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Everything posted by Wheels

  1. Doesn't seem to be on the site, my local store guys thought they would be getting it in, but they weren't sure
  2. Just checked out EB Games Australia, and, as expected, they're the exclusive artbook dealers for Australia Preorder bonus EXCLUSIVE to EB Games Preorder Fire Emblem: Awakening - Nintendo 3DS to receive an EXCLUSIVE Bonus Fire Emblem Art Book! *Conditions apply. Limited time only. While stocks last. Not to be combined with any other offer. There's an image too, looks like we get the same book the US did
  3. Oh, it wouldn't be 2 more hours, eShop updates noon EST, so it's actually 14 hours XD Sorry to be a dampener~
  4. No problem~ Well, just woke up, so I feebly checked into the store, ntohing as of yet, which is to be expected. As an aside, I really like the EU eShop's layout better than the NA one. They're basically the same, but, the bottom bar in the EU shop with its helpful links to each specific area of the store (Retail Download, Demos, 3DS Games, DSiware, Virtual Console, Only Available In Stores, etc), is so much better than NA's 'We're gonna put another ad bar here like the top row!' Anywayyyyss XD 12:40 (I'm gonna basically call this 1pm XD) - No show! (UK Time, 2am. Going by the lunch time release places usually have, it should be another 10 hours, so 11pm.)
  5. No problem~ And just to be difficult...XD [spoiler=SB2] Marisa >Battle Leave. Or die. >Death I lost? How... Karel >Battle Come, worthy foe. Feed my blade. Wolt >Battle If we don't fight, who will protect this land? Lilina >Battle I may not win. But I will never abandon hope! Nino >Battle I have to win and prove my worth to Mother! Nergal >Battle Ha ha ha! Look how the little fools all flock to their deaths! Lugh >Battle This land doesn't belong to you! I'll defend it with my life! Jaffar >Battle ...Farewell. Cecilia >Battle Now the enemy is summoning forces from the other worlds? Ill tidings... Perceval >Battle You may find the lances in my world hit harder than yours, ha! Florina >Battle I'm sorry...I'm hardly a worthy opponent... Raigh >Battle Oh, I see. You think you can best me! Let's be clear, though: you can't. Serra >Battle What do you want? Go back through whatever hole you crawled out of! Innes >Battle What rubbish, I need to put an end to this profitless fight. Ephraim >Battle Are you the first to challenge me? I accept! Lyon >Battle I'll face you. This land is mine to protect as much as anyone's. Hector >Battle If it's a fight you want, don't expect mercy to come along with it! Roy >Battle I don't care how strong you are. It's not strong enough! Zephiel >Battle Are you mad? Challenging me is tantamount to suicide. >Death Nngh! If I am finished...then this battle may soon be, too... Amelia >Battle I will surrender no ground! Eirika >Battle Is this fight just? I just hope I'm not being deceived again... (A/N: lol) Lute >Battle You look powerful. You might even stand a chance against me. L'Arachel >Battle What sort of fools would let themselves be summoned into another's war? Eliwood >Battle Go back whence you came, or we will have to cut you down. >Death I wish...that strength had been ours to command... Sophia >Battle Leave this place...or I will have...no choice... Moulder >battle You dare cross between dominions?! You are tampering in the gods' domain! Elincia >Death Then it ends here...Good luck to you... Soren >Death So this is it...Pathetic... Elincia >Death Then it ends here...Good luck to you... Soren >Death So this is it...Pathetic... Lucia >Death Beware the forces of Elibe... (A/N: ...She was killed by Innes. INNES ISN'T ELIBE, LUCIA!) Mist >Death I'm sorry...I wasn't more help... Ashnard >Death Nngh...How could I lose to such...rabble... Geoffrey >Death How could I lose here? Damn... Titania >Death Forgive me...I must retreat... Eirika - Post Battle >Question 1, yes What do you mean, 'sort of'?! Here, you wear it! Then we'll see what you say. >Question 2, yes Y-you would? But you mustn't! You'll only get duped and deceived. ...At least that's what everyone tries to tell me. Still, it's nice to meet a woman/man as trusting as me...Might we talk a while longer? I'd like to know more about you... Ahould be all the unclaimed SB2 as well EDIT: That's the right way to do it~
  6. That's okay XD It's 2am here and I've been on anti-biotics since Thursday XD I totally get brain farts XD
  7. Well, if you give me a sec (To finish my current runthrough of LB3 (NEED MOAR PARAGON)) then want me to start grabbing the SB quotes? EDIT: Poofed by the time I finished, so, I started them at least [spoiler=SB1] Nephenee >Battle A fight? As you wish. Leonardo >Battle What say you go back to your world and let us get on with our lives in ours? ...No? Geoffrey >Battle A knight lives for the fight and rises to every challenge! Mist >Battle Please! Leave this place! Lucia >Battle This is our world! Our rules! Sophia >Death Even if I fail...you'll never... Wolt >Death Sorry, Lord Roy...I can't...ahh... Lugh >Death Raigh, can you hear me? They're...they're too strong... Shanna >Death Nngh, they got me...I have to escape... Cecilia >Death It seems I'm a better teacher than I am a warrior... Roy >Death The rest...is in the visitors' hands... Lilina >Death Roy will finish...what I've started! Elincia - Post Battle >Question 1, No That stands to reason. By birth, I am queen of Crimea, a kingdom on the continent of Tellius. But it was believed my existence would create unwelcome political strife. Because of this, I was raised in secrecy and kept from my people. But a sheltered life taught me other things. ...Self-sufficiency being one. >Question 2, Yes Then count me jealous...I did not ask to rule Crimea- the duty was thrust upon me by birth. Still, I often wonder whether or not I am living up to my people's expectations. Please, tell me more about your ruler, Lady/Sir(?) Avatar. Perhaps I might learn something from it... That should be all of the SB1 unclaimed stuff
  8. Celica is R&R2 ...Oh, wait. Is this a 'No one remembers Gaiden' joke? I'm too sick to care XD
  9. Yeah, I've got a few props, as I've got no handiwork skill at all with wood or, well, anything except sewing XD and they're definitely expensive. Yep, this is the DLC bundle with Ephraim, Celica and Ike, and Limit Breaker, so this is the big one. Just got a text that I've been paid, so yay for that, sadface I choose to use a prepaid credit card instead of one attached to my bank XD Ah well, there's a big fabric sale on Saturday (And I should get my payment into my credit card then) so I only miss out for 1 day XD
  10. I'll be late on my R&R claims, just realised I had no money on my card and it's a public holiday tomorrow so it won't go through >____>
  11. I help run one, so at least I get in for free, but cosplay is expensiveeeee T_T ($25 travel, free accommodation, $180 for making the cosplay (FE8 Lute) and then $200 spent at the con (A wooden prop (Mami Tomoe's musket (Madoka Magica)) 2 plushies and 2 movies))And I just realised that the money I tried to transfer to my card for buying DLC won't get there because tomorrow is a public holiday! Arrrrgh! Dammit Easter!
  12. R&R tomorrow? *checks bank* ...Time to scrounge up some change (Anime conventions, they steal my monies ><)
  13. Sure thing ^_^ Just looked it up, seems to be late Thursday night/Friday, so keep your eyes peeled for then if I'm distracted XD
  14. Generally the shop seems to update in the middle of the day.
  15. LB2 Alm >Vs Morgan (M) Morgan: I realise I'm going out on a limb here, but...Could you just fall over and play dead? Save us both the hassle... Alm: Ha! Quite the sense of humor. A shame it will end with you. Clive >Vs Stahl Clive: You ought not stand against us, sir. Return to your realm with your life. Stahl: Oh, come now. Does that line ever actually work?
  16. Appears the AMA is over, the EDIT 2 on the OP is saying he has no more time Here are the FE related questions In addition to the character Katarina from the DLC, were there any other legacy Fire Emblem characters that you would have liked to illustrate for Fire Emblem Awakening? Ike from Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn Good evening, Mr. Kozaki! In Fire Emblem Awakening, is there a particular character you feel closely connected with? All of their designs are unique by their personalities, so which character do you see yourself as? Vaike. I feel close considering the personality, not the design.. Were you a fan of the Fire Emblem series before doing the designs for Awakening? Actually no. I hadn't played the game before I started to do the design. I didn't know a lot about the game. But that also means I wasn't influenced by the previous designs, so I could work more freely. Hello Mr. Kozaki! Thanks for this AMA. As a big fan of Fire Emblem, I know that many fans initially questioned the character designs for Awakening -- common complaints include eccentric dress and more sexualization and fanservice (1, 2, 3) than the series is typically known for. What inspired you to take this design approach with the series? To me they were not design with fanservice or sexualization mind. The characters personalities are what led to their design. How do you personally feel about Tharja's massive popularity among Fire Emblem fans? Could you explain how you approached this character when designing her? This character has a very dark aura, but she likes the main characters very much.. She could be considered a stalker in another view. This is the only Fire Emblem Character whose figure has been manufactured here in Japan. Are there any characters that you designed for Fire Emblem that got scrapped during development? Or any characters that you wished would have been included but didn't? There were a lot of characters to draw, so there was no big shock when characters who were dropped. When you were designing Fire Emblem characters, did you get any specific instructions as to what each character should look like? Or did they just let your imagination roam free? Also, is there any chance of Knights of Iris being localized? From the production company, I got the personality of each character. I designed the character from this concept. I did a few designs for each character, and the production company chose from these. Just wondering, which character in FE:A was your favorite to design? Also, what was your primary inspiration for the design of armored characters (e.g Social Knights and especially Armor Knights)? Lucina. For the armored charcters, the art director designed the armor, and I designed the characters in the armor
  17. R&R I'll grab Sayri talk with Ephraim, Marisa vs Lon'qu, Harden vs Gangrel and Lyon vs Walhart, I keep forgetting XD Oh, and, I can cover getting Yen'fay's stuff done after he gets released, Spotpass characters are fun for me to speed train up XD
  18. LB3 Saias >Battle with Libra Libra: You're certain we need to do this? Saias: Only if you refuse to leave. Libra: Gods know why I even bother asking... >Death ...Nngh! That look...You know something...Why we are all here... LB2 Nyna Vs Emmeryn Emmeryn: Stand down...Please... Nyna: I sense you have seen much pain, my lady. But while it moves me, we have our own purposes to achieve. >Death You win...I will not bar your path any longer...
  19. The paralogue where you recruit Anna, Thief!Gaius had 2HP left, doubled on to Sumia, who he had a C support with. I figure "Just move them into range, switch to Sumia on full health, all be good.". I then forgot to switch, Gaius was in range of 5 enemies. Dodged them all, killed 4 of them (All of them had 60-80% hit) and the one he didn't kill was an archer. I watched that whole round with baited breath, couldn't believe my luck.
  20. Just saying quickly, if you need me to double check anything, I'll be happy to. I've got postgame files for both a female and male MU, so I can get quotes from any of the characters. As for R&R, I'd expect this week or next to be the release. They usually announce the DLC on their FB page, so look out at that.
  21. And I can confirm Nowi and Lissa as Brides use the Archer animations when they use a bow, so, I guess my theory worked out? (They do that jumping thing archers do on their second shot, which looks really funny XD)
  22. I'm not sure, I can't actually see the DLC Class, because my copy is a digital copy, and the way to see a DLC Class is either through streetpassing (I'm in Australia, I imported, only person I know with the game in my whole state) or by taking the card with the DLC out but have the game card in (Obviously, impossible for me with my digital copy)
  23. Yeah, it was just gold/money, which is really easy to mix up. While i'm at Emmeryn though... Infinite Regalia Emmeryn: Created from...corpses...fallen warriors...Seperated...from what...you once were...Perhaps...we are similar...in a way... EXPonential Growth Emmeryn: Destroying you...will grant me...a lot more...
  24. Just checked it, the quote from her is: Emmeryn: Return...our money...you thieving...fiend...
  25. Oh, Lissa definitely doesn't twirl as much, I've got her as a Bride right now, basically, what it seems to be to me is, if they have a unique win pose as an infantry unit, it seems to completely cancel out the DLC animations. I can't actually test this as I have a digital copy, but, I'd say those with unique infantry poses use the DLC Class animations (When you take out the card with your DLC and check the unit that's a Bride or a Dread Fighter, they take the appearance of the Tactician class, but with the weapons of their respective classes) while those without use the actual animations.
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