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Lord Raven

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Status Updates posted by Lord Raven

  1. at least I passed, though. thing is that I found it really difficult, ended up doing about 32/35 mc and only like 4 free response questions at max. |:

  2. awesome.. i'm studying both math and phys at uni but i don't think i'll end up doing math because of the fact that my university makes it hard to double major in math :(

  3. ayanami what a fuckin hero

  4. ayanami you are badass

  5. ayyy help me find a noctis avatar (one that's kinda cool or funny)

  6. ayyyyyyyyyyyy happy birthday mother fucker

  7. based god link. burned through 3 sets of rechargeable batteries and beat the game at last! perfect segue into the last week of classes

  8. been tired, all is decent, just got finished with two pretty big exams so I have a break here and there!

  9. beggers can't be choosers, we should take what we can get! I'm glad there's localization!

  10. between when you read that and now i have just beat the fifth dungeon... it is ridiculous. i love Koloktos and Tentula as bosses.. apparently there's a boss rush so we can enjoy them as much as we want

  11. bitch we needta talk

  12. btw the CK map took like 15-20 turns doing a Callil solo, at like Level 15 she could hold her own somewhat well

  13. but with 1-8 I did some strange shoving with Tormod (cause I tried the chapter ~10 times and was always one Brigand away from getting a 4 turn, cause Sothe couldn't ORKO w/o a critical), and he killed the Brigand from the Swamp. Zihark killed the Wyvern, Sothe took the east (I killed the Priest so everyone would suicide into him), Nailah took the west (Priest killed on Turn 3), Muarim the ...

  14. buu saga... remember that? it got me pumped. and when gohan went SS2 I was like HOLY FUCK WHAT JUST HAPPENED... i also remember seeing goku's first ss transformation after i saw gohan's SS2 one and i was like sheeeeeeit... and faulconer's soundtrack made it cool too.

  15. can i be ur friend, i can't bake you cookies (what with you living in another country i think) but i could post youtube videos of someone else doing so

  16. can't blame you.. they cure stomach aches

  17. clearly because i care about how flawed your point is- enough to go and correct it

  18. COME BACK TO US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. come on skype more often you may see a barrage of ims from me about ravens 2013.............

  20. come up with something cool, interesting, or even simple (I like simple). as for growths, low skill, decent speed/def, good str, mediocre resistance, and good hp

  21. conformist...

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