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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. [spoiler=The Sword Demon Approaches] He's here! Don't care. Trash. Hitting on her the instant you meet her, why are you wearing a wig Sain? Oh. As opposed to the screenshot i posted as preview, he lost 2 point of health and a point of speed. Harken must die! Owie Was that a panty shot just now? Dodge engine is op THE FUCKING SPEAR HAS A HEAT TRACKING SYSTEM! Yep. Wrong side, but then again, he's supposed to be recruited on your team. lol Fiora action. ...really? Decent Things Sexy level I don't know why, but this palette makes me all happy on the inside. Lyn fights wyvern reinforcements Hector makes a snack for himself. Bottom door open! Meh. Heal up This isn't even a balanced chapter anymore, all of the reinforcement that come are completely annihilated. Things. Lyn wasting her time. Unneeded crit is unneeded. Looted the Durandal. Pent is going to love this. Didn't want Karel to steal too much exps from the wyvern knights in range. Raven action. Lyn gains a very useless level. Anti sword, and pent has 100 hit. GG MECHANIC. Oh beautiful. ...I wonder if I can break the crit with Pent/Louise support with this equipped. Raven does it old school. I'M DEFINITELY CURSED. Better this than nothing. They never stop coming, JUST STOP AND LET ME SET UP A TENT. Levels of mediocre. Do you never get perfect level?
  2. [spoiler=What's with this rng?] Sell that shit you sad sad little man. Set-up First to strike as usual is Ninian. Then Eliwood mentions a very naughty subject :O :o :O Oswin thwomps the lunaer Lyn didn't wanna crit this chapter for some reason. Raven opens door with magic Still no crit yet. . . Ninian cleans up for the failure. Farina smash Almost everyone is dead in that room Distance heal get The Dragoons move Pent slays Still DIDN'T crit... Lyn Pls. Ninian cleans up once again. Fucking Silver Sword right? Fiora gains str Lyn still doesn't crit, but gains magic. Snore... No crit. These anti-sword berserkers move so slowly Louise is just sitting in the room. FINALLY Meh, I'll take siege weapon over a 1-3 range bow for Priscilla. Max speed! This is completely one sided. You embarrass me fucking fatass Sweet Ow. >.> I have to restart the run because uhm... I forgot to savestate. Usual. Poor pent Sain helps though. Perfect level if you don't consider luck. Fast forwarding a bit. We're there now. Hector still as amazing as ever Farina loves to one hit everything. Stimulator was good after all. Pent commits a murder Eliwood's pitiful level Priscilla solo them this time. As expected. Don't you hurt my little Farina! Pent resolves the dispute between Farina and the puny paladin. Better than last time.jpg Treasure room open! Back to this maxing again. 28 and you hit. This is worst rng ever. Farina hates her gut. Raven gains wexp Cleaning up. Part one of three.
  3. Fateborn

    Toa's Sprites

    If it was a female and the shield sword thing was on arm instead it'd be perfect for my main character in my hack. You should do some battle sprites. You have talent.
  4. Desert doesnt offer good loots to warrant torch glitch beside I have plans with few remaining uses of torch
  5. They don't, I'm certain, but Karel get a spd this chapter, so no worries.
  6. So, with the restart on the chapter due to make a refresh, apparently, stats change. Karel lost a spd, Harken gained some res. Randomizer, what?
  7. Okay. I've decided. Karel it is. I'll just make sure Harken dies a painful death for being a pansy about Elbert's death.
  8. Not very much work. (His proof)
  9. Alright. If Karel had a regal blade too, would you pick him over Harken? Just curious.
  10. Okay. Guys I need help deciding. I'm on a fence about this. Because one choice could lead to a fatal mistake in the later chapters. First up. Harken. Randomed into a Nomad Trooper with Priscilla for comparison He carry a legendary sword, Regal Blade. My only recruit option is Eliwood. Pro: Regal Blade, 1+ con than Priscilla, more Res. Con: Priscilla is far superior in every way, lack of 30 speed steal for later chapters unless Heath can max it. A risk. Next is Karel, an assassin with Heath for comparison He carry an iron rune and blue gem. Lyn and Hector are recruit option. Pro: Superior option to Heath, carry an extra iron rune totaling three in inventory, extra money, and a Brave Sword. Con: Fragile despite high health, may leads to failure of later chapters due to lack of damages output. Harken means I have a free Regal Blade for my mostly sword users team. Karel means I have free steal and stronger lethality odd as well Iron Rune. So which one?
  11. [spoiler=Reinforcement OP] You're still benched YOU'RE WORTHLESS I'll always love you. STOP HITTING HIS MANLINESS Lyn can dodge well though. Three ladies doing their jobs wonderfully. Getting Durable are we? Too bad that won't matter. Hector is recovered Ballistic spear is best ballistic Things HECTOR JUST DODGE, YOU HAVE THE SPEED! They really have it for a dude who can be a chick with no effort. Lyn finally get hit, and she receive her payback Continue getting strong, you're going to be an OP High Magus! Farina pls Priscilla clean up for her. Fiora has an undue debt with the wyvern lord who thought it'd be funny to poke her. Heath isn't so hot... FOR FUCK'S SAKE. He killed him by just standing. Oh good you get speed! NO MERCY FOR THE ASSASSIN FUCKER. Str! Florina flies over to where Lyn was and kill the Luna Shaman hiding from Lyn. Because Lyn has more urgent matter to attend to. I heals Fiora only to realize this was a crucial mistake. :\ RESCUING THIS TIME! Annnd pick up. Barely any enemies are left, so one wyvern only did anything, and I killed him. The reinforcement won't stop coming though. TOO MANY FLIERS. They trade targets FARINA, GET DEF TOO I BEG YOU. Sain op I ferry over Raven again. HE MUST HAVE A LEVEL! DAMMIT RAVEN I kill the wyvern to keep them from swarming Raven HP AND DEF AGAIN WTF You know what a badass says? "What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo." Levels. Raven slays the first wyvern charge. Then the bravest one couldn't hope to slays him. AND HE LEVELS! Lyn's dying! No! No! No! Sweet palette man. SAVE LYN! These duo doesn't surrender. Ninian crits! Not even close bby Ninian best paladin Things I KNEW IT. I'M CURSED. Someone dies accidently, so new level. Levels Grim awaits you on the other side. More levels. Quitter. To where tho?
  12. Pretty sure you can glitch it anyway, unless MrNight used a mine on chapter 20. Edit: Checked his post, he used a mine, but he said he could do it with torch too. -shrug-
  13. I'M NOT DONE YET! [spoiler=The Climax Peak] That's not very nice to call a palace that. You deserves to be alone you mad bastard. Bullshit. Chug it down you little bastard. You have a Dark Wizard in you. Gasp! Better Florina! Okay Florina you're benched. Hector will marry Farina. I bet you never expected the Swordmaster Pent to have a genderswap. I sends Lyn to the right to solo these wyverns. Hector snipes the Eclipse guy. No one likes Eclipse. Yep, I changed the animation back. I hate hawkzerker one, doesn't fit with that arm. I used yeti's version in case you were wondering. Dark Lightning! Oswin is a nice Blade Lord. Nice palette isn't it? Sexy and dull. Farina is too cool to take an arrow to her chest. Then this fucker crit. Indeed. Halberd acquired I guess. I rescue her after she kills the brigand, ain't dealing with this shit. Nice level. Lyn loves to crit. Not bad, get more magic you sexy bitch. Same gain... Louise has a buttugly palette too, but she makes up for the awesomesauce support with Pent. One more level! I love steel swords. They don't give up. Would had been nasty if he hits. Feeding exp Slayer is dead! It's okay Priscilla, those are forgiven. :D Useful weapon. Knock knock Who's there You Hammer time I'msosorry Get the fuck over here you sore eye. Nothing are spared. Fiora tickles a fucking dracomaster. Hector can't dodge either. Suiciding sniper. Ow. They can't touch her still. I love this magic gains. He dies :( Savestate to where Pent crit back in the post. SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Difference from last time. Poor sniper, trapped in the world of white. Dead wyvern are you kidding me. Slightly better? Louise takes a sip. Eliwood and Hector just doing their round of in-house wyvern orders. Hector is getting quite fast. I'm concerned for Eliwood. Pent goes to heal. Getting rid of Luna Poor wyvern, can't even touch Farina. Raven has a snack. Sain saves Ninian. More coming.
  14. Why don't you just torch staff glitch it? Make everything more manageable. :p
  15. Oh jeez. I can't decide between Karel or Harken. Both are so OP...
  16. [spoiler=Blackmail Scheme] Blackmail #1 Oh yeaaaaaaaaah You means, give us blackmails, right? Absolutely nothing happened. Then someone scratch her or something. Holy crap Raven sucks. Maybe it's time to give him that stimulator for sure. Boston Massacre anyone? He miss... A shameful display to his fellow promoted brothers. The boss appears! 3 damage lol, that 0 might tome is something to laugh at. These guys are useless to enemies, why are they here? Two more level~ A pirate thought it'd be a good idea to fight a sword with an axe. Total annihilation MONEY GET The boss is incredibly durable Medic to Lyn's side! Where's the crit handsome fellow? MORE MONEY He's not that brave Dinging Suiciding pirate is fun Feeding very slowly. "I have a feeling he's trying to give me a point... but what?" "Oh! The point to kill. Right." Lyn is leveling fairly fast. Gains skl, not that he needs it. Performance. lol crit. Useless level. One more to go. One of these are not like the other. Farina shows up. She's a berserker! Sexy. HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY FUCKING SHIT And this guy thought it'd be a good idea to not dodge. Savestate. Poor heath. Almost perfect level. Of course not, it's a girl! But I'm broke so, she's not going to join us. One point acquired. They're just cleaning up. After a shop trip, I make enough. Farina is mineeeeeeeeeeeeeee Generic Palette? Not that I'm complaining, but I tried fixing it, bs palette didn't like it. Oh well. Almost perfect level. Kill and Ferry out. I forgot I had a rescue in convoy. Lyn is just facetanking these monks. SO MANY MONKS Repeat and level! Even more near-perfect level? WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN Oh wow, despite the original zombie palette of Oswin (that I didn't re-fix since i used a copy of the rom to fix my palette on ninian) Oswin looks very sexy! Look at all of these fucking monks. This is what happen when Lyn uses a Shine tome, things get done fast and less exp grind. One more. Enemies are gone now. Support grind. This took FOREVER! Bought steel swords since the chapter that I was supposed to buy steel swords had reset, so I forgot to buy again. Fin. I tried getting Hector and Farina support but it never happened. Of course we're not killing Vaida, I need bishop!
  17. [spoiler=The Requiem of the White Wolf] They doesn't like Florina apparently. Pushing forth. Not bad. Earth Seal get! Promoted are slaughtering everything. Heath isn't getting hot though. Oh no... Fuck Savestate Lousy level again Can't even hit him Silver sword is a fucking bitch Deleting Hector is getting great. Outclassing Eliwood. Pattern level~ Stuffs that could be considered an one sided slaughter LLYOD STRIKES Dodges Dies. I hate this shit. Stuffs before someone dies. I get a turn of relief! Florina get rid of the myrmidon reinforcements Good level as usual. Safety first FUCKING HELL Fuck you all to hell. Sniper lands a crit on Hector. Dammit. This is getting boring really fast. Yeow. Priscilla doesn't have to worry for Hector is here! I always have these fucking white screens in my file, like how am I even snapping them almost all the time? Dee doo dee Things Great level Mediorce Oh no. Lyn! D: Nope. Clean up before... Lyn kills Llyod. For a final level! SAGE LYN IS COMING Smell ya later. Me too buddy. I love that phrase. Pray tell. Not so far fetched.
  18. [spoiler=Ho-ho-ho mother fuckers] Jolly. Indeed. The difference are uncanny Memorable quote of Ninian to date! Unlike a certain someone, he gains stats! Oh yeah baby Oh cavalier huh. Unlike the original, he's not promoted Let's see what he's got. What the fuck is this? 1 spd, 0 res? Never mind, that fucking con. What the hell randomizer? Stole the pick, never know if I might need to sell this or use it. Fiora slowly gains exp. This is like the darkest before the dawn thing. Timber! Lyn clone is dead A copy for Oswin! The Madness sweep in from south. Taking care of fliers is #1 priority! TINK Stuff during enemy phase Level, quite mediocre Oh shit Good level despite that near-death experience. Nope. Nah. Wild Jaffar appeared! Sitting in a fort k-i-s-s-i-n-g... wait. Shitty level again. Feeding Oswin Sain physics Stuffs and end Lot of dodging eh? 93 hit... Overkill again? Maybe I should feed Raven stimulator Ninian is getting sexier despite that psychopathic look Things that can't be considered things. Wallace talks business. Priscilla gains level Loot for money I feel sorry for victims of Ninian. OH NOES, SOMEONE LAND A HIT ON HER AT LAST LONG FOR THE WHOLE CHAPTER! And it's with a fucking 16. Then something kills her. Quote change~ I wanted it to be inverted color but couldn't get it to work for death quote so red will have to do. Savestate somewhere around here. Ah yes I remember now. More dialogue from Ninian again. NINIAN PLS Pain everywhere Better level despite not killing him this time. FIORA MUST SURVIVE Not bad Okay Fiora receives her revenge for the pain. Gains str Eliwood protect his two waifus Killing brigand for the secure loot taking Money get Gains level out of it. Lyn gains exp Whooo Stuffs More coming.
  19. [spoiler=The chapter is a lie] Hawkeye out of nofuckingwhere! YES YES YESSSSSSSS Forcefed it UGH FORCED I HATE FORCED Yep, benched him, wanted to feed others. Sure wonder who this master is. Definitely isn't Santa since he's not that kind of person! Popped open the door. To murder this guy Over the wall kill is fun Heath holding up fairly well. I don't think I need doorkeys... Ow. La-la-la land Wake up little rider! Not a murder because sage can fight back D: Not bad Breaching Not opening door first. Nice level Murder No. FUCK Savestate and Healing first He dodges this I think. Still dodging like there's no tomorrow Meh Killing the crit engine Yeah, he landed a hit back too... Laying out pathway Over the wall spearing A sneaky thief picks the door to loot. Sexy Get! Ow. Berserk noooooooooooo Too bad I can restore her. Magic Seal likes to move toward top left. Payback! This was a very bad idea, attacking him = these four sexy exp machines disappear so i savestate back to before attacking. I'm very cautious person when I attack a person of interest Destory wall instead Crit machine is crit Ding. . . Someone dies again, can't remember who. Probably cuz of this guy. RNG changed, and better level FINISH! Healing Angry wyvern is angry Almost 20 LOOOOOOOOOOOT This reminds me of Kingdom Heart 2's final boss battle. YESSSSSSS PROMOTE TIME Loot! Hero get baited by Fiora's murder of the sniper. Mages start spawning from corner, Lyn and Fiora exp farm off them. ARE YOU SHITTING ME? KLOK WHAT???? Kills Swordmaster Get doubled. Fuck (Yep, I had fun editing most of my used units' death quotes. Now that I think about it, sister's changed to pest isn't it?) Killing with slayer Nope. Still doubled. I MOVE HAWKEYE OFF THE CHEST AND LET FIORA SIT ON THERE AND 3-RANGE THE BITCH Using Florina didn't work. . . HOW ABOUT SAIN? IRON RUNE HELPS RIGHT? Yep :) One more level, but she gained a shitty one. cmon rng It returned to normal HOURS AGO, since he left in middle of the fight... Ew, we came from a male's chest Oh yeah baby... ... who do i give it to... She's a bitch. Please don't. I get all of you killed on daily basis.
  20. [spoiler=Part Two of Red Desert] Too many wyverns! Enough is ENOUGH! Mages are diminishing Oswin gains level Medic! No one knows how to hit a mad woman STOP TRYING TO HIT Wyverns never stop coming. . . Ow. Phew Even more phew! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Savestate New level Deleting mages Nope.avi Money get Tome get too? Boss pepsi No. Ow. Revenge on lackey The gentleman thief has committed a murder! Get too... This is going to be the MVP item Finally get the gem. Got staff that I probably will never use. Actually belay that, probably will. Earth Seal! Finally found it. Tug of War time. She missed everything. I know right? I've never such a gem before, hard to believe it could fit in someone's ... 2spooky More tomorrow. I'm tired.
  21. [spoiler=Part One of Red Desert] Buffing him Usual Changed things End phase Boss appears as usual Welp Sending Florina this time as she has +2 move now Nice and distinctive Dodge Festival You ruins it. Best dodgeball team Ocean Seal acquired Promoted! Loli detected Lyn is getting better Raven however isn't Fiora is just average Overkill Finishing up turn The opposite of murderbow. Look at all of these dodges He has a fucking dragon killer, why the fuck are you charging him FUCK Ehhh, average at most. Lyn takes vulnerary from Fiora and heal up. Fiora gains shitty level End turn Ow. Rude luna is rude. Desert is Dodge land Florina secures a kill Lyn gains support and murders a dude on horse GET MAGIC! Stole energy ring! No use of now! Puny bolts cannot hit me you scrubs! This is getting old How to Prevent Death: Book for Dummies Making space to steal Clean up Gains level. One of these are not like the others
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