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Lord Raven

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Posts posted by Lord Raven


    can i just say that it's actually going to be great to have a black QB in baltimore? I dunno why it seems fitting.

    Still love Joe Flacco. Brought us a Super Bowl on his back, and torched the Patriots in the playoffs three times (really four, but that first game he attempted like 10 passes and we won like 33-14). But, we can't escape the future. Jackson was supposedly the most pro ready QB of the draft with the highest ceiling and I can see why. Scrambles, goes through his progressions and keeps his eyes downfield. Running is his 10th option on any given pass play.


    Anyway, how bout that clusterfuck of an AFC Wild Card race lol


    23 hours ago, Specta said:

    "But Bengals, Now, That's Where Real Football Is" - Parrhesia

    why did he become a bengals fan



  2. 1 hour ago, Phoenix Wright said:

    2. nope. it doesn't make sense in any context.

    Based on talking to people that live out in the country -- the particular state that I've heard mentioned by name is Maine -- many times civilization is like 20 miles out from where you are. It's not as easy to rely on law enforcement for guns and you also need it for self-defense against wild animals.

    That's the perspective I've heard on this, in which case I would pretty much agree with the bit on having a license to operate certain firearms. This being one of those cases.

  3. That's more or less where I lean, Shob. They're just meant to be talking points rather than strict questions, I don't really mind how people answer it.

    Increasing bureaucracy is an excellent way to control things without banning them imo

  4. LMAO dude you are the best, when the Soros accusations come, (((I))) flex my Sorosbucks. I'm a very rich man, astroturfing the internet.


    Anyway, I'm gonna try to drag this back on topic with some questions for people.


    If you lean towards gun control:

    What kinds of guns specifically do you feel we should ban? What regulations do we need?

    Would you agree there are parts of the nation that need guns to live more or better?

    How would you propose implementing bans on guns that have been commercially available for years?

    How long do you believe gun reform will actually take?

    Do you believe the media posting manifestos and pictures of the gunmen (in other words, ideology) is more of a motivating factor than guns?


    If you lean against gun control:

    How much gun regulation do you actually believe there should be? If so, can you name specifics?

    If guns are used for self defense and more should arm themselves, do you believe the government should take initiative? What prevents this from making a "Mexican standoff" society so to speak? Where everyone is paranoid because everyone has a gun -- is such an anxious society desirable? If not, then what do you propose we do about this?

    What do you think of the argument that we need guns to form a militia against a tyrannical government?

    How much would a gun buyback program have to give you in order for you to relinquish rifles?

    What do you think of the mental illness argument? In what ways should mental illness be addressed to prevent shootings? Which mental illnesses are targeted? What mental illness did the Vegas shooter have?


    I think based on my questions asked it's clear where I lean, but anyone's free to answer. I'm not really expecting anything specific, I'm just gonna take whatever answers in good faith.

  5. What I'm sensing is not that he's trolling (well, he might be, but I didn't want to actually say it outright) but that he's just interested in preaching and not necessarily discussion. Assume the best and see what happens, I say. Good time to practice my patience, tbh. I'm surprised he's only 9 months only than me, though.

    48 minutes ago, CapnStix said:

    Bad and/or crazy people don't care about the laws. They're still gonna do it.

    Your solution to an issue is to ban nothing then, I believe? If so, what is the government for? This is very vacuous logic, because it means that a ban on anything will still lead to that ban being circumvented. This will require a governing body to enforce and possibly even given incentives to the thing that they want to ban. Like a highly competitive gun buyback program, and incrementalist regulations to give people time.

    In either case, I asked you to define what crazy meant. You are correct that people who break laws don't necessarily care that they broke it, but do you mean a crazy person breaks the law? Because any time you listen to music you can buy, you're breaking the law. Does that make you crazy then?

    Furthermore, what do you plan on doing with crazy? Prevent them from buying firearms or ignore it and let us figure it out? Do you believe in Anarchy?

    48 minutes ago, CapnStix said:

    Wanna be safe? Get a gun instead of making everyone suffer. We're allowed to have guns.

    Or, we could call our congressman and work with people on sensible gun control. Go to town hall meetings. Employ some civics and encourage people to join the debate. There's a solution out there, people are just too far on one side instead of going like "here's some problems, here's some trends we're seeing, this is what we can try to fix it." You're employing plenty of partisanship into your post.

    Not everyone is interested in buying guns and not everyone believes we should live in a society that basically exists as a perpetual Mexican standoff.

    Do you not see the problem with this mentality, or at least understand this? You're currently saying that we're being emotional, while also preaching that you will suffer if you don't have guns. Why do I care about your emotions then if emotions are meaningless in these debates? I'm just asking you to put more thoughts into your reply and take your time. We're not out to bite your dick off, bro, so just chill, smoke a joint, grab a beer and shoot the shit. Be somewhat formal though, it's SD.

  6. 35 minutes ago, CapnStix said:

    Mocking you'd be rude, so I won't. What is crazy? Someone who kills for no reason. Sounds pretty crazy.



    Sure, it can be used in that context, but if you want to somehow solve a problem with "crazy" then you have to first actually define what you mean by crazy.

    Are crazy people just normally abrasive people? If so, a vast majority of the East Coast is crazy. They are not.

    Are crazy people mentally ill? In that case, the vast majority of human beings would be considered crazy. Interestingly enough, I was hoping you would talk about mental illness in more depth, but I didn't lead you enough and I do apologize.

    I believe you are attacking gun control as a concept yes? So are you suggesting we should fix the issue of having crazy (I'm assuming you mean mentally ill -- but honestly, I'll let you talk) people? Or should we prevent them from having access to guns? I'm very confused as to what your standpoint is.

    @eclipse I believe we should be more patient and allow @CapnStix clarify his position. Depending on his response, I probably wouldn't argue with you either way. I hope my questions are more leading.

  7. 11 minutes ago, CapnStix said:

    Not really. And I've seen that alcohol kills more than guns. So gg, try again next time, please.

    I wasn't aware I was playing a game. Please don't treat this like a game. You seem like you're trying to win and find contradictions in my argument rather than trying to have a conversation with me. I would appreciate it if you treated me like a human being and not a video game you're trying to beat, because based on what I've seen of you... that's what you are doing in this thread.  But if my pleading you goes poorly, I can just ignore you from here on out anyway. Don't feel too much pressure to treat me like a human being.

    Regardless, alcohol is used significantly more as a social drug, and overuse of alcohol is seen as a mental illness. You are outlawed from using it below 21 and there are serious consequences for both the user and the person supplying the user. Our society has put the proper regulations to ensure it kills as few people as possible, including suspending those who drink and drive.

    Do you sincerely believe that people are willing to put the same kinds of regulations on guns?

    11 minutes ago, CapnStix said:

    But you have to be a freaking crazy person to end another human life. You can be sane one moment then crazy the next.

    You got evidence for this? Cause the Vegas shooter wasn't crazy, and he ended human life.

    What are you defining as crazy? A particular disease? A symptom? Because crazy people are everywhere and don't kill, and sane people kill. Is everyone in the military who has participated in combat mentally ill then?

  8. 4 minutes ago, CapnStix said:

    I'm well aware, but there are dangerous people. Acting like the tool they use is bad, is...to be honest, really stupid. Why don't we ban baseball bats while we're at it?

    There does not exist a single situation where I bring a baseball bat into a store and I do not get suspicious looks or the cops called on me or something.

    You can conceal a hand gun much easier than a baseball bat. You can also shoot someone who's about to call with a gun. Dude with a baseball bat has to fuckin walk to bash someone's head in when they have a phone in their hands.

    Dude with the Knife won't be as easy to identify, but MAN he has to do work. One stabbing and he's pretty much done. You can run away much easier than from gunfire.

    There are orders of magnitude difference between guns and knives/bats.

  9. 1 hour ago, CapnStix said:

    So we're doing this "but feelings" thing? Banning guns doesn't decrease violence with guns. And guns aren't dangerous. Live grenades are, though.

    Whether or not it does, you can't argue that feelings are totally irrelevant. Emotions and personal experience inform arguments, but arguments are supported by facts.

    Either way, there's plenty of stats both ways which show gun control does or does not lead to mass shootings. I don't believe in a blanket ban just because it's not practical, but let's not pretend that sitting on the issue will suddenly make things better either.

    1 hour ago, CapnStix said:

    It seems ridiculous to ban guns just because crazy people keep killing people. Outlawing rape is ridiculous because most people don't rape. There's no reason to control guns. In fact, government controlling guns is unconstitutional. It's our right, you know? Change that, and only good suffer. Rapist, thieves, murderers do it cause why not or just because. They don't care about rules.

    1) So what do you propose doing if it's just *the crazy* killing the crazy? The Vegas shooter wasn't crazy. You're bringing up an extremely broad concept here; what are you defining as crazy here? Depressed? Anyone can snap and kill, regardless of mental health issues.

    2) Outlawing rape is ridiculous because most people don't rape? You might wanna check your phrasing. So we should allow crimes and just punish according to the constitution? Should we not have any laws because bad people will do bad things? Because that's really not how society works.

    3) Government banning firearms is unconstitutional, but government regulation firearms isn't. Furthermore, laws and the constitution can always be amended so constitutionality is a moot point if we're discussing gun control. Remember when alcohol was illegal under the constitution?

    56 minutes ago, CapnStix said:

    So are arrows, bows, knives and the like. I mean, it's almost as dangerous as straws. Or a spade.

    Knives have much more utility than the rest. Bows and arrows aren't as easy to handle as a gun nor are they as dangerous. Nobody uses bows and arrows anymore unless they're hunting, in which case I'm not even pro-gun banning simply because a lot of Americans need to hunt.

    56 minutes ago, CapnStix said:

    Yet thise Europe places seem to have less color people. Just a observation, not saying that's good or bad. Even though white people are a colored people.

    So one crazy white guy kills 14 people, we gotta control the guns? Why must everyone suffer for the stupid decisions of a few bad eggs? This "argument" is one of emotion, and emotion doesn't apply in court.

    What are you saying here? Like, I legitimately don't know what point you're trying to make.

    35 minutes ago, CapnStix said:

    Well, screw that. It's unconstitutional to control guns. And a lot of gun crimes happen in inner cities. And those have more people of color than where I live. It's rare, less than 1 a year rare, to hear about a gun crime up here. There seems, not saying there is, to be a connection. Again, just an observation.

    That's because crime is linked to poverty much more than race. If you're desperate for food and money, you do desperate things outside the law. The inner cities have a staggeringly high rate of poverty in comparison to much of the US.

    35 minutes ago, CapnStix said:

    Tell me something, how do you feel about Trump? Kanye West? Milo Yiannopolus? I have a sneaking suspension that you, at least you two, lean left.

    Like people on the left such as Bill Maher, they're simply shit stirrers whose job it is to divide the nation. They don't give a fuck about the people they're talking to or this country. Only an obsession with their ideology. More specifically, Trump and Kanye are attention whores and nothing more, Milo is a divisive person, and if you want me to criticize everyone to be fair, Bill Maher invites people into his show to condescend. CNN just screams bloody murder and has a heart attack over almost nothing, and just sees a shiny, profitable object and runs with the story.

    They're all divisive parties. Don't bring party or ideological bullshit into this. We're speaking about guns, not politics.

    For the record, I don't have political leanings. All of my politics are according to one thing and one thing only, and that's the poem on the statue of liberty, if you want to call out my political leanings.

    17 minutes ago, CapnStix said:

    A tad over emotional, I gather. What are the chances? Really? Don't you think you're being a tad paranoid. I'm no expert, but thinking "it might happen to me" is pretty paranoid. Has it happened to you, yet? If not, you shouldn't worry about it. Worry leads to stress, and stress leads to aging.

    It's called empathy. People are allowed to worry about whatever they want.

    13 minutes ago, CapnStix said:

    So guns are a problem? Why? Cause a scary person killed people. Condemn the idiot, not the tool.

    Por que no los dos?

  10. 16 hours ago, NoirCore said:

    Huh. I guess it's sorta like how in golf where a swing can curve a shot? At the very least, some kind of physics science must have went into that kick because the goalpost flags didn't make it look like the wind was strong...?

    idk man

    if that's what it took to make us lose to a top 3 team in the league then i'm fuckin fine tbh

    i have a masters in physics so i'm gonna say that reality literally broke in order for tucker to miss

  11. 6 minutes ago, NoirCore said:

    Welp, looks like the commentator's curse struck Justin Tucker. That's gotta hurt bad to miss an extra point in the clutch, although XPs aren't necessarily automatic anymore.

    It's a bizarre year for foot-to-ball contact in the NFL for sure. No, not that kind.


    What's even more bizarre is how straight it started.

    What the fuck? I'm not even salty about this loss over that.

  12. It's ridiculous that people think the sexual assault allegations would be anywhere close to enough to sink Kavanaugh. The issue with Kavanaugh is that he was performing shitty "me vs the libcucks and the world and the haters" politics that should absolutely not be on the bench.

    It doesn't matter whether or not he committed the sexual assault but he kept fraternal biases alive as soon as 2-3 years ago. It's nearly impossible to prove from the early 80s, especially in a good ol boys club like Georgetown Prep.

    The issue is that Kavanaugh engages in shitty politics well suited for this thread, and that is the kind of temperament that should've lose him this job, not the sexual assault allegations. He failed miserably in the public job interview and he was literally only pushed through due to partisanism.


    This is not a very hard concept to grasp, but the amount of hate Ford is getting for opening up about what was probably the worst fucking day of her life is horribly absurd. Our cheeto cuck of a president insisted on doing it instead of, you know, being an actual fucking leader. Seriously, stop harping on people for being conservative or liberal and harp on our president's conduct, incompetence, and the shitty supreme court nomination he literally just made. He fucking told shitty history just to justify his shitty supreme court pick.


    And no, this is not an opinion. Kavanaugh is objectively a horrible pick for the supreme court and there's nothing you can do to fix that. At least Neil Gorsuch is a decent and calm man that I happen to have disagreements with.

  13. 5 hours ago, Life said:


    You, like many others in this thread, care way too much about factionalism, pointing fingers, and putting blame on an entire movement for the actions of its fringe to have a discussion with.

    Please think about this more instead of pointing fingers at some nebulous "american left-wing" that you only care to point fingers at instead of engage with. People in this thread should not be out to get one another (which many people seem to be doing, and it's not limited to the "right wing" of this forum at all, and I was very very very guilty of it for the last three years too), that's really shitty politics, and that's the vibe I've been getting the entire last like 5 pages.

  14. It's also hard for me to grasp your frustration, because I fucking love the Ravens even though we've won the division only five times ever and missed the playoffs three years in a row. I've been blessed with a team that had 7 playoff trips in 10 years and 10 playoff wins out of that with a whopping 8 on the road. I will brag to my dying day that Joe Flacco alone holds the record for most consecutive playoff games with 2+ TDs, most road playoff wins and he had the greatest super bowl run of all time, despite his last three years being bad statistically. John Harbaugh is a fucking baller despite missing the playoffs the last three years.

    But I'm also gonna acknowledge that the last three years were a necessary sacrifice for a team that might finally be great again. There were plenty of good and bad moments but I'm sticking with it nmw.

    It's just crazy to me that you're willing to claim 6 super bowl wins and Ben roethlisberger records but the moment they drop two and a half games you think fandom is pointless and that the Steelers we're never worth rooting for. The Steelers have been to four super bowls in your lifetime, my team has been to two and been knocked out three times in the playoffs by your team. Shit happens and this is part of the reason people hate the Steelers so much -- the fans that call for a firing because the team isn't up to their standards.

    I, as a division rivals, would absolutely love for the Rooneys to sell the team and to fire Tomlin. Take that for what it's worth. Having that said, you know very well by now that "it's just my opinion" isn't a valid defense on serenes.


    Now, I'm sick of dealing with drama, which Patriots RB will score like 4 rush TDs on the Colts tonight?

  15. 1 hour ago, Life said:

    You know, fanbases that don't get to win any championships and deal with heartbreak more often than the Steelers just simply lose?

    Chiefs won Super Bowl 4.

    They've won like 4 playoff games since.



    Anyway, teams have to rebuild. Only the Patriots have bucked this trend, because their rebuilding years (2009-2013) were still competitive as fuck. Ravens missed the playoffs the last 3 years because our roster was full of holes after the Super Bowl win and we had to clear out cap. Our drafting had gone downhill and we had to re-evaluate, and many of our players started getting old and injured. Our QB also had a torn ACL/MCL and last year had horrible back pain. It's been beautiful to see the fruits of the rebuild, since we are looking like a legitimate Top 10 team.

    I'm still an Orioles fan and we won 47 out of 162 games, a .290 win percent, due to bad contracts, injuries, and bad drafting.

    Also, Tomlin's a more relaxed coach as a whole and it seems like many of the players (including Ben Roethlisberger who's been whiny ever since they drafted Rudolph) are getting old and need a change of environment. But then again, I've been saying the same shit about the Steelers going downhill in quite a few of the last 5 years and they still made the playoffs so what more do you want... They really haven't had a rebuilding phase except in the late 90s (and 2012-2013 I guess, but they were still 8-8) so this kind of thing was inevitable.


    Either way, it's really bad commitment to claim fandom when the team's good and to boycott your team when they're bad. That's the morality that people are attacking.

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