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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. I suppose i'll give this a shot. Given my last forum rp was years ago and I didn't last very long. Editting in my character. I may or may not use the character to port into my hack if it ends up being more than decent. Edit: [spoiler=Valerina] Name: Valerina Class: Soldier Starting Level: 2 Skills: Adept Gear: Iron Lance, Javelin, Vulnerary Backstory: Valerina harbors a dread secret, a secret horrible that she mustn't permit the secret to be discovered by outside party aside from herself, due to this she was forcibly banished from her adopted household because she refused to give them what they wanted. Only a teenager, she went to a nearby mercenary band and made a bet with them. If she could win against the leader, she would be allowed to be a member, if she lost, they could do as they please with her. Needlessly to say, she won of course. The leader believed her as a prodigy and made use of his newly acquired asset training her as much as he could. Unfortunately, before she could reach a principle, he died on her sixteenth birthday when they went off to a battle they were hired to alongside with everyone else in the band, as the sole survivor, she now realize she is not permitted to have a family ever again and embarks on a lonesome journey. Personality: A rather silent but serious and stoic. She choose to be anti-social due to her history. She views the battlefield as a method to discovering her self rather than a field of massacre. She believes she may find an answer as to why she lives, and why she's not permitted to disappear with her secret. Due to this, she may choose to continue fighting rather than finishing off an enemy if she thinks the enemy may have a specific information for her whether or not they are capable of telling it. Appearance: A white woman slim build with fairly built muscles to accounts for her frontline capacity. She is incredibly pale and always encase her upper half of face in a protective mask hiding her barely visible eyes. (Think Bertram without the horn or backside) Her hairs are silver blonde blending with dirt and blood of her lonesome adventuring extending down to her breast line. She wear an incredibly ordinary type of armor shaped for a woman's breasts save for peculiar runes inscribed on the gauntlets and to some degree on part of her shoulder. The armor are painted in dim blue preventing a particular identify of her homeland. The only area where her body are exposed are as following: her thighs, her upper arms, her neck, her lower face, and tiny portion of her stomach. NOTES: Her truth may be revealed depending on the situation around her.
  2. There's also another fe8 beta sprite in there. Moulder mug is the beta one.
  3. Nope. You have to assume. 1. They're from FE8 characters untouched as of now. 2. Teaser. 3. Or make us suffer.
  4. The Neimi splice... is actually the beta version of FE8 dancer mug before they split the character in two. Edit: KON
  5. you get Garion by talking to him with Fa on his boss map. Then defeat him, afterward talk to him with Shiori on the next chapter. Djambo will join if Garion survives that map.
  6. Chapter 2 map huh. Edit: But where's the other village.
  7. It loads right now. But nothing happens when I checks the box for Show terrain types.
  8. It's that thing where ninja wears back in days. It's to quieten breathing and prevent heat infusion from escaping your mouth in cold temperature creating vapors that could give away your location. It's interesting that she wears it.
  9. Give Ephraim Karel treatment. Lone wolf.
  10. Yeah it's the sniper. I doubt RNG can stop that flier effectiveness disadvantage.
  11. It works now. Thanks. Edit: New problem rose after the fix. I can't load a tileset to use. It keep giving me an lengthy error prompting me to either attempt to continue with ignoring the error or quit.
  12. Looking on Serebii, yeah they can be found. Adamant Orb is on Route 128, Griesous Orb is on Route 130, Lustrous Orb is on Route 129. DNA Splicer is found in Gnarled Den apparently. So I need Zekrom to open the place up so I can get it. Bah, I have to play Black 2 again. Looooooooooooooong game is LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG I wish they ported over that movie maker, it was fun.
  13. I'm considering re-doing a new run since I got a year of Bank now. (<3 christmas present) Is Giratina's Orb or Kyurem's DNA splicer findable in this game?
  14. Perhaps, Fairy should be considered a pair to Normal type since with that chart, getting equality among types is impossible either way. eighteen divide by 8 isn't feasible.
  15. I've caught in the following order. Groudon, Mespirt, Viziron, Terrazon, Azelf, Ho-Oh, Cresselia, Torandus, Heatran, Entei, Uxie, Palkia. Still more to come. >.> (Forgot 1 more, whoop.)
  16. It just says that it stopped working when I launch the program and ask if I could send a report to the Windows developer.
  17. I'M BACK. Remember Minerva? Well I went back on her I completely re-did everything pixel for pixel save for the face while using both Official artwork and AthenaWyrm's mug for reference. So how did I do this? I flipped her posture around. The way her neck was turning, it would be VERY uncomfortable if her body stood the other way, so I made it face where her face would face, so it helps her neck out. But I can't seem to make the posture feels right with her head tilt. I tried raising left shoulder to incite putting her hand on her hip but it didn't go right. Any idea to improve that? The trim and some portion of her neck shading feels wrong too. Why can't I be better at trim?!
  18. Do Lucina in all of her glory. I'd imagine the left eye would be challenging.
  19. Talk to him near pokemon center where there's a spike sticking out of the ground in the middle of the area. That's the trigger, then go to the elevator on the rear area of the city (there's two.) then find Wattson the first door to the right in the hall to south
  20. I like her, would be nice if she shows up in the next pokemon titles. :p People like her are exactly my people.
  21. Are we ready for the centaurs rape?
  22. I can't run it apparently. I have .net framework 4 too. Any idea?
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