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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Good game, and happy birthday quint. That was awsome. Awful but fun. I can't believe I didnt kill anybody. But I do think this confirmed that uber spear=uber unit. Or I'm just bad at tactics. I'm gonna try and actually build a team next time. Not just screw around. I think that I should've rearranged vaida weapons so she the brave sword. Would've been a good move. And next I'm gonna focus on dart.
  2. Wow I am getting walloped. So lets have Wallace uber spear kent. I knew you had the Delphi shield. Just because I enjoy making unusual teams doesn't mean I'm stupid. I just thought a heavy chip would help going forward. But wil missed.
  3. Cause the rules in the OP are for PoR so the extra slot wasnt added to the rules.
  4. Team ugly vs. team not ugly. This is gonna be fun.
  5. I'm gonna ready up. Sorry I was at school. And I think the Japanese version is best.
  6. I'll sign up for it. Who gone moderate the matches?
  7. vs Gerik(brave sword){17 damage at 61 hit 0 crit}attacks Ross(Garm){26 damage at 46 hit} Gerik attacks (21)(38) (24) (32) Attack hits. No crit. Ross takes 17/56 damage. Gerik attacks again (45) (58) (21) (30) Attack hits. No crit. Ross takes 10/56 damage. Ross is ko'd Dondon wins! Good game both of you. I'm probably gonna give my thoughts on stat boosters/ team builds tommorow.
  8. vs Ross(Garm){26 damage at 61 hit}attacks Gerik(Garm){27 damage at 51 hit 0 crit} Ross attacks (76) (66) (82) (0) Attack misses. Gerik counter attacks 63 63 65 28 Attack misses. Both sides survived the round. Espinosa Ross:27/54 Ewan/Amelia/Tana/Ephraim: KO Dondon Tana: Full Health Gerik:2/60 Eirika/Ephraim/Innes: KO It is dondon's turn.
  9. I forgot okay.And I do agree that that would be the best to deal with the problem, but even if we put it into the draft forum it's still in a places here other activities occur at a heightened rate during parts of the year. Meaning it will be extremely confusing during spring/summer break. I think the most logistically sensible thing to do would be to send debates to the graveyard and just implement an arena forum, but that doesn't seem to be likely. Also did anybody else notice the only time someone post in debates its always a necro.
  10. I thought Gerik has 22 defense.And I thought wrong. How about we do this for hosting. Whoever is willing to host PM me your name, game of choice, and time zone/schedule. I'll look over the list assign people to matches and if they want to continue to host we can add their names to a list in the OP.And honestly Espinosa you're beating a dead horse. The mods(from what I've read) have no intent to act until it becomes a problem. So the way I see it is do what they tell you. Expand into all of general FE and make more clutter. Then they won't have a choice on the matter. May seem childish and rude, but its best to play the hand your dealt.
  11. vs Gerik(Garm){27 damage at 51 hit 0 crit} attacks Ross(Garm){26 damage at 61 hit} Gerik attacks (51) ( 24) (58) (0) 51+24=75. 75/2=37.5<50 The attack hits. No crit. Ross takes 27/54 damage. Ross counter attacks (69) (48) (71 )(0) 69+48=117. 117/2=58.5<61 The attack hits. No crit. Gerik takes 26/60 damage. Both sides survived the round. Espinosa Ross:27/54 Ewan/Amelia/Tana/Ephraim: KO Dondon Tana: Full Health Gerik:2/60 Eirika/Ephraim/Innes: KO Iit is now espinosa's turn
  12. And I still think you should just make a list in the OP. You just need to PM somebody who's willing to run it. I think x-naut said he was willing to do one. If not I can do one starting tommorow afternoon. I would do it tonight, but I've gotta take my sister back to her dorms. So hyper speed go.So I'll be back in 2 hours.
  13. Should be fixed. And that's definetly a game changer sorry bout that.
  14. Wow I'm stupid. Okay give me a sec to run Gerik's numbers.
  15. I was just running it for consistency through out the match. But I'll probably stop at this point.
  16. I've just sort of went with it up to this point. Aside from figuring out the supports.vs Ewan(Excalibur){32 damage at 80 hit, with 0 crit} attacks Gerik(Garm){30 damage at 44 hit with 0 crit. Ewan attacks. (64) (4) color=#FF0000] (2)[(21)[/color] The attack hits. No crit. Gerik takes 32/60 damage. Gerik counter attacks. (53) (7) (76) 53+7=60. 60/2=30<40 Attack hits. No crit. Ewan takes 18/51 damage. Ewan is ko'd Espinosa Ewan/Tana/Ephraim/Amelia: KO Ross: Full Health Dondon Innes/Eirika/Ephraim:KO Gerik:28/60 Tana: Full Health. It is dondon's turn.
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