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Everything posted by Randa

  1. I'll give you Wallace or Floyd. Maybe Welker if I get Scott chandler.
  2. That's why I want the documentation. It has the extra factor in it. However I'm having some trouble finding it on my laptop right now.The only thing that I didn't have solved was the lunatic plus degression of boss exp. The reason why I can't find it is that I did this in April.
  3. I am 99.7% sure about the base equation. The problem I'm having with remembering is if pair up was a factor in the equation. And if it was how large was it.
  4. The forward unit will always get the kill experience if I remember correctly. The support unit will only get combat exp. Never kill exp.
  5. I actually looked into this awhile ago. I'll try to see if I can't find the documentation. But off th stop of my head I think I got 10+(enemies level-internal level) and there's some,factor I can't remember. That's for damaging but not killing. Killing was 30+3*(enemies level-internal level) still can't remember the last factor for this. Another interesting note I found was that the pair upped partner had it by screen level. I think. This one isn't precise but I did notice some wierd things happening with exp at certain points. Didn't find out boss info. No thief bonus. Again I did all this a while ago, and I'll try to find the documents but who knows.
  6. I'm still sticking with chespin on this. But really game freak mega garchomp. He's already broken as all hell.
  7. Go battle nun first. It will help her abysmal strength when she does go peg or dark flier.
  8. No I desperately need an RB2 and if Calvin got a touchdown I would've been solid. Also you got the better part of that Jared cook deal, Williams put up double digits and cook put up 25+ I think.
  9. Either H2 or H3. I personally think 3 would be better but 2 should be a good starting point.
  10. I suck at picking who put in. 50 plus points on the bench.
  11. I personally think the call was bullshit. No whistle was blown by the time he hit him, so it was a legal shove. Also do you have nfl redzone that's how I'm watching the game. Like the huge throw to Floyd.
  12. Way to close for comfort. Holy shit. I thought gostowski was gonna miss the field goal like he did against the cards last year.
  13. Randa


    Hello and may you enjoy your stay.
  14. Swordmaster Wendell is ridicously fast for that point in the game. And wolf and Sedgar make pretty kickass generals.
  15. You actually don't have to get the chest you just have to hunt down the thieves. The top right is a killing edge. It's pretty useful if you ran out. The only essential one IMO is the seraph robe for caeda.
  16. Fucking Ridley fumbled AGAIN! Second time he's lost control in the game. Same issue last year. It's starting to piss me off.
  17. Getting all the treasure is a pain because of the silver lance cav, but after that the whole map is pretty easy.
  18. Now that I can look back at the game, it raised more questions than it answered. I wasn't impressed by the bronco's backfield, but I was impressed by the ravens pass rush in the first half. And then the biggest issue of the day comes with the fact that Oher is out and there are now questions about the offenses overall power. I think that the broncos need better balance early in the game, and the ravens need to get a tight end that doesn't drop the ball.
  19. I'm pissed I didn't play Welker this week. 21 points on the bench
  20. Wow. Either Joe Flacco is a passing god or the broncos secondary is looking like crap.
  21. I'd just like a couple quick things about the bolded statement. The human has existed for between 50,000-200,000 years dependant on your perspective. Advanced civilization originally appeared about 5,000 years ago. And technically speaking the youth is doomed. Many great empire and kingdoms and democracies have fallen because of the rash nature of the youth. If we consider the Roman Empire it feel due to the greed and corruption and over all immoral nature of the people at the time. The part that can make a society great is the compilation of hundreds to millions of people all trying to better the nation. This requires people who actually can think for themselves and accept criticism for their betterment. And at this rate the youth will be doomed. Will it be our generation maybe, probably not. But if we continue to lower our moral standards then the next generation will be even worse and eventually society may very well collapse. Just my opinion though. Feel free to disagree.
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