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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. Guess what happened here. Yeah. Froze. Thanks Klok. Edit: Here's the best part? This Guy.
  2. I lied about sleeping. Sleep is for the weak. Names so far. Hector= Aegis Matthew= Hulkhew Serra= Reverse Trap or Lips to be Sewn Oswin= Trap Eliwood= Elineral Marcus= Gimli (To be coming) Dorcas= LowenCopy Lowen= Swing Rebecca= Benched Bartre= Definitely Not Eliwood [spoiler=Serra need nerf] Sent Serra toward pegy instead of the fat Oswin, it's getting success, I promise. I love Eliwood in armors. No one likes Serra. Just get a sewing kit instead of sharp weapon... Man, Trap really need to lose some weight. Thank you based rng Matt smash Lightning strikes the highest point, sorry flying horse. Eat the toxin! Elineral as majestic as ever. Armor for armor. I hate this palette. Forgot this again. OOD GAME Trying this out. . . I wonder if this is crit or not, don't remember and it was just minutes ago. My short term memory sucks. Based Aegis Once more. Based Lip to be Sewn Ow. Better level this run! Elineral takes this rng srs bsns Hulkhew making me some mashed potato. Not risking it. Trap strikes for the critical! Eyes bleed. No... Thank you thank you. Swing swinging out. Selling this orb using Dorcas. I guess Zagan's better seeing as he hit her. . . AEGIS DOES NOT TAKE HIS ALLIES BEING HURT VERY LIGHTLY. BAM Fuck you again. I swears Klok enjoys rewriting chapter titles.
  3. Did you notice General Eliwood? That's some serious klok fail right there.
  4. Sleeping after this update. [spoiler=Not dodging when I need it] Two soldiers face to face discussing world peace. Kidding of course. There wouldn't be a lp if there were a peace. Eliwood Status. And my axe! Status Benched Status Swing Status LowenCopy Status Not Eliwood Status Trap Status Better Matthew Status Why do Oswin still have that terrible palette? I keep forgetting this through every single playthrough and savestates. Why me. LowenCopy> Lowen Klok you bettah fix dis nigga. Going to see this a lot. Apparently Pegasus Knights hate Trap. Payback is a terrible Karma. Waitwut MAD LOWENCOPY IS MAD. Man I have terrible luck with RNG. . . At least he survived that archer. ReverseTrap crit! CAN'T YOU DODGE WHAT YOU'RE EFFECTIVE AGAINST? WOW YOU SUCK Save State. Oswin dies again. UGH. RNG ABUSE Steel Spear instead of Slim to gtfo archer's range Then he dies again. RNG SHENANIGAN IS EVIL! Same attempt with Steel Lance, but this time, I don't move one of the unit afterward keeping him in place. WHOO HE DODGED IT Same process as the first attempt. He leveled this time though. That Brigand DO NOT LIKE HIM Swing Lowen merge with the mountain in the background becoming invisible and strikes unseen! NO MERCY NO SECOND CHANCE She hit herself... Is he on drug? I give up. Kidding. Fresh start when I wake up, not going to rng this bullshit.
  5. Hey folks, I suppose I'm back with Chaos Mode, this time, nearly finalized patch is upon us. Last time I did Chaos Mode, I got stuck at chapter 20, the Dragon Gate, not because it was hard, not because it was brutal, but rather because I couldn't get what I wanted from that chapter... the Rescue Staff that an enemy sage had that refused to put it at bottom. (she never stopped using it despite them being safe anyway, so I ended up quitting since I really really wanted it :p) But this time, I won't cry, I won't quit, and I definitely won't give up! So Christmas Chaos. To celebrate the white sea and white day. shot Without further adios. (Just to let you know with an extra fact, I randomed a few time later to see what i caught with hector and matthew, they ended up being rhythmical for some reason. Speed type Hector vs Magic Matthew every single random after) I randomed a SOLDIER Hector, and a Brigand Matthew. So Halberier/Dragoon Hector should be fun with all of those crit heaven. Thanks Klok! [spoiler=SOLDIERING IT] Hector Status Hector is definitely going to be a tool. Matthew Status Terrible Str is terrible. Moving on... Expected result. But man that palette is butt ugly. Braaaaaaaaaaaaain. Then this happen. Two archers=nope Taking the unrisky route. One archer is plenty for me.~ BLOOD FOR BLOOD GOD? Quite a bloody palette. Took care of the two saps and Poor hector need to up his health. one vulnerary is plenty :o He land a hit in payback for having his door key stolen. Clean up hitter Hector take care of him... and... HOW DARE YOU. Well this tickles so. . . meh Agile Hector is still agile. Tank Hector? Tank Hector! No animation for knights? KLOK PLS Good leveling. Knight you are a worthy sacrifice. Red eye ball acquired. Suspension. . . Into... A good level I couldn't capture his crit. I suck Thwomp Hector. I guess he is now an aegis. I agree More to come.
  6. Playing around with randomizer for this patch. Hector went Hector again. Guess what? His axe is bloody. Makes one wonder what everyone that has palette changed for their randomed class looks like in their original.
  7. Before Valerina could approach her targeted tent, she hears marching directly behind her. Before she turns to inspect, the shade within her speaks out, "So the era of annihilation has begun...?" After speaking out, Valerina see what appears to be a platoon of unidentified men with ancestral looking armors of brown. "Remember what I said? I do not permit you to die, so... leave now before you are utterly obliterated." Valerina has no choice but to heed to the thing's words, however she couldn't just exchange lives for her, so she paced back toward the tent to deliver her opinion. A chuckle in her head echos against her thoughts, the spirit finds her still amusing as ever.
  8. Kamon changed every single stats booster to have different names and icons, so speedwing isn't in game but at same time it is in the game.
  9. When the data is sent, do you combine the rating of all characters from people into one and calculate the % of RNG caused by them? Sounds handy and easier than general public feedback.
  10. Poke champions has to give up a cs or two just to poke you, so take advantage of them csing to cs, and if they attempt to poke, do your best to poke back unless they have a sona/soraka. (If you have leona, work with her as much as you can, she's one of the best anti-poker support since she can make them lose hp in nearly instant forcing them to burn more mana to recover their hp and have to recall the next time.) So to counter poke team, have a Leona-class support and a good early engager adc (like graves). Or ask your jungler (Unless the said jungler is a farming jungle) for help if they're pushing with their poke since it means they're vulnerable to ganks.
  11. I have some older games of your. I'll check through my games folder to find it, if I can even find it... ;>w>; Edit: So, it turns out I only have one file intact with my continued shenanigan with my games, you'll only get a few of those. Hope other has more lucks.
  12. Valerina finds herself secluded in an empty plot beside the Red Cave in her aimless trek. She pause for a moment when she mumbles, "Who was that human?" "Just a nobody, I'm fairly certain he will soon die as you interacted with him. It's only fair that way, after all, you are a living misfortune," whispers an enigmatic voice. "...What of the Red Cave? Why do I come here? You did say I might find something here, yet I see nothing," Valerina queried her voice companion. "Not even I know what it is. However, why would I tell you even if I knew?" "Then why do you reside with me?" She groans. "Oh? Why... you are the most interesting of all beings I've encountered so far, you amuses me. I wonders how Ashunera created you," it sneers at its host. "Impossible, she no longer exists, therefore she did not create me," Valerina reply to the nameless one. "Have it your way then, but be warned, you cannot die of your own according, I do not permits my little toy to simply disappear," it warns Valerina before vanishing into a misty void. A pause before she finally rests her head on her occupied left hand. Feeling the rubber strap of the quiver holding her javelins on her fog skin, she groans to herself quietly. Then she hears footsteps. Three... Four... No... Six, a thought went through her head. An all too familiar voice reach her ears. "Found ye girlie. Time fer payback," the harasser approach her with his five henchmen circling around Valerina. "Ye really put a number on me," he growls holding his deep red swollen temple. The lone maiden stands outnumbered but her appearance is unnerved by this situation, she averts her glance at nothingness toward the leader. Her cold stare pierces his skull making him sudden with unexplainable fear. She finally speak to the fool releasing the hidden voice she never revealed to another, "Do you really want to die that much?" The twisted tone of her broke the thug as he collapse to ground landing on his butt leaking out liquid gold, and the other five froze in the place with fear of the unknown. The scene pause for a less than thirty seconds before a movement is made. Valerina walks through the encirclement neither harmed, nor bloodthirsty leaving the six paralyzed men behind. Her destination lies with the leader of the camp scouting for the biggest tent.
  13. Okay, internet's back on my pc. Continuing writing my piece atm, didn't have time with all the madness yesterday.
  14. Internet is down at my home. My rp address will be up as soon as it's up.
  15. It cannot extend 250 width. It has to be the exact size of my signature or smaller. But the correct term for this case is length and height, not width since width defines depth.
  16. 550 x 250 Edit: Exact size of my signature.
  17. So you gave Limstella the unique gabrielknight shenanigan of a mage huh? Is it exclusive to her.
  18. Valerina looks over to the mystery man who approached her. She then looks to her right and to her left, then points to self. "Me...?" She asked, but nevertheless answered. "I only hear legends. Begnion only guards because they are aware of the story of the Red Cave, but they do not think it is true. Superstition action I suppose." Her voice is soft, yet contains a hint of unknown accent, and she's too polite to be a soldier almost defeating her purpose. With the answer given, she twitch both ears and turns toward the sky. "...I smell a storm brewing." She whispered to herself and walks away.
  19. I wasn't talking about torso though... I was talking about that palette of your three posts ago.
  20. A small gust blows across the pale cheek of a young soldier as she walks across a green plain with her lance resting against her right shoulder, and in the other hand holds a quiver containing dissembled spears made for throwing. One foot after another, she meets the border of dried land. She takes a step over it as she was heading in the correct direction. Legends of Red Cave that she heard only the other day after the annihilation of her mercenary band, she presume that there might be something there she could find relating to her past. Clattering in her quiver as she come to stop once she see a group of men sitting around in smaller group with sprout of tents everywhere. I guess I'm here, her mind runs silently. Walking through various size of men, avoiding the violent types she could find, unfortunately, she missed one. "Ho...! A pretty thing lik' ye shouldn't be here. How' bout I escort a lady lik' ye away? Yar?" Standing in her way is a man of a well-built size but not well enough to consider him war fit, one would presume he lazied around after a fight. Ignoring the man and walks around the obstruction as she believes trouble would only follow if she continue listening. But the man didn't take the hint and bars her way once again. "Ye should listen to dis hero of the army, ye ain't sayin' no." He grabs at her right arm, and in an instant, she push her spear shaft against the man's right leg and used her own right leg to assist in the tumbling of the alpha. A beautiful whirl as the man hits his temple knocking him out. The blonde haired woman simply stands up and pats her right gauntlet of any dirt the man might had on his hand. She continues to walk toward an area in front of the Red Cave.
  21. She is wandering, so yes, she'll come and go on a battlefield and mercenary contract since that's only thing she really knows right now.
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