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Everything posted by Randa

  1. If you want a number rating I'd give it an 8/10. Not bad, but I personally would switch vaike and Kellam. Put Gregor with Cherche and Virion with Miriel.
  2. Take Lowen. Ohh and get him to s-rank axes.
  3. On the third day of Christmas My true love gave to me Three Validar beatings Two master seals And Fire Emblem Awakening. On Christmas related news I got a new flat screen tv for my room. So Christmas to everyone.
  4. I yep that's why I allowed up to the.arge bullion.
  5. Premonition: free Prolouge: 4 /4 Chapter 1: 3/7 Chapter 2: 4/11 Chapter 3: 5/16 Chapter 4: 3/19 Boring. Chrom and Fredrick solo, not very interesting. Chapter 5: 3/22 Yeah Minerva. Having a flier is very helpful. Also last chapter with Fred. Not that he is anywhere as good as Minerva. I'm pretty sure I put some of the turn counts down wrong, but whatever it's probably the same as everybody else's.
  6. It should probably go to lacy. Sorry Anna but Lacey has kinda been the reason why the packers didnt completely flop after losing Rodgers. He deserves it for putting up those numbers and keeping a team in the running for the playoffs.
  7. I think we need Chapter 25. And after that we only need paralouge 18 21,and 22. So any of those would be helpful.
  8. Actually I think Lucina came up with it.http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=35542
  9. Thank you I can't read Japanese. Status update: Main game for hard mode is probably gonna be finished before Christmas. There is just now way I can physically get it done today. New Years might be a stretch to finish everything by, so expect the 10th of January. Looking ahead some of these levels can get very long. I'll probably do droppables and skills around the end of January.
  10. Help again please. キルソード I think it's a killing edge but I'm not sure and translators are being annoying.
  11. Can anybody tell me what this says. No translator is giving me a real answer.ミィル
  12. Okay so I'm gonna just put it under lunatic for the time. When I do skills I'll indicate the version of lunatic.
  13. Cause she is awesome in reverse recruitment.
  14. Can somebody correct me if I'm wrong but the stats are the same on lunatic and lunatic +. The only difference is skills.
  15. I didn't know this happened yesterday:http://www.adn.com/2013/12/22/3242617/jaguars-honor-retiring-c-meester.html. That's a pretty cool thing to do for a player who's been with you since you started your franchise.
  16. Thank you. I don't think I'm gonna reformat all of that I'll just keep it as is. We can deal with skills late, but all bosses have non varying skills.
  17. Ok. So I'm gonna start working on hard mode than.
  18. Thank you. If you can understand the Japanese site I old ask you to start hard mode for that please. If not can you do the rest of the recorded information for lunatic. Thanks bear. I'm gonna call it a day at this point. Information on site: Lunatic Prolouge-2(on the wiki), chapter 3-chapter 11(in this thread) Hard Prolouge and chapter 1 Normal Prolouge.
  19. Yeah I'm probably going go back and do that when I do skills. Any opinions on the format?
  20. Sorry about the double post but I need people's opinions about which format I should use before I head forward. Also should I include droppable items?
  21. I never understood the point of using est. Its not like they have higher caps. By the time you should get units who have already begun to max stats.
  22. Who thought the pats would be an easy win. Also the cards have to play the niners next week so if they win they'd be 11-5 and make the playoffs. I think. And the ’08 patriots beg to differ.
  23. I can guarantee Schwartz is done after these last two years. And I'm still shocked that Seattle lost happy cause I want the cards to beat out the niners for that last spot, but surprised.
  24. The refs were just awful. I do apologize, I'm not sure how it would've gone if we had decent refs.
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