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Everything posted by Wake

  1. I would like the claim the right to reserve the right to Pardon your French. And so I will.
  2. I claim Kamehameha, and all variations of that. This includes all of the vowel additions. No stealing. And all the Destructo Disks. Even Frieza's.
  3. No. You cannot has her. YOU SHALL NOT PASS.
  4. I officially claim the Punisher. And Spawn.
  5. But you9me) remember your name, so why wouldn't Morgan remember his/hers?
  6. There is no such thing as rambling where I'm concerned. I welcome all suggestions, and I shall give some of mine later. Demons stabbing corpses? That sounds about as legit as it gets. Like Dungeons:I run 5 general types. 1) The outpost- A very small dungeon used as a random encounter during overland travel. I hae my players roll 1d20 each day, and if they roll a 1, 5, 10, 15, or 20; then they get a random encounter, whether it be a bandit camp or an old, abandoned tower, etc. The easiest type of dungeon. 2) The Crawl- The classic dungeon. One to Seven encounters per floor, usually no more than 2 floors. Can be av=boveground or below, and can be customized however you want, allowing for infinite possibilities. Monsters and locations are as numerous as you wish. Probably the one I run the most of. 3) The Minion's Dungeon- A shorter dungeon (3-5 rooms) composed of mainly minions. Minions are cannon fodder type enemies with 1 HP and a very high AC for their level. The encounters here can be massive (up to 20, heck even 30 enemies per encounter), but the boss encounter has a very powerful non minion monster in charge. 4) The Delve- A very fun dungeon. Each encounter or two is another floor, so it can get very deep (or high) very quickly. Depending on how many floors down it goes, you can have it connect to other things, like the Underdark or Drow cathedrals, etcetera. I generally make it possible to go down almost infinitely far, but the exits downward become harder and harder to find. The bottom floor is almost always 12+ floors down, and contains an insanely powerful megaboss. 5) The Extreme(or exotic)- One of my favorites. As the name suggests, it is located in an exotic location, like in the caldera of a volcano, built halfway into the side of a glacier, under the ocean, or in a celestial realm. Needless to say, these are the hardest dungeons, and can be a test from a god or a convenient way to dispose of a too powerful NPC. Ok? Feedback please. P.S.- Nice art, Samias.
  7. Well, it wouldn't make sense for you to have input, since Morgan hasn't been born yet in yourtimeline by the time she comes to the past. Not only this, but Morgan almost has to be from a different timeline than Lucina, Brady, and the other children characters, as there is a high chance she was descended from said characters. They weren't married to you in that timeline, only the current one, so it wouldn't make sense for Morgan to be from there. The main thing is that IS can't give you authority over someone who doesn't exist, so it makes sense that Morgan(like all the other children characters) is the same every time.
  8. Well, that's brutal. I'm on a strange mesh of DnD 4.0 and 3.5. I'm prepping a long, episodic campaign that is just a bit easier than that.
  9. Well, I'm Mark, so naming my child that would be kind of strange... not sure, really. I'd figure it out when I got there.
  10. I guess this goes here. So, yeah. I'm the Dm for my friends, and i would like to have a thread to toss ideas around with other DMs who would like too. So yeah, get back to me and we can talk and... stuff. Justification: this thread belongs here because Dungeons and Dragons is a game. Thanks.
  11. Add skins, add new Class(es), add new supports.(I want Walhart x Lucina[my two favs])
  12. Still do.... wait, never mind. Then, I like Chrom and Lon'qu, the two I've done.
  13. I think that might , just might be to many skills. Maybe.
  14. If you're not sure, Lucina. If you are sure, change your mind for Lucina. if you don't care, Lucina. I think my personal bias is clear.
  15. Oh, I wasn't the only one who subconciously made that connection? Good. **sigh of relief**
  16. So, yeah. I just got back from state, and I know you all missed me, because you all adore me and could not possibly live without me. That's why I'm on SF at 1;51 A.M., right? So, I placed top 8 in Cross Examination (CX) Debate, with my partner Ian. My friends Autumn and JJ placed first, and overall, Keys(my school) got second. In the whole state. I am going to sleep now, goodbye.

    1. Wake


      Autumn and J placed first in CX.

  17. So something I noticed, right? When you kill risen, their bodies dissappear. But their Horses, Griffons, Pegasi, and Wyverns do not dissolve(or whatever you call it). I'm not sure what kind of living creature would consent to be ridden by an undead corpse soldier. Your thoughts on this?
  18. The only problem I had was the THREE COPIES OF MY RIDICULOUSLY BROKEN MORGAN lobbing Bolganone after Bolganone at me. It was easy, relatively speaking.
  19. That's a question. I said none of that. I also claim the right to kill everything, and to shieldbash whoever is reading this in the face.
  20. I claim Arceus(A.K.A. Serge Dusk Herzen) as best friend, no questions asked. I claim me. I claim Sparta, and the throne of Sparta, because I am the king. I claim chocolate Ice Cream. I claim Guardian of Order (https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQNe13_P_NUGzSZQaLjMX9uz7WIAOjMvkiPrgwSrJhnuxO4hlZ-). I also shall claim Darkrai and Blastoise. I would like to share Lyndis and Giratina, if anyone would be so nice. And Lucina, because I'm sure she's been claimed.
  21. God, That's just scary..... I like it. I have a friend that is Henry with knives...... he creeps me out sometimes..... he even looks like him(off topic) I'm doing that next time I run FeMU.
  22. Oh god..... I hate lethality... except for when I'm running it! Hypocrisy? No, I'm just crazy(down, sword hand)! Trust me!
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