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Esau of Isaac

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Everything posted by Esau of Isaac

  1. I think each one of the things you're complaining about can be picked apart and put into an appropriate topic. There's just too much for the average person to address here. That said, I think there is a common theme, with a common answer: No one has ever or will ever really love everything about the world and everyone in it. There will always be bad apples, and the world will always be imperfect. If you wish to find happiness and contentment, then you need to learn to accept this. Yes, things are bad now. They may get worse in the future; in fact they probably will. But despite this, there are always good people to find, good places to see, and good things to do. Dwelling on the consistent failures of man is pointless if it brings no good itself. Find what brings you joy, and hold on to it, even if the world is burning.
  2. I mean, I would definitely recommend investing in those things. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and all that. But in the case of an actual home invasion, a gun of just about any kind is invaluable. Some are better than others, to be sure, but one is better than none, regardless of whether you incorrectly assume it will be more lethal than it is. I can definitely envision a scenario in which someone fires at an intruder once, thinking it will incapacitate them, only for them to be charged by the intruder. But in such a situation I reckon a wounded intruder is better than a healthy one anyways.
  3. 1.) Lethality how? Rifles can be chambered in different calibers, same as pistols. People continue to assume that all rifles are some kind of high-powered elephant gun, when they aren't. The most commonly-used rifles tend to fire bullets that are of comparable caliber to most pistols used in self-defense. 2.) You want to use a taser to defend your home, be my guest. The last thing I care about when my home is being invaded is the safety of the home invader. I mean, I agree that public perception of firearms is quite out of whack, but I don't think perceiving them to be more lethal than they are is a huge point against firearm ownership.
  4. 1.) Do you know what semi-automatic means? Why would you argue that rifles should not be semi-automatic in self-defense situations, when pistols assumedly are? 2.) If you're concerned with self-defense, then you should have the most effective weapon at hand. Why would you use a less effective weapon to defend yourself? It defies logic. 3.) Guns aren't always lethal. It is quite common for people to survive being shot. It's not even rare for people to be shot and then flee, only succumbing to injuries later.
  5. It seems like I only post in SD in gun-related topics. :( What do you mean when you say "overkill"? What scenario, when you would be using a pistol, would be "overkill" to be using a rifle? And which rifle, specifically?
  6. First Elsa is allowed to be gay. Then Genghis Khan. Then the world. :O Though in seriousness, it's a poor direction to take because it's plainly made to score points with a niche crowd, as opposed to telling an interesting story. It is also a poor decision because it modifies a character with an established identity --at least in the case of Captain America.
  7. Now now peanut gallery, let's not get ahead of ourselves, you're forgetting to thank Papa E for his mighty infinitIQ times a bajillion zillion. :^) Also what the fuck I posted that four days ago? Time is a bitch.
  8. IQ is measured on a bell curve. That is, 100 is the median, with a standard deviation of 15 points. 68% falls within one standard deviation, 95% falls within two, and 99.7% falls within three. Thus it can be said that 68% of the population falls between 85-115 IQ, 95% falls within 70-130 IQ, and 99.7% falls within 55-145 IQ. Only 2.5% of the population has an IQ higher then 130. In other words, 130 is pretty bitchin and if someone tells you they have that IQ they are probably lying. Unless it's me, I have an IQ of 159 btw.
  9. I haven't bothered to watch Jojo part 4's anime yet, but I watched the OP and ED, and they actually used "I Want You" by Savage Garden. Blast from the past man. I've seen a Sheer Heart Attack version and I still prefer Savage Garden's.
  10. Seriously. I have never seen an adaptation more thoroughly fuck with the source material. All the characters involved behaved the exact opposite of how they are portrayed in the novels. They pulled this awful twist solely for shock factor, it's so much more satisfying in the novels for Doran to admit to having a master plan he's kept veiled for decades, as opposed to the garbage we were fed. And this is coming from someone who has never given much credence to the constant complaints about them just trying to shock people. At least at this point I don't have to worry about having novelized content being overly spoiled for me. I can't think of a character that's still alive --and most dead-- that haven't had their plots completely altered. Maybe Bran? Kind of?
  11. No. If I think something is funny and I'm in a setting to say a funny joke and want to say it, I'll go ahead and say it. The last thing anyone trying to be funny should do is give a shit what one possible person may think is offensive about what they're saying. Frankly, if someone gets offended about an offhand joke that just tells me they're insecure and need to thicken up. There is an obvious difference between a joke and a disparaging comment, and I think everyone should lighten up and learn to laugh a little, even at the latter.
  12. What I wouldn't give for a Wheel of Time series akin to Game of Thrones. They have just the right number of climactic events each battle to justify a season of continuous action.
  13. Of course there's fudging going on there. I don't understand anything about C++, and barely did when I learned of it six years ago. At this point I know less about programming language than I do about the migration habits of bonobo monkeys. When the earlier mentioned car dealer claims their car is the best in the world, they don't actually mean it. They're just making use of puffery. Similar deal. I'd agree that plain lies are an ineffective way to keep a job, so long as they're relevant to the position. But half-truths are more what I was referring to anyways.
  14. Pretty sure being fired from a job at all will leave you unprepared, the circumstances of how it occurred don't matter. If you need a job, especially an entry-level job, you have nothing to lose by polishing yourself up. Obviously, lying about qualifications that are central to a position is a poor idea (e.g. claiming to know a specific language for an interpretation gig), but making things up that are only passingly true is an excellent way to increase your odds of getting a foot in the door. I briefly learned C++ eight years ago, being taught by a friend. He listed me as having worked with him in his site, and I added it to my qualifications. I couldn't tell you the first thing about it, but if it's at all helpful to get me a job I'm looking for then you can bet your ass I'll put it on my resume and polish up my skills when necessary. Car dealers get away with lying every day. If you don't have the shiniest bumper, why not claim you have some kickass airbags or some shit, I don't know I'm bad with analogies.
  15. It is better to be dishonest and get yourself the job you need, because the majority of the people you are competing against will do the same to some degree, and for a lot of these entry-level jobs the qualifications are not very difficult to bullshit your way through. Worst case scenario you don't get to keep the job, but even in that scenario you still had the job.
  16. Yes, it's okay to make jokes about illnesses. You shouldn't get offended by everything you see, getting mad about comments made in jest that aren't directed towards you are childlike and foster a sense of unwarranted self-importance. No one actually thinks less of you because of a joke made on the Big Bang Theory. Just like no one cares any less about me because Dave Chappelle made random jokes about white people being stupid. It's just a joke.
  17. You accidentally said two in the stink, one in the pink?
  18. I predict I am going to be mad that I have to keep up with the television show instead of reading the book that Martin should have finished long ago. Why is this person that doesn't care about me not working hard for my entertainment, this is an outrage
  19. He is trying to motivate you to make a living and become an independent adult. It makes you feel anxious because you are comfortable moving at your own pace. He is probably frustrated because you sound somewhat lazy. I would recommend, as others have said, speaking with a licensed professional about your disorder. If you are really so badly off that you are incapable of getting a job because of anxiety, then they will prescribe you medication to function. At the same time, you should continue your search for a job.
  20. Now now, look at the glass half full. What if your life was going to suck anyways?
  21. They were sublime. I understand your jealousy, even though I disapprove of it.
  22. The great part of early SF was arguing about everything in every topic. Drama was a plentiful resource back in the day!
  23. Every post I make on this site is perfection incarnate. Sometimes I just slap my keyboard for a few minutes and get frustrated that it keeps spitting out such sublime content.
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