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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. Aren't you supposed to be motivated from LunaticScreamer's LP or was that short lived?
  2. Arden has crazy movement though, he's a good defense tank throw-in, but magic makes him cry. I'll comment on those hit rate later. Right now we're spoiling fun :v
  3. You don't know where? Shame on you. Oh well, if you can find it, I'm sure I can find it too. Oh that's REALLY handy... I could've used that in some of the situation I had. Yeah I think so, I have two fliers of same type, and one has more movement speed than other despite not given a boot suggest movement can have growth percentage as well. Which means... Arden has a retard growth chance for Movement. Those fucking Japanese and their programming skills. These aside... Chapter 9A! Side note... I have so many fucking screenshot on this fucking game. I probably have over 6 thousand images waiting... Fuck me. [spoiler=The Day I Panicked] Figured I'd check and see if I can buy those weapons, sadly, it's not available. Japanese hackers, you big fat failures. Notice anything odd about these screenshot? NEPHY, REBECCA AND LUGH ISN'T THERE. HOW WILL I GET MY NEPHY FIX??? Don't worry, they're not gone for good. I promote Guy, he can't go other option, he's forced to go Swordmaster. Not that I mind. I like how some of the countries name are so different from English version. At first I thought this was Fee, but it's actually Karin, a pegasus knight from FE4. Her outfit is different too. Hey, isn't that Rennac? Why is he here? This boss has green hair, why can't we have him? Japanese please. Oh hey, Wing Spear. Its function is exactly the same as Fe11/12, effectiveness against knights and cavaliers. She'll take effort to train, but I'm using her. Sain need speed something fierce. Bink would actually be threatening if he had a few more points in skl. Ocean Seal --> Master Seal, as usual... Gasp. Wait, how will I promote Sothe without one? Well I get it. Smashing! SCG still OP! Ray grabs a kill Sothe gains level. Her damage is rather sad, but patience is virtue. I ignore everything and go for village/loots. lol So much hate for a SCG. IT IS RENNAC! And it's not angelic robe. What the hell is that? NOT HELPING. (I do know what it is, I have screenshots of its effect.) I should make a guide for this patch. Rapier to replace Eirika's long gone eboc. GUY DIDN'T CRIT HIM (He didn't really, he only activated an extra hit but that's it, no crit from three hits.) 0/10 BENCHED Sain gains level with help from Eirika the beautiful. Sothe gives Ray a kill. Lance didn't wanna share. That feeling when you deal the perfect damage to kill a unit. Look at all of that hate! Dem crits Horsemen kill things. Safy decides to bring out an edge and get an edge. Oh boy. The first of the many levels to come. Sain moves back to kill pirates that finally got on shore. Lance into Karin. Easy HARD TO FEED THOUGH. -Yawn- Sothe is getting much needed speed, don't you let me down! Karin obtains a level. Just thing to help Karin. Ray can solo. This looks like Nosferatu. Sothe loots the Elfire from this kill. Unfortunately, because my state of mind at the time was... "NO ONE MUST BE GONE!" so I reset back to chapter 8 to try and figure out what to do to keep Nephy and others on my team.
  4. [spoiler=Chapter 12] What about the blue pendant thing? What does it even do?
  5. [spoiler=The End to all Ends] Savestate :P Ephraim's good. Cavaliers and Knights are annoying. Ouch Safy to his salvation! I get rid of these metalhead. Nephy doesn't crit. :L A gamble. And I lost it. RNG ABUSE Sain goes here with a sword to farm fighters. Fighters OP... Scary scary Elinica ferry Sothe over for the last two chests. Sain challenges the three soldiers bodguard to a javelin off. He won. Sothe dropped. 2nd round of these damned reinforcement. Ray get a good level off a bodyguard. VANESSA STOP Oh god. OH MY FUCKING GOD TWO WARRIORS FML Vanessa does okay for now. Safy get level... Thinning down wyverns CRIT4LYFE Maraudering Ohfuck Arden gets level. Last warrior is dead! I'm good for now. Master Seal! Kill a wyvern, and a silver sword is looted. Sain farms last two wyvern by cantoing out after each round. Sain levels and... All's left is him, I strike. Nah. Doing well. ~.~ wow She got a good level out of though. DAMMIT WHY ARE YOU GREAT SHIELDING? WOW EPHRAIM Safy'll finish him off! REAL ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Nephy will take his head then. I'm done! Oh hey Fee. Oh hey Ced. Wut? Third option? (all leads to same thing, so what's the point of having three options?)
  6. Might as well upload more batches, I'm afraid of the next chapter I'm on. [spoiler=Orson What have you done to Eyrios?!] Same old, oh a new map!, same old. Two thieves, hiding here, further one is carrying what I assume to be mag steroid, other one's carrying... uh... holy water? There is also butt load of chests. I'm going to have a field day. Plus two over there. And this area is blocked off. Giving Eirika energy drop, her str is really lacking. The choice is obvious right? Booyah Start chapter, they appears immediately. Nifty. But... Eyrios's gone. D: I thought he'd be Orson replacement but he's not considering Orson exist too. ...Conspiracy? I can reach the first thief in one move with Vanessa's movement. Murder javelin then trade shenanigan to make him equip other weapon. :D The merc went for Sothe though. GONNA BLEED YOU DRY Nephy so gud. Rebecca takes out the long bow, more or less. Statbooster get. Oh Nephy, you and your crit. Weaklings work together to overcome a strong foe. EVEN THE WEAKS HAS POWER! SCG's here yeah. Man Safy need hp so bad. She dodged. Long bow dead. Lance's helping! Two thieves about to loot my shits, ain't gonna let them get away with it. (Knight is blocking the way and I have no way to stop them unless I bumrushed.) Yay Safy! Get hp will ya tho? Ray murders a slow tank for a level. OH SHIT OH SHIT O SHIT Kidding, he dodged and killed him. Sothe chips a longbow and Elinica gives Safy a reward. Sain levels off Sothe's chip Sothe get healed. Oh a killer bow! WELP. Suddenly, the area that was sealed opened up and reinforcement popped EVERYWHERE, from bottom, from top, from Ephraim's area, and from behind the boss's throne. The bottom reinforcement owned Ephraim. REDO Back to where I was. Looted a Thunder tome huh. Sain kills a shaman from previous run. YES! SAFY NEED THIS. Knights slowly gang up on us. And wyverns only make it worse. But Nephy and Vanessa are blocking them off. np. Elixer. They can't hit us to save their lives. Vanessa levels. Nephy grabs a level too. YEAAAAAAH ...29 hp you need more. Ephraim tanks out the knights. Forgot to show boss. Blue gem. Poor them. Ephraim gain levels from killing knights. Speedwing You know what's in the last chest.(killer bow) Pushing in. That was a bad idea apparently.
  7. Because that way, enemies are actually OP. ._. (savestate is literally the only thing that's saving me at these chapters i'm on now.)
  8. Okay thanks. What did you do that's different from my LP? I'd like to know, just in case something happen later. (I heard from OP in reddit that Eirika glitches out because of SCG.)
  9. [spoiler=Go Away FE11/12 map!] ;x Ray chip for Sothe instead. WELP Better.jpg Elinica is going to solo right side, Vanessa provides support for my main force. Hey now don't bolt me, I have an item to steal! Dead I have a savestate it's all good! He survives! SPD PLS Rebecca makes one flier a very sad flier. -.- I hate going long way. Safy get treatment from her drink. Elinica kills the archer. Wyverns on right are so dead as you can picture. Eirika duels a wyvern. Ray get healed. He kills Eirika's dueler. Guy x Safy? Elinica kills Lance, then the ballista behind gate Kill everything! Lance get some love. Near Sain's home. SPEED NOW Get. SPD! Still need more. ANOTHER! Ray get a level. Now I can steal silver! Two horsemen are dead! too much work! Gasp! The armory has monster slayer items! and luna I guess. I buy a few each. Stats if you're curious. I train up Sain and Ray since everyone else is pretty much maxed. Levels. Theft! 50ish hit rate for both, meh I'll take it. Levels. This takes forever so I kill him. Wait what?
  10. Can't you just reskin Ranger's bow animation to be paladinish? lol Edit: IIRC, the image you lost is from Witch Hunter.
  11. I'm cutting down my pace so I can upload shits to this LP, I'm actually on it right now. Edit: I'd be so much further if I didn't care about LP. Huh, interesting. Do you mind checking if it's hard mode only?
  12. I have the download link refreshed after asking the OP in reddit. He also answered few questions/concerns of mine about this game. http://ux.getuploader.com/FE4/download/96/%E7%B7%91%E3%83%91%E3%83%83%E3%83%81.zip Putting the link in OP.
  13. Monk only get one t3? You sexist and pony racist!
  14. Of course! I have over 150 screenshots per chapter. Do you really think I can shove them all into a post when it's limited to a hundred? So I make it a policy to try and finish it within 100 shots or find a suitable cut off point in middle of them. So if you can't have a cut off point to give your reader suspension, what good of a lper are you?
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