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Posts posted by Vennobennu

  1. On recruitment,

    You can recruit Menmus and Cattleya on Chapter 2. Menmus you get by talking to him with Faratrass, and to recruit Cattleya you need to recruit Menmus and kill Tirado.

    The wyvern riders are fair enough, I think. You get advance warning on where they'll appear, and it's unlikely that more than one of them will be in range of one of your guys.

    Playing through the patch once again, it's cool to see how far it's come in such a short time - the music is pretty great especially!

  2. For this match, all characters in Top Tier are banned, plus Ena.

    PKL's Team



    Rin Nakai's Team



    Unit     HP Str Mag  Skl Spd Lck Def Res acc avo crt sk%
    Marcia   50  23  9   26  28  18  19  20  70  74  13  13
    Gatrie   59  29  4   27  21  17  30  12  71  47  13  27
    Mia      49  22  16  29  30  21  16  12  79  81  29  14
    Shinon   46  24  10  30  28  16  19  14  76  72  30  15
    Nephenee 51  25  9   28  26  14  27  17  70  66  14  28
    Rin Nakai
    Unit     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  acc  avo  crt  sk%
    Naesala  62   33   18   33   36   20   26   20   86   92   16   -    41  181
    Naesala  62   27   16   29   33   20   23   17    0   86    0    -
    Shinon   53   25   10   30   28   16   19   14   76   72   29   15
    Gatrie   59   29    4   27   21   13   30   16   67   43   13   27
    Marcia   50   23    9   26   28   18   19   20   70   74   13   13
    Mia      49   22   16   29   30   25   20   12   83   85   29   14

    PKL's Mia activates Provoke!

    RIn Nakai's Shinon activates Shade!

    Rin's Naesala transforms!


    PKL acts first. Shinon still has Shade though!

  3. What do you think about implementing FE9 battle calcs (so luck factors equally into avo/acc) to make hitrates better in general for a future game? There's already 5 more evade from WTA and more avoid in general from supports, it might make the meta a little more stable.

    Honestly I'd go for something like this instead:

    Avoid = AS + Luck + Bonuses

    This would've given Tana 65 displayed hit against Innes with her Spear, which seems like a fair value given the weapon and supports being used. With the +/- 15 hit (30 with reavers!) and better avoid supports, it'd balance out. It does take liberties with the game though.

  4. Hm. I'm not quite sure what the problem is, but here are some thing that may help:

    -Why is your BeginningScene being called as a turn event? FE8 automatically executes it, so there shouldn't be any need to call it manually.

    -In your pointer list (ThisChapter), you don't point to Enemies - you just point to Allies twice. Any enemies present on the map when the BeginningScene ends are automatically present for the battle.

    -Why do have ALIGN 4 after every section? I believe only traps and ballistas need an ALIGN 4 after them.

  5. You might be right. 0x0000 and 0xFEFF only seems to be used in Chapter 1 of all places; it may indeed mean nothing. Anyway, I finished fooling around with REDAs and here's what I came up with:

    The first byte and a half (i.e the first, and the lower part of the second) is for the coordinates to move to. These can be the same as the unit's starting position. The next byte and a half (the upper half of the second, and the third) is devoted to the unit's movement speed. Something like 0- 00 is the normal movement speed of a unit, while 8- 01 gives a slightly slower pace. Therefore, what Event Assembler's help file calls Flags is just part of the speed data (the half-byte part).

    The fourth byte tells the REDA to wait until this character's first REDA is done before executing this REDA. The Fighters in C1 have 0x46, Breguet's ID, so they don't spawn until Breguet has finished moving. Note that either way, you can't have more than four REDAs active at the same time. The fifth and sixth bytes are the FFFF/FEFF/0000 stuff that I don't know if it does anything. The last two bytes are reserved for time delay, in ticks, before spawning/moving the unit. You can get some pretty absurd delays here with two bytes, though you really don't need more than one.

    So that's about all there is to tell about REDAs.

  6. Actually, looking through Chapter 1's REDAs, it looks like that it isn't always 0xFFFF - Eirika, Seth, Franz and the Frelian Mercenary use 0x0000 instead.

    In addition, the fouth byte, which Event Assembler lists as 'Rescuing Character', isn't. Or at least not always. Several of the initial enemies (the Fighters) use 0x46 for it, which is Bregeut's ID. All of these Fighters appear after Breguet finishes moving, which leads me to believe that this byte might tell the unit to not spawn until the character indicated has finished their REDA. The same happens for the Frelians. The Mercenary has C1 - the character ID of the Frelian Cavalier - in the fourth byte of his REDA. The Merc doesn't spawn until the Cavalier finishes his first (of three) REDAs.

    I'll try fiddling around with the '0xFFFF' bytes and see what they affect.

    Edit: Alright, well, I can't see any difference between 0xFFFF and 0x0000. One of the enemy Soldiers has two REDAs and uses 0xFEFF, but again I can't see any difference if I have his REDAs use 0x0000 or 0xFFFF. Very strange.

  7. Yeah, that's basically what I've done before. It's conceivable that I missed something in the disassembly though.

    For how space-conscious the devs were elsewhere, it seems strange that they'd have two wasted bytes in every REDA. Maybe it was done that way to pad out each one to 8 bytes exactly so it'd be divisible by four.

  8. REDA's are pretty simple (well, so long as you want to do simple stuff); the first part comes in the unit data that you want to move. Here's an example:

    UNIT 0x80 WyvernRider_F 0x0 Level(16,Enemy,True) [23,9] 0b 0x0 0x1 Flyby1 [ForgedLance,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x2,0x0]

    The two bolded things are the important bit. The 0x1 denotes that I want the unit to make only one movement after being loaded; you can naturally increase this if you want the unit to make several sets of movements. The Flyby1 is just the pointer to the REDA data.

    Here's the REDA data this Wyvern Rider uses:

    REDA [21,9] 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0

    This makes her move two squares west, at the normal movement speed for a Wyvern Rider. Apart from the coordinates, the bytes here represent the following:

    1st: Special flags to use. This, as far as I've found, is only nonzero in cutscenes.

    2nd: How fast the unit moves. 0x0 will use the default speed (dependent on your Game Speed setting and their class).

    3rd: What character the unit is rescuing. This is used in vanilla in the Prologue, for when Seth enters the canyon map with Eirika in tow.

    After this come two FF bytes, but you don't need to include them in your event file and I haven't yet found a REDA where they aren't FFFF.

    4th:Delay. How long, in frames, to wait before moving this unit. Pretty simple.

    You might also see that my REDA has no ENDA or similar. That's because we already defined the length of the REDA in the unit data, so the game knows exactly when to stop reading REDAs.

    Does that help?

  9. I'm thinking of an average stat+cut supports, one-Nihil-per-team game, with all Top-tier units banned. Anybody up for that? We might have to ban a few High-Tier units for this as well, but I think it'd be an interesting experiment.

    Alternatively, Refa, if you want to revive the draft match we were going to have, I'd be glad to fight it now that my exams are over.

  10. Setval is pretty interesting, it sets the value of four bytes in the $030004BC area to anything you want; so _SETVAL 0x2 0xABCDEFGH will write GHEFCDAB at ($030004BC+ 4*1 = $030004C0). Some commands will automatically use values from a fixed memory slot (LOAD_WHATEVER 0x1 uses slot 0x2, coordinate-based commands like tile changes, MOVE and LOMA will use slot 0xB...), while some commands require that you define the slot to read from.

    It was probably introduced to save space, since the event used to load reinforcements in this game is pretty bulky and it'd take up a lot of space to write it out for every reinforcement. So, instead each reinforcement just says _SETVAL 0x2 0x(unit pointer) and calls the reinforcement loader at the same place.

    For events which use up a lot of different values at once (for instance, ones that change the AI of many units at once), the _SAVEFORBATTLE command is also used; this stores the value in slot 0x1 in a list, and you can have multiple values stored at one this way. This is useful for loops (like the AI changing). You also see it in scripted battles and in Rennac's recruitment, if you talk to him with your Lord.

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