl, no one likes your class. I finally kill the troubadour. Sain's only purpose is stave slave. Eliwood finally caps str. Lyn forcefeed Raven his hp. They changed targets this time. Raven heals her so she can go out and start slaughtering. THEY WON'T STOP SPAWNING. SWEET GOD HAVE MERCY ON MY CARAMEL PANTS. Nice level as usual. Just in case of these three supermen. SUPPORT! ME! NOW! That's an interesting brown outline. Finally magic. Oh god, but hey he got a str. None of the mages like her. pepsi Savestate to this. Same level again. Reminds me of... Play spot the difference! Slaughter zone. Boom level. Fiora get an emergency life. #%$@ Potential savestate reset right here. SO MANY LUCK LOOTS Swordmasters best class Str again. Again. Talkin shit lik i wldnt find out. Continue next post once again.
  5. You want more pain? Here you go. [spoiler=God Damn Sieges] FUCK YOU BITCHES The rng doesn't change... "Another square shaped box?" The sigh of annoyance as Jaffar accepts the present. All religions must die! OP heal. Farina hate religion. Hulk agrees. And so the siege begins. Stolen for like 100th time. not really Jaffar makes General dies a slow and painful death. But I don't wait. Dodge by dunking in middle of a holy rain. Seems legit Lyn gives him a taste of how to properly be a holy man By dressing in dark garbs and flap your cape Now that's how you dodge a fucking light rain Lyn S rank light now. Just another example of why dark thingies are better Louise bumrush the shop. AND THIS IS THE ONLY DARK TOME THEY SELLS. WTF KLOK Anima get two, Light get two, why can't dark???? Hector gains health. Two hot chicks lay down the ground rule. And it's to not fuck with them. Unlike her husband, she actually dodges. Priscilla knows the rule by heart. Ninian still dodging. Well, someone decided to fuck around with her. Fiora can't comprehend why people targets her with low hit items. And Fiora doesn't understand why she miss too. Maybe I should buy some of these... Spoiler: I didn't and I forgot before end of chapter. Moving along, Fiora goes for these annoying half life. Thief time? Thief time! -shrug- Too many capped things. Karel need to gtfo Farina get life back Gonna miss her Nino taught him the true definition of PAIN. And this paladin can go fuck himself with his cache of toxic weapons. NOTHING TOO MANY ECLIPSE SPAWNING Eliwood for worst lord fe Don't bother you ugly cunt. EVERYONE DOESN'T LIKE THE ICEDRAGON! Both learned the meanings of injuries, one applied, another recieved Farina learns by applying too. Poor Ninian. But it's okay, she's up and at it again! And she takes on the best! So I heard the valkyrie needs a pounding? Future couple does their things. 7 more to cap res. She's going to get there! Lyn however... Despite having a large room in her res, magic, def, she doesn't get anything. Hector turns to a long distance warfare. MERLINUS WILL TAKE ONE FOR THE TEAM! Eliwood get his ass going again. The swordmaster duo does things. The Only Trooper does thing. Gains hp. Too bad she's not going to max it :\ Relevant? You know the difference between the two? One hits. Oh god. Hp. Oh jeez Valkyrie thinks she can fight a wounded wyvern on a mountain. Hp again. NOT THIS TIME FUCKER. Get Str cap Poor pupils Getting criticaled to death and beyond is pitiable. GET OVER HERE! Continue next post.
  6. Every one that had their class changed keeps their weapon ranking, for example, Lyn still has axe ranking. Due to this I chose to not use weapons according to these but rather class weapons, the expectation is Eliwood because he used to be a Knight with all weapons but ended up turning into a dragoon due to a glitch. (HOWEVER for some reason he can't use sword even rank e one can't be equipped) Basically, it's a bug with randomizer, Cam has fix patch but it's only for regular fe7.
  8. [spoiler=Round Two Part 2] Fuck you little bitch Apparently they have a talk event Ninian goes to murder a priest to feeds her madness. Perfect level, a shame she'll disappear after this chapter. howdoimakeherstay... Nope. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck! She dodged! Idleness is best form of laziness I really hate these tomes too Animal cruelty occurring :> Follows up Raven heals for cheap xp Max res Things Level Miss Level Karel says no to magic. Sword is life Sword is love. Karel getting his shits barely together. plsno Hmm Very few enemies... No comments... What use am I going to have for this anyway? One is plenty. Mag! Majestic dunk Nino is sooooo good. -unintelligible screaming- Fuck you slut. -more screaming- Phew Jaffar lives, don't worry fans. Not much to gain... Keep dodging you beautiful bitch Oh yeaaaah -smug- I kill whatever Str! SAIN YOU SUCKS Herpaderp Tentacle rape Nobanplox All's good, as long you don't suck Nino :\ Wild Phantom appeared! Jaffar used Critical Arrow! It's sup effective! Wild Phantom disappeared! Armor gained POWAR! Minor things EVERYONE'S DODGING!
  9. Okay, after much rages, I finally got the chapter and the gaiden done. [spoiler=Round One Part One.] Surprising how a group of retards would manage to remember the secret. >Many Opportunities >Doesn't take them In this fucking fog? Bullshit. Yeah, they have it fully erect. Don't do this at home kids. Selling these. I don't need buff, I'll manage dragon with pure character power. itmightbitemeintheass No, just wondering why you're still carrying a fucking box. LYN PLS Priscilla pls COME ON, CRIT FOR GOD'S SAKE Well, Louise was better than the other three who like to idle. Execution Jaffar B support so early. Good. I hate negate defense. Oh it's a barrier sage! Stole and chip Legendary Tomes are fucking annoying Nino kills general. heal the other one. I lied, Nino couldn't crit like a scrub. FUCK OFF LUNA I lied again. These two need nerf imo Still lying~~~~~ lol Nothing happens. proest dodge OFUCK HE DOUBLES, FUCK FENRIR WEIGHT Again. I locked myself in apparently? amidoingitright Miss Nooooo hit Some poor mage thinks Nino is weak and shit. But in the truth... it was the other way! I have no idea what I'm doing. Nino best unit Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrh I sucks Doing it this way instead. Pent get healed as usual Lyn OP Ding... Interesting. Ow. Welcome back. Peddler get owned Karel steals Upcoming couple murders two church goers. Farina owns him
  10. Fuck this FoD to hell. Berserk hitting at low chance, Eliwood get gangbanged by throne luna, Fatman doubling Jaffar.
  11. Uh. Jaffar get various weapons depending on his class. I believe he get the equilibrium of silvers or stronger. Wind Sword is even possible too from what I saw in my previous random chaos playthroughs. In this case however, Jaffar spawned with Silver Bow, Brave Bow, and one more that I forgot.
  12. [spoiler=Plot Twist... Lyn is a girl] So, we're back here... This is going to be a while. Might as well. Fuck this Tight bitch! Moving her back early. Same thing. I'll just skip ahead to where I was. But first... NO CRIT? I AM DISAPPOINTED Level You know what I did wrong? I forgot the Lockpicks And he was already there. FML LOL Level Best dodge ever Level AHHHH YOU LIL FUCK Level Thankfuck it come back More level Done MAKING ROOM DONE Res Murder DONE AGAIN AGAIN Range check LET'S DO IT Welp Let's not use Forblaze Then I realize Karel isn't in range... So I reset again DONE JAFFAR SHALL MURDER ...Or not NINO? Nope Fuck this shit Better this way MAX Trade and heal Hmmm... Nah this? Or this? HE CAN'T USE REINFLECHE? RIOT PLS Let's do this then Isn't it obvious when Jan mentioned the father dying? Oh wow, a snap I thought I'd never get Nope NOPE Chip Holy crap, Sonia double crit NOPE.AVI GET Support. Guess who took the longest? These two... Fucking support will ya, son of bitches. Nino gets closure. -sniffle- This is so beautiful But... You two are exactly the same. Sonia wants to be a human apparently. Am I only one seeing the irony?
  13. [spoiler=Blazing Asses] Perfect level again. Sain gains durability Might as well get rid of the lootless witch I retreats Louise back to regroup. V FOR VICTORY Equipping a nearly shattered silver to kill a few. Done with north loot carrier Wexp again Sieging more Getting the free excailbur Poor Louise, not being able to 3 range them FINALLY I move pent to slay a general. I realize what a terrible mistake I did. SAIN WILL SAVE HIM Farina to ferry over Karel for the three loots. Nino leads the one linear push Fiora takes no hesitation in following up. Axereaver more Jaffar shall snipe them from distance With Sain to provide backup Things This mage is trying to fight us for some reason. . . Nooooooooo Karel delivered Sain isn't going to take any damage from those reinforcement This goes on for a while... Free mine yay. Replacing the lost mine that I used for this chapter. Forblaze!!! An extra won't hurt. I calls him back. One of them had the ugly brave to go for Karel. Nino levels! Loot get Pent acquire tool But... I forgot about Forblaze's range.
  14. [spoiler=Water Temple] See anything wrong with this? ... See it? That's right! JAFFAR ISN'T SWORDMASTER ANYMORE FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK But there is no one around, just you and that bitch. This is the most girly girl thing ever done in a fe game. Oh Hector, even though you have Farina. Stats Given Team Ok. Done. Before I forget. . . THAT IS ONE SEXY AS FUCK PALETTE BITCH. Not going to deal with Paladin 4 range shit Ranging everything! Normally this would be scary as fuck, but... Restore :D Then I mess up mine glitch so i reset. WE DID IT! Moving shits around Shamelessly stolen. Dropped silence (or was it sleep?), but forblaze can't be discarded :( Threw everything else, I only need the wind. Discarded the staff too. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA As for the rest of them, they discarded their weapons so they're unarmed now. SMOOTH SAILING AHEAD! I wanted this axe too but... oh well AWAKE FROM YOUR MADNESS Farina being angry with Sonia takes it out on the paladin. I tried. Done. Having fun with this fucker. Res's good, but get def at least. . . Not going to bore you with unarmed massacre Res again I hate toxic weapons, but hey, they can't touch me anymore. :\ Why not? Nope. Oh well, I tried. Savestate and ended turn, to have this pop up :D PORTING PRISCILLA OH YEAH BABY No, he doesn't have his gem cuz I made him give it to the soldier next to him. Nino is sweeping for exps :D The units left alive has stealable, Karel is going to have his hand full. Done. Yay! NO MORE USE FOR YOU UNFORTUNATE LITTLE GUY Loot confirmed. He finally hit Louise! Fuck you ballista Continue next post.
  15. [spoiler=This is Last One I Swears] These ladies are OP Ow, that smart! Soldier suicides. Sol Katti had ran away the turn before because of Merlinus sitting in front of Ninian (I reseted cuz someone died.) And now she miss everything. 40 kek Ow. Dodge Whew. Nice Fell him back to lick his wound Lyn heals DAMMIT FARINA HIT HER WITH THAT AXE PLS Ow. Fuck That Lyn Bitch I think she died? Did I savestate? I don't remember worth a damn. Max skl once again I send them deeper I don't put Merlinus in front of her this time HECTOR HIT HER, JUST DO IT YOU WOMANIZER YES FUCKING YES, SHE'S FINALLY DEAD. For this cheap knock off. Nah it didn't hit Res! Heath! Level It's not that cold. Honest! Hp tick OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT I SHOULDN'T HAD DONE THAT NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm kidding. She survived. Level I'm pretty sure I stole Stimulator from him this run At this point, the enemies are trashes All except one, the Extra No crit, so I reset. RNG it There we go. BOOOOOOOOOOOOT Clean up in aisle 9 Last treasures! Def Ferry Nino Level Get Oh god. CONVOY'S FULL GUYS WTF FUCK I HOARDED TOO MUCH OF WEAK ITEMS AND FORGOT TO SELL THEM BEFORE ... I drop the staff Let's see if I can kill the boss Ding Nope Free wexp OH FUCK SHE MOVES, BUT SHE DIDN'T MOVE WHEN I FOUGHT SOL KATTI Let's try not being in her range ...This of course doesn't happen, she came and kill him, that range is OP I don't have a screenshot for some reason though. I loot this...I forgot what it was. Jaffar get Worthy Sacrifice good sir. (Otherwise Karel would die.) First level and it's a perfect one! Nino is blessed I'm getting Mass Effect moment here. 'Wrex' 'Shepard' Well, she was a bad wife, but she's a good bitch though. Convoy still full so... Better throw this away for the money.
  16. [spoiler=Spoiler Goes Here] Recruit Now that I think about it... I forgot to snap shots of both Jaffar and Nino stats. Oops. FARINA WILL PROTECT EVERYONE #BELIEVE Louise delivers a bill of justice before turn ends. WHY CAN'T YOU DODGE PENT Ow. Miss -eyetwitch- Hector can't even put the hurt on him. Whoo! Another Rescue. . . Gonna need her healthy. Yeah... even Horseslayer isn't going to help, and Heavy Spear barely breaks 5 dmg. So much for effectiveness. The other side has it easy with all of those sad bastards that won't hurt us. Yes! Pent gains nothing again. lol Fiora is becoming more useful than Pent. :\ AT LEAST PENT HAS BETTER PALETTE THAN YOU! Louise > Pent apparently. Brown sword blur. HECTOR LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVES! Crit twices. Everyone hates Fiora. Because she's god damn op NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Thirteen hp... Trying Lethality But it failed! Ninian scratches. Then I facepalm myself, WHY DIDN'T I USE HIM??? Eliwood put the hurt in hurtle Wait that's an actual word? Luck get Gains hp. Left side has it going. Summary of this event... Lyn targets Ninian "OH GOD NO NO NO NO NO NO." Lyn begins animation "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Lyn Miss "OH SWEET CARAMEL OF THE JESUS THANK YOU BASED EMBLEM SEAL AVOID OF THE GOD" Yep. And Eliwood's work went to a waste. Brave Front Oh fuck Thank you lord. THANK YOU!! YESSSSSSS Not even a chance you fucktard YAY SPEED TO AVOID MORE Poison tick FALL BACK YOU SEXGREEN HEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLL Heath moves down to provide helping hands. Dart. Nitfuck NOT A CRIT THIS TIME. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Of course you hit... HEAL Priscilla so much thwompier than Fiora. Pent killing the spawning druids. GO AWAY WILL YOU ROBED BASTARDS Whoop She dies. :( LET'S PULL THAT 1 MORE TIME Fiora equip reaver this time. That flip was beautiful. WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HITTING HER, POISON LANCE? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH FUCK ALL OF YOU BITCHES Moved Louise up, and Lyn down. God-like dodging skillz! Oh fuck She got skill for it though. Level Poor sniper (Btw... did you know Assassin can activate lethality from range too as long as they have crit?) Lyn falls back and camp with Pent. Sain heals Hector seeing as Sain wouldn't scratch sol katti TO BE FUCKING CONTINUED NEXT WEEK. AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME, AT THE SAME FUCKING CHANNEL! GOOD BYE FUCKERS.
  17. [spoiler=New Strategy] Fiora snipes archer. NEW STRATEGICAL POSITION... PENT AND HIS WIFE LEFT SIDE NOW. In exchange Ninian and Eliwood goes right. Weakening. Eliwood doesn't know how to be a pro. I did something fun, wanna know what it is? Guess where she is. However this forces me to restart because... the iron rune holder attacked Farina. <_> Meh So, he wakes, attack Soldier from there... AND I CAN'T FUCKING REACH HIM. Sain's legs are too short. New run. . . Priscilla is too majestic now. Landing a crit. Farina overkills the bulky dude Nothing again. I didn't show that loot did I? Maybe the Hero is a Crusader? Iron Rune goes for Karel, thankfully neither dies. Oh god, that was scary. Uh... I guess something good came out. NOT A PERFECT LEVEL AGAIN. NINIAN PLS I think I can understand why Klok wanted to change the game's difficulty. Once more. . . Taken :\ Divine Retribution! Double Axereaver is incredibly fun. I still have two extra inside my convoy just for Hector, and if Eliwood can't improve, Louise. Of course, he still can't... Louise seems to be doing well with bolting sword though. This guy landed a hit ;-; That's going to hurt. Not even a chance. I do this again. Ninian need special service, just in case... Made path, stole, then murder. OH COME ON. LOOK AT THIS GLORIOUS DODGE. EAT IT MOON BITCH. Nino apparently attacks the Durandal that came into her range. Nino pls. Wait. Why do those have Fimbulvetr? I saw two. TREASURE!!! Murder for a hp. Forgiven. Double Swordmaster is fun. With Jaffar it's going to be even more funnier! Good. Murder! Unfortunately, they followed him. Maybe both of them can survive? Rescue Karel, he's too shitty. Gains level. NOPE. Savestated here when I knew about Durandal from the first try. Level. THE SUSPENSION... WILL CONTINUES NEXT POST.
  18. [spoiler=Harbinger of Night] They're not in palace yet though. Hector must stop kinky porno from happening! Lives are at sake! Worthy. I will be. to me so I can take their heads in one fell swing so I can TAKE OVER THE WORLD FOR DRAGONS! No porno then. What a shame. Well, do you have light on when you're sleeping? Team. Giving drugs is a big no-no kids! Pent can apparently use Sol Katti. But Fiora can't use Durandal. How amusing. Two thieves are better than one. Right? Karel becomes obsessed with me. Rescue get. Lyn will have this when her time come. -winkwink- Let's do this! Married couple teamwork. I hate rng sometime, I wanna max everything for once. Loots everywhere. Kills this hero For a hp. And reset because I forgot Hero had a loot drop that took the last space in Karel's inventory to steal with. Oops. The swordmaster had an Iron Rune I wanted to steal the next turn. Re-do everything but Pent kills this time for the same hp. Hector you suck. Hmmm... Yeah. Not even a contest. Ninian can't even kill a druid. Such a pity. Good level. The looooooooooooooooot Nino is a Blade Lord~ (Unfortunately, I can't change her palette due BS palette not liking me, it has to have specific amount of color, not more not less, which is bullshit considering some class has less amount of colors) Siege breaking. Tink. Funny how a Wyvern Rider who is supposed to be incredibly vulnerable to magic would shrug off said magic, Considering that she maxed hp, str, skl and spd, this is a good sight to behold. Swordmaster Jaffar! Hold up... What. The hell? Ho- Wha? Bu... He was with Sain, wasn't he? Fortunately, I'm still in range. Left get the door open! Rune get! And there's plenty more. He was carrying a fucking Aureola for some reason. Duo crit? Hp. They can't even hit this sexy fellow. Double battle. Nino is having difficult time with these hit rate. I move forward. I guess Merlinus is hated more if he's on frontline. THIEVES SPAWNING I forgot about this last chapter. Even in the darkest hour, there still is a hint of light. Oh yeah baby. Nothing Sain healing We finally see Lyn action! Ninian's unworthy level That warrior had Stimulator that I didn't notice on that run. I'm sure you know why I noticed... Not even a chance of surviving... I restart run. Next post.
  19. 25 con convoy that has same trigger as prince zephiel first turn where you can't rescue him since he teleport back. :D
  20. But it's not even his hack anymore. It was born of me, I molded it. It cannot be his! #bane Also, should I just promote Lyn now?
  21. Maybe I should just idle stream it if it's not very interesting, that way you get to see all of the terrible mistakes I've done that I hid.
  22. It's because I'm a boring person. I kill jokes if anything. Next chapter coming soontm. Unlike that 'demo' that you gave me back when Phobia was lping it, I didn't die that much. Guess that's the influence of randomizer class that can make one OP and another weak. (Take Hector for example, he was already a strong Sniper, but with randomizer, he turned into a really powerful Dragoon that boast high crit to make Reinfleche look like a wet noodle. However, despite this, he's still overwhelmed by another.) I'm sure you'll enjoy some moment in this chapter.
  23. [spoiler=The Harsh Demise] Sol Katti :D Grinding wexp, I'm going to need some good staffer for later chapters. Bottom right open! Killing hero, so Karel can kill them efficiently. Got sword for it. The worse part... they don't even go for Karel. Damned scrubs. Only this guy did. At least I have something for Raven to work with. Finishing. Capped spd for real. Now to make them burn luna. Why? Because... They have those. Good grind at least. After 10+ turns of tent, and some turns to ferry Karel over. Done! You know what's next right? No it's not boss, sorry. Karel's level. NOTHING Hector finally decides to hit on Farina. I'M READY. Dragoon, oh god. But it's okay, Louise deleted him. Lyn deleted the other one too. Raven struggles. Probably never use because no Great Lord, unless I could rig Farina to wield it instead :V I'm so ready. I'M SO READY. ...Then I'm not that ready, so I reset. Wexp grind +level Let's do this way instead. OPEN SESAME Deleted everything. ALRIGHT THEN! I rescue Karel out. Let's try this? FUCK Savestate reset. I can't hit him worth a damn with sieges. Karel moves here. This happens. I unequip Iron Rune and try again. This happens. RNG Abuse till Sleep works! CHARGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Now I have both. Three turns of sleep left. Can I do it? Louise hit! Get nothing for that amazing fest. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Oh yay! Argh Bout the damn time. He would had woke the next turn and killed someone. BUT WE DON'T HAVE LUCKS YOU FUCKING MORON. Ew, who'd want to holds this rubbery skinned bitch? Of course it doesn't. It has EVERYTHING to do with you. No shit sherlock.
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