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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players. 2. Chrom, Olivia and Lucina are free for all to use. 3. The game will be played on Hard Mode Classic. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may: pair up with undrafted units and trade with undrafted/drafted units (but must not be in range of a drafted unit when battling) 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to: pairing up with drafted units, meatshielding, healing and supporting with drafted units. 3. NPC units may do as they please without penalty. 4. Paralogues are optional and are free. 5. Challenge battles are banned. You may have undrafted units clear a challenge battle to shop, though any items obtained must be discarded/cannot be used or sold. 6. Map shopping is allowed, excluding items sold from Anna Merchant shops. 7. Mothers are drafted with their children, but are drafted at the same time as the rest of the units. 8. Use of items obtained from event tiles, the barracks and renown items are no longer banned up to the large bullion for renown 9. Use of DLC and Spotpass is allowed 10. Forging is allowed. premonition is free. because who cares. Extra: 1. A unit that activates Galeforce may not move. Taking another action with Galeforce other than using a healing item is worth a penalty of 10 turns. 2. The Rescue staff can only be used once per turn. 3. Avatars are banned 4. Frederick is forbidden after chapter 5. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units performing any disallowed action is worth a penalty of 4 turns, 2. Undrafted units pairing up with drafted units is worth a penalty of 20 turns instead. Exceptions: 1. Ricken and Maribelle are free to be attacked without countering in Ch.5. 2. Nowi and Gregor are free for Ch.8. Unique rules in addition to the already stats rules. 1. This draft shall use characters only form the log book and no avatars. 2. The exception of the above is chrom, Olivia, and Lucina. 3. Each person shall have a budget of 150,000 gold( if you have golden gaffe you may use it to get a character once every 5th chapter, and they must be your cheapest character. 4. There is no limit to the size of your team. 5. No character may be drafted twice. 6. DLC and Spotpass characters are still the same thing( so are all the incarnations of Marth). 7. The picks shall be done in drafting order with each person being removed once their budget is spent or they decide they have drafted an adequate team. 8.prices are based off of the logbook not the Spotpass price. Teams: SRC: Ishtar 44,000/ Catria 10,600 / Titania 24,600/ Mycen 10,600/Florina 5,000/Lugh15,400/ Ray 14,400 SB:Seth 33,400/ Ethlyn 20,600/ Shanna 11,000/Olwen 15,600/Dagda 8,400/Arden 7,800/Quan 21,200/ Narshen 35,800 Doofina: Micaiah 12,600/ Leif 21,000/ Lilliana 33,000/ Celica 35,400/ Caeda 6,000/Cyas 22,000/Horace 21,600 Polydeuces: Soren 13,800/ Seliph 23,000/ Est 7,400/ Nephenne 20,400/Percival 30,880/NiƱo 11,600/Malice/Moulder Randa:Zephiel 41,800/ Legion 22,600/ Ced 22,600/ Minerva 22,000/ Lyn Eclipse: Prince Marth 6,200/Altena 24,400/Karel 23,400/Lute 13,600/Elincia 21,000/Brom 17,400/Linus 33,200 Budget remaining: SRC 25,400 SB finished. Doofina finished. Polydeuces finished. Randa finished.
  2. I'd be a level 18 berserker. I'd have almost capped stats in everything except luck and super growths in every stat. I would come with a silver axe, a tomahawk, an elixir, an iron rune, and the s rank axe. I would join in the second to last chapter.
  3. You should definetly use Marty I believe elite mode doubles exp gain not growth rates, so it may still be frustrating. Also as a fun fact even if you miss with a weapon you will get the same amount of exp as if you hit.
  4. Order I've played: FE8->FE9->FE7->FE10->FE11->FE4->FE6->FE13->FE12->FE5 Preference goes: FE7->FE9->FE12->FE11->FE10->FE5->FE6->FE4->FE8->FE13 I don't really care for a lot of the characters, outside of the gba era, emotionally so this is from a gameplay aspect or wierd preferences, except the gba games. 4: Ishtar, Sigurd, Arden, Brigid, Alvis 5: Finn, Marty, Dagda, Evyel, Sety 6: Barth, Sophia, Bartre, Noah, Sue 7: Bartre, Hector, Lowen, Wallace, Hector/ eagler if hector doesn't count 8:Knoll, Lyon, Glen, Joshua, Cormag 9: Brom, Gatrie, Astrid, Stefan, Tormod 10: See above 11: Wyrs, Shiida, Camus, Hardin, Michalias 12: See above 13:Henry,Gerome, Grima, Validar, Aversa
  5. Paranoid |||||||||||||||||| 74% 50% Schizoid |||||||||||||||| 66% 40% Schizotypal |||||||||||||| 54% 56% Antisocial |||||||||| 38% 46% Borderline |||||| 30% 45% Histrionic || 10% 35% Narcissistic |||||||||||||||| 66% 40% Avoidant |||||||||||||||| 70% 48% Dependent |||||||||| 38% 44% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||||| 62% 45% *scores in gray are the average web score Apparently I'm a narcasisst.
  6. You can't they're both in the afc.
  7. Not like your going to play the pats for another four years.
  8. He can also get a good amount of levels in 1-final. I believe you get paragon in 1-6-2 so that always helps.
  9. I would sell it before it could trick me.
  10. The nfl network ranked the Vikings as the 5 most snake bitten franchise. And the lions were 7.
  11. Cundiff pulled the kick from the 2011-2012 season. February 2012.
  12. Thank The Lord. That was way to close.
  13. I don't exactly where to find this I was at a seminar about the different types of mathematics you could do in college and the guy who was talking used fractals as an example to describe this effect. There is a finite answer(the equation) however another form of that answer is not finite. Fractals are a pretty good example because they can show the infinite repetition of pattern, like the number infinity, defined by a finite thing. Be it equation or number.
  14. Not to be a kill joy but you can use theoretical mathematics to explain infinity and give it a finite value. It's somewhat ironic. Of course the finite value is an irrational number, but it is a real number. Perhaps a better example of abstract concepts would be i. The value. But to the point at hand I believe that we can assign a feeling of what death would be like much in the same fashion we can assign a value to infinity, but the reason why I didn't ask what it felt like to die is because no living person can possibly know that.
  15. So do you believe that there is something after death? Or that we don't truly die we still exist if only in soul? Based upon the quote.
  16. Okay but will you be able to do every pairing. Cause that's about a hundred including Avatar.
  17. I'm an aethiest and I don't fear not existing. I follow the belief that the universe isnt just space it contains all of time. i believe that somewhere in the universe every second must exist even when it's passed. As such even if I'm not at this point somewhere else in the universe I, at a different time, exist.
  18. Preface: I am aware that we a topic about this, but it was locked because of necroposting and I would like to revisit this topic. If this violates the rules in anyway mods please lock this thread. Original thread;http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=24791 So in English we've been discussing death and the general consensus is that people fear death. I don't personally fear death, by no stretch of the imagination do I seek it but if it comes for I won't try to hide. However a lot of people said that they are afraid of not knowing what comes after life. Which raises more questions. Mostly about what we truly fear and what people believ is after our time on earth. And my final question is something I've always wondred. What does death feel like? Of course I doubt anbody here could answer that but I would like people to answer the other three questions. Why do we fear death? Do we fear death or the unknown? What comes after life? Thank you.
  19. Ill give it a three beacause of Luna and flying. Add that onto a natural Galeforce and he looks pretty decent. Then you look at his stats and they aren't that good. Also I fell like this is going to become the shipping version of an RTU. So good luck with that.
  20. So I'm gonna ask the obvious question. Who gets the master seals? Nobody has been given either of the chapter 12 seals yet and if not next chapter when do you plan to promote?
  21. Borderline? She's pretty awful. But I have gotten lucky with her on my normal run. She had maxed magic at 20/12 and maxed speed at 20/14 not bad. But those bases. Anyways I still think Horace should use her.
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