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Everything posted by Wheels

  1. Yeah, April 1st sounds like a placeholder date to me. When I went in to order the game, their computers were saying the game was coming out in February (after the Nintendo Direct confirming our release in April)
  2. Well, if you don't want to marry Emmeryn, marrying Lucina or Chrom's other child will give you one less character in the Chrom family, but still enough to fill your party with Chrom family for all the main story chapters XD
  3. Well, a way to make that easier would be having a male Avatar to expand on Chrom's family XD Chromxwhoever -> Lucina & second child AvatarxEmmeryn -> Morgan Then you have Morgan, Lucina and the second child marry other children characters (If all are female, your choices are Azure, Bredy, Chambray, Laurent and Jerome), Lissa marries, has Wood, Wood marries another child as well (Serena, Nn and Noir are guaranteed not to be part of Chrom's family already) That should leave you with...13 members of Chrom's family, either by marriage or by blood, not including the parents of the children characters being related by their child's marriage. If you inclkude the parents, then it's up to 17, which is more characters than you can use on the final chapter XD EDIT: On topic of the questions, I don't mind about relations, I'm just gonna go for who I like the most XD And I have sort of specific plans, but they mostly involve the different MUs I'm going to play in each playthough for each gender (Like my first female will be a Grandmaster, second a Trickster, third a Falcoknight, each with their own sort of headcanon personalitites and backgrounds (LIke the Falcoknight is a flirt, and since I realised her similarities to Tiamo (She'll have long red hair as well as riding a Pegasus to start with...) it went into my headcanon that she saw Tiamo's crush on Chrom, and decided that she was going to show her up by romancing Chrom))
  4. I'll join the liking Cordelia train, and WTFing at Walhart train too XD
  5. Awakening's cracked the top 20 of Amazon's best sellers! Currently it's sitting at 19
  6. Yeah, it's part of my immune thing XD Luckily, I look pretty damn nice bald so it's sort of win win XD Yeah, I'm too poor here myself to buy it, and the shipping over to the US to get it installed, and even then, I have to decide whether I want my 3DS to have one installed (My 3DS is the Zelda bundle one, and my soon-to-be US 3DS will be the FE one...) On the plus side, my webcam isn't all that bad when recording 3DS footage, so if I just grabbed a audio in cord, I reckon I'd be good [spoiler=Video related]
  7. Yep, it's from the Knights of Iris book, so definitely based off the game XD
  8. I can provide 2D Female Assassin for you XD http://images.wikia.com/fireemblem/images/b/ba/Assassin_female_1.jpg
  9. There might be but... The IGN guys aren't releasing anything atm, well, the response was 'We wanted a cart. We have plans' which probably means nothing until the 30th, which is when the many reviews come out, Gamexplain specifically said they were only allowed to release a few things until the 30th (Which they seem to have chosen Chapter playthroughs) and TheBitBlock said straight up they never really got into it, so nothing has come out of them in about a week, and of course, Tinycartridge, who have been giving us random screens and videos of their playthrough. I...am a little annoyed at the people I've seen begging Tinycartridge to do other confessions, but that's just because I think they should do whatever the hell they want with their review copy, and if it's their first playthrough, they've almost certainly not done something like A ranked everyone for ease of confession scene getting, and the game releases in 11 days. By the time they finish their current playthrough, get far enough to recruit the character, and then make the confession scene, the game'll be out already! They can either do it themselves, or wait until 500 people upload Tharja's/Nowi's/Chrom's/Gaius' confession the next day/hours etc. But, I can't say I haven't been guilty of doing stuff like that before, so I ca't get too mad
  10. More specifically! Moderate Impact Violence and Themes, and Mild Impact Language, Nudity and Sex
  11. From the DLC conversations page In Summer of Bonds, Krom and Tiamo's conversations (+) only trigger if Tiamo is single. So, I would assume they wouldn't have that conversation if she's paired. As for when that DLC comes out...It was released 1st of November in Japan, or just under 7 months after release
  12. Today was productive =3 Uploaded: All confession scenes, all class portraits, all boss portraits, portraits for Cynthia and Jerome, who only had game screenshots, all mount concept art with a request, and the last of the weapons. Other than the storyboard concept, I'm completely finished with all the new art from the Knights of Iris artbook! If I get another scanning chance, I'll scan the 'icons' for all the DLC/Spotpasscharacters, the ones like the Ira icon on the Spotpass page.
  13. I decided on my class & waifus/husbandos for my first 3 playthroughs on each gender now FeMU GrandmasterxVirion TricksterxHenry FalcoknightxChrom (With red hair too, I just realised she's screwing over Tiamo big time XD) MaMU GrandmasterxLucina SniperxSully Demon Fighter (Or Hero, if we don't get that DLC)xTiamo
  14. It certainly wouldn't happen until the grinding DLC is out methinks XD And psh, work XD You're talking to the girl uploading allllll the Knights of Iris stuff to the Wiki XD 701 Edits since joining this wiki January 19, 2013 And still going XD
  15. http://i48.tinypic.com/3538s2v.jpg Scan of the Australian Gameinformer preview EDIT: My favourite line? "I began to look into support conversations because I never knew what was coming. In one scenario, a character creates racy posters of Chrom to inspire others to join the army" XDDDDDDDD
  16. I might be able to do a playthrough like that when the EU copy releases, because I'll have two copies of the game, and two 3DSs. the only limit would be the 20 bonus character limit, and my lack of capture card making for a really good show.
  17. Yep XD Hi there~ Sorry for giving you such work XD
  18. Just quickly, the Australian version of Gameinformer has a preview on Awakening, but not much new info. I'll put it up when I get a chancw
  19. Thanks everyone ^_^ wavy hair helped hide the regrowth quite well, so it was much easier to manage then you think XD The purple was just an out of thebox colour, so I could reapply it at home XD
  20. Yep, except they're saying there'll be shipping delays thanks to having to order more stock from Nintendo XD
  21. I'll give you pics or it didn't happen! Oh wait... (This was just after I got orange/blonde bits in it, as evident in the pic XD) atm I have like, a buzzcut after my hair all fell out XD And no, not genetic, at least not directly from my parents. I probably had someone with it back in my line, but no one really knows who XD My cousin also has a form of it too. And yeah, that toe breaking isn't the stupidest thing I've done XD Also, take your time with the art, school > derp like this XD But, of course, don't spend all your time working, otherwise you'll burn yourself out. Everything in moderation~
  22. At the very least, Best Buy is still open for preorders...for now... With Gamestop out, and a few weeks until the game, that'll probably change.
  23. I grabbed the digital version myself, for those who just want to read the review... http://i50.tinypic.com/m7cbp1.jpg http://i48.tinypic.com/2uqou41.jpg http://i45.tinypic.com/2s7guwj.jpg Here it is, text only, cause I'm cheap and want to encourage full buys for the pretty art :P I haven't got a chance yet to look through the full magazine, but it looks pretttty nifty!
  24. I...might have a slight Awakening probelm. I spend most of my time looking at SF or the Awakening GFaqs page these days, doing Knights of Iris stuff for the wiki, searching the #fireemblem tag on Twitter for new shots from review copies, checking videogamesplus' twitter for updates on the bundle for others, planning out Avatars for my playthoughs (I have 7 planned out ATM, 3 Male, 4 Female), and planning a Lucina cosplay when I have the money to make it. Oh and I look through Knights of Iris daily XD It makes it worse I live in Australia, so I don't have a demo, and I don't get the game here until April, although I'm expecting my bundle to arrive late February/Early March, so that'll pass the time until the Australian release EDIT: Oh and I've also been playing a Randomised Sacred Stones run. Which basically means I took everyone's classes, growths and promotions into a randomiser and inserted it into the game Chapter 8 was freaking annoying, the boss rolled a Cyclops, and I didn't bring Seth, so I eventually used my Cavalier!Vanessa with super high defense to tank his hits to break his weapons, with Wyvern Rider!Eirika supporting and Troubadour!Lute healing. And Dracozombies start appearing at Chapter 13...Luckily Manakete!L'arachel turns up the same chapter
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