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Everything posted by Ririn

  1. Sorry. >~< I've just noticed the replies after posting. Either way, I am looking forward to the coming months. I hope we could get more info soon.
  2. The Kanji character for Spring was used in the Japanese post. If you look into the calender period, March fall on the last month of the 1st quarter. April and May are still considered Spring, which falls on the 2nd quarter of the year so we might be looking for March, April or May release months.
  3. @Tenzen12 I think it best to understand that some people just don't share your sentiment. Like other people said, I prefer that I will be able to choose from wide variety of choices for my MU. It is understandable since each individual have different tastes and preferences. I do agree that the other characters should have limited pair up since some don't mesh well.
  4. I am with some of the people here. It is too early to tell since we don't have much information to go on. The localization for Fates was certainly not the best but it was okay. Quoting Newt from Fantastic Beast: Worrying means you suffer twice so best to wait for the final product before you assess. XD
  5. In my view, it is too early to tell. It is possible that the resources used were draft models. They might be saving the more polish version when it is nearer to the release since they need content for their Directs. Just my two cents on the matter.
  6. Of course not. XD We seems to a diversified group so I wouldn't be surprised that some people will share the same preference as you and I.
  7. Personally like the art style for all three characters especially Claude and Dimitri. If ever we will have a MU, I am looking forward to the customization.
  8. Good points. It is indeed more similar to Chinatsu's style now that I saw the side to side comparison. Either way, I personally like it.
  9. If looking at the trailer, it isn't confirmed that full VA will be implemented. To b honest though, it seem too early to tell. ?
  10. I am really hoping not. Like second person said, Switch games are more pricier. I don't think that Nintendo is that suicidal to incorporate three separate versions. I wouldn't mind multiple playthroughs if there are separate routes though. It is plausible for interactive fiction but incorporating in a game with graphics would be huge though.
  11. I agree with @Sunsurge. I prefer the approach with Robin as oppose to Corrin. The other FE:A characters has the right balance importance as Robin. I hope FE:3H will be the same with some improvements. That would be great if this happens.
  12. I have mixed feelings about this. I did enjoy Fates even if I have to buy the LE but my wallet did not. XD To be honest though, I am hoping that this is only one cart and the story does not split the game into three separate games. I was lucky to get the limited edition because in our country, we don't have pre-order and it's first come first serve basis plus you mixed in those who bought the LE just to sell it on premium. Regarding the topic, it's too early to tell but I don't think we have to choose which House we serve.
  13. Although I have to re-arrange my budget in order to buy a Switch and this game, I am very much looking forward to more news. =D
  14. In my own opinion (and own wallet, I like the avatar and the S-supports so yes for me.
  15. Currently clocking in 49 hours on my Normal Classic playthrough. Probably clocking in 50+ hours if I finish the storyline. Still deciding whether to recruit the kids during or after the storyline though. But since I paired off characters based on what I think looks good together.and I didn't focus on producing powerful children, I'll probably recruit them if I feel like it. Would like to start on my Hard/Classic mode soon so finishing the storyline is priority.
  16. I like using both magic and strength. Same reason as you. I like my MU to be a jack of all trades.
  17. I'm having trouble deciding between Libra and Chrom now that I see Chrom's support convo with FeMU for my first playthrough. But since it's chapter 10 for me now and I have Sumia and Chrom at level A already AND the "S" support convo is available ( I just have activate it.) I'm going to pair-up my new FeMU with Chrom for my next playthrough. And now I found Stahl adorable and there goes my third file. Now I don't have a file for my Lon'qu playthrough. D:
  18. I suppose I'm one of those minority. I'm a female player playing as a Female MU, I'm planning to pair-up my character with Libera/Libra. Though I do noticed that lot's of female players do tend to go after Chrom.
  19. Come to think of it, I'm a bit tempted to download it instead but buying the physical copy is much cheaper than buying it through eShop. I'm still hoping for a 4th or 5th release.
  20. Thanks! I thought I could download it advance. At least, Nintendo still give us enough time to download the DLC for free.
  21. Could I download the DLC even though I haven't got my game yet?
  22. I'm hitting 25 this year and I'm not going to stop anytime soon. My dad likes playing video games but not as frequent like I do. My mom, on the hand, don't like to play but she loves to watch us play. :D
  23. I'm a female, playing as a female MU. I'm planning to pair-up my MU with Libera/Libra. I might do a Male MU once I'm done with my first one.
  24. I'm not going to do self-insert as well. I would create her as a separate persona in-game.
  25. You got your assumptions wrong unfortunately. There are a handful of people who owned a 3DS here in the Philippines. I'm just hoping that the local gamestore have enough stocks during the.day of the release since they only stock limited amounts for 3DS titles. But since it's getting popular they might stock enough of it. I just dropped by a few hours ago to reserve and they have it in their upcoming titles, unlike some niche titles.
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