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Everything posted by Wheels

  1. I think the reason you're having trouble with his pants is, because he doesn't have any XD His outfit is a one piece, by my looking, and the 'pants' come from his tunic above his hips, but you'd have to make it in layers, as it goes side of tunic -> pants -> front of tunic -> collar layering wise.
  2. Looking at his OA versus that concept art, the only differences I can see are -The colours, which follow the style of the outfit (As in, the different panels in the concept are present in the OA, just in different coloured fabric) -Gloves, they're slightly different in the detailing, Inigo's got a buckle and different stitching to the concept -Belt, it's a bit odd to say, but his is more...delicate. Instead of staying the same width the whole way like the concept, his tapers a little when it gets to the loop, which looks more delicate to me XD -Leg armour, not only the colours, but Inigo has only 2 straps holding the armour on to his legs, not 3. Also not visible in the concept is that the leg armour is two seperate pieces, the shin armour, and the foot armour, which don't appear to be connected to one another (The easiest way to do this would be get a pair of white shoes and build the armour onto it, as the armour bits are indeed, seperate pieces from the shoe, and layer on top of the shoe) -Front of the tunic, after the collar white bits taper finish just below the belt, Inigo's continuation of the tunic (The bright blue bit under the belt on the concept) doesn't seem to be connected to the rest of the tunic. At the very least, it's set deeper (Closer to Inigo's body) than the rest of the tunic, causing a noticible dip in the front. Accomplished by sewing that last bit to the inside of the end of the collar, and then either leaving it unsewn to the sides, or, by having the sides sewn on top of that panel, making it look set in. And this is less a change, but an observation, but the dark blue/white tunic is a seperate piece of clothing to the dark blue/light blue shirt. Shirt is a standing collar long sleeved shirt with poofy sleeves and a small v-neck, would probably be want to made of light/thinner material and form fitting, while the tunic is loose, and should hang some around the belt. Oh, and using the model viewer, he has two blue pouches on the belt of his right hip, the centre of his back he has 3 sort of conical/cylindrical pouches in brown on the belt over his chest, and the majority of his back is in white, so taking the concept, all of the light brown is white on Inigo, the two side dark browns are white, and the dark brown high on the black is dark blue. This is a pretty big post, but yeah, I hope this helps XD
  3. Knights of Iris doesn't have a priest portrait at all (Just checked), just the Hierach, so sort of interesting. I, personally, think Kjelle was a myrmidon sometime in development. This is Kjelle's concept art from KoI http://images.wikia.com/fireemblem/images/c/ce/Degel1.jpg Note the far left one (Yep, that's still her), it looks quite similar to a Myrm/SM getup. For comparison, the female myrmidon concept http://images.wikia.com/fireemblem/images/6/69/Myrmidon_female.jpg
  4. Also the retailers themselves (Except EB because they've got the money to just appease all their suppliers) If a company breaks street date, the distributors can screw with them by 'losing' their shipments, or giving them incredibly small shipments. I know Target in my hometown received just 2 copies of Starcraft II, after a few years before that, they had broken release date on a WoW expansion or some such. Gametraders got into a big hoohah with Nintendo within the last couple of years too, as they've consistently been selling grey imports before the Australian release when the European release is before ours (LoZ:OoT3DS and the first 3DS Super Mario Bros come to mind, I believe Skyward Sword as well they did this too). So Nintendo responded by refusing to offer them stock, to which Gametraders replied "LOL you do that, we're taking you for discrimination/something like that". I've got family who owns a Gametraders store, and he basically told me that EB does msot of the street breaking that happens, they just put the blame on other people, and that, his local distributer at least, doesn't like EB all that much, and has on a number of occasions gone "So the word is EB are breaking date on Monday when they get their shipments. Come pick up yours early, and you've got permission to break date when you get them back to the store. We won't be shipping on the weekend, so you'll have the whole weekend headstart" In the latest leak case, Tomb Raider, I know my store were putting copies out on shelves (Not display cases, to buy cases) about 4-5 hours before they got the email that 'someone' had broken date and was allowed to sell. Not suss at allll guys
  5. I believe my local EB Store made a mention of the XL bundle when I went in and showed them my US Bundle for it, but they didn't have it in the system or anything. Anyways the 20th date was expected, at least that's what I expected when the 19th came along. We usually have the games released a day later than the Europe date cause of timeline differences, especially with download games because of our store just being a substore of the US store On the plus side, our games stores are leakier than the Titanic, so street date has probably, I'd say, a 70% chance of breaking?
  6. Grats! :D Have fun with it, it's a lot of fun XD
  7. And if it wasn't obvious, I can't -stand- Tharja, Severa's pretty ehh, and Laurent, I dunno, I find he's a bit too much like his mother to really be noticed as his own character.
  8. I don't believe either have confirmed the roles, but that's the general consensus
  9. Yep, a number of people aren't listed. I made a topic with them all a while back, but it was a while back XD
  10. 89:20 on my files, 106:07 on my Activity Log XD
  11. Got to 11k while I was out shopping...OTL This is gonna take a while
  12. Someone on GFaqs say they have it, but that's all I know. I'm gonna start grinding for Renown, but I need to summon/fire about 1850 times...
  13. I mean, I could maybe grind Renown by buying Mist's services over and over and over again, but I'd need to be watching a movie or something while I do, otherwise the boredom will kill me XD I'm about 6-7k right now, so I'd need to buy her services...at least 1880 times. ._.
  14. Yeah, he has a beard. Not much of a beard, but it os one nevertheless Far easier to see in his confession image than portrait
  15. Black-brown., the same colour as his eyebrows + beard
  16. Someone on Gamefaqs said it's Supreme Emblem, and the description is "The mark of a hero of the highest renown.". I can't confirm myself though
  17. Nope! XD Just pointing out what seems to be the case so far with these two, It might just be Golden on a two week schedule and not LB, so we'd get LB1 -> EXP -> LB2 -> LB3 & Regalia. Ultimately what we all come up with is just theories. But from what info we have, looks like EXPs early release was a mistake, and it was supposed to come this week, not last. Which makes it a two week gap between releases right now in the Golden series. We didn't get LB2 this week, which means there'll be a two week gap between LB1 & LB2.
  18. EXP release was a mistake last week, according to what we know from Nintendo. Looks like LB and Golden were to be released in alternating weeks from each other, so LB1 -> EXP -> LB2 -> Regalia -> LB3
  19. Yep, Walhart is out EDIT: The Spotpass announcement says this week is just EXPonential Growth, so no LB2 or Regalia this week
  20. XDDD Don't worry, I mean, I'm not precious. It's still a win for everyone whoever gets to put it up XD And seeing as LB2 might not be coming out until next week anyways, it doesn't matter too much XD
  21. I already beat you to that :P Well, sort of XD Hey it works for me, I've got school later todat so you can probably beat me to them, and I' can mop up whatever else is missed XD
  22. This is how Knights of Iris seems to say it happens.
  23. Not much so funny, as a THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING is with Cherche, her base classes are Wyvern Rider, Cleric, and Troubadour. I was really confused, it didn't seem to fit (And seemed like a reverse!Ricken situation) VaikexCherche A support, she was actually training to be a cleric before she met Minerva, which would why both her other base classes are healers.
  24. It's the same for everyone, though. In the endings, Avatar has the dominant ending over her husband/wife, and Avatar's ending basically goes "They became really famous but no one could ever capture their true personality. The only thing everyone agreed on was that they loved their husband/wife, name, above all" So it really leaves what happens to your husband/waifu completely up in the air. Also, what Rey said
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