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Der Kommissar

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Posts posted by Der Kommissar

  1. Just wanted to let you know, I'm now a fascist asshole. :awesome:

    Let the games begin! :newyears:

    Now where's my phantom jerk emoticon?

    Oh, there we go.


  2. Missile shields are increasingly effective against missiles. Even one successful ICBM kill saves thousands of lives and multiple cities - remember that they tend to have multiple warheads that are dispersed against multiple targets. A full scale nuclear war is very unlikely (anyone that can build a decent arsenal tends to be stable enough not to want to use it and die), making it easy for a robust system to deal with a rogue or accidental launch rather than immediately launching a counter-strike on the assumption that nuclear war is imminent. Finally, the argument that the systems aren't 100% effective is a farce, because no system is 100% effective.

    Of course, they're not useful against bombers at all.

  3. To my knowledge there's only been three different recordings of earth-like planets. Meaning, it seems that the planets are going through the same cycles we did. In those cases, one planet didn't have enough oxygen, one planet was just a little too cold, and one has been too hot.

    Perhaps I'm twisting it a little bit though. I'll be honest, I can't remember if there's only two or three.

    You're not twisting it, you're just ignorant on the subject. Terrestrial planets (rockballs) are extremely hard to spot with current technology - this is why it seems that almost every planet we find is a big fucking gas giant: they're comparatively easy to spot.

  4. I don't believe in ghosts any more than I believe in gods, Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, or an honest politician.

    As to aliens, I rather expect they exist, have existed, or will after we're gone. The fact that life exists at all is a decent argument for more, considering the ridiculous scales of time and space that constitute the universe as we know it. As realists will point out, however, our chances of encountering sapient life on a level where it can communicate across the stars or send things into space are dismally low for pretty much the same reasons. I dismiss claims of UFOs as ridiculous. Crossing light years is no mean feat at any speed, and you mean to tell me that aliens have done this in order to abduct cows or fat rural people? Spare me.

  5. The people who work for gamestop are troglodytes and will be useless. Skip them and go to the manufacturers. I don't know about Sony, but Nintendo has a good reputation for replacing defective units.

  6. No, there's a quote at the end of the novel about the pigs being indistinguishable from the men as they break out in a fight over a game of cards.

    You're the pig. You're not really distinguishable from the balkanized Arab. You identify an entire ethnicity by their religion, decide that they are immediately hostile, and revel like a naive child or a vicious animal in their suffering, whether the person has verifiably done wrong or not. The only thing that seperates you at all is that, once upon a time, an Austrian madman killed a fuckload of Jews, and that has served to earn you a weird sort of political favoritism in the western world born out of one part guilt and two parts political expediency.

    I have no more love for the Muslim faith than I do any sort of sand-savage sky worship, but I'm not so ignorant or malevolent to write off a people based entirely on their ethnicity or idiot beliefs.

  7. One less Arab in the world is a good thing. Sorry if that sounded incredibly racist, but as a Jew and as a MORALISTIC HUMAN BEING WHO ACTUALLY VALUES LIFE, I don't care.

    There's a line in Animal Farm that reminds me of people like you.

  8. No mockery, Black_Knight?

    Son, I am disappoint.

    Yeah, on the scale of things likely to end the world and/or humanity, the end of the universe as a possible host for humanity is not exactly high on the list.

  9. "Not realistic" is putting it mildly. It would require a misunderstanding of how stars operate so fundamental that it would be the equivilent of going into space and finding that the Earth was, after all, flat.

  10. It's far more entertaining to me when a teacher mocks or humiliates an insolent or trouble-causing student. It's fun to watch their cockiness shatter under intellectual superiority alone.

    That's mostly limited to high school, where students seem more given to actively antagonizing their teachers.

  11. I have both internet explorer and firefox. Firefox may or may not make way for google chrome, pending opinion of people I actually respect, as I've been made to understand that it has improved significantly.

    I mostly use IE to upset people who actually give a shit about the browser wars.

  12. People should proxy Sonic's votes up too. Beat them at their own game.

    You're an utter moron if you think you can beat 4chan at crapflooding or anything crapflood-related, provided sufficient interest by its ridiculously large userbase.

    (Also, butthurt, u mad, etc.)

    More interesting for me is Little Mac vs. Cloud.

  13. I don't understand the logic of voting against Master Chief just because his fanboys are annoying.

    Don't be obtuse. Of course you understand doing something specifically to upset someone else.

    Also of note is the current contest between Little Mac and Cloud - Little Mac is winning. I'm hoping for the finals to be Little Mac vs. DHOUK NHOUKEM.

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