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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Or you can play shadow dragon. Not the greatest game but its a good challenge on the higher difficulties. If you are unopposed to emulation heros is a good game, geanology has its own following but I can't say would recommend it at this point. It's just too different.
  2. Chapter 8: 5 turn. Finished paralouge 2. Explanation about the poll: since I most likely won't finish this run by Thursday, I posted the poll on what I should do if I don't finish the game by Thursday. So if I do finish I get to decide. But since I probably won't Ill explain each option. Option 1: Mountless LTC of FE 11 no warp on normal/hard 1. Pretty self explanatory. Option 2: Mega draft. I don't to disclose what this actually is until I finish the planning phase, which I've been working on since the end of August, if you, might want to do this PM I'll explain the rules and more importantly the odd drafting style. Option 3:FE 6 efficiency. It will be reliable techniques and blind so this probably won't be finished if I do it. Option 4: FE 10 females only. No screenshots it will be like this playthrough only it won't have any LTC aspects, just me screwing around. Option 5: you tell me. Option 6: FE 11: Mountless limited warp LTC. Hard 3 Option x : FE 11 full LTC anything goes to cut turns H5.(Not sure if I should even make this an option given how bad I am at shadow dragon.) Chapter 9 done in 3 turns but I lost Lissa. 38 turns. Chapter 10: 4 turns could've got three if I had a rescue staff.
  3. Calvin Johnson is megaton. Edit: damn ninjas.
  4. Paralouge 1: free(9)/17. Training vaike and Lissa. Paralouge 2: free(6)/28 Chapter 4: 3/20. Simple move Fred up MU goes left vaike with orsins hatchet goes right. Chapter 5: 4/24. Rally bot Marth get. Could be a three turn but I think I need to give Fred 1-2 range. Chapter 6: 4/28. Again with 1-2 range I definetly could've got a three turn. I also discovered that Lissa can't become a Mage. Now I'm sad. Also say hi to Mage MU. Chapter 7: 2/30. Yeah rally bots and wind magic and Freddy. Xenolouges after chapter 4. 5/5 pretty simple go left.
  5. So I haven't had time to update I was out of state for the last couple of days. 5 days to go and I'm through chapter 6. Turn counts in a little bit I'll also post stats at chapter 10.
  6. Chapter 3: 4/17. I know this one can be lower but I got screwed with an 80 miss with a javelin. And I can't reset so. So I got my renown boosters. Everything up to alms blade. The energy drop and skill book went to vaike. Everything else went to Lissa. I'm gonna go drafte style for paralogues free up to ten turns. Also poll. I'm gonna close it down now. The final votes go 3 for, 2 opposed, 1 confused, and 1 Bearclaw(you know what a rally bot is)
  7. I think archers were pretty useful in 11 and 12. Especially on the higher difficulties.
  8. Yeah I think I'll allow each DLC chapter once with my main team counting towards final turns. Also update. Chapter 2: 4/13. Again I think this is the lowest possible. I don't know. It's not gonna get tough till the dessert.
  9. I thought the problem would be he's not a prepromoted unit. I meant each as a unique idea. Though no master seal archer Ricken solo would be fun. Impossible but fun.
  10. I haven't played the game in like six months. Neither have a lot of people. So I'm sticking with an easy four turn. And yeah I'm kinda mad I don't get Cherche but I wanted to try different pairings and every time I just have to marry Cherche. Instead I'll marry Lissa. In the mean time. Chapter 1: 3/9. I'm 99% sure that this lowest turn count possible. It was annoying getting the bronze sword to Freddy while still getting him in position to take out the boss turn three. I used 1-2 range MU with Lissa on the north fort. Chrom and Freddy on the southern fort. Doing pretty well. Fred got a str,spd,def level. So pretty much perfect. MU got two levels with magic and speed. So I now have 9 in both. I hope to reach level 10 by chapter 4 so I can use the second seal to make him a Mage. I think tome faire is going to be more useful than mire. If I can use rally bots, I will clean up the golden gaffe with sully/stahl. No units I can use.
  11. No master seals. Or no second seal. Archer Ricken solo. Prepromoted units only.
  12. No bad bear. but if used rally bots his chapter might be doable No I will not he will most likely just be paired up or used to cycle around Lissa. Getting her heals and giving MU stat boost.Premonition: 2/2. We all know how this one goes. Prologue: 4/6. I think this is the lowest tc for this map in general. It requires a healthy dose of Frederick. I managed to get Lissa one heal with some creative positioning. Only thing I regret is forgetting to get the bronze sword to Frederick this chapter.
  13. So since nobody else has advised units I'm going to use MU and owain, because why not. Anyways let the game begin.
  14. No. Not without either Cordelia or sumia. Otherwise the dessert maps are hell to deal with on lunatic.
  15. Never doing another LTC run on lunatic. 6-9 just killed me. I'm not doing it with poor units. I could barely do it with the advised units.
  16. I'm leaning towards hard mode. And I think I'll make this an LTC run. Yeah me. No reset LTC. With mediocre units.(hoping I won't get Ricken)
  17. Since I have conquered pokemon y and don't have the time to make my competitive team yet, time for me to get back into awakening. So dem rules. Regular old stuff. No resets. Permadeath. MU or Chrom dies restart the whole game. Pick ten units all pairings are my decisions. New stuff. Each character is allowed to use one master seal and on second seal. This run must be completed within a week of the post when I actually start. So pick ten units or less I will begin in about 20 hours. Picks Vaike Mariebelle Henry Fredrick. Inigo Lissa Lucina Nowi
  18. You are so petty when it comes to boston sports. On topic anybody want Trent Richardson I'll take a bag of balls for him.
  19. How the hell are you gonna recruit donnel. Also you're doing rather well for a mode that I refuse to even play.
  20. Ignoring the browns I see. They have a better record than the steelers and the same record as the ravens.
  21. Picks seem solid. What do you have for skills?
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