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Everything posted by Lamia

  1. seems like a cool idea to get some neat little content out there I've got this old old FE8 project with some rudimentary stuff added to it back when I was trying out GBAFE stuff... just a concept sort of thing and fiddling with the system a little, which I think I should revisit for this ugh but that means I have to do research on how to event... FE4 is my jam and it's hard to break away from it
  2. search for the animations themselves by using the battle animation editor as a reference for what bytes to search from there, once you find the animations, you can get the pointers
  3. shin if you read this, modify your patch to remove the last couple bytes of the ROM, dunno how those got there but doing so resolved the issue of another guy's, and may solve hanhnn's problem too
  4. I think I heard of it sorta? but it's nice to know there's a tool for that, strangely never heard of lunar address though
  5. something about FE5 also bugs the crap out of me in that pointers are handled strangely, but it's probably just a case of me not understanding the method for example when I was ripping some sprites from it in a headered ROM: the master lance battle sprite is located at $28B938, but the pointer at $4967E reads 0xD1B738, a difference of $A8FE00 as opposed to the usual $7FFE00 as with pointing to stuff in FE4 then there's two map sprite walking animation pointers I looked at which had differences of $99FE00 and $9C7E00 maybe the pointers just add different amounts based on where they're at in the ROM... it's really confusing to deal with when trying to rip stuff out of the game to put into FE4, lemme tell you there's a couple places in FE4 where the difference in pointing is $BFFE00 instead (battle sprites and portraits and probably more), but that's easier to deal with
  6. this is incorrect custom battle animations for a character are determined in the character editor, which the animation list is somewhere in the ROM the custom animations themselves have the same entry setup as regular animations if I recall, so you'd just need to find where the pointers and the data are in order to make your own (if there's room or if you can even make extra pointers, if the allotted amount isn't enough...) if all else fails just make custom classes
  7. I'll reiterate that noone should use the FE4Edit for a serious patch because it may overwrite data it's not supposed to as a side note, menu text is at $C2B and can be decompressed, modified, and compressed again by the same program pair in my portrait tutorial, but unfortunately I don't think any proper documentation came with them...
  8. noone should use the FE4Edit for a serious patch because it may overwrite data it's not supposed to interesting tool nonetheless, it got me started on my first experiments
  9. well here's some stuff you might be interested in, but keep in mind it's not translated (I just use google or try to make it out) and sorry I have no idea how assembly works or what it even looks like so I probably won't be much help real animation graphics: verylonglink.txt for each animation entry, this lists off the addresses of pointers to the tiles, the addresses of the tiles, designated number (for use in the battle sprite editor) and the header (I forget what this is for) at the bottom it details sub-parts which are mainly for mounted classes (they use a separate sprite) map sprite walking graphics: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u6rp2sai4u1r2gi/mapspriteanim.txt?dl=1 addresses for the walking sprites for all entries, in order showing the class, start address, end address, and length in hex instruction table (unfinished): anotherlonglink.txt this details... programming stuff I think? I actually recognize a few things I've had to deal with before (like for the statscreen and skill coding) but dunno if it's what you're looking for, I think there's textfiles that have more appropriate-looking codestuff for various things though... battle animation coding (at least I think it is): https://www.dropbox.com/s/jtdfmsnzzxu5cjs/battleanimation.rar?dl=1 I ran across this while delving into binary stuff, I'm pretty sure it has to do with animation coding, but I never tried playing with it much there's probably more laying around but I'm sick and my head spins enough right now
  10. that japanese FE4Edit had bugs and modified data it wasn't supposed to, it's not worth using, and besides, nightmare handles everything it can do just fine (except without a convenient and prettier interface) here's a few sample images from the binary stuff FE5 female sage battle sprites FE5 female mercenary moving map sprites FE5 male swordmaster? combat map sprites to be honest doing map sprite work for more than just moving around is too damn much, there's barely any flipped sprites and they need to account for all eight directions, and besides real animations are pretty much the best in the series and if it bothers people they can use speed throttle on their emulator instead to go further there has to be a new image and new pointer six different times each for EVERY class, so I don't think it's worth it I have notes to locate all real battle animation data (pointers to compressed tiles and animation code etc) but I don't have the know-how to figure out how the actual coding works methinks modifying the sprites is easy enough (febinary's done plenty of that) but of course that has limitations as for spells, I dunno where the map ones are but considering how little tiles they use it'd be hard to do anything custom with them unless you can fiddle with coding once again realtime animations win out on that especially since I have a detailed guide for coding your own
  11. size on disk is pointless to look at, what matters is how many actual bytes the file has, but all of the counts you have sounds correct I would say try finding a different clean ROM
  12. next thing you know people are going to make their own reskinned projects with FE7-XNA which is already a port of FE7 that people already reskin
  13. if the game freezes as soon as you load a savestate, you definitely have an improper ROM and/or patch the 1.94 patch works perfectly fine for me, on a headered (J) ROM one thing I hope you're not doing is stacking patches (easily corrupts...) since I knew someone who did that and didn't get a fresh copy each time additionally, what are you using to apply the patch
  14. just to let you know, you successfully loaded the ROM with the srm file because you aren't actually using the patch at that point and the game will play the regular version normally I have a feeling that perhaps you don't actually have a clean (J) version? make sure you're not patching an already-translated/modified ROM (user error more often than not) personally I'd say make a savestate on a vanilla ROM at the title screen or file select then rename the savestate to the patched ROM and load from there, although it's just a workaround I suppose and not a solution as for camus's patch, that sounds like a character/event issue so it's probably nothing wrong on your end
  15. I answered your question in the separate topic http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=58275#entry4070155
  16. if I bothered to learn how to program I would have done it already, at least for the jugdral saga (they have the same engine after all) considering their ripping good popularity for projects (read: none) I doubt we'll see anything fancy like that anytime soon however if SOMEONE wants to take it up I'd be willing to provide all kinds of help and notes and etc
  17. Lamia

    FE5 stat caps

    try out the 30 cap patch with Lunar IPS, make a log file and open it up, it should give you a good place to start
  18. dropbox is pretty handy for sharing stuff other than that, pretty sure you can attach zips on serenes
  19. you probably don't have the right version, see if the patch works if you add/remove the header ($200 bytes at the start of a ROM)
  20. you may as well post them if you like as far as I can tell it looks like the reskinned soldier? I had put the female one into my own project as well also, the soldier and prince there can be given shields if they're using the soldier animations, you just have to define it in the shield editors I seem to recall one project out there that had not slow-ass soldiers, but mercenary animations wielding lances... I tried to import the same animation into my own project, but it kept freezing, so there must be something more to it, and sadly I could not find a patch or other way to implement it
  21. the problem with menus is that they are fixed-width and the game uses a lot of kanji unlike FE4 so menus are small, so finagling is required if one can't find a way to expand the menu (pukachi's project for example) he just overwrote the tiles with squeezed letters which is a simple way to do it (I did that for my project's weapon ranks) but I dunno if you'd have enough room to do that for everything both FE4 and FE5 use Shift-JIS codes for their menu text which should make it (marginally) easier to find stuff
  22. maybe it's case-sensitive (programming is picky at times had to ask)
  23. a good way to recruit people is to be transparent and upfront, and not ask people to come to you when you're the one that needs them, purposefully inconveniencing potential candidates isn't great form (even though this romhacking community is kinda small I think...) anyway, you could have provided even some basic information like what sort of project it even is and the content that can be expected (length, story/gameplay focus, customization level compared to vanilla, etc)
  24. it's not compressed, like I said you can find the text itself in a tile editor, unless a few things are missing, but I doubt it FE4 is the one with compressed menu text
  25. menu text is not compressed in FE5 and I'm not exactly sure what you mean by 'not translating the menus' yet 'update character, item and class names' because that's where they are
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