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Lord Raven

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Posts posted by Lord Raven

  1. On 2/5/2019 at 5:40 PM, Dr. Tarrasque said:

    I guess this is what it takes for middle class folks to turn on Trump. Wonder if turning a blind eye to his racism and gaslighting was worth this.

    Yeah. People tend to realize ideology or hatred or whatever else is overrated when it actively hurts them. Especially since it's now associated with Trumpism or whatever.

    I dunno, I'm high and maybe being a bit idealistic. I don't think Trump will win thanks to tax season.

  2. i don't think i have a single reaction for that game

    i just remember suffering through the first half because i was playing a drinking game where we took a drink for every rams first down. thankfully i was drunk as fuck for the fourth because that was the worst super bowl i have ever seen by a country mile and i feel like the patriots deserve their 6th ring because frankly it felt like the patriots just kinda intimidated teams on their way to the lombardi

    seriously did they castrate every single member of both super bowl teams? what the fuck did I just watched???? that shitshow of a super bowl was the worst fucking thing ever. i really just want to say "fuck it new england take your 3 playoff wins and your super bowl ring and let's all pretend this super bowl never fucking happened"

    i am so glad the patriots got their 6th ring in the most flaccid way possible. i'm actually very neutral to it, as i am to the result of this super bowl

    like i'm just really happy that super bowl ended because it was such a shitshow of a slopfest of a super bowl

  3. 1 minute ago, Tryhard said:

    For what it's worth, I don't know about the homophobia claims myself. There was a video of him arguing with Christian protesters as a Christian about gay marriage. I don't think that's something a homophobe would do.

    The other claims are more personal and I don't really know enough to comment.

    To me it felt like a homophobia or Nazi allegation is people piling up on someone rather than something substantial. The harassment and bad PR are definitely more than enough to sink him and I'm unsure why people are grasping at straws.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Azure the Scale Tipper said:

    How so?

    I have not exactly seen all sides of the argument yet, but so far most things other than maybe he harassment (such as accusations of homophobia) seem to be unfounded.

    I don't know about the homophobia but I've mostly heard about harassment which is bad enough as is.

    7 minutes ago, Azure the Scale Tipper said:


    So Vic Mignogna has recently been labeled as everything you have seen in the thumbnail of the video on the previous post by some people. The homophobia stuff is in that first 10-15 minutes.

    I've only ever heard things about harassment and generally being a dick. If you think that the rest of anything is more than some fringes and if your fear is that a character won't be VAd instead of, you know, the fact that he could potentially be a really bad person is kinda telling of where people's priorities are.

    The SJW movement you're railing against is nothing much more than a fringe. You stop a movement by not giving it attention or at the very least trying to understand allegations and incorporate them into your viewpoints. You already failed at the first step; labeling them SJWs and then saying everything is unfounded despite the fact that at least some of the allegations have more truth to it than others.


    EDIT: I would like to say that your OP is among the many concepts Sacha Baron Cohen parodied in Who Is America. 

  5. Well, you start by shifting your politics away from labeling people as "others", then you go from there. Lead by example.

    If other people are doing it too, that's their choice. If you want to "stop an SJW," maybe begin by not referring to them as one.

    Also, the harassment stuff against Mignogna is definitely far from unfounded. People I know are one or two degrees of separation from him and are unsurprised. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Lewyn said:

    They were hitting people low and high at the same time, way way after the whistle.

    A lot of DLinemen do that. Watch an AFC North game from the 2000s if you don't believe me.

    2 hours ago, Lewyn said:

    Payton was suspended cause he was aware of it and didn't stop it, which in essence is approving of it.  It is like some kid in a school beating up all the other kids and teachers, and the principal being aware of it but not doing anything.  Payton has head coach could have put a stop to it once made aware, but he was all for it. 

    Payton was suspended because he got caught.

    2 hours ago, Lewyn said:

    Yeah I'm sure that super late smash hit on Warner had nothing to do with ending his career.  Sure.  Also they busted Favres ankle permanently, no other QB would even finish the game on that. That is what essentially ended his career.

    They were both 38 and suffered much worse hits through their career. They played pre-2005 NFL. The fact of the matter is that Favre's next season hew as 40 and played like 9 games before basically retiring. Warner was old and he missed a lot of games due to injury throughout his career. I mean, bruh, nothing happened to Peyton Manning or Matt Ryan or the other 12 QBs they played that season. Notice the massive age gap.

  7. On 1/22/2019 at 1:41 PM, Lewyn said:

    Saints blown call was terrible but it is hard for me to sympathize with the 'Bountygate' team.  Ending the career of Kurt Warner and pretty much ending the career of Brett Favre.  Absolutely disgusting.  While Greg Williams, who should be in prison, is not on the Saints (but being hired by teams who have no moral decency) Sean Payton was aware of it and approved.  Karma, hey at least no one on the saints got crippled, they just got screwed out of a game.

    Everyone did bounties, as many players have come out and said. The bullshit was that Payton was suspended for it.

    That Saints defense was aggressive and turnover heavy all game. Warner's career was on life support at that point (remember he only started 16 games in three seasons of his career) as was that Cardinals' Super Bowl window, and Favre's career ended due to the Minnesota turf after their stadium collapsed not "bountygate."

    Gregg Williams' speech was definitely taking it too far, but from what I hear it was a league wide problem that only the Saints got punished for.

    Having that said, Stan Kroenke seized land and caused some former tenants of the land to kill themselves just to move the Rams to LA. I really don't believe there's any moral superiority among any NFL team, and I think Washington is the only one that is a clear tier below all the other 31 franchises.

  8. 12 hours ago, -Cynthia- said:

    So people are rumoring Joe Flacco to the Jags (although mostly just La Canfora who is wrong most of the time). I really don't like this idea, they've been pretty much the same statistically the past two years or so, except Flacco is older and more injury prone. Ravens also probably wouldn't have any interest in Bortles, so we'd have to pay both which we really don't have the cap space for atm.

    Yeah JLC kept saying that Harbaugh would leave the Ravens. Welp.

    Flacco to the Jags is a bad fit. I'm not sure how the Broncos cap situation looks like, but the Broncos or the Giants might be the best spot for him to land. As long as he doesn't play for like Washington or New England.

  9. 8 hours ago, Lewyn said:

    Chicago is going to be super depressed for awhile, Bears have been terrible for a long time to finally get to the playoffs, finally win the division after many years, and then to lose like that.  Seems someone did get a finger(s) on the kick so all blame can't go on Parkey, still...ouch.  Reminds me of a few years ago when Blair Walsh missed a kick against the Seahawks that was a chip shot end of game.  Painful horrible way to lose.

    They have a young core, COTY candidate and a young defense. They'll get over it. That's how I go over the playoff loss; Jackson brought us within striking range and made LA quiver for 7.5 minutes, surprising for a "running QB."

    Trubisky's still pretty raw and growing. He's showing tons of promise as is. Watson, his draftmate QB, played far worse in his debut playoff game, and Jackson's debut playoff game just wasn't good for 50 quarters.

    Anyway, fire Marty Mohrningweg. Love me some Joe Flacco, but it's time to move on. Let me post a tweet to emphasize how much I absolutely fucking love Joe Flacco.


  10. 3 hours ago, Roxas said:

    ThE uNiVerSaL eXpeRiENCE

    wait theres barely any shoutout for you here though but wait UHmmMMMM thanks for believing in me and helping me figure out my life when i didn't get into med school the first time???????????? and like not switching tracks to like pharm or something but sticking through with things and actually making it in 2018 yee haw

    Yah but I was tagged so it's a shout out also fuck I've been in school forever hopefully I can get out in a year or two fuck my life 

  11. On 1/1/2019 at 3:54 AM, Phoenix Wright said:

    my favorite thing about him is that we've started spelling his name with a c to represent the most average of grades. :lol:

    i did it because i legit thought that was how his name was spelled

    turns out his name is more basic than that

    also fuck jeff fisher, motherfucker stole trent dilfer's playbook after we fucked their ass in the last week of the 2000 season, and we fucked them up in the divisional round and won a super bowl

    what a fuck


    also i submitted this to dr phil


    i hope they fix their problems

  12. On 12/24/2018 at 9:54 AM, NoirCore said:

    Yeah, if Baker keeps being hot, the Browns may be regular contenders in the AFC in the coming years, if not surprise SB champs. And then it'll be hilarious when people who don't watch football nowadays making jokes about how the Browns are bad have to be broken the news to them that they aren't bad anymore.

    I really wish people made more jokes about the Buccs but they've just been mediocre since the super bowl 


    The Buccs are a perennially way worse franchise than the browns tbh

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