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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Head to head, common match ups, coffrence record, strength of schedule. I think that's how it goes.
  2. Compared to the previous year the talent has not increased. I am exaggerating when I say zero. A mor appropriate number would be two or three wins. Either way the difference is like the '08 lions and the '73 saints. Not good either way.
  3. That's why I'm saying from a statistical stand point it's a miracle not from a football stand point. And for the record we have a foot and a half of snow outside with another eight inches in the forecast for tomorrow. Snow will not be a factor against the pats.
  4. Not to take anything away form EJ and the bills, but come on its the jags. (No offense to anybody) Talent wise they are the single worst team in the league, its a miracle they won any games.(Talking from a statistical stand point) And you act like the snow will change anything. We live in massachusets its the same weather. Also I'm sorry raven, but I got root for the lions today, if they win we clinch a playoff spot. Sorry.
  5. I find the claymore to better than the katana, for it is truly a great sword.
  6. Because paint bucket threw up. If everything is what is not, then what is?
  7. Scotch and whiskey are the only things I really drink.
  8. Zephiel, 41,800 Legion, 22,600
  9. Thank you that explains why I was confuse. I will continue to use the logbook price. I'm going to put that in the rules and apologize for no knowing that.
  10. One second I'm checking something. My logbook says 33400 so I was confused for a second doofina you can pick.
  11. We just have to beat one of Baltimore or buffalo and we win the division anyways but, it just pissed me off.
  12. I'll randomize this in a second. There were 5 items in your list. Here they are in random order: SRC SB Doofina Plolydeuces Randa Timestamp: 2013-12-15 21:04:43 UTC When making your pick please say the price as well.
  13. 2nd time this fucking season that the refs have stolen a game form us. I don't give a shit if its the last play or drive of a game. I don't care which team you call it for call the fucking P.I. Seriously fuck refs. They called it last week when it wasnt P.I. now they don't.
  14. Okay just give somebody a list if we don't start till tommorow.
  15. Is that a join? Also it's the not that hard to keep similar tcs at a minor increase.
  16. I did not notice that I did that.
  17. How?/Where? Fred is free till chapter 6 and chrom is alway free.
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