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Everything posted by Wheels

  1. Thought tbf, it's NoirexFather where most of the child abusey stuff came across.
  2. Shipping time is 2-5 days after they mail out, so assuming they mail on the 5th at the latest (4th their time), it'll be here in a week
  3. Unfortunately they sold out of the FE bundle, they think they might have a few at release though, so keep your eye out. Their first shipment sold out in a day.
  4. Quick mention on the US thing, apparently, Canada's shop doesn't require a US based card, and you can use your any region credit card on it.
  5. I'm importing the Awakening bundle from Videogamesplus.ca after Onestep's recommendation, and they've been wonderful so far. They've responded to all my tweets asking questions about the bundle, the game's release and have been updating the situation on there pretty regularly. I also emailed them for extra info twice, got emails back both times in a day or two, the first one was asking whether they'd be getting the bundle in, which they replied they were supplying stock and should have preorders up soon (Much like the Twitter response) while the second one was pretty informative, so I'll post it here. EDIT: Also on the price note, I paid a bit under $300 AUD/USD for the bundle, $100 of this was for the shipping, as it went by DHL. DHL is usually optional, but for bigger things it's mandatory. It makes it get here faster, and there's better insurance and all that too.
  6. I'm looking at a pic on Twitter of the panel... Looks like Chrom fighting Masked Marth (I hope it's Masked Marth, they don't have the panel with their head >_>) in the Arena..
  7. I believe she calls him that because she was training him to be aristocratic, as well as sort of going into a more subserviant position as his wife compared to him (Old timey marriage ideals). And 'you saw to the very core of my heart' could just mean, you saw her feelings, and reciprocated the best you knew.
  8. And some more stories I got done. Echo, Spd+/Def-, Sage, Libra for husband. A frank, distant young girl who never really forms true bonds with anyone. Unbeknownst to the rest of the army, she's quite an adept liar, and tells people what they want to hear, not what she truly feels. She feels closest to those involved in the arts, namely Olivia and Libra, and has made it a point to never lie to them. Libra would be aware of her lying, but he wouldn't ever confront her about it, as he feels he's doing the same thing to the rest of the army about his past. Libra and her would bond slowly over their shared love of the arts, her music, and him drawing/painting, and would often spend time together doing their respective loves, never actually speaking to one another, and the love would grow between them, not showing itself until Libra presents her with her portrait, and the proposal happens. Holla, Str+/Lck-, Dark Knight, Gaius for husband. Ditzy but unintentionally blunt, she's mastered the arts of swordfighting, magic and horseriding, and rolled them all into one, being about equally skilled at them all. She wouldn't really care for silly things like 'male only' areas. and would easily walk in on a number of guys bathing, and catch a certain someone trying to bust in to the girl's bath. SHe'd e friendly to everyone, but her unintentional bluntness and subsequent offending alienates her some from people. Gaius wouldn't be one of those people, at least after she stopped bugging him about why he was branded as a serious criminal. His request andreward system would appeal to her, although she would try to keep it just to intangible things, rather than possessions, and they'd quickly fall in love after he got used to her XD Syn, Res+/Spd-, Sorcerer, Lon'qu for husband. Long story short? Massive troll. And that's what draws her to Lon'qu. He's afraid of women, she likes messing with people? Match made in heaven in her eyes. So her goal in life would be to get Lon'qu as flustered/frustrated as she possibly could. She'd fall for him long before he fell for her, and she'd stop doing the worst pranks, and only doing smaller ones, enough to catch his attention, as well as surprise tackles every now and then, to try and help with his women issue. Eventually he'd get sick of it, and really snap at her, she'd reveal her feelings, and probably run away, genuinely upset, which would cause him to think back, end up missing her pranks, and pursuing her.
  9. I think that Escapist vid someone here linked me back explains my thoughts on the subject Basically, "yes our games have -isms, but you don't -have- to dislike the full game just because your favourite game has those -isms. We're not going to take your games away, so it's time we started having mature discussions about it, rather just knee jerk reactions one way or another"
  10. Will confession scenes count for marriage proof, cause I have them handy XD http://images.wikia.com/fireemblem/images/9/9f/Tiki_confession.jpg http://images.wikia.com/fireemblem/images/2/2d/Say%27ri_confession.jpg Also "My Unit has the perk of being able to support with any playable character and hence marry any playable character as long as he/she is the correct gender. Additionally, once My Unit reaches an "S" support level with a character, a confession illustration unique for each character will be shown."
  11. Male Avatar only They also don't have any children attached to them, so you'll only get Morgan
  12. HAI IT'S ALL HOT AND SUMMERY HERE XD Oh, don't worry about me, believe me -Lck has to be my real life flaw completely XD That friend was the least of my worries that year (Okay, more like her putting me down was the least of my worries, and her seducing the guy I liked because he bought us expensive things...but that's all years ago XD) But yeah, she's still one of the least of my RL problems to date, I've sort of talked about another in the Tharja appeal thread, but that's neither here nor there XD Noo, they didn't have time, alas! As soon as they touched down in Japan they were on press duty right away, then they has the pre-comp cosplay parade or something like that, and next day was the competition, so they spent the whole day preparing, and then I think thye only got 1-2 days to themselves before being shipped back to Aus XD Not much of a holiday, but they were fully sponsered to go over for that IIRC, so the sponsers were cheap XD I could, though the shipping would be hell XD Australia's incredibly expensive OTL Haha, I love science, so I would be pretty happy with a triple science threat XD Both my Bio and Chem teachers are really buddy buddy, and my Chem teacher's daughter actually had the same illness I have ATM, so he's really understanding. Got an awesome timetable too XD 12:45pm-3:40pm on Mondays, nothing on Tuesday, 8:35-10:15am on Wednesdays, full day on Thursday and 2:20pm-3:40pm on Fridays. So many XDs XD They're basically my full stop XD
  13. I'm feeling pretty young here XD I'm one of the 18 year olds, I started playing FE back when I was...I must have been 11 or 12, I borrowed my friend's copy of Sacred Stones, and spent the next few years looking for a copy of my own. I've been a gamer since I was 5, when I was given a Gameboy Colour and Pokemon Yellow for my birthday. I've been self-sufficient game wise since I was 8-10 (Which I think was a pretty great achievement, cause Australian video games generally cost $70 for portables, and $100+ for consoles (Yes that's in USD)) and I've been self sufficient completely (So games, consoles and accessories) with my gaming hobby since I was 13-14. My Mum doesn't really get the appeal of gaming, but she knows I like it and it makes me happy, so as long as I pay for it myself, she's got no problems. In more recent years, I've been surprising her with the amount of knowledge I've gleaned from video games, and I think she's more accepting of them now then she was back when I was a kid. What I basically just want people who don't game, and have no real experience in what they're like, is to know that video games, are basically interactive movies or books (Especially RPGs). And the interactive part is actually shown to improve memory, reaction times, hand eye coordination, eyesight, etc. And, for some people, video games allow them to connect to others in a way books and movies just can't do. Video games aren't inherently bad, in fact, I'd say they'd do a lot more good than bad for the community as a whole. Because I'm quite integrated into the otaku scene in my state, most of the serious gamers I know are much older than me, fully grown adults, who juggle their paid work, volunteer work, social life, and gaming all at once. I do say though, most of them have moved from consoles to PC gaming, mostly I think because of wider range, for a less constant price. By wider range, I'm referring to emulators, which if you have a high end gaming computer, run nicely, and you don't have to clutter the house up with consoles, hog the TV when you have housemates, and your computer can probably run it better than natively. I'm really the only Fire Emblem fan in my friends though, so I can't say whether FE was a long lasting series for them. It has been for me, so far at least :)
  14. Because of what I decided, I'll be playing Male Avatars on my FE 3DS and Female on my local copy, then swap when I complete their support galleries for each gender.. I'll be female playing a Male Avatar for 2 months or so, and marrying, (So far) in this order: Lucina, Sully, Cordelia, Sumia, Say'ri, Maribelle, (unknown until end) -> Tharja Say'ri's position might change, depends on what she's like in English. Certainly I'll have a better idea of marriage order after Cordelia after I play the game.
  15. Did any VA names jump out at you from the credits? /supercuriousabout VAing EDIT: Herpaderp, just saw your post in general XD
  16. Say’ri from Fire Emblem Awakening is an upright and dignified princess from the Chon’sin dynasty. Her old fashioned mannerisms set her apart from the other Ylisseans.
  17. Another reviewing place praised the story, but said that you wouldn't miss the characters with permadeath, because they were all flat and one-dimensional While the opposite happened in another review XD
  18. Any sentence that starts with "I don't want to seem like a (x)" is always followed by a (x) statement XD
  19. Maybe I should always come on Serenes tired then, I've been making people crack up ever since yesterday XD
  20. Yeah, I should have posted the twitter link derp XD Still tired XD
  21. I borrowed it from school XD I'm not a particularly good cosplayer (Well comparatively, it doesn't help that someof the best cosplayers in Australia live here XD (Not even kidding, a pair of my friends went to Japan representing Australia in the World Cosplay Summit, came 4th overall and won the Brother Award, which was for best costume)), but it's done wonders for my self confidence, quite honestly. I'm weak, and a little pudgy (A whale by the internet's standards XD) and I had a friend who used to put me down a lot about my appearance/mannerisms/personality, while I absolutely hero-worshipped her, so I had little self confidence. But yeah, since I started cosplaying, I've become more comfortable in my own skin, and because I make all my cosplays (Lute's was actually the first one I sewed to completion without using patterns) I can make sure they fit me nicely and look good. I'm certainly never gonna be an amazing professional winning comps all over the place, but it's certainly helped to build me as a person ^_^ I got that sunburned just walking around town for a day XD Where I live has really strong sun, not heat wise, but UV wise. So I got really burnt XD I'm healing up pretty good now, which is good :D Peeling all over the place though XD Bio is like, my specialty XD I literally walk in late, brush past my teacher, steal his powerpoint to plug in my laptop, play Fire Emblem, heckle him as the lesson goes on, answer every single one of his questions correctly and get As on every test XD He finds it hilarious XD Chem's gonna take some more work XD
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