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Everything posted by Wheels

  1. For Feb 4: Cry at living in a PAL region, harass my US friends to give me all the goss on the game For April: Depending on school, either: 8:30->12:00=School 12:00->12:10=Getting FE 12:10->12:20= Back to school, playing Awakening on the bus 12:20->whenever I pass out=FE Awakening If I have afternoon classes... 9:00 =Pick up Awakening as soon as the store opens 9:00->9:10=Head to school, pplaying Awakening on bus 9:10->12:45= FE time! 12:45->3:40= Class, majorly distracted from FE 3:40-> Whenever I pass out= FE Or if I don't have classes... 9:00= Pick up Awakening once thes tore's open 9:00->10:00 Bus home, playing Awakening 10:00->Whenever I pass out=Awakening
  2. Yep! If you have funds on your account, it'll use them, and only prompt you with paying with a card if you don't have enough on the account to buy the DLC you want.
  3. True...but, everything else so far follows that rule. There's no official art for Avatar, so that's why they might not have shown them yet, and might instead be using a screenshot from the press packet like they did with the streetpass. I'd also kinda expect Avatar to come last, on the day before release, in a sort of big "AND THIS IS YOUR AVATAR, HOW WILL YOU CHANGE FATE? FIND OUT TOMORROW" sort of thing Virion, I got nothin XD
  4. Looking at Videogamesplus (I've never heard of it before) it actually costs about as much to import a 3DS from there as it would to buy it from my local store XD I think I might get the US bundle now...I should have just enough before release
  5. If it's anything like Theatrhythm's DLC, you buy the DLC from the in-game menu, which when you go to buy it, uses your e-shop account funds. If you're going to be buying multiple DLCs at once, it helps to do one 'charge' if your account is empty (You get a choice to only pay for the DLC, or charge $10, $20, $30, or $50 onto your account and then deduct the DLC cost from that when you buy the DLC) so you don't have to be doing credit card details for every single one
  6. By the looks, the order is the order you encounter/recruit them in. So next we should expect Sumia, then perhaps Donnel before Lon'qu, before we get to Richt and Mariabell
  7. "Kellam is our Fire Emblem Awakening character spotlight for today. He is a Shepherd whose infamous lack of presence makes him seem invisible to others."
  8. And in Australia I'd pay $320 AUD ($1 AUD= $1.05 USD) for a 3ds (both original and XL) + Awakening, so $260 sounds like a steal to me XD On the plus side, if the bundle does come out here, they'll probably pull what they did with the Zelda one, and remove the game from the bundle (Europe received the game in the bundle, Australia only got the 3DS (And a badly shopped picture from NoAus with a solid black square over the "Game Included" part) it'll be the same cost as a regular 3DS ($250AUD)
  9. I see Sol now (although if you're using it as 'earth' for the colours, then the naming theme is gone) and Soiree doesn't match, in my head, for the way I learned French was that it was specifically after sunset. Also, it really doesn't matter who the names were done by, they would have had to have been cleared with the higher ups. Sol is a fan transliteration of the katakana, it isn't the official name. The official Japanese name is Sort, doesn't matter how silly it is to any of us, just as the official NoJ name for Sumia is Smia. I get being used to the fan names, of course, but ultimately, the fan names are just that, fan names. NoJ's romanisations beat them out easily in canonisity (Don't care it that's not a word, it's cool to say XD) and make the fan names that are different, (Viole, Vake, Sol, Krom and Sairi just as a few examples that are different in both NoJ and NoA translation) ultimately just mistransliterations, much like Aeris was in the original FFVII.
  10. I can see red being like, sunset, (Which isn't really evening, as that happens after the sun sets (I was taught soiree=the actual time duration between the sunset and whenever you went to bed in my french class, while soir was the name of time of day) but I have no clue how green is supposed to represent day... Also, remember Sol is the fan name, not the NoJ name. The NoJ name is Sort, which removes the reference as well, which kinda points to that it wasn't an intentional reference
  11. Oh, with Cherche. Because there's no accent on the 'e', it's not 'sher-shay', it's just plain old "Shersh". http://www.forvo.com/word/je_cherche/ ^Some french dude saying it XD
  12. Sent off an email asking lots of FE stuff to NoE, so it'll be interesting to see what I get back...Also sent a message to NoAus as well
  13. I'd say it's preinstalled because it'd be cheaper, but I don't know, not part of Nintendo XD Also, this just me being overly hopeful, but I spy French and Spanish on the box so maybe they'll just do a shop putting in the EU logos later and reveal it for us... I tweeted my interest to Nintendo UK about the bundle, but they can't answer questions, so...
  14. http://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/530846_430214140383916_1870510838_n.jpg They've finally put it up on their page
  15. Well, with English, it can't really follow any hard and fast rules when the majority of our language was mugged from other languages. Those words follow, generally, the rules of the language we stole it from, which is why there's so many variations in the 'rules'. Anyways, with c, I've noticed for latin based words (So words taken from any of the romance languages) generally you use cee, and germanic(Not the country, the parent language) based words use k. Also, if anything, k should be phased out, not c, as c at the very beginning of its english life was always a k sound :P
  16. Maybe she'll instead, get a name with a common sound from our speech, like "Uh" or "Um" XD
  17. "Miriel from Fire Emblem Awakening is a Shepherd who adores her research and obsesses over her studies. She’s quiet and organized but can be tough towards people who are careless."
  18. Oh, well, this is my interpretation then. Khaedin is red, Altea is blue (Gra is that part next to it on the right I forgot to circle, oops XD, they're basically fused into one now), Grust is green, Doluna and Medon are orange, Akaneia is pink, Talys is purple (Or, more likely looking at it again, the small island above it) and Aurelis is brown. Basically looks like, if I was to put plates in to show how the continent moved... Long story short, plate shifting changed the face of the continent
  19. They'd save money by including a digital copy no doubt. EDIT: Found a clearish image of the box ad Can't really see the whole of it, but the 'pre-' at the beginning is pretty clear
  20. I found a more exact version above, long story short, the two systems games get merged together onto one account, and then have to be redownloaded EDIT: Ninja'd XD Also, just a quick point, you need an internet connection to do a system transfer, both 3DSs need to be able to connect to the net.
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