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Posts posted by Zera

  1. [/size]

    Well I didn't include them because you're actually paying for the DLC characters, so giving them a unique model would be more important. For example, what's the point of recruiting DLC Ike if I already got the Spotpass Ike (besides the portrait)? All his stats and skills are the same. If he had a different model, then that'd be more worth it.

    You should recruit DLC Ike so that you have two Ikes in your army!gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

  2. In the future I plan to make the ultimate mage army. Sages have the highest magic, Sorcerers have more attack variety and defense (but no staves), and Valkyries have more mobility and resistance.So should I focus on one of these three classes, or use a combination of all of them? I would like to hear your thoughts and opinions on how to build a magic-based army, as well as specific characters, etc. The only rule for my army is that no one will wield physical weapons.

  3. I would add real multiplayer, both local and online, where your opponent's team isn't controlled by AI. That would increase the replay value massively.

    And I'd have a battle in the Valm arc where you fight 100 (slightly weaker) enemies. After all, Wallhart has one million soldiers, right? It'd be like the 1000 heartless battle from Kingdom Hearts 2.

  4. Now THIS is a game I might buy off the eshop. It captures the imagination, and lights it on fire! You must wonder - what IS in the well? Flying donuts? Magic? Another well?
    The game itself looks very fun too, so bonus points.
  5. In a review for Awakening I read recently, the reviewer mentioned that he found it annoying to have to use the Home Menu to reset Awakening every time someone died.

    In case you don't know, L+R+Start will give you a "soft reset", which is much quicker than using the home menu. Now, you too may reset at marvelous speeds!

  6. The faire skills essentially increase your strength or magic stat cap by 5. I'd say that's pretty useful.

    For example, If you wield lances, Lancefaire will increase your attack by 5 while Strength+2 will only increase your attack by 2.

    If you combine these with other offensive skills like Aether or Astra, you can deal a good amount of extra damage. The only other way to increase your damage is to use crit increasing skills and land crits more often.

  7. Getting all the S ranks for MU can be done in just two games.

    1. Reach A rank with all characters with male MU.

    2. Reach S rank with someone and save in separate slot.

    3. Reset, delete extra save. The S rank conversation will still be on your game.

    4. Repeat for all eligible characters.

    5. Repeat 1-4 with female MU.

    Getting the S rank with each character is easier if you keep a Seed of Trust item.

    Now...if you want every support conversation in the game, this will include all combinations of children, parents, and siblings. You will need to play the game many, many, many times. So many that I can't even figure it out.

    So getting all the S ranks is manageable enough, but getting ALL support conversations would be an exercise in futility for most players.

    As a completionist myself, I wouldn't bother beyond the S ranks. Besides, I am sure there will eventually be a way to view them all online in one place.

  8. Don't complain about easiness on Chapter 13, because the game gets much more difficult later on. From Chapter 18 onwards, you will face swarms of promoted units with silver weapons and high level magic. In fact, I find the game to be plenty challenging on Normal/Classic. Lunatic mode scares me.

    Also, it seems to be more difficult to gain exp after multiple reclassings. Maybe it's just me.

  9. I have one more question: Was pie mentioned so often in the original Japanese game? I ask because it is very important to me that NOA didn't significantly change any of the support conversations.

  10. lool,maybe these are the pairings intended by the creators^^.

    Well I dunno,chromXsumia is the default pairing for him,so maybe there is really something magical about pie xDD

    Wait...what if...the pies are spiked with a magic love potion!?

  11. Remember guys that in the Iwata Asks interview they specifically said they made sure the stand-alone game was fully playable and deep enough in and of itself before they even thought about DLC. DLC is just "extra stuff" that's not necissary in the slightest to fully enjoy the game.

    Yup. All the DLC takes place in the Outrealms and is not related to the main story. You just buy whatever you want, but you have a full game no matter what.

    There are some neat things you can get in the DLC though. All the DLC can viewed here. http://www.serenesfo...lc_jp.html#list

    Personally, I will probably get the "money" "exp" and "infinite divine weapons" maps and almost nothing else. (And the first map because its free for a month).

  12. There's no point in having the option of a 10/10 score if you can't use it for anything. It's a rating that should go only to the best of the best games, but it can go to those best games even if they aren't perfect in every respect. If someone considers FE13 one of the absolute best games - a reasonable standpoint - they are well within their right to call it a 10/10 game.

    And of course it makes sense that such a person would frequent an FE board. We should expect the sort of person who would frequent video game forums to pay particular attention to the forums pertaining to the games they regard as the best.

    Thank you for your intelligent post Othin. I'd like to add that many of the "flaws" RtO pointed out are not "definite flaws". Maybe I'd prefer it if the character models had feet. Maybe I'd prefer a

    challenge between Hard and Lunatic. But what if I don't mind the difficulty jump and prefer the "leg stub" model style? Then they are not flaws at all. If the game were really glitchy, for example,

    that is something everyone could agree on as diminishing the experience. As RtO has not mentioned any definite flaws with the game, the 10/10 score is valid. And the fact that he has

    mentioned every nitpick he has with the game serves as evidence of the review's objectivity.

    On a related note, I prefer a 1-10 rating scale with whole or half numbers. If I give you two games of a genre you like, with scores of 9.2 and 9.3, chances are you'll tell me you like

    them equally. We may argue over which game deserves the 9.3, but we can agree that both are a 9/10. By decreasing precision you increase relative accuracy (And now I understand

    why we use significant figures in physics). A rating is based on whether the reviewer felt he had "fun" while playing, and as different players have different personal criteria for what they

    consider "fun", all reviews are subjective by default. So for me, anything that is a 9.5 or higher counts as a 10 on my scale. There are more 10s out there than you may know...

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