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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. [spoiler=River of Blood Chapter 17] Strangely enough, first half of this chapter's screenies WENT missing from my folder. And I'm pretty certain that I did not delete them. It's rather interesting issue. So, make do for the second half. NEVERMIND. Just went to upload the 2nd half, and the first half's in there now. Yay for Imgur i guess. But now I'm pretty scared shitless. 215 images. IN THIS CHAPTER ALONE. River of Blood you means. Don't correct my title, for goodness sake. Uh-huh. SYRENE THE LAST UNIT FOR ME! Lyon. Sounds just like Valter. Hi yourself. Lyon The Doppelganger? Same creepiness level as Valter. I sense twin. Hmm... Nergal? Dragon from Scouring? Zephiel? Black Knight? One thing is certain... you're definitely not as world ruining monstrous badass that is Grima. You don't know, but I always loved this portrait. That smirk, that grimness, and slightly arced back. OMG A SHIELD. GIMME. MARISA GET IT (I later finds out Assassin can't steal and cried.) Rather not bad base for a level one FK, but who knows how she'll turn out Formation is a-go Marisa take down the snag. I always love to watch her dance. Not as crazy as Lalum, or as boring as Ninian. It's so... flowing. GET! So gud. Same situation as the Hall of King back in Renais apparently. Only this time, they don't all charge her. River op. All of them were mercilessly slaughtered. Stuffs Amelia definitely got good. Druid down Neimi so gud That map sprite so smexy Back to the bottom river you go Neimy. Heroes starting to get over now. Both didn't crit either. Such RNG Much Luck Marisa destroys the fighters. That kinda looks awesome. The level on another hand is so much fabulous. Emergency elixer is emergency. The swordmaster went for her and crit her. @.@ Out of the two hit, one hits... Dangit rng Just things. Amelia face off against the bravest men alone. Guess how many time I took pics of nothing but black or white? 10. Times. Thanks to Marisa. >.> Myrrh still being Fae. Not bad. DAMMIT TANA Savestate location. Yeah basically a turn before. Stuffs Part Two next post.
  2. As far as I'm aware, the archer sucks I think you only need the pegasus one and the wyvern dude to go that direction. I think wyvern can tank it pretty well. If I remember right, there's a point where archer can't move if you go on a tile. The house has to be visited by a certain person.
  3. [spoiler=The Turncoat's Fall Chapter 16] More stat booster give out. Home sweet home. Sounds like a typical male teenager. But my birthday is in eight days and an hour... Please be no homo. Riev the worst crap geezer TEAMWORK THE BEST TACTIC OF ALL STRATEGIES. Triple fighters are no more. As are the mages She crit twice LOL. Then Myrrh crit too. Reached the siege tomes. NO MERCY Feeding Myrrh, she'll need to get nice and fat quickly for end game. Neimi the hardcore survivor. Killed an anti-horse knight, dodged a knight spear, killed three heroes, of which two hits her, and dodged a bolt. Orgy of warriors bar the entry to the hall where Neimi is. (They apparently ignored her and went for my ponies.) Same warrior As you may see. Neimi was to the top left of the knight on left. That's how deep she went. Warriors goes for her after a knight manage to land a hit. Weird how health points make all the difference in who to target. Just Marisa being Marisa. (She went left ALONE to the chest on left, while the entirety of my others went into the main hall. That's why she didn't see actions for a long while) Oh wow, I didn't know they flipped. She got low again. lol. She finally makes it to the door. The woods were bitch to walk through. But she eased her rage and hunger for the second time in this chapter. And got a shit level in return. They finally caught up. No thief, no. Neimi goes off to assist Marisa. Amelia takes the free xps from these heavy horse All looted up. But I'm not your Orsan-kun... Orson for the tragic character? And Amelia finish him off. And she got this. RNG SO UNFRIENDLY Shieldthwomp activated! I DON'T SOUNDS LIKE THAT. ORSON WHY! WHY WHYYY Bout time~ Why does that sounds so lame? If it was me, I'd have named it... Mjonir The Thunder Hammersword cuz reason Erina for the manly mc
  4. I lurks around posting only when it's needed or for amuse.
  5. [spoiler=Tide of Blood Chapter 15 Continued] Levels TEAMWORK Feeding Tana what's left of them, she barely get any exps. :| Bah Not bad By now, the center of the desert is a sea of blood. Ho-ho Double MVP Amelia stahp This death has been censored for the viewer's sanity. More dance more dance Hurr durr I hunger for your death as well. ALRIGHT Betterthanvanessa.jpg For the hell of it. Of course... Death awaits the madman. You sounds like a dying deer being feasted upon by a bird of prey Notbad Just a note, I collected every single loot in the desert, of few were just walking in and getting them on first try, such as Warp, Silver Card, Metis Tome, Boot, and Eclipse. Wincest ~blah~ STUDY MARISA, STUDY!
  6. [spoiler=Chapter 15 Massacre on Desert] #1 Tactic? Erina has balls now. Benched Man ruled by desires = creepers Whee~ Feeding Amelia is so fun! Neimi could solo map if she wanted to. :o Like a Falcon Punch Marisa meanwhile solos mid Neimi for unstoppable That's such... terrible pose Keep going Horsethwomp Dat hitrate SAFETY Then she kills the fighter that Erina did not kill And got this. WHY Gotta hurry and get Tana to 20 this chapter. NO MERCY FOR LUNA Marisa gives no fuck about her lance foes Crit-happy axeman is dead Walks into a fort, finds a pair of boot laying inside. Seem legit Still giving no fucks HORSEBIRD REINFORCEMENT, VANESSA TO EXTERMINATE THEM That looks like a very nice kick if she could do a martial art combat That reminds me... do we even have a martial arts character for a hack somewhere? -clench pants- SHE SURVIVE Just in case as well. EIRIKAAAAAAAAA Levels Look at all of dem crits Yeah... okay Not any more, I am KING I AM GOD. I'll continue in the next post
  7. [spoiler=Chapter 14 Jehenna's Ruin] There are no allies. Only Horsethwomp and Birdthwomp So full the hall is literally littering with grados? Am I only one getting the wrong vibe from this? Rogue get! Need dat items and lootz Amelia seems to be on good pace. Feed her more! Then she dies because overwhelming lance users reinforcement. And Marissassin is born! They are no match for Marisa's Flash Yay she promotes! Once you go black, you never go back. Rather poor level. The enemy units are no match for her anymore. Vanessa sucking now. Such beauty So close, yet so far. No mercy Finish hiiiiim SNACK TIME That wasn't very appealing. Marisa so gud None shall be spared Not a gentleman after all. Fuck you Lyon Blah~ Well... only women with swords can. IT'S A TRAP AGAIN!
  8. Hmm... Swordmaster or Assassin for Marisa... After seeing their palatte again, I suddenly want SM marisa instead.
  9. [spoiler=Chapter 13 The Pass] Jehenna Ho! Valter the Twisted Dude Extremists Yeah no. That moment... All of the archers can go drop dead for all I care. Destruction everywhere! Amelia get! Gonna be a bitch to grind her. Neimi on another hand... Tana seems to be doing fine. As are these two merc chicks Emomag get! FUCK The destruction cannot be avoided. Levels. Not you again. FUCKING PABLO Marisa, you can do better you know that right? You too... Neimi doesn't need to change~ Dueling with Neimi alone is a no-no. Redo! Levels so far in this run This time... She's not alone! ...other than a lesbian! Oh noes.
  10. [spoiler=Chapter 12 Part Two] Women too weak with height. Random skirmish is random First to hit is Marisa! Not a bad level. Then I get a surprise ambush spawn. I hate triggers Once again... Ow Not bad REAL No str... aw... REALER Sexy Couldbebetter.jpg Maxed skill now WORTHLESS Best level>Dancer WHY RNG WHY Manhorse cleaved! Nee-chan! Cough that up kid. Not bad Sexy crit is sexy NOT SO SEXY Still ain't sexy So kawaii
  11. [spoiler= Chapter 12 Part One] I hate height Yet another "Fated Meeting" Neimi solo bot Marisa slowly turning into beast Dance you fool! Neimi so gud Tana getting better MARISAAAAAAAAAAAA Mother Let's give her this, just in case. generic levels are generic Neimi for unstoppable train TATE STOP Oops I means Tana Levels of glory Get TANA PLS Levels of Prettiness I'm switching Vanessa and Neimi. Vanessa solo bot One is not like the other. Yunogetgoodlvls Fin VALTER STOP BEING SO CREEPY
  12. [spoiler=MARISA TIME Chapter 11] Poor Innes, I would so much love to throw him aside, but I need recruit for Marisa. No No NO. Full Loyalty too stronk! Want me to get you a dictionary? Being a prince basically means. Fuck Everyone Get Money... Wait that's wron- actually, it's exactly right. Galeforce HorseThwomp being so thwomp Generic level is generic . . . Still generic. Marisa~ (I forgot to get a screen of Tethys apparnetly) Get! Marisa get! Somehow this pose looks so awesome. Tana doing pretty well. Not bad Horsethwomp so stronk BLOCK GANG IN And Neimi get banged from outside. Terrible RNG is terrible. Generic level yet again. Exterminate mode Bet that archer didn't see that coming. Tana's getting better level than Neimi now apparently. But who know what's coming in the future. Yay str. Man the hitrate are so not friendly But she got a good level at least. And another. Level for teh dancer More level Tana acquires str at last. At last we approach the council palace. Well... I think we know what will happen here right? Marisa to feast upon. Thwomp Man, she got spd every single level up. Seize only to see CREEPVALTER'S face again. Actually it was Vanessa and Neimi who saved your asses. Suddenly we're on a wild goose chase with a little midget.
  13. [spoiler=Oh god pirates Chapter 10] By sea is so fun... ulp. NOT VALTER. ANYONE BUT VALTER. Milk Siblings are fun right? Blah~ No her name is Erina, how could you get her confused with the royal slob? Thwomp'd Rushing to the house on left first because the pirates has priority of razing. Succeed Sadly, but I cannot afford to get her this chapter, too much reinforcement and rushing. That's mine now good sir. Neimi too stronk it's pretty much just her raping everything in the top half. Neimi the master blade Bai Amelia, see you chapter 13. Maxed now Bam. Seth the Mercy Master, and a free Angel Robe. Meanwhile...
  14. [spoiler= I swears Neimi can solo this shit Chapter 8] It's definitely a trap. Give to a sickly man the most important tool to Renais, SEEM LEGIT Seth doing it right. One minute he's trying to be an ally, and the instant Seth ask him this, HE GOES ALL RENEGADE. Gasp, it was a disguise! How did these armors fit under all the skins? Seth isn't a hawk, he's a god damn thunderbird. Time to roll out. Neimi best archer She decides to crit on the hit that would had killed him. Such is RNG Armor does nothing! Striking at air, gain exp She suddenly start getting more str after energy ring from last chapter. What in the world. SethxNeimi. Blood for blood Whatcanidoididntreachthemintimesotheyendedupfightingtoo Suicidal Brother is Suicidal Female > Male this run. All of these armors either miss or barely damage Seth. Why is Seth so godly. TWO MORE. Two more again. One armor down. And... so is he. Holding on to this for now and decide who get it later. Even the longbow is no match for the goddess that is Neimi. Vanessa slowly becoming strong! Thus it begins... The SwordThwomp So fine Talent cannot be explained, only shown. And so... General vs Ranger. Who win? lol Chipped BRING IT ON YEAH Uh... Okay. To promote... or to not promote. Oh the decision.
  15. [spoiler= A smooth ride Chapter 7] Steamrolling is best tactic One only has to be a train to wreck that shit One... two... Just us four huh. Everyonepepsi One moment... And the next. Why can this game be so cruel? TEAMWORK TEAMWORK IS BEST AND THE RESULT IS GOOD TEAMWORK IS SO AMAZING Not bad Snipe Executed Neimi requires str. And she got more str! Moar! You need to try harder Vanessa. Like christ... Erina... Soon... SOON Thwomp'd Thwompier Rather short chapter. Penetration He hadn't eaten apparently. Let's feed him hot irons Oh it's nothing then?
  16. [spoiler= 17 reset just for three citizens Chapter 6] You heard that right, SEVENTEEN RESETS Something tell me that yellow brick road would be much safer. Like a bus on a highway Seth is a thwomp, it's so obvious. Huh... a spider? Okay... Seth the Torch Mule Moar str! I still hate healers No mercy Why isn't Halberd effective vs HORSEBIRD? For goodness sake, give me defensive or str! On another hand... Fucking. RNG can be so cruel. Sonofagun Moving on... Pulling in few at a time. I swears Erina is the only genius on my team for this chapter along with Seth's tink shield Things seem to be going well... The soldier has some swag So it begins... Again. And Again. And Again. And Again. And Again. Let's try this way instead. Swag Eirika is now the only tank for this run with Seth pulling away others. Safety is virtue Erina being so fine this evening. Awesome. FUCKING HELL At this point I just gave her dracoshield without second thought. Yay str. Another reset...zzz Look at this dude being so boss. They literally miss or tink against him. You might realize this is another reset. This is one of the reset because citizen died. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to a sword run. :\ Annnd beat with all 3 safe. About the damn time. Oh I wonder what it issssss Perfect, Neimi'll use it soon!
  17. I'M TALKING ABOUT OTHER STAT! 6 str isn't a problem for me. If you've seen me do FE6 run in posting thread, you'd recognize that I didn't really need high str. But yes I agree...
  18. [spoiler=WTF NO FEMALE?] Valter #1 creeper NO FEMALES? OBJECTION! [spoiler=Chapter 5x] Screw you Male Character A sweat isn't broken yet. -yawn-
  19. [spoiler=Chapter 5 Spoiler...Saar dies.] Oh geeh, a knight, whatever shall I do... I know that feels. I'm also looking for someone, have you seen a girl that appears to be my age with lavender hairs and hetrochrome eyes? I wonder if I'll be alright... Tethys join me NAO. Well that works I guess... First Casualty of the three manned break through! God damn Neimi is so blessed. Bandit Batch #1 Down. The feminism is strong within them. Slowly but surely. Everythingwentbetterthanexpected.jpg Seth has talent for dodging apparently. Killing Edge get! Girl power! I refuse to let anyone dies! Even if they're not in the run. An armorslayer eh? Too bad it's too heavy for Erina atm. Vanessa showing usefulness now Capped Speed Moving on... I DEMANDS MORE VULNERARIES! Jesus Neimi being godly now. Come to meee banditypoo Destroyed! I think I used 3 units of vulnerary this run already. Thwomp More level. Neimi better than generic archer horray! Erina #1 surviver Last house get! I also bought some extra weapons from armory, a slim lance for Vanessa, a steel bow for neimi, and two slim sword for Eirika. (Rapier's breaking down.) The pathetic excuse of a Thwomp is slain! -pull out a whip and smirk sinisterly- Oh I know a way... What the fuck use is this of to me?! I guess 5000 gold isn't bad...
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