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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. Might as well post some more. [spoiler=EPHRAIM] So we're on Ephraim this time. THEY'RE ALIVE! Cecila usuable, Lowen benched 4ever Promote Rebecca, I'm in a bit of pitch having only FEW units as opposed to Eirika's route. I thought I'd go tower for a bit. Stopped here, wanted to let them grow in battlefield instead of capping everything then stomp game. Why is Ced here? Isn't he supposed to be somewhere in Eirika's? NINOOOOOOOOOOOO Very usable! FUCKING USABLE IF YOU USE HER. lol Three chests to loot. GOOD THING I BOUGHT PLENTY OF CHEST KEYS BEFOREHAND! YOU'RE ALIVE?? Druid this time apparently. Neph goes solo top lane. Major Suck Dick Balls Arden best movement Geeh! You're not looting my chests! Bye bolting. WOW Neph doesn't need to worry at all. Same thing. Reb didn't crit so Lugh loot the kill. Neph is way too OP. Lot of hates toward bushhead Not bad. Arden chips for level and let Celica snag kill. Oh yeah mood swinging slut bitch owns the reviving dracoknight of Daein. Go fuck yourself. Nice. These two are benched but I need to use them mainly to make up for lacking meatshields. No comment about her needing helps, do we need to comment on anything about her? Rebecca shows an inferior sapling what it truly means to be a nutbuster. Celica get the first level. Good dodge! I fucking feel sorry for them. OH NOES lol Lowen catch a kill cuz reason. Just stay asleep you clumsy fuck GASP! ALLIES totallyusing
  2. You didn't put in a new playable character afa i'm sure.
  3. W-What?! You want to go through what I went through?! The Monster Dodging Bullshit? Do you REALLY want to go through that??? Edit: In case you don't know...
  4. Sire! His fingers look wobbly. His eyes doesn't look like they're closing, looks like something from chibi. Nothing else to report, Lieutenant sire!
  5. [spoiler=Here's more for your spoiled ego] Savestate~ Leveling 2 hard. 2hard Elinica makes a beautiful finish? Event makes it apparent that they surrenders to Pablo's schemes.
  6. Alright! ALRIGHT! [spoiler=Here you go you selfish punk] Sothe being Sothe Absolutely Sothe Might as well trigger reinforcement. Sothe counterkill the soldier standing next to him because MUH KEY! MVP SCG Too many horse fuckers. Reget loot Pegasus Lovers dead. kek Two ladies make works. Animationless things. Tentacles Strangulation! This fucker is so good at tanking. Looty Nice. Things of sad -snore- Loot Ballistas ded. Karin makes a fun. I have a need for this. Looted Let's see what happen when I arena SCG? Dies and it doesn't go back. ... lol
  7. Lucia only need a very very minor buff like RFOF said to be a top swordmaster comparable to Edward and Mia. I means really, there's no reason for her who served in the MAD KING war, and trained in art of swords to protect her childhood (or as they put it... milk sibling) friend from others, to be laughable weak compared to a slum kid who just happened to pick up a sword and be a prodigy, or a girl who sparred with Ike daily and matured via it. (Mia should be the best, Lucia next, and Ed stay a slum kid. Zihark and Stefan can go stroke their Laguz/Branded brotherhood somewhere else.)
  8. Can't decide. You can discuss with others. Who know? Maybe Alfred likes it.
  9. SUPER DUPER ORIGINAL SKILLS! Ravage - Add 1/2 of your speed to your crit % with activation rate of skill % totallybalancediswear Omen - Luck % to inflict Status Effect on counter attack only. (You know... The saying, Karma's a bitch?) Tear (no not fe10) - Skl % to add half of enemy's defense or resistance, based on weapon you equipped, to your damage for the following attack. Canto - Because fuck Galeforce.
  10. I played that chapter only minutes after I posted these updates lol
  11. [spoiler=I swear the plot twist is real.] So we're back at start again. SCG best unit. Karin scrapping kills. RAY WOW. Birds do things. Sain grabs a kill. Loots reget. Karin helps Sothe to a kill. Guy just Guying, and Sothe picks up a heal. Helping.gif Still a Guy Merc dead. TOO MANY MERCS Guy gets a better level than last. SCG mvp Karin obtains a str Sothe continues his mauling. Guy reachs the ballista and give him a good pounding... Nah he lived. Fool couldn't double. TOO MANY BRIGANDS. GO AWAY. (Notice, reinforcements aren't coming, I have to trigger it by crossing a line, I'm literally one square before it, by a miracle of a happy accident) Hehe. Slooooooooooow Ballista now dead. SCG still a master baiter. Spd.png Brigands die. Guy levels again. One down. AW HELL NAW I settle for an elixer. VANESSA WHY Ray makes a hit. GOOD JOB SETY. So that's Resolve. Neat. Things. Sothe kills the creepy Valter Clone fucker. Sety heals. Ray obtains a level after a rough time. KARIN SO USEFUL!
  12. Sorry for my tardiness. I was extremely busy... playing PoR, and simply enjoying other things. (All while trying to figure out a good foolproof plan for this chapter I'm on. >_<) [spoiler=Ansatsu Kyoushitsu is good, go read it guys!] Given! Oh hey, Ced and Cormag. (Cormag never showed in Chapter 5 I believe, it was just the older brother monologue.) No change here either. Smooth Sailing.jpg? Uh... What. Well, I'm go try and snatch that ring thing. MASTER SEAL, DO WANT. Extra Loot. Hmm. Wait I forgot something. NO CED? WHERE ART THOU GREENIES. Just pasting things to the ground with red. This guy leaves. Let's move then. SCG is useful as expected. Boss replaced. That book is weird. (I finds out this is a literal skill tome for teaching book, exactly like fe9/10) Sothe's dagger palette is weird, forgot to mention that. Lance need some loves. Not a bad level at all. Loot acquired. Teamwork.jpg Loot. Reinforcement spawns. I feels bad for this guy. SCG is life SCG is love. Hot chicks doing wonderous damages. Deaths await everyone before me. Poor archer and one manages a hit. Getting quite... dangerous. -giggle- 22 spd, more than enough to steal anything popping out from now on. Trying to be cool only to realize the guy was on his last breath anyway. Things. Guy is amazing? I don't know. Steal a loot. It's a magic statsbooster. Oh boy.jpg Elincia is best pegasus pony princess. Karin gets a saving throw. So much death! Annnd I die.
  13. Bet you guys that isnt klok five bucks it's for Seth
  14. No! Don't balance Seth! He's the only reason people even plays FE8!
  15. Perhaps you should make a separate thread for that idea tossing? I would think we'd clog this thread if we gave you ideas.
  16. I think he was trying to see if Adept would work on staffs. lol
  17. wait... multiple bbcode links? I've been doing it by hand the entire time I did LPs.
  18. 1. Fist and Legs 2. Prodigy 3. Yellow 4. Need you even ask? 5.
  19. The staff positioning need a bit fixing, it looks like it's just pasted on and erects in an odd way in compare to the arm/hand positioning.
  20. [spoiler=Savestate 4 Lyfe] I savestated a bit before here. Karin gains a better first level, str!! I love train. Sain kills the last pirate in the backline and make a beeline for us. UNSTABLE POWER!!! Lance decided to share. Dis crit Another good level. Hey look! A free kill for Karin! Elfire get again Level for her again. more chipping. heh SCG is best tank, you can't argue! Two low scrubs get kills, Ray levels. Sain and Karin kills, Karin levels. Ouch. Free Kill.jpg Nice level! Hit rate sucks. Good job Karin. Not letting him make a use of it. SCG LURE TANK Karin dodges both round and kills him. More luring. Man Karin need more str. Merc likes being smug. I got the last laugh though because he can't stand SCG more. Sain farms off an archer while Karin takes her time with a merc who's charmed by our dear SCG. Three levels off just one merc... lol Ray grabs a level. Last level for Karin. Sain will solo Bink. Was like this for a couple of rounds. He hit again too, thank god I heals. Finish. Rennac gives us a present.
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