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Hero of the Fire Emblems

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Posts posted by Hero of the Fire Emblems

  1. 23 minutes ago, joesteve1914 said:

    Yeah that's a good idea. I'd we're lucky Katarina or Legion will mention Clarisse or Eremiya so we have confirmation outside of the website (or maybe even Katarina's real name o_o. I doubt it though).

    Although I was going to put out a Beta 2 patch after I update the chapter title graphics. Do you have an approximation of when the dialogue will be done? Because if it'll be relatively soon I'll probably hold off on that beta patch

    You'll probably be interested to note that Tokyo Mirage Sessions handled this, not Awakening; she uses "Big Brother" for Itsuki 20160513_180938_thumb.png

    I think since the avatar can have multiple names, it is probably best that we go the route of TMS and have her call the avatar Big Brother in the same vein as she does Itsuki. "Tar-Tar" is.... really strange, even with the default name of Kris. And I didn't even pick up that it's supposed to be derived from "Avatar" until it was pointed out to me because it seems out of nowhere.

    Awakening itself has Mar-Mar, and Tiki even says this when she recalls Marth on his death bed... which is kind of soul crushing how she says it.

    Should I put Tar-Tar > Big Brother down on account of TMS?

    Right now I have no idea how soon I'll be able to get the raw kanji for legion's dialogue; right now we're mulling over one other piece of dialogue which should hopefully be done soon. Legion's entire set of dialogue is a lot... but it might get done soon, no idea how soon. I'll probably send at least that one minor note we're looking at if not the entire Legion thing. I'll probably wait until I see how they make him talk in Heroes to even start on that


    also, the two names are "temple of the ice dragon" (Tiki) and "ice's dragon's temple" (the avatar)


    on the awakening note, it does this:


    • Avatar: Well, that is...most flattering. I don't know what to say. ...... 
    • Tiki: What is it, Mar-Mar? 
    • Avatar: ...Mar-Mar? 
    • Tiki: Ah! Forgive me! I was in habit of calling Marth by that name... It must have slipped out by mistake. Gracious, the resemblance is so uncanny, it's making me forget what millennium it is! 
    • Avatar: Heh, I suppose there are worse people to be mistaken for... 
    • Tiki: Please, forgive me. 
    • Avatar: Actually, I must admit, I rather enjoyed the attention...

    I'm not 1000% sure, but I think how Awakening's localization "handled" it is by avoiding it altogether and having Tiki let Mar-Mar slip out. Anyone can feel free to correct me on this.

    i feel like TMS's "big brother" will work better for the avatar himself.

    er, Tiki only does this for MALE avatars, right?

  2. 19 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    He basically does Gollum speech in Awakening and now Heroes, pluralising nouns where it’s not entirely needed and Uwee hee hee’ing all the time.

    Basically, which I can look through and approximate accordingly along with looking at other key things. There's a few things that aren't technically mistranslations, but miss an inflection from the Japanese dialogue that make them way out of character and there's one dialogue in particular that a lot of people take issue with that I'm looking over right now since a very similar dialogue happens between Tiki and Lucina in Awakening.

    @joesteve1914 I'd probably put the patch off until a few days after the banner and Echoes of Mystery paralogue, just in case they localize something else at the last minute- assuming they aren't out by this weekend which they might be

  3. 35 minutes ago, joesteve1914 said:

    The only thing left to do is the Chapter slides. I'm having trouble locating them in the rom. Everything else is all done so I'm aiming to have it done this weekend if I find the graphics by then. I guess I'm just going to have to diff the translated rom with the jpn one, no big deal it'll just take a while.

    Also I'm really looking forward to your playthrough! I loved your FE6 and FE11 ones and I was so disappointed when I heard that you cancelled FE12.

    I looked up "Bull" in the script, and the only time it appears is in the character guide (he's referred to as "Great Bull"). "Black Panther" comes up in the guide and also in a support conversation. The only instance of hero king that I remember right now is in the intro, but I'll be sure to check that later. 

    As far as Legion's dialogue,  @RedEyedDrake suggested that. I probably shouldn't have put that in the OP since I don't plan on doing that myself; I'm not that great of a writer and I'm not sure to what extent his dialogue needs to be rewritten.. If anyone else wants to take a shot at it they're welcome to, but I'm not planning on doing it myself :(

    That heroes banner could be interesting. It really annoys me that they confirmed they are using "New Mystery of the Emblem" as the official title. I suppose we should come to expect inconsistencies from them at this point :D

    And yeah let me know what you find about the ice temple. 

    I'm going over some key dialogue like Legion's dialogue myself with a few other people. Since you're doing parts of the script dialogue over anyway, is there any chance we could work it out to where I run the kanji by you and what I think the best approximation for those dialogues are to be in line with localization? The only legwork you'd have to do would be putting it in. Legion's dialogue is basically a matter of using the same code of style as he has in Awakening and Heroes, and applying that to what he says. His dialogue is written with an intentionally strange grammar, and Awakening and Heroes approximate that to English in a specific way


    Also, I found the two localized names for it, taken from Avatar X Tiki support. What should I put down on the name chart? EDIT: I put both down with a forward slash separating them

    I also updated Cain's current epithet as "Great Bull" now that you found it in the script. I also moved Roderick up by Sheena and removed the "voting gauntlet" specification since he's in the next banner. I hope the layout I made the namechart and the notes I added are acceptable

  4. Added some names to the name chart. I think I might have stumbled onto the reason why it's Ice Dragon Shrine instead of Temple; it might be a localization that was already done that the old patch actually picked up on. I'm looking into it, along with what Cain's title is in the old patch and if and where Hero-King is used at all in FE12


    when are the changes to Legion's dialogue being implemented? After all the names are set? Because there's some other dialogues that need to be looked over as well that I am looking into


    also, the name chart link should be added to the OP so that people can see the name changes across the board




    Katarina, Luke, and Roderick are heading the next banner in Heroes. We might get a localization of Katarina's real name.

    Legion is also an enemy with dialogue


    @joesteve1914 I also found what I believe is an official localization of Ice Dragon Temple in Awakening, looking into it now


    Tiki refers to it as "Temple of the Ice Dragon"; the avatar refers to it as "The Ice Dragon's Temple"


    Should we use the first, second, or both? This is a similar situation to Divine Blade/Exalted Falchion

  5. 19 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Where did Olivia mentioned Tellius? From what I recall, the story of Tellius exists as legends, and with the Outrealms, the legends came from other worlds. 

    Furthermore, Fates is actually not part of the Awakening continuity. The Before Awakening DLC might have made it seem like it, but it really wasn't. For the first part, there are no legends performed that spoke of the legendary weapons like Yato and such. Naga is known as the most powerful Dragon in the Archanean universe, and Anankos and her don't really know each other personally. The landscape of Jugdral, Archanea, and Valentia don't match up with the continent Fates is on. The Dragon War and degradation also don't make sense since it even goes against how Manaketes function as well, as Manaketes was the solution to the degradation problem, whereas the degradation in Fates was for them to take Astral forms. 

    Given how the Outrealms have functions, and there being many universal Annas running around, its very easy for legends to spread by them, as they can easily hope across worlds and spread the legends.

    Olivia very specifically mentions Tellius in her Japanese supports with donnel, but 8-4 shit the bed pretty badly with this and, having apparently never played Tellius, turned the entire serenes massacre into a fucking joke about swans. Also, points for somehow translating Ravens as "evil swans". Panne also makes it very very clear that Laguz existed on a continent across the sea, the same continent that Priam is implied to come from, and return to in his ending; which is obsensibly Tellius itself.


    I also want to point out that the Fates continent is quite literally the lower half of Valentia/Valm once you rotate it 90 degrees, that a great disaster (most likely the flood, but merely speculation) completely wiped Hoshido and Nohr off the map, and their histories along with them, and that both Anna in the Japanese version of Fates (her quote, literally saying "All the Heroes of this world are not born yet, and the stories you know will come to pass- you know what I'm implying, don't you?") and to a more subtle degree Intsys confirm that Fates is intended to be the first game in the main timeline; similarly, Owain makes himself a bootstrap paradox, Rhajat reincarnates into Tharja, and Corrin reincarnates into Robin, all of which are very unlikely if not impossible should they occur in different universes.


    the stunt the first dragons pulled is pretty eerily similar to Loptyr, with "becoming ascended spirits", and the First Dragons aside from that seem to be much more primal than other dragons in the series- hence the name. They did so to escape degeneration, which Loptyr likewise did.


    The last part is very, very tenuous at best; it basically relies on entire populations being trusting idiots that are willing to take random redheads who may or may not be running con deals at their word enough to worship deities that may or may not exist because, well, why not? Fuck Naga, lets worship this "Ashera" that this Anna provides absolutely no proof whatsoever of besides her own word which we will take her at.

    Provide tithes for Ashera to you, Anna? Sure! Take all my money!


    EDIT: this is probably irrelevant so by all means continue the argument from before this, didn't mean to digress

  6. 9 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    He was referring to the continuity of Archanea/Valentia/Jugdral, not Tellius, which is a separate universe continuity now. In fact, that's the only continuity that has legit spirits, gods, and dragons, and that's the story that Kaga was never a part of.

    No, Tellius has so far remained the same continuity as Archanea/Valentia/Jugdral (along with Fates)- for example, Olivia explicitly mentions the ancient Serenes massacre and Priam hails from a continent across the sea; however, 8-4 pretty severely mangled most of the canon connections to Tellius with bad translation of them (for example, changing the Raven Laguz to "evil swans" and insinuating they rather than Begnion Beorc burned the forest down). The same is true of Treehouse and Fates with it's connections.

    So this, Chrom mentioning Ashera, Olivia's mistranslated mention of Naesala and Leanne, the allusion that Laguz are the ancestors of Taguel and potentially Manaketes are all worthy of note.

    True that Kaga was never a part of Tellius, but Awakening confirmed Tellius was a part of Kaga, with 8-4 fucking up their translation being the only hurdle to this.


    Elibe and Magvel are so far the continuit(ies) that are up in the air and probably seperate

  7. 16 minutes ago, AzureSen said:

    Parallel Falchion is actually stronger than Falchion in Awakening's base game at 12 Mt to regular Falchion's 5 Mt.

    The Parallel Falchion is just Falchion from another universe, that's it. Lucina didn't mess up her world's Falchion in some way; the Awakening kids came from their timeline because one of the gems of the Fire Emblem was missing, not because of Falchion.

    The true power of Falchion, Exalted Falchion (Divine Blade Falchion in the Japanese version, same as 11 and 12's epithet). The Falchion in its true power has a might of 15 compared to 12 of the Parallel Falchion.

    The "base" Falchion is called the sealed Falchion in Awakening, and has lost it's power since the events of FE12 took place. Hence why it is so much weaker than most weapons compared to the Divine Blade Falchion of Marth's era which was perhaps the strongest sword in that era, similar to the fully realized Divine Blade Falchion of Chrom's.


    Why do you think them not having the final gemstone was so damn important? Lucina performed a partial Awakening ritual with only 4 of the gemstones- Validar kept Sable from their grasp- and this resulted in a Falchion that was only at partial strength. As a result, Falchion could not kill/seal Grima, only somewhat harm him and drive him back temporarily at best. Future Past has Lucina perform an Awakening with all Five Gemstones on her timeline's Falchion, which becomes Exalted/Divine Blade Falchion.


    The entire reason the gemstone was important was PRECISELY because they needed the full emblem to use the full Awakening on Falchion, not in spite of Falchion. Lucina performed a partial Awakening without Sable in sheer desperation, and this resulted in the half realized Parallel Falchion.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Emperor Hardin said:

    The Fane of Raman seems to be a popular target by thieves based off people like Dahl, even in an alternate universe things haven't changed.

    I'm inclined to believe the Starsphere has the same function in the universe.

    Amiibo rewards tend to be slightly weaker then DLC rewards. If Lucina was a reward for a downloadable DLC, I'm sure they'd buff her and the Falchion up immensely.

    I'm talking about IN Awakening. Not as DLC or anything. Parallel falchion is weaker than the real one. In awakening's  base game. And it comes from a different timeline.

    But this even holds true in both Fates and Echoes; Marth's Falchion is stronger than Lucina's Falchion in both games. The entire POINT of parallel Falchion is that it's an alternate timeline version of Falchion that got fucked up by Lucina, and that's a point they keep intact in Fates and Echoes's amiibo item appearances compared to Marth's Falchion.


    Regardless of how you spin this, you're either looking at a rip off starsphere in the same way they have a rip off Gradivus (!!) in Echoes, or you're looking at a Parallel Starsphere which cannot be used as concrete, hard and fast evidence to say something about a wholly different timeline. Both of which have a different item name, just like Parallel Falchion does.

  9. 10 minutes ago, Emperor Hardin said:

    We don't know the location of the temple in the DLC, it could easily be the same spot where the Fane is in Alm's universe. 

    None of the other alternate universe legendaries items from DLC have different functions.

    The breath of Dragons lost the ability to ignore the defense of Dragon units, it was restored in Echoes because the game wanted to revisit the older mechanics. This is probably the same reason why the Starsphere has reverted to its original gameplay function of increasing growth rates rather then giving temporary stat boosts.

    If it isn't an alternate universe version, it definitely isn't the genuine starsphere because again that thing is BROKEN currently in Archanea, and Echoes being an interquel forbids the genuine article from being restored- because MARTH has to do that during FE12. Same reason why certain units in FE7 can't die because they end up fathering FE6 units, or outright showing up in 6- they just "retreat". Also similar reason to why Yoda can't win in Star Wars episode 3 and why Anakin can't triumph over his inner evil in that same film.


    if it's a different universe, it clearly has a different history since it somehow ended up smashed and strewn around the astral temple, rather than being cleanly enshrined in a chest in the Fane alongside the Light and Geo spheres, and thus isn't the same starsphere that we know of in Marth's world- again not being the same item, not based on stats alone but also on circumstance and location.

    The "with DLC" makes your statement true, but Parallel Falchion (which is base game) does have a different function on account of having a slightly different history where Lucina fucks up the Awakening and only partially awakens Falchion as a key example of how histories can differ.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Emperor Hardin said:

    An alternate version of Archanea and the Fane of Raman, if that is what you are implying, would be consistent with a lot of DLC taking place in other dimensions.

    I'm not even assuredly implying that, because there's not enough info to suggest that. Sure it's a possibility but one I'm not fully jumping on. But I'll humor you; if we go that route, it definitely isn't the same item, but an item from a different world with a completely different history. Which could explain why it has the function of the original pre retcon starsphere and Shards, but nonetheless it has a different history where it is not found by Marth but by Alm. and probably a different Past on top of that seeing where it ended up.


    This is also the same game where we have a Parthia and Mercurius that are forged by Alm/Celica during the game without any explaination whatsoever, keep in mind.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Emperor Hardin said:

    DLC for Awakening had among other things vegetable craving entombed and multiple copies of the Crusader weapons like the Forseti and the Naga tomes available for plunder.

    Basically with exceptions like the scenario missions, DLC for the 3DS games generally goes for gameplay over story.

    You can get multiple star spheres because they are helpful to have and as a reward for shelling out real money.

    Canonly its likely Alm and Cellica didn't go to the Astral temple. 

    The implication for the DLC regalia is that they're similar to parallel Falchion in that they're the same weapons from Lucina's timeline; I'm actually referring to the fact that it is hypothetically possible to procure enough Shards for two orbs in a single runthrough but I still digress. The bigger issue is the existence of them AT ALL because even one star Jancith is a problem; the Shards are scattered throughout Archanea, not all holed up in a single temple, Fane or not. The item has an entirely different name for a damned good reason. That reason being it is quite blatantly not the actual starsphere that is currently strewn about across Archanea.


    again, I would direct you to my comment on the Turnwheels' symbols and the implication thereof.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    Well there is also the case that it makes absolutely no sense for Alm of Celica to randomly take a trip to the Fane of Raman in the middle of their journey. So there's no real reason it should interfere with FE12 if you take it that it's canon to a different world as we've seen with DLC plenty of times before.

    Which is why I brought up earlier that the Mila Turnwheels seem to have the same symbols on them as the Outrealm Gate in Awakening does, because it seems pretty obvious what they're implying about the Turnwheels with that to me.

    Its definitely similar to the Fane but I have a few doubts about it; it's missing a few key rooms that are present in FE11, but neither am I certain it ISNT the Fane either

  13. Alm/Celica piece together the Star Jancith in the DLC. From shards.


    in case you aren't aware, the genuine Starsphere of the Binding Shield is currently smashed into 12 pieces that Wendell is scrambling to try and find over in Archanea. Alm/Celica taking 12 Shards and making an item out of them completely precludes it from actually being the exact same item purely based on order of events, as the true starsphere stays shattered from the end of FE11 up until Gotoh restores it in FE12. FE15 takes place between 11 and 12; unless you want to argue that is no longer the case?


    It being the same starsphere isn't just an assumption, but it's a literal impossibility and that's precisely why it has a different name altogether. There's also the issue that it is possible to procure enough Shards from the Astral Temple and its inner sanctum to make two or more star jancinths.

  14. Ok I really need to bring this up, I was reading everything but then I had to pause


    Not only is trying to argue the starsphere is the same in Echoes really a pathetic argument, Serenesforest just outright mistranslated it anyway. It's the star gemstone in the Japanese version and the star jancinth in the English version- neither language has it as the actual starsphere

    Pretty much all of the DLC is canon to at least it's own Outrealm- that's how the DLC is set up so they don't have to say anything is canon. In fact the runes on the Mila Turnwheels seem to be the same runes on the Outrealm Gate from awakening, but I digress. Even taking this into account- it's the Star gemstone, not the star Orb, and you can procure multiples of them. That's not to say it has absolutely no relation- the entrance to the temple has a poem mentioning all five elements (light, stars, earth, life, darkness), but the genuine article is in 12 pieces and this gemstone is the star gemstone, also known as the star jancinth

    idk if I mentioned it before, but I really did consider the possibility that the naga tome was built specifically to take on Loptyr because he had a dark tome- if I did mention it before sorry for redundancy

  15. 22 hours ago, RJWalker said:

    I'm seriously questioning their decision to relocalise the Starsphere as the Star Jacinth.

    Like wtf even? Changing it once to Azure wasn't enough?

    It's not the same item in the Japanese version. It's the Star Gemstone in the Japanese version, not the Star Orb/Starsphere. So they're not relocalizing Starsphere, they're localizing an entirely different item.


    And, as said above, it's impossible to be the starsphere anyway since that thing is broken during Echoes with the pieces scattered across Archanea.


    on that note, the orbs didn't have the same Japanese names in Awakening either. In Awakening, they were called the Five Flames- White Flame, Black Flame, etc. So Argent isn't a relocalization of the Lightsphere, and so on.


    do we have an E.T.A. on the name chart yet?

  16. 1 minute ago, omegaxis1 said:

    No, Xane said that Naga died. Being a Divine Dragon that was with Naga and the war, Xane would know if she was still alive. And her title says that she's the incarnation of the Divine Dragon King. Also, Medeus didn't say that she's Naga. He only implies that its Naga and that she has returned weaker than he had. 

    Also, based on every amnesia in Fire Emblem, unless they forget their name altogether, they wouldn't misremember their name. 

    Where did I ever say she's still alive?


    Resurrected implies they were brought back from the dead, which is exactly what I said happened. I never said Naga survived without coming back from the dead, which is what seems to have happened.

  17. 2 minutes ago, Party Moth said:

    It just struck me that since Vestaria Saga has been released, we have Kaga's email (and have contacted him about translating it). Has anyone considered possibly emailing him about what Doma and Mila were supposed to be? Might be a touchy subject still after all these years, but up until a year or two ago the idea of emailing him at all has been pretty alien.

    It'd be pretty funny to get an answer like Duma was definitely a dragon but Mila was intended to be a human shaped goddess, or something no one expects like that

  18. 3 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Nagi's a reincarnation, not the same thing. And she barely says anything. In fact, she sounds so distant that she seems like she's mentally not with everyone else. 

    It's all but stated she has severe amnesia. Medeus says she's Naga resurrected and it's implied "Nagi" is her misremembering her own name.


    So, quite ironically, somewhat like Julia but a lot worse.

    FE11/12 Nagi, Awakening Naga, and FE4 Naga are all pretty much the same person in their respective art styles

  19. 1 minute ago, omegaxis1 said:

    So many possibilities, so little information. The biggest problem is that we never, ever EVER see the original Naga. From this point on, the original Naga is a girl. But the issue is that Awakening Naga is the only Naga we physically see and interact with. It's not even to understand the personality or power, but seeing the original Naga would open up vital information, regarding the Dragon War, Falchion, Shield of Seals, etc. 

    Before Awakening, almost every form of information regarding Naga are second hand. Forseti, Mila, Xane, they all talk about Naga, her powers, and situations with her, but never once do we ever hear from Naga herself. 

    Nagi: Damn, that's cold. I have amnesia and I misremembered my name but that's pretty cold dude. I'm literally listed as Naga in my internal data

  20. 3 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Yeah, but for that one:

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    That's because she went and tried to research witches. Remember that Dragons possess and utilize vast knowledge of magic that humans can only dream of. Sonya was a human trying to research a way to revive witches that have lost their souls. It's possible that Naga, being the supreme dragon, had knowledge of magic to counter that already for all we know and it was implanted into Falchion.


    The Kingsfang was still referred to that by Mila when she saw Falchion in the cutscene. So that doesn't change that it was still a nickname in the first line. And that second line could actually indicate how Mila was describing the Kingsfang, how it was named and fashioned, but it doesn't completely indicate that it actually happened after Duma had gotten it. Again, since Naga intended Falchion to be used by humans against Duma and Mila so that humans had a chance, it would make sense that she had already fashioned it into a sword already, rather than leave it as a fang. 

    Or it could very well be the other way round and Falchion is a nickname for the Kingsfang after it was made a sword. Like the second line somewhat says point blank.


    it doesn't indicate it happened before duma got it either. Naga very well could have intended humans to use the Fang; perhaps she even gave Duma the idea/instruction to do this, and later did it herself when she needed to.

  21. 2 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:


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    Echoes actually now made it that Mila was never sealed inside Falchion at all. In Gaiden, it was said that Falchion had Mila inside it. But Echoes now had it that Falchion sealed Mila's powers. Mila herself was never inside the sword and actually sealed the sword so no one could use it until she herself released it. And Mila emerged from her dragon head, rather than from Falchion I believe.

    Unless maybe we could consider that since this was a case of dark magic that Duma made, Falchion simply dispels the dark magic that had taken Celica. 


    Um... I'm pretty sure the Falchion is known as the Kingsfang as well. It's a nickname so to speak. The Falchion is a weapon forged from her fang, and since Naga is the Divine Dragon King, her fang would be known as the kingsfang. She didn't simply give her fang to Duma, she had it fashioned into the weapon already, meant to be used by humans to take Duma and Mila out. It would have had to already been made into a sword since that's a human weapon. 

    "The ruler of the Divine dragons was merciful, so before Duma departed, she gave him one of her own fangs, the Kingsfang"

    "Falchion was the name given to the blade carved from the Kingsfang. It was a sword of beginnings, an incarnation of the ruler herself"

    They indicate the Kingsfang was given to them and THEN carved into the sword known as Falchion, but they never actually clarify by whom

  22. 34 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:


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    I don't think so. See, Falchion was given to Duma so that humans could use it against him and Mila in the case that they turn feral. Whether its Archanea or Valentia versions, Falchion remains as the ultimate dragon slayer weapon, and a powerful weapon overall that holds all her powers. Remember that Valentia holds no living dragons beyond Mila and Duma. All the other dragons are undead. 

    I think the ability to kill the undead might have originated either because Mila also placed her blessing on it, thus allowing it to counter against her power that was causing the undead to rise, or simply counter Duma's power that was controlling the undead. It could also be that because it's a blade of light, it strikes the darkness of the undead. 

    But you do have a point in how it can heal, since Falchion also has this ability to heal the holder of the weapon, though not in Alm's gameplay effect over the scenario. But the fact that Alm ran Celica through with Falchion and it not actually wounding her is what strikes me as strange. Sure she collapsed and seemed dead, but it didn't seem like the weapon actually harmed her to begin with.

    Don't get me started on the case of there being a Gradivus still in Valentia since there should only be 1. I think it's only there cause Camus is there and Gradivus is his signature weapon so they made a weapon like it.


    Falchion was not given to them. The Kingsfang was. It is said that later the Kingsfang was carved into Falchion.


    they NEVER clarify if Duma or Naga actually was the one to carve the Falchion in Echoes as far as I know, and in the original FE2, Duma is indeed the one being described as making Falchion; so it seems to me, unless there is an explicit mention of it being Naga, that Duma was the one who carved Falchion from the Kingsfang. Naga may or may not have given him the idea, or Duma may have given HER the idea for later.


    theres also the fact that the Valentia Falchion heals passively as mentioned above and this is probably why that scene plays out like it does- Falchion heals passively.


    by contrast, Archanea Falchion heals actively- only when Marth, Chrom, and Lucina command their Falchions to do so.


    in FE Heroes, all versions of the Falchion heal every third turn, but it's not clear if lore wise they retain the original "heal on command" for all but Alm's and the "passive healing" of Alm's, due to Heroes regalia mechanics being dramatically altered for the purpose of balancing Heroes's gameplay

  23. 15 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    We'd have to wait on what Hardin says on that. 

    Anyways, I know that it was also forged from Naga's fang. The thing that confuses me is:

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    Despite how it's still Falchion made from Naga herself, this Falchion that Alm uses already possesses the power to seal another dragon away, as it was used to seal Mila's power, somehow has this case where it wouldn't actually kill a person for some reason, and also has the power to restore the souls of people that have lost it as Celica has. It doesn't make sense since despite being two different Falchions, they are still essentially the same as they are both carved from Naga's fang. 

    Werdna says that Falchion might always have the ability to seal dragons away, but the Shield of Seals (and by extension the Exalted Falchion by the First Exalt and Awakening), holds a much more powerful seal for the much more powerful dragons. And he believes that Naga might actually have used the Archanean Falchion during the Dragon War and used it to seal the Earth Dragons, but used the Shield of Seals to strengthen it.


    You forget that Falchion heals as well as it harms. What happened in that scene isn't too confusing; Falchion was simply healing what was left of that person and restoring them, and Alm didn't realize it at first. Because of the Witch thing, it could simultaneously tie into Valentia Falchion's purge undead powers.


    Theyre both two different artifacts made in the same way with very slight differences to them. For instance, the Valentina Falchion slays undead, whereas the Archanean Falchion is only for dragons. They're forged from two different fangs and Naga may or may not have gotten the idea for her Falchion from what Duma and Mila did to her Fang she gave them. Basically, Naga very well could have copied Duma's homework if indeed it's still the case that duma forged the Falchion from the Kingsfang. Naga gave them her Fang, but I don't think they ever directly state that she herself actually was the one who had the idea to make it a sword, correct me if I'm wrong.

    Not too confusing at all, and a LOT less confusing than the multiple Gradivuses, Parthias, and Mercuriuses. None of which are ever once explained.


    The shield thing may or may not be supported by the fact that if I remember correctly an enchanted shield is holding the door shut to You-Know-Who's chamber in the Thabes Labyrinth.

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