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Everything posted by Wheels

  1. I'd say it'd go tomorrow - Leif + EXPonential Growth Next week - Alm + Infinite Regalia Week After - Seliph + Elincia (Red vs Blue pack available)
  2. Yeah, I made a quick list, just in LB1 Arden Jamka Lachesis Ayra Levin Alvis Arthur Lakche Sety Julius Dagda Salem Olwen Eyvel Cyas Mareeta Leidrick Ethilin Cuan Skasaha Fee Altenna Ares Maris Roro
  3. Can't wait =3 Paragon and Demon Fighter ftw. As well as a lot of Legacy characters for localisation
  4. It's been that way in Europe since announcement. By Europe, I mean Europe though, not all PAL regions, as I know Australia gets AC adapters with our XLs.
  5. Yep, that's standard for XL in Europe and Japan
  6. Unless, of course, you're a FeMU. Because Chrom's marriage has an expiration date, and Henry, Basilio, all the male children and the male spotpass characters all come after his expiration date, you'll end up with two sets, the before Chrom marriage set and after Chrom marriage set
  7. And Wyvern Rider!Tiki has 100+% HP growth too
  8. http://www.forvo.com/word/je_cherche/ That's how you pronounce Cherche XD
  9. Aptitude!Dark Flier!Nah has 100%+ HP grwoth
  10. Quick update, I can't send out anymore. Turns out the 3DS friend list caps out at 100, and, well, I've hit that cap on the 10th of Feb. :(
  11. The way to get around it is, set your location to Alberta Canada. The US store won't accept credit cards outside the US, so you'll have to pay extra to import eShop cards to use. The Canadian store however, lets you use an Aussie credit card, and has the lowest tax. Champion's Pack was $4.20 for me, and Golden Pack was $6.30
  12. I get lots of random Streetpasses, and well... Just yesterday, I recruited Phail, a Bow Knight...Today I see Auffle, a Sage. (The others I have recruited are Arake and Pyragar) I can't tell if it's me being insulted, or my other 3DS...XD
  13. Yep! And seeing it on the FE bundle has made me see it on my Zelda bundle (Where it's less cool, cause Zelda's black XD)
  14. The only difference between the EU bundle and NA bundles are NA - Has regular 3DS, Cobalt Blue, with the full design in light white/silver EU - Has the XL, Blue/Black default, with partial design in light white/silver
  15. From Gold and Silver, just made me lol "It's like me dear old mum used to say, "What if at first ya don't suceed...Retry the level and don't louse it up this time, ya daft arse!"" Also, yeah, it's 'mum', not mom. Looks like Victor and Vincent are British XD
  16. For those wo bought the Champions Pack, you actually have to enter the DLC store to get it to download Micaiah, if you're not planning on getting Golden
  17. The others are Infinte Divine Weapons (Infinte Regalia) and Emtombed Heaven (EXPonential Growth)
  18. ...5am my time... DAMN YOU TIMEZONES!
  19. I just checked the US DLC store, Golden Gaffe doesn't seem to be up yet. Anna's not letting me play CoY3 either :(
  20. Of ocurse, if I had a preference (As in, I could pick any I liked in the language I wanted etc.) I'd go for the Japanese bundle (Which is what I voted for, as I do honestly like it best, even if I'll never buy it) However, in the real world, the US bundle does it for me. It's not XL, so it's comfortable, it looks nicer than the XL bundle, IMO, and has the ability to play US games, which is something I've been wanting for a while, given our releases.
  21. Huh, looking at it again, it doesn't even have the full patterning from the US/JPN ones XD Just the centre, the corner pieces are missing Also, Chrom, Lissa, Lon'qu, Panne, Libra, Maribelle, Kellam, Virion, Frederick, Vaike, Sully, Nowi, Tharja, Donnel and Gregor all keep their names (Seeing as we had one localisation change, just going over the video now to see if I can find more XD) EDIT: Alm, Celica and Sigurd stay the same too
  22. http://i48.tinypic.com/1zb4f4.jpg The release date + box art (Which is slightly different) http://i50.tinypic.com/2vbviop.jpg The bundle announcement (Preinstalled, and doesn't come with an AC adapter) http://i47.tinypic.com/vg3axs.jpg The bundle in the flesh, does seem to be a plain blue/black XL with the pattern onto it EDIT: Ninja me next time Vincent
  23. Nah XD The XL is too big for my hands, I find it uncomfortable XD Direct just finished, so screencaps coming!
  24. Yep, preinstalled. Once the Direct finishes, I'll grab some screencaps.
  25. It was definitely an XL, looked like the regular blue one that's out (So the regular blue on the top, black everywhere else), with the pattern on it. The game is also preinstalled as well, just like the US copy.
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