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Everything posted by Redwall

  1. It's morally wrong to resent someone because of race or sexuality and such, and I would think that such hate groups have a deleterious impact on society. However, I don't know if it's the best thing to outright ban these groups from existing.
  2. You're missing the point dude. There is a difference between what is morally wrong and what is legally wrong.
  3. Panne's worthless as a lead combatant in HM LTC I think (great Pair Up bonuses though); the Second Seal costs a turn. She's not very good in Lunatic LTC since she has so much trouble gaining EXP (and, again, the Second Seal still costs a turn), though she can probably be useful in Chapters 12 and 15.
  4. Nintendo Entertainment System (NES): Tetris Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES): Link to the Past Nintendo 64: Pokemon Stadium Nintendo Gamecube: Paper Mario: TTYD Gameboy/Gameboy Color: Pokemon Yellow Gameboy Advance: Fire Emblem 7 Nintendo DS: Fire Emblem 12 Nintendo 3DS: Etrian Odyssey IV Playstation: Final Fantasy Tactics
  5. Yeah, I understood the argument, and I tried to address it in my earlier post (which assumed Chapter 2 since I think the Prologue can be done reliably with either +HP or +Def). What I was trying to get at was that the +Def can benefit across multiple turns: for example, if you get hit once during EP 1, use a Vulnerary during PP 2, then get hit twice during EP 3, you effectively save +6 HP, and the bonus Def continues accruing its effective-HP advantage, whereas the +HP only confers +5 HP regardless of how many hits/Vulneraries you take. +HP asset is definitely better against Luna+ guys though.
  6. I don't know if I'd say lack of story / character development / decent graphics / etc. are the main reasons people dislike SD, but they aren't negligible imo; presentation matters. For me, the gameplay just got stale pretty quickly in FE11. I'm not that impressed with the non-essentials in FE12, but a) FE12 is actually fun to me and b) IS at least tried to glam up FE12.
  7. That's not quite true. Using the growth rates from the site (which short-sell +Def Avatar in this comparison due to the HP growth being a bit lower than the actual value), a Lv. 8 Avatar has 24.6 HP and 11.15 Def on average, and you're likely pairing him up with Stahl or something to boost Def further. With a Thunder tome, you won't get 2HKOed at full health unless two Barbarians attack on the same enemy phase (which isn't happening if you bait the AI well). Since the site's HP growths are too low, it may be the case that even a Barbarian duo can't take out an average Lv. 8 Avatar. Also note that after taking n attacks, your remaining HP is going to be n*(Def - <enemy_Atk)) + HP, and that a point of Def can save you many points of HP across multiple enemy phases; Lissa isn't always going to be in position to safely heal the Avatar.
  8. Aesthetics make some difference...for example, if Awakening weren't so shiny, more people would notice the bland map design. Maybe it's just me, but even FE12 looked a lot more polished than FE11 visually. When I played FE11 for the first time and saw the first map, I was like "oh goodness, my eyes," whereas I didn't get that feeling with FE12. Gameplay-wise I can't comment too much on FE11 since I just stopped out of boredom upon reaching Minerva's recruitment chapter. But the first three chapters require a shitton of luck to clear quickly, which is annoying. Some of the later ones feel very same-y due to the low enemy variety. FE12...although I dislike its lack of character balance and its increased emphasis on AI manipulation, the maps are generally well-designed, and the music and visuals are OK. Personally I prefer FE7's hard modes over FE12's Lunatic difficulties since H3 and H4 feel a bit fatiguing (at least to me); I would have liked to see easy-ish levels like Chapter 13 occur at a slightly (but not drastically) higher frequency.
  9. Try quoting this post (no need to actually respond though) and click the upperleft-most button on the Reply subwindow. Here's a template: I suggest using a text editor like Notepad++ or Vim instead of typing stats directly into the Reply interface.
  10. Wolfguard get. What a terrible chapter. [spoiler=Chapter 17 (5/156)]Pretty boring chapter if done in five turns; a four-turn clear with Tomas recruited was possible (and I actually did it) with one Again and one Rescue use, but my team's stats low enough to make the four-turn somewhat unreliable. I bought an Arms Scroll for Luke, a Dracoshield that I didn't use just yet, and a Spirit Dust for Linde. I also used two Speedwings on Luke. Finally, I forged a +5-Mt, +5-Hit Ridersbane in preparation for the upcoming stages. Probably some more expenses were made that I can't remember. The idea was to have most of the team head down and keep a Sniper and some backup to handle the Dracoknights. Tomas was recruited on turn 1, and Samson and Sheema were recruited on turn 5. Lvl HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp Class Boosters Marth 18.40 35 17 00 18 17 20 12 01 C Swd Lord Secret Book; Energy Drop Heath 16.52 50 23 10 28 25 17 26 08 E Swd A Lnc Paladin Seraph Robe; Dracoshield Luke 8.51 42 22 01 19 25 11 15 03 D Swd A Bow Horseman Speedwing x3; Arms Scroll x2 Mallesia 6.01 35 03 21 09 18 21 08 09 A Stf D Tme Sage Catria 9.99 43 21 03 25 26 22 16 11 A Lnc E Swd Falcoknight Energy Drop Linde 9.31 43 05 12 29 30 23 09 06 C Swd Swordmaster Seraph Robe; Spirit Dust x2 Palla 12.17 44 24 01 30 26 10 18 03 C Bow Sniper Speedwing; Energy Drop; Dracoshield Sirius 9.45 37 17 01 20 21 11 16 03 A Lnc E Axe Dracoknight Speedwing; Seraph Robe; Goddess Icon Caeda 10.02 47 20 01 22 25 25 17 07 B Lnc E Swd Paladin Seraph Robe; Energy Drop x2 Feena 9.29 Etzel 8.71 32 01 12 15 14 09 09 17 C Tme C Stf Bishop Expenses: Lots of stuff (9970 G remaining). [spoiler=Chapter 18 (2/158)]I used on Heath the Dracoshield I previously purchased. Credit to mjemirzian for the general skeleton of the clear, which I had read sometime ago. I had to get a bit creative with positioning due to Marth needing the Starsphere (for surviving a Paladin) and preventing the RHS units from wrecking face with it. Reclasses: Heath (Hero), Luke (Horseman), Mallesia (Sage), Etzel (Bishop), Linde (Swordmaster). Everyone else was in his or her default class tree. Turn 1: Luke had the Starsphere to start and ORKOed the lower-right Paladin. Marth took the Starsphere and got the Lifesphere. Palla and Catria handled two more Paladins. Heath and Xane blocked the right, while Caeda took the Iote's Shield and moved to a square in range of only one General. Linde and Mallesia headed in range of the Ballistae. Etzel headed towards the cave and healed Xane, who also got healed by Mallesia. Turn 2: The Caeda thing was necessary to prevent the path to the boss from being clogged. I had just enough firepower to clear the way to the boss while getting all but the Recover staff at a ~80% success rate. Mallesia needed to use Rescue on Marth, of course. Lvl HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp Class Boosters Marth 18.51 35 17 00 18 17 20 12 01 C Swd Lord Secret Book; Energy Drop Heath 16.97 50 23 10 28 25 17 26 08 E Swd A Lnc Paladin Seraph Robe; Dracoshield x2 Luke 9.14 43 23 01 19 26 11 15 03 D Swd A Bow Horseman Speedwing x3; Arms Scroll x2 Mallesia 6.49 35 03 21 09 18 21 08 09 A Stf D Tme Sage Catria 10.56 44 22 03 25 26 23 16 11 A Lnc E Swd Falcoknight Energy Drop Linde 9.68 43 05 12 29 30 23 09 06 C Swd Swordmaster Seraph Robe; Spirit Dust x2 Palla 12.37 40 25 01 26 23 10 21 03 A Lnc E Axe Dracoknight Speedwing; Energy Drop; Dracoshield Sirius 9.55 37 17 01 20 21 11 16 03 A Lnc E Axe Dracoknight Speedwing; Seraph Robe; Goddess Icon Caeda 10.39 45 21 01 22 23 25 19 04 B Lnc E Axe Dracoknight Seraph Robe; Energy Drop x2 Feena 10.34 Etzel 9.09 33 01 12 15 14 09 10 18 C Tme C Stf Bishop Expenses: None (9970 G remaining). [spoiler=Chapter 19 (7/165)]Pretty annoying chapter if you're recruiting the Wolfguard. I thought a bit while doing H3 about how I'd do this quickly in H4 and came to the rather obvious conclusions that a) I'd need a Falcoknight and b) I'd need a Ridersbane forge, subsequently confirming my conclusions by having a peek at a video description (but not the video itself) of a Lunatic Reverse clear of C19 on YouTube. I forged a +1-Mt, +10-Hit Poleaxe to clear out Sedgar's cadre. This wasn't perfectly reliable due to WTD, but I could afford to miss once during turn 4 EP (and, if I had done it more smartly, probably during turn 6 EP also); at 83.47% true hit, the probability of getting one or zero misses against three Horsemen is 92.71%. As his Str was below average, Heath fought once in the Drill Grounds and I reset until he got +Str. He also got +Def, which was nice since it obviated the need for me to buy an extra Dracoshield for him to survive the Paladin Storm. Reclasses: Every combat unit save for Linde (Swordmaster) and Luke (Horseman) was in a flying class. The staffbots were in staffy classes. Turn 1 PP: Xane mimicked Heath, who, with a single-use Hand Axe and the Iote's Shield, then flew in range of Wolf and an enemy Horseman near the castle while staying out of range of the Generals. The single-use Hand Axe was to prevent Wolf from dying in the event that Heath scored a crit on the Horseman. Palla moved twice thanks to Feena and equipped a Killer Lance to draw to the left and engage the northernmost Warrior. Catria, who had the Starsphere and the Lifesphere, moved once and equipped a Killer Lance while in range of one Warrior and receiving a Geosphere bonus from Sirius. Everyone else moved up, with the healers treating Xane. Turn 1 EP: While she doubled Warriors with the Starsphere, Catria didn't score a crit on her Warrior. Palla didn't crit either. Wolf and one Horseman started moving; I think on this attempt, Heath got a Hand Axe crit, but it wasn't necessary. Turn 2 PP: Xane used a Killer Axe to finish the Warrior that Catria couldn't. Palla (Javelin) and Catria (Lady Sword) teamed up to KO a Silver Axe Warrior to the east. Heath moved twice thanks to Feena, healed with Vulneraries, equipped the Ridersbane forge, and planted himself just in range of the outermost Paladins near Sedgar. Turn 2 EP: The Warrior previously attacked by Palla died to a crit from Xane's Killer Axe (unnecessary, since it would have died the next EP from Catria's Lady Sword x2, but helpful). The Tomahawk Warrior attacked Palla and took a counter from her Javelin. Heath KOed three Paladins; two of the remaining Paladins headed in his direction, while one headed towards the village (wouldn't have mattered if he joined the other Paladins). Turn 3 PP: Luke, Linde, Caeda, and Sirius were on hand to handle the two Paladins near the center, though only two needed to do anything in this attempt because of crits. Catria finished the Warrior who attacked Palla. Mallesia used Fortify, allowing Heath to safely KO the last of the initial group of Paladins. Xane traded the Poleaxe forge for Heath's Ridersbane forge. Marth kept moving towards the village. Turn 3 EP: Thieves moved, Marth got hit by a Ballista. Turn 4 PP: The Thieves were KOed, with Marth getting one kill and a mediocre level-up. Thanks to Feena, Heath was able to KO the one of the Killer Bow Horsemen with the Poleaxe forge. Luke took the Starsphere from Catria and moved in range of two Horsemen. To survive subsequent attacks from Sedgar, Sirius took the Lifesphere from Catria. Turn 4 PP: Two Horsemen died to Luke's Steel Bow. All but one of the remaining non-recruitable Horsemen died to the Poleaxe forge. Sedgar and Wolf tinked Heath. Turn 5 PP: Marth recruited Roshea, who bought two Pure Waters. Sirius used the rightmost savepoint. Xane moved in range of three of Vyland's Paladins. Feena Danced for Luke, who equipped a Silver Bow, used two Vulneraries, and took a Pure Water from Xane. Catria took the Pure Water but abstained from using it. Heath finished the Horseman he missed during the previous EP. Linde ORKOed the Ballistician with the Levin Sword. Turn 5 EP: Two Paladins died from Xane's Ridersbane forge, while another died to Luke's Silver Bow thanks to the Starsphere. Sedgar attacked Sirius, while Wolf attacked Caeda. Turn 6 PP: Xane traded the Ridersbane forge to and mimicked Palla to avoid getting KOed by Vyland. Luke and Palla finished the two remaining non-Vyland Paladins. Catria moved northwest slightly and used a Pure Water. Mallesia initially used Physic on either Luke or Sirius, with Etzel healing the other. Feena Danced for Mallesia, who teamed up with Linde moved to trap Wolf, who was adjacent to two mountain tiles, and Mallesia used Rescue on Marth. Turn 6 EP: Twenty reinforcement enemies appeared. Heath KOed three Horsemen with the Poleaxe forge and weakened a Paladin; I'm 99% sure that had I positioned Heath one square further south, I would have only needed to KO one of two Horsemen (the third wouldn't have been able to attack from 1-range), improving reliability noticeably. It worked out nonetheless. Vyland attacked Etzel, while Sedgar attacked Sirius again. Wolf couldn't attack due to being boxed in by the mountains, Mallesia, and Linde. Turn 7 PP: Marth moved as close to the castle as he could and used a Levin Sword for some chip EXP. Luke passed the Starsphere to Catria, who KOed from 1-range a Sage blocking the RHS of the castle, barely surviving thanks to the Pure Water. Mallesia healed Caeda with Physic and used Again on Marth thanks to Feena. Caeda took the Starsphere and ORKOed a General blocking the RHS of the castle; Heath took the Starsphere and Lightsphere from Caeda and ORKOed the boss with the Hammer. Roshea recruited Vyland recruited Sedgar recruited Wolf, who chipped a DK for Sirius (who was healed by Etzel) to finish. Marth Seized. Lvl HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp Class Boosters Marth 19.13 36 18 00 18 17 21 12 01 C Swd Lord Secret Book; Energy Drop Heath 19.47 50 26 10 26 23 18 30 05 B Axe A Lnc Dracoknight Seraph Robe; Dracoshield x2 Luke 10.73 43 24 01 19 27 11 15 03 D Swd A Bow Horseman Speedwing x3; Arms Scroll x2 Mallesia 8.59 35 03 21 09 19 22 08 09 A Stf D Tme Sage Catria 11.73 45 23 03 26 26 23 16 11 A Lnc E Swd Falcoknight Energy Drop Linde 10.71 43 05 12 29 30 23 09 06 C Swd Swordmaster Seraph Robe; Spirit Dust x2 Palla 13.15 40 25 01 26 23 10 22 03 A Lnc E Axe Dracoknight Speedwing; Energy Drop; Dracoshield Sirius 10.32 38 18 01 21 22 12 16 03 A Lnc E Axe Dracoknight Speedwing; Seraph Robe; Goddess Icon Caeda 10.77 45 21 01 22 23 25 19 04 B Lnc E Axe Dracoknight Seraph Robe; Energy Drop x2 Feena 10.34 21 08 Etzel 10.00 33 01 12 16 14 09 10 18 C Tme C Stf Bishop
  11. I'm playing this on a DS while riding an emu.
  12. I dunno, while I could maybe see you beating it in five turns with some patience, anything faster would require way too many Dual Whatevers and human time.
  13. Pro: 4 C1: 4 C2: 6 C3: 4 C4: 3 C5: 5 You should be able to get these turncounts without +Spd. I don't see +Spd helping in any of these stages except for maybe C5.
  14. The Javelin had +1 Mt, but neither the Javelin nor the Wo Dao had any +Crit. I wound up going for a more reliable five-turn clear instead since I didn't feel like rigging arena growths for MU at the time. I'm at the start of Ch. 19 now and, in anticipation of the promoted enemy stats in that chapter, rigged a point of Str for MU and a point of Spd for Luke, both of whom were and still are below average in those respective stats. So um, I guess my current team could do a four-turn clear of Ch. 17 just fine. >_> I'll update once I figure out Ch. 19.
  15. I don't see +Spd being useful outside of Ch. 5; post-C5, the enemies will be doubled pretty easily even without +Spd. Morgan and Lucina should inherit a lot of Spd from the Avatar in all cases since the Pegasus tree has such high Spd growth. The best assets are +Mag and +Def, imo. Panne probably won't be useful after Ch. 15 since the enemies just grow too much. I suspect you can train both her and Cordelia prior to C15 without having them cut into each others' EXP gain, but after that, Cordelia should be more useful due to Rescue and Rally Speed.
  16. You should train an axe user, maybe Draug as a Pirate. Without good Hauteclere and Parthia users, Hardin's kind of a pain unless you use the triangle attack.
  17. While I can see sub-75 turns being doable, a sub-70 clear sounds like it would require way too much manipulation. Money becomes an issue (Rescue staves and forges add up) if you're skipping Anna's Paralogue and clearing Ch. 11 in two turns.
  18. You can just manipulate the AI: Cecille (Peg Knight) flies west to draw three or so dudes left, while the two Bandits towards the right can be baited into attacking different units.
  19. Lunatic LTC is pretty fun until Chapter 13, after which point the game becomes a Rescue-fest. It does take some effort to do the early chapters quickly (granted I didn't do the best job but...).
  20. Alright, so we already have the reverse of this, so now we have this. What are pairings only few people use that you personally like? This can be based on supports, personality, eugenics, etc. I personally will be basing mine on eugenics. Please, because of how entertaining they are to read, engage in shipping wars. Peter Debye x Angela Merkel - BEST GERMAN SCIENTIST with BEST GERMAN SCIENTIST? What's not to love?
  21. I don't personally like JS Bach's stuff, but I wouldn't say he's overrated. Unless someone updated the dictionary recently, who knows.
  22. Eh, I don't really mind the off-chatter too much. I appreciate the post though. So, I redid the playthrough from a battle save in Chapter 16 so that I could use Sirius (who took a Speedwing) instead of Catria in 16x. Although he may well be a dead investment at this point, Sirius' ability to use the Sword Killer as a Paladin (for C20 and C21) as well as his A-ranked Wyrmslayer (for the endgame) as a Swordmaster are kind of appealing. Although I got a four-turn clear of Chapter 17, because Palla (who took an Energy Drop) and my Avatar are both below their averages in Str, I don't really see a way of doing C17 in four turns without some rigging for enemy stats. The gist of the four-turn clear (one Rescue use and one Again use) is to have Mallesia move four times in three player phases (Feena), using Rescue (Marth), Fortify, Physic (Sniper Palla), and finally Unlock on Sheema's door during turn 3 PP. Luke (Horseman) ORKOs the lower-right Warrior in Sheema's room using the Parthia, and Caeda and Marth team up on the Warrior blocking the left subchamber, aided by the Geosphere (one of them must crit with a Javelin or Wo Dao; the conditional success rate of the Warrior KO occurring given my stats is about 50%). Heath plugs the chokepoint from a position preventing Marth from getting hit with a Longbow. Finally, Palla (Sniper) must be positioned 1L of the inactive Archer, and Linde (Swordmaster) is unequipped and positioned 1D of the inactive Archer during turn 3 PP. Catria (Swordmaster) ORKOs the LHS Sniper with the Devil Sword while staying out of range of the expected reinforcements. The main problems are that Palla only has 23 Str as a Sniper, so max HP+Def DKs survive with 1 HP, and Heath is dependent on Killer Lance crits against the beginning Warriors, who get doubled but still survive on occasion. I'll probably just submit a reliable five-turn clear.
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