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Lord Raven

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Status Updates posted by Lord Raven


  2. Merry Christmas Queen_Elincia!

  3. Merry Christmas Horace!


  5. merry christmas BRS!

  6. Merry Christmas Lord Glenn!!

  7. Merry Christmas my canadian mofo

  8. Merry Christmas, Mekkah

  9. lol we used to have this old comment exchange way back in the days when FE10 was hard

  10. freedom

    1. Ϲharlie


      Freedom is just a concept. We are all slaves.

    2. buttmuncher.ops


      you ace all your finals?

  11. *shrug* me and a couple friends have had a complete turnaround in college in terms of how hard we try to work. it's pretty interesting how that works, but for some of us high school just doesn't work for us and college just does. basically, if this were high school my attitude towards school would be exactly opposite lol

  12. native marylander? :O

  13. based god link. burned through 3 sets of rechargeable batteries and beat the game at last! perfect segue into the last week of classes

  14. erm... are you one? you actually seem like one considering how often you come here

  15. in college i am attempting to be one... in high school i was lazy as hell. i heavily lucked out with a full scholarship to a nice university (i was ranked 102/299 in high school) so i guess. college is also suited a lot more to my mindset/learning style than high school was... but I suck at a lot of things too, so the lack of social studies helps me a lot

  16. I thought it was kind of straightforward but i'm not the right person to ask about what is and isn't straightforward since i'm weird ^_^ but i haven't finished yet because playing video games when i have stuff to do in school, it just doesn't feel right playing video games until it's all done.

  17. ahahaha glad to know you care about people knowing the difference between us

  18. lawl i saw your about me, the first three lines are pretty funny

  19. when he was about to charge me*

  20. yeah... ghirahim (i keep calling him ghiharam, probably after shiharam) was a wake up call more or less, and I feel like i should fight him again just because i didn't learn as much from the fight as I should've (since I still just spam the sword against moblins to kill them) but i had no clue what was going on the first time. i think i slashed at him like mad whenever he was about to...

  21. between when you read that and now i have just beat the fifth dungeon... it is ridiculous. i love Koloktos and Tentula as bosses.. apparently there's a boss rush so we can enjoy them as much as we want

  22. HOW IS SKYWARD SWORD??? oh my god i love it so far (i just beat the first dungeon)... i remember you are the one person i remember on this forum who was hyped about it

  23. thanksgiving break. 2 days. even if the family's not going to be around to celebrate thanksgiving, this will be the most relaxing weekend of this semester

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