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Everything posted by Ririn

  1. Thanks for the tip. I'm not sure if this has been pointed out already but I tried having students of my house versus the other students and I noticed the following: Testing with Blue Lions route Scenario 1: Both students outside your house, both with proficient icon in the choir menu. -Gives Faith 7 xp and Authority 2 xp -Professor Exp 200 Scenario 2: Both students outside your house, both without proficiency icon in the choir menu -Gives Faith 7 xp and Authority 2 xp -Professor Exp 100 Scenario 3: Both students from your class, both with proficiency icon in choir menu - Lack data. It seems Annette is the only one who has a proficient icon in BL house for the choir. Unless, the proficiency icon is random every Sunday? Also for those whose house is from BE, if you have time kindly test it. Scenario 4: Annette + One student from other house, both with proficiency icon -Annette gained Faith Exp -Gives Faith 7 xp and Authority 2 xp -Professor Xp 200 Scenario 5: Annette (with proficiency icon) + One student from your own house ( without proficiency icon) - Both Annette and Mercedes earn Faith xp -Gives Faith 7 xp and Authority 2 xp -Professor Xp 150 I tried using student with weakness icon to them but they give less professor exp so it quite unproductive to use them during choir practice.
  2. This is sad to hear to be honest. I plan not invest some free time on my heavy armor to recruit Ferdinand and depend on support method.
  3. Thanks for the info. Another thing: what do people recommend for Choir in terms of students? From my own house or those students you plan to recruit? Currently still on early Chapter 2.
  4. Does getting perfect affects the number of professor level points?
  5. I read a post on Reddit that Ferdinand's B support will unlocked only after the timeskip? How true is this? Because I plan not to concentrate on Heavy Armor and shower him with gifts in order to recruit him.
  6. I have a question: do I have to attend a seminar to raise my reason? Or there are other way to do so? I find that exploration more productive (raising my supports, fishing and gardening)
  7. Thanks for confirming. Someone over at reddit confirmed this method as well. This just make my planning easier since some skills that required are no use to me for my class plan for Byleth.
  8. Thanks for the advice. Yes, I'm currently on the Blue Lions route. I'm going to try this out since I have concluded that I can't leave some of the characters behind.
  9. I'm not very far in. Only on Chapter 1 but the handheld mode for this game seems off graphic wise. The fonts are too small and zoom out characters models seems weird. I decided to tried it on dock mode and it was much better on a larger screen. I wonder if they would plan to optimize the handheld mode. My eyes were getting strained but I usually prefer playing on handheld mode. Other than the above, the characters and story interest me so far and looking forward to getting to know more of them.
  10. Do you have any class suggestions for F!Byleth since the Hero class is locked to male? I suppose Swordmaster is a good substitute but she might get delay in becoming proficient in Axe. Edit: Though, Hilda is the only one who requires this so I might not recruit her.
  11. I only actively look into classes in order to plan my units and recruiting requirements. I was accidentally spoiled with some minor stuff, nothing major yet. I hope to keep it that way so I have to hold out much longer. Only 26 hours for me (I count up to the opening hours of the mall since only then they announced the new games available through their FB page.) I'm hoping I could get to play it during lunch break if a friend will be able to bring it to me by then. 😂
  12. Probably FE is becoming more well known. Before when Awakening and Fates came out, there's no pre-order at my local game store. We could only do reservations. Now, they did put a pre-order mechanic for Three Houses. They only did that with popular IPs like Pokémon before. Sadly though, we don't do midnight releases here so I have to wait after work to pick up my copy, someone did offer to pick it up when the mall open and bring me it to me if they're not busy. I'm crossing my fingers that they're not so that I could play it during lunch break.
  13. This looks like fun. I will save a slot for this once I'm done with all my playthroughs.
  14. This would be a challenge for me since I plan to recruit Raphael, Lysithea, Marianne and Lindhart to my BL walkthrough. I also plan to have a F!Byleth to be a Mortal Savant at the end so my primary problem would Heavy Armour and Faith.
  15. One advantage is if you buy in HK eshop, you'll get to play ahead of our Western peers a couple of hours time.
  16. Our local game stores don't do midnight release but even so, I have work for the rest of the Friday unless I could ask someone to pick up my game and bring it to me to play during lunch break. 😂
  17. I'm torn between Wyvern Lord and Dark Knight for Annette. I want to do something different since from what I read here, she is more popular with being a Gremory or a Dark Knight. Thanks for the input. I have four days to decide, I think that's enough time to decide by then.
  18. Isn't Felix already in BL? What do you guys think of having Annette as a Wyvern Lord? She has the axe boon but I think her stats will not make her an effective Wyvern Lord?
  19. Thank Naga that it was a mistake. I almost go into a panic that they were not marriage options.
  20. @Modirufa6317 I don't remember it being mentioned in the trailers. Please tagged it as spoilers if found in-game since not all people watched gameplay videos and prefer to experienced infos themselves. Thanks.
  21. I really hope that the marriage chart just accidentally left off Dimitri and Claude and be rectify soon.
  22. I think IGN messed up. The chart shows S supports under FeByleth. (Or I'm going to riot!)
  23. I'm neutral with being a match maker so I'm indifference that feature is no-show for this title. I'm hope the supports are much better.
  24. Thanks for clarification. I suppose we will know once we played it ourselves or once the embargo lifts.
  25. I decided not click on the spoiler tag but I will take your word on it. I am happy to hear the news that the fourth route is available to all houses.
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