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Everything posted by Wheels

  1. Well, she's the RNG goddess, she's gonna make herswlf appear out the wazoo
  2. The lag might not be in the full game, but of course, it might be too. I haven't got any digitally downloaded 3DS games, so I couldn't tell you Also, yeah, if you preorder from a number of stores, they'll ship to addresses within the country, and sometimes out of it. The best way IMO is actually going in on release day and picking it up, but I get that that's not feasible for everyone
  3. It was his 'Predictable' in Rey's video that made me think it, as he sounded like a deeper Malik there, but as I kept listening, I lost confidence in taht prediction
  4. I'm the opposite (Sort of XD) I've only played the GBA/DS versions, PoR just plain old refused to run on my computer, while I'm actually playing Radiant Dawn right now. I like the sprites more than the models of the map in RD (And I'm glad Awakening went back to the sprites for the world map) and I'm about the same on liking the 3D models over the sprite models. And for some reason, RD runs incredibly better on my computer than PoR does. It's magic!
  5. Yeah, Rey made a mention that the exp gain in Lunatic is basically on a timer, so you can't grind for levels on enemies XD
  6. Like I said Ein, my issue with her is her treatment of Noire, which I agree with Strunk in that meeting Noire would have probably changed her to become a better mother in the future, as she goes from "Oooh, I'm going to teach my daughter to be a great sorceress!" to "No, this isn't what future me must have wanted. I loved her, so I didn't want her to become like me." Her support with Nono is downright adorable, and many others, again, I quite like or have no problem with. Ultimately, it's just her treatment of Noire that makes me dislike her.
  7. The problem is with the "Can you fault present day Sariya for something she does in an alternate future?" argument, we see current day Sariya still experimenting curses on her child. NoirexFather C has her under the effects of a curse from her mother. From the support: And when Henry, the father in this case, protests, and goes to ask Sariya to lift the curse on Noire, this happens in Support B: It's the same in NoirexMU father support too.
  8. Also, said this in another topic, but, I think Frederick is Jaimeson Price, he sounds quite a bit like Malik when he says "Predictable"
  9. I think I know who Frederick's voice actor is! Jaimeson Price, who is Iron Tager from Blazblue, Nier from, well, Nier, and Malik from Tales of Graces!
  10. The writing is hilarious! I hope the EU guys keep the US script and just have whatever name changes they're implementing. Also, loving the VAing so far (Still only like 10min into the vid)
  11. Thanky ou very much Rey! I was waiting for your upload! *runs off to watch*
  12. The art book appears to be a Gamestop exclusive I'm excited, just sorted out the details with my US friend, in about a week, he'll have it ordered for me ^_^
  13. Liam as Kain or as an Avatar voice? Liam definitely did Kain, and Voice 2 sounds like Liam's Akihiko voice
  14. Oh yeah, I've played so much P3P, Voice 2 sounded so much like Akihiko it wasn't funny XD Much like Miriel sounded so much like Mitsuru (Gonna make an Akihiko Avatar for when I romance Miriel XD)
  15. Nah, that was Liam O'Brian, who looks to be a Male Avatar voice
  16. General consensus seems to be Chrom is Roger Craig Smith (Sonic, Chris Redfield) and Lissa is Kate Higgins(Sakura from Naruto, Pascal from Tales of Graces)
  17. Just checked, Lissa can get 750exp from that staff on Normal, so it's impossible to get her to level 10
  18. I'd be happy to help out once my bundle arrives *sympathies for being a EU gamer*
  19. Bundle and the cartridge~ I'll be importing the bundle from the US, and getting an Australian cartridge to go in my Australian 3DS.
  20. Or of course, some people do mail forwarding swaps, like you mail forward a UK Limited edition, and they in turn mail forward to you something you pick but you'll be trusting a random stranger you just met on the net. I'm lucky I have friends over in the US willing to go out and buy it for me, so I know I can trust them.
  21. It's like Gamestop, and like Gamestop, Best Buy doesn't accept mail forwarding services, but I couldn't find if Future Shop banned them, so that would be the place to mail forward from.
  22. Yep, I've streetpassed with a 3DS from California at my school locally, so Streetpass works fine
  23. Well to me, a good character is one that can evoke an emotional reaction. So for me, Sariya is a good character. She's just not one I can like, or forgive for her actions, and no doubt that mostly stems from my personal experience with a guardian that's influenced the way your personality is with negative treatment, whether intentionally or not. I still can't find their actions excusable, so it was pretty likely I was never going to excuse Sariya for it, especially with a weaker explanation than I got from my previous guardian.
  24. I'd also really appreciate this, if of course, the demo has avatar customisation
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