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Mr. Sirius

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    The Enigmatic Shadow Wandering in the Night

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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  1. Mr. Sirius


    @ Esau of Isaac I believe that the Bible is divine in origin rather than human, and if you are an honest person, you can look at the evidences and evaluate their merits accordingly. Are you an honest person to look at the evidences? Are you willing to accept truth through hard evidences?
  2. Mr. Sirius


    You are asking for inconsistencies, which I have already pointed out in my response, namely, 1) Anthropomorphism 2) Equivocation I wonder if you understand what I said. Have you?
  3. Mr. Sirius


    I don't know what your understanding of the word "God" is all about, but just to use the power of logic, I would say "if there is no God, God cannot be known". Now, you're asking for proof. I wonder if you are ready to accept teleological reasoning or even a cosmological reasoning, for that matter. As science has stated, things do not just appear like magic. Somebody has to make them. Just for your thought, who made the stars?
  4. Mr. Sirius


    Ara...with due respect to your erudition, I find that your argument is, at times, a sweeping assumption without giving real proof and, I suppose, you are guilty of several things. 1) You are guilty of anthropomorphism. 2) You are guilty of equivocation. I wish that when you give examples, you should remember what you have said before.
  5. I'll just copy and paste from my archives in regards to FE8x. Adventurer Adventurers are those that pilfer things from random people as they travel. This may sound bad, unless you consider that these seemingly immoral humans are hired specifically by their country to do that. Adventurers are almost always hired for their pilfering skills, allowing the government they work for to give no taxes to the people. Adventurers wield Knives, and face a difficult decision when they promote. Do they continue on with their work for the government, becoming a Spy, or do they become attracted to riches and become a real Thief? High Priest: High Priests are religious figure-heads tasked with the difficult role of interceding for people and their misdoings. They are the ones that cry out to save their fellow-man from any "sins" any of them may have committed. They are best known for being kind and not judgmental, despite their role. High Priests wield Light Magic and Staves and can only be Male. When they promote, they have finally heard enough problems to understand the true weight of the people; enough to become a Judge.
  6. Mr. Sirius


    If you're going to defend religion (Christianity), please do so properly. You miss the text that states that "Faith...is the evidence of things not seen." Belief is an extension of faith; an action already designated by one's thinking pattern. Thanks. Thanks for volunteering. According to the laws of aerodynamics, bumblebees shouldn't be able to fly. Yet, they can. Please, if you can, reason that out.
  7. The Ideal that I have in my mind would draw from not that many FE sources, actually. Some of them I can think of are: - FE8's trainee system, but expanded, combined with FE10's third tier, for four tiers of classes. - FE7's multiple pathline stories, but once again, expanded, and even capitalized on - FE4's Blood bonuses, but toned down and generalized. - FE2's duality. - Skills in general, but more like FE8 in mannerism. Still don't approve of most of the skills out there.
  8. I'm gonna port the topic here XD I've heard quite a few people talk about the imbalance of Fire Emblem. Unit problems here, too easy with these units in comparison to others, and all that fun stuff. If they're unbalanced in your POV, then you definitely have to have some plausible ways of balancing them, right? I posted a short piece on it in FESS, but I want to bring it over here and see what your own thoughts are as well. I was replying to the person who posted to the topic, hence the tone of the piece. What's your opinion on balancing FE, and do you disagree with any part of my short explanation?

  10. Eh... Well, treat it as a "don't listen to my words, listen to my work" sort of thing. I'm not a good talker anyways.
  11. My first FESS friend :D

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