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Everything posted by Wheels

  1. I should be able to send some out tomorrow morning my time, so hang tight for just a little while longer ^_^
  2. Looking on the main site, Second Seals aren't listed until the Chapter 16 shop apparently
  3. I'm lucky, in that I have two days off in the middle of the week for school XD (Full day monday, then half days Thursday and Friday). So I get 4 days a week I can play FE =3
  5. Finally sorted out my payment debarcle, so my bundle should be shipped tomorrow :D
  6. I just sorted out payment for mine (The really annoying thing is VGPs hours are like, middle of the night Australian time) so mine should be shipped tomorrow :D The good thing is, apparently DHL still move about parcels on weekends, but don't deliver so I might still get it on Monday. Either way, everything sorted out for me (Spent a little extra with paying Paypal, but hey, at least the charge went through this time!) so I just have to wait paitently now :D
  7. Watching a video of FeAvatarxGaius, C Support? "If you are looking for ransom, I can assure you I don't have any money. But what I do have is a very particular set of honey cakes..." Taken reference :D
  8. Maybe, it's Wednesday there, so 2 days is enough time if you're lucky
  9. You'll beat me for sure XD Payment derp on my bundle means mine wasn't shipped out yesteray, and probably won't be until tomorrow OTL
  10. Nah, I didn't see the declined charge until 8pm their time, too late to fix it up, I'll have to fix it tomorrow
  11. Excuse me while I rage about something totally not related to Gamestop for a sec FUCKING BANK Y U NO LET VGP CHARGE MY CREDIT CARD SERIOUSLY I HAD A FREAKING HEART ATTACK WHEN I SAW YOU DID THAT. YOU'VE GOT MORE THAN ENOUGH MONEY IN THE ACCOUNT >< I thought I would miss out on mah bundle cause of your stupidity T____________T Luckily VGP are happy to change my payment type to Paypal tomorrow so sigh of relief, btu still..
  12. Yep, VGP shipped their bundles today! Except my bank hates me >< Declined the charge, despite the fact I had MORE than enough money on there. I contacted VGP, I'll be swapping my order to Paypal tomorrow in case it's a bank problem OTL
  13. So far of the ones I've heard through LPs and such "Pick a god and pray!" - Fred, doing a critical "Quick and dirty, heh, I like it" - Sully when paired "DIE WITH MAGNIFICENCE" - Virion all day erry day! And there was a one with Miriel, a win quote, I believe calling her dead opponent an 'asinine fool'.
  14. Not yet from VGP, but they didn;t say they were shipping Awakening for another few hours my time, same with DJ Max Tekinika or something, another recent thing they sent out
  15. I have my fingers crossed! Because I'd love to be playing it on the way to school (I have late afternoon classes, so I'll be home for the post delivery)
  16. Don't worry, I'm in Australia, I have the disadvantage of being in the future XD Today's Wednesday, for instance, if the shipping doesn't come in the lowest estimated time...I've gotta wait out the weekend D:
  17. Awesome! :D We should totally have a race to see who gets it first XD
  18. You guys are making me jelly XD And I am now sad at the Streetpass region locking, I can't do both play with my characters and play with everyone! D: Unless..I change up my plans! Yes :D NA copy for a full support conversation library, and EU copy for Avatar playthroughs! Hmmm....I must hit the planning board...
  19. If you ordered the game, they probably won't get yours out until Friday their time this week, or Monday. They sold out of Awakening, and had to order in another batch. From their Twitter: "trying to get an ETA on our next shipment but could be late this week or early next" Now for people who ordered just the bundle, I asked if the bundle was included in this shipment. My response was: "we're expecting it tomorrow" And that was yesterday. Now if I go off when they announced they were sending out the physical copies of the game back on the 30th or whenever they did, they should announce if they're mailing it out in an hour or two. EDIT If you want to give them a ring to ask them in person though, their number is on their website, the international one.
  20. I played FFXI! Your WoW terms don't scare me!
  21. It took a few dyas for them to reply to my emails, so I've been pestering them on their Twitter account XD https://twitter.com/VideoGamesPlus_/ They said they were expecting the next shipments of Awakening to arrive to them (They sold out) on Friday/Monday next week, I asked if the bundles were expected in that shipment, they said they'll be expecting them tomorrow XD Usually I get a reply in a day on their Twitter
  22. No, there's a bug with the Japanese voices swapping back to English. Apparently the fix atm is toggling the thing a few times
  23. My PS3 is called Theo. My PSP got Aigis. And my car is CP (License plate has CP30 on it XD) We have a habit of naming inaminate objects in our house XD
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