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Lord Raven

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Posts posted by Lord Raven

  1. 12 minutes ago, Burklight said:

    1. Maybe. But to act like the setup and reasoning for all of them are the same and fit a narrative perfectly is lazy thinking. As someone who would like to see significantly less innocent people die, like most other sane people, I'd like to see some changes. The problem is you have to look at each incident as it's own unique thing if you want to be able to actually point out something that could be done to prevent it.

    2. The Breona Taylor thing is a decent example. While it's likely most of the individual cops involved in that needed better training and shouldn't be working anymore, I think you need to take a step back and think about how that happened. You have a law that say police can enter someone's house without being dressed as police and don't have to announce themselves. How is the home owner suppose to tell the difference between that and an armed robbery? They literally can't, and in states that have castle doctrine laws, there's no version of this that doesn't end up in a shoot out. That's a serious problem I'd like to see never happen again, but it doesn't fit the overall narrative so it generally isn't discussed that way.

    1. In general, if a group of people have power over another, then they need to be extra-scrutinized for any single action they take. You need trust between civilians and local law enforcement agencies. There's been a large history of abuse from officers. If even 10-20% of officers are abusive, hell if even 1-2% of officers are abusive, and nothing is done to hold them accountable, the whole thing is rotten and erodes trust.

    Ultimately, the police need to protect and serve. And as it stands, many who fail at both don't suffer consequences.

    That and, fuck it, police are attacking peaceful protesters to the point where some journalists are blinded for daring to record things. Some PDs are straight up being ordered to cover body cams. Many officers who murder and carry body cams don't face accountability and get hired in the next county over.

    And finally, the previous administration created a police oversight committee towards the later part of its time, and that whole thing was eroded by the current administration because the current administration would suck a cock with a thin blue line on it if the opportunity presented itself.

    There's also countless stories of officers getting fired for trying to stop a shooting, for trying to do the right thing, for talking against superiors who preferred to take the brutality route, for speaking out and complaining to superiors about a fellow officer's conduct, etc. ACAB comes about because of the erosion of trust and how the lack of accountability doesn't create an environment for a good officer to thrive. You're either complicit with abuse or you're not an officer in many many places.

    EDIT: then they get blackballed

    2. That's not the only thing. It doesn't explain why black communities are a ton more likely to be overpoliced to begin with, or how black people receive harsher punishments for the same crime, and black people are more likely to be caught than white people, etc.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Even though Lord Raven would tell you otherwise, I'm not against things like Colin Kaepernick wanting to protest either. I just don't agree with how he did it.

    "Even though Raven will tell you otherwise, I agree with protests, I just don't agree with the kneeling."

    I can pull up loads of proof that this is false, by statements that come out of your own mouth. You dismissed Bob Costas' take on it because he was being "too critical" of Trump.

    Don't try to save face. You can own up to things and admit you were wrong, and people would think better of you. But everyone I know... is groaning that you made a thread on race relations, while denying anything and everything. I mean, it makes sense you voted for Trump -- he does all the same bullshit, he sat back and whined about negative coverage instead of doing anything in favor of the protests or to combat COVID19.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Armchair General said:

    You do realize that those subs will be back under an different name, right?

    The_Donald has been gone off reddit for around 4 months. They moved to their own domain, which is still pretty bot dominated. They've moved around, but never in mass. When it got too big, they got nuked. These aren't the only bans that have happened over the last few months.

    So... they haven't been back under a different name. The_Donald was thoroughly and utterly razed to the ground the last 3 months, and today's ban was only a formality.

    Regardless, good luck re-making The_Donald...  it'll get nuked before it hits 5 digit subs if it's remade. Let alone the 6-7 digit subscribers it had before death.

    For the record, altright got banned ages ago and they moved onto voat. And voat had server issues out the ass, they were so racist that the_donald wasn't allowed on there, and they couldn't secure funding to help their server issues.

    Deplatforming works. Unification by hate simmers out when you reduce their numbers.


    (I've been following reddit goings-ons very very closely and seeing how the admins react over time.)

  4. 7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    You literally just mentioned that a lot of people, dis-proportionally blacks, were unfairly imprisoned. I posted stuff saying a lot of prisoners were released for various reasons. Many of them would be black.

    Also, 3100 prisoners being released... is meaningless, when there's millions of people in prison in the US. 53k over 10 years released from federal prison... is a meaningless number, too.

    A veto-proof majority means that no matter what Donald Trump does it's going to pass. You could put the corpse of Reagan there as president and the bill would pass. There's like a million other points and you focus on the one that claims prisons are another form of slavery, and you attack it in the completely wrong way.

    You don't have a good time arguing because you try to win and you argue in favor of the racist. 

    4 minutes ago, Armchair General said:

    As far as the wealth gap goes, exactly how much effort that people are going to close it?

    You can start by reducing the value of housing. You can also start by enacting housing policies that make it easier for poor people to get affordable housing. You can also allow black people in your school district instead of making weird penis shaped districts to prevent it.

    Otherwise, really nothing. Police work for suburban whites (anyone "weird" or "sketchy" or "dark skinned" you don't want around? remove them), and having black neighbors reduces the value of your house. These are known things.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    That has very little to do with anything I've said. Especially since it was Congress that passed it with a veto-proof majority... Trump did jack and shit.


    I have not ever had a good experience trying to debate anything with you, whether it's this or NFL games.

    🙂 you were against the kneeling, banned from my server for racism, and now you're complaining about mass protests. Of course you'll have an awful time.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Uh. You do realize slavery was abolished well over 100 years ago, right? It's illegal. Anyone that gets caught doing it gets busted.


    First off, no, this is 100000% false. Prisons are a good source of slavery. Guess who gets disproportionately thrown into prison? And guess how legal it is?

    (It's pretty fucking legal)

    Second off, slavery isn't the only form of oppression. Segregation exists. You know Terry Bradshaw's career started not long after the Civil Rights act of 1968? And you know segregation is still happening? And you know how black people make far lower wages and have far lower wealth than their white counterparts on average?

    They modified slavery to fit the constitution. That's all.

    3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I said it isn't the place to insult someone for who they want to be in office, not that it isn't the place to discuss race issues. Why you think these are exactly the same topic, I don't know.

    When the man in office a) is trying to make it worse, b) threatens protesters, and c) exhibited all these signs blatantly during his campaign (and we clamored about it to deaf ears), yes I think it's wise to blame Trump voters. Or at least inform that they are responsible, since they're the ones complaining the most.

  7. 1 minute ago, Armchair General said:

    That isn't much of an excuse. Shit's been going on since that guy who was beaten by the jailors in LA. It ain't hard to wise up and take a hint.

    What are you talking about?

    Police officers have almost never faced a conviction for murder until recently. It was rare as shit.

    Ever heard of Qualified Immunity?

    1 minute ago, Armchair General said:

    Nobody can predict how an politician will turn out.

    lmfao we predicted his poor reaction to everything four years ago on this forum, including the racism, but we were told that he wasn't racist and his supporters weren't either and yet here we are

  8. 4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    No person has said it for that long though. Because nobody lives that long.


    ever heard of history...  because black people have been enslaved and brutalized for 401 years on this land. Native Americans have been slaughtered en masse then put on reservations to die while nobody cares about them.

    Nobody lives that long, but 401 years of oppression has breaking points.

    4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    And don't you dare start shitting on people for who they vote for. This is not the place for that.

    Considering the president retweets people shouting White Power, puts 88 dollar baseballs on his shop, retweeted a guy saying "the only good democrat is a dead democrat," "when the looting starts the shooting starts" (reference to a racist miami mayor from the 60s), who gassed protesters to make a virtue signalling photo-op at a church after calling the military to take down peaceful protesters, actively tried to send out wanted posters for people who took down racist confederate statues...

    yeah, i'm not going to give voting for Trump much of a pass. His dumbassery and racism -- in poorly handling a pandemic that is disproportionately targeting black people among other things -- was part of the reason this whole protest sparked off.

    Reap what you sow.

  9. Huffman isn't out of the woods yet.

    But at least this happened. The_Donald was like 5 years too late.

    Deplatforming works.




    Adam Serwer makes a good point. That's probably why Roberts is voting in favor of liberals here.

  10. The premise of the thread is "I'm sick of the race problem being in my face." Minorities are sick of their race factoring into every little thing they do in every single interaction with white people. Everywhere from being more likely to be fired, less likely to be taken seriously, and anytime there's a protest you get told a) you're making us uncomfortable (like we don't already feel constantly uncomfortable), b) do it on your own time (then how will anyone understand?), and c) we're post racial thanks to MLK peacefully doing things (all a lie).

    Centuries of slavery becoming gaslighting, and the US is still wildly segregated. 

    So yeah, if suburban whites could just be accepting towards black people, then maybe their targets wouldn't be getting looted right now by opportunists.

    Seriously, it wasn't just George Floyd. That Karen in Central Park knew what could possibly happen if she called the police on a black dude and weaponized that. Breonna Taylor's boyfriend shot back at some dudes who broke into his house and killed his girlfriend, without a knock or identification. Ahmaud Arbery was killed by former police whose local judges didn't wanna prosecute. The list goes on and on and on, and there's so many we don't even know.



    Is it going too far? Fuck all that, it's always been too far. Now people are pushing back. Especially since Trump is openly a white supremacist.

    And to think Trumpies and radical centrists gaslighted us into saying "listen to the other side." Fuck all that.

  11. I'm not gonna link to that cracker-cunt's Twitter, but I'm going to summarize the bile inducing bullshit I just saw.

    He posted wanted posters of protesters who took down Confederate statues or assisted in it, and he's essentially calling for vigilante justice on them.

    As far as I know it was generic protesters, many were black but one was white, so... He made it just broad enough that you can target anyone p much.

  12. 1 hour ago, Armchair General said:

    Well, according to Wikipedia, someone was shot to death in there a few days ago and the protesters weren't willing to provide any info on it. But I think it started to die off yesterday.





    This why some of departments have started wearing body cams down here a few years ago. Kinda surprised that it didn't become a universal trend, yet.

    Body cams didn't do anything to help with accountibility. In fact there's been no penalty for taping over them in many districts.

    PyroPlazma nailed it, otherwise. For the record, my view was that nobody should have guns and we should disband the military beforehand, and that the populace should be at least as armed as the police (and self defense against police should be justified). I'm all for abolishing the police, but gradually (and with more restrictions on police) so suburban whites don't shit their pants without their personal 911-summon materia.

    I mean, Im on the ACAB train in the sense of how PDs don't have a systemic infrastructure for a "good cop" to thrive, so ultimately you either stop being a cop or you become complicit. It sucks because there's people who legitimately need the work to feed their families and they get ex-commed for doing the right thing. It's fucked, really, so saying ACAB is necessary until the "good" cops can be rewarded for being good, rather than punished.

  13. 8 hours ago, Armchair General said:

    Up there in Seattle, the city cordoned off a section of the city and called it "CHAZ" which is basically an cop-free zone. Now this isn't necessarily a bad thing. Sure, a few grocery stores have packed their bags and left, so people are growing their own food. But the thing is, according to the New York Post, unspecified acts of violence have been happening within it and the local residents and businesses are creeped out by the sound of gunfire and shouting at night. As well as the lack of protection that they would normally have.



    It's literally two blocks and resembles Woodstock more than the lawless nightmare that a place like Fox News portrays it as.

    Based on everything I've read, it's been mostly that, but my info is a week out of date or so.

  14. 1 minute ago, Armchair General said:

    I live in Cali and the last thing I feel like dealing with is some crazy idiot jumping me...and I can't call the police about it.

    Please explain your point in more than a few sentences.

    The only things you've posted in here is complaints about racist statues being removed and calling the looters out instead of the police.

    I think I detect some whistling, but the pitch may just be too high for humans.

  15. 24 minutes ago, Armchair General said:

    So I heard through the grapevine that shit has really hit the fan in Seattle, since several businesses are trying to sue the city for the lack of emergency aid. One notable incident is where an arsonist tried to ignite a auto shop and attacked the owner's son with a knife. The owner had managed to detain the guy, but was forced to let him go because of the enraged mob. I also heard that it's became common practice for business owners to barricade their properties to stave off the crowd.

    Why they never bothered to get the Hell out of Dodge is anyone's guess, but I'm hoping that the idiocy doesn't spread south.

    What point are you making 

    Are you one of those concerned citizens about looting amidst protest

    Because idiocy has already spread south... For generations... I'm not sure that's what you should be worried about 

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