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Everything posted by RandomX2

  1. RandomX2


    Your macro is strong, friend.
  2. Xane has support conversations with himself just to mess with us. HE KNOWS!
  3. Cognito reflects my ideas pretty well. If you need the content short-term (i.e. only to pass a test) and won't need it in a future course or in life, cramming the day before a test has always worked well for me. If you'll need the content on a future cumulative exam, cram again when the exam comes up. If you'll need the content in the future, like math foundation skills, just be sure that you aren't fooling yourself into believing you understand the content when you don't. Dig through the content until you can piece together how to do a exam question on your own. Always look for and recognize when you're spending too much time studying something that won't give you a good mark pay-off. For maximum godhood, let teachers know you want a better explanation when content doesn't make sense. If they re-explain a concept and it still isn't working and you feel uncomfortable with the amount of time you're wasting, let them know that while it still doesn't make sense to you, you'll just try to figure it out some other way or time. But that's a bonus. The first paragraph is more important and is the cornerstone of how I study.
  4. Having skimmed the thread, my opinions best matched those of Baldrick. Definitions are absolutely necessary for a question like this. Who are we talking about? Depending on that, the answer changes. Specifically, how was the person raised, and is their anything up with their genetics? Did they inherit a predisposition for calm behaviour, or intelligence? A simplification of my opinion is this: hatred encompasses both instinctual hatred (i.e. an immediate response to a bad event, or spontaneous rage because your brain arbitrarily decided to release whatever combination of hormones that corresponds to rage) and non-immediate hatred. Since instincts are too hard to control, I'd vote that instinctual hatred is not a choice. You can train yourself to have a controlled personality, and to not have hatred as a default response to events. That's not something people do often, though, so I'd call that an exception and say that instinctual hatred is largely not a choice. That's because it happens automatically, without you being able to think about it and decide if it's what you want. Continuing to hate someone may or may not be a choice. Let's say person "A" is wronged by person "B", and feels a rush of hatred. If "A" grew up in an poor environment that didn't encourage open-mindedness and friendliness and thinking, or if they drew a bad genetic lottery when it comes to their brain, it wouldn't occur to them that they could stop hating "B". They would continue to hate "B". For such a person, that hatred isn't a choice. In my mind, this "A" can't be responsible for their own thoughts. If instead "A" has a standard free human mind and is capable of thinking about whether or not they want to continue hating someone, then that hatred becomes a choice, just like most of their other decisions are choices. You can choose not to get angry at anything at all, no matter how seriously you're wronged. You can choose to continue hating someone, and that's okay, too. So long as you're aware that the other option exists, I'm more inclined to call it a choice. I feel the question is a bit broad. tl;dr: Some hatred is a choice, and some isn't, depending on the people involved and if you'd actually call their emotions at the time "hatred."
  5. Congrats Sienna! :D @Euklyd: The only thing I'd maybe call fun about orgo is in endgame, where you can be creative with ordering sequences of reactions to convert one molecule to another. It feels like a puzzle game, but the initial input you need in order to solve complex problems is lamesauce.
  6. I'm impressed by the answers and general logic here. If you're looking for more reasons to convince yourself (which you aren't but I want an excuse to show off medical knowledge), then I can tell you safely that health-wise it's not worth it. Alcohol doesn't mesh well with any disease state. Diabetes? It'll exacerbate low blood sugar problems. High cholesterol? It increases your triglyceride levels, which isn't terrible but not a good thing by any stretch of imagination. Blood pressure? Elevated by alcohol in the short term, at least. May confer mild cardio-protective effect in low doses but screw that. Taking any medications, even over-the-counter products for pain? Alcohol interacts with a lot of them. Hepatotoxicity? Oh lawd, the liver damage caused by alcohol is maximum, and trust me when I say you need your liver long-term. If you have liver damage and then try to take any medications, it really screws with the effective dose that you're getting. For myself, whenever someone asks why I don't drink I usually respond that since I haven't started and there's so many negative consequences (personal and financial on top of the health ones I listed off), there's no reason to start and risk getting addicted. I have no inclination to it now, so it's just good decision making to avoid it, since there's too many ways for it to bite me in the butt with too little pay-off. Mind you, I'm only gonna explain that to a sober friend. But obv you don't need any more reasons for yourself, so in the interests of actually answering your question: Mans got it in one.
  7. Where I am, the trades are much better choices than jobs that would need university education (i.e. lawyer, medical or god help you research) for the average person. The effort you have to put in is much less. The difficulty in getting acceptance is negligible if you're of standard intelligence, while acceptance is a huge barrier to professional schools. Monetary pay-off is solid. You have a good amount of extra time, relatively speaking; spend a little of it trying to secure a job in advance if you have the willpower to be proactive. Most people don't go that far, but hell, why not? Don't get suckered into university education if you don't have a plan. I've seen a lot of people who've wasted 4 years and have nothing to show for it. Think carefully.
  8. Tentatively sounds like things are starting to look up, Eli! Nice! Moving fridge/freezers is blargh, true, but I particularly loathe moving sofas/ furniture. Long objects and curved staircases don't mix at all :(
  9. RandomX2

    Oh boy~

    TWO 3s on the heart? AND a tilda? You are one happy camper, friend. When you fully emerge from that shell, be sure to combine your new extroversion powers with the self-awareness of introversion to reach godhood!
  10. Damn, stranger. There's many sides to a story, so I won't offer any judgement or advice. Sounds like you just needed to vent a bit. You have my sympathy, for whatever it's worth.
  11. Well in general rule 1 = consistency, rule 2 = diet. I wouldn't worry about becoming buff accidentally, because that doesn't happen. If it did, tons of people would be a lot buffer than they are. If your goal is simply to lower BF%, then continue cardio I guess. If you want to gain more muscle before losing BF%, then there are lots of good resources. The starting strength program by Rippetoe is good if you're ok with lifting weights; you don't have to read the book because it's too much information for too little payoff, especially if you're just lifting casually. Rippetoe's videos on form are solid, though. Bodyweight exercises can be convenient. Pushups are surprisingly easy to progress into and really satisfying to do. Pullups or chinups are hard to progress into (you need something to hang from which I had the hardest time finding, and you also need to bring a chair or something if you want to start off with "negative reps"). You reach god status once you can do them, though, as most people can't do a pullup. Situps are a waste of time imho; leg raises tire out abs much more quickly and efficiently. Squats are cool but scary because they take too much willpower. Alternatively, get $5000 and buy a couple of energy drops. Whatever works.
  12. You can if you're overweight to start off. ALSO WHAT IS YOUR GOAL OP I CAN'T EVEN TELL?!
  13. Son, I am approve. Mine would by far be Google Chrom.
  14. Damn, that can be traumatizing. You holding up alright?
  15. Heyoooo, me too! *high five* Sure, it's inconvenient to wash and dry, but having it flow in a strong, unidirectional wind is just priceless... along with whipping it around as though you're in a shampoo commercial every time you turn around.
  16. Keep going strong OP. Consistency is rule #1 for strength and fitness. If a gym membership is what helps you work out, then stick with it. I consider it like investing in Strength Drops or other perma-ups, so don't guilt around the cost unless you're REALLY in financial trouble. That stuff always pays off, unless you're reckless/ have bad luck and injure yourself. @Espinosa Ouch, I feel you. I'm usually super conservative when it comes to back workouts; I hate the idea of injuring my back. Hope your return to the gym works out well, man.
  17. Lena: 50 Elice: 36 Silk: 30 Jenny: 30 Maelliesa: 30 Yumina: 4 Adean: 26 Lana: 31 Safy: 30 Tina: 30 Linoan: 30 Sara: 30 Ellen: 30 Serra: 43 Natasha: 31 Mist: 32 Laura: 28 Lissa: 14
  18. The problem is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. Apply that to articles where very few understand the full context of a situation, and there's the answer.
  19. RandomX2


    What's up, amigo? Continue to acknowledge FE7 as the best FE game ever and we shall get along swimmingly. Awakening is probably objectively better actually but WHATEVER. Let us venture forth and grace with forums with our relative noobiness!
  20. RandomX2


    What's up guys? I'm RandomX2, super long time lurker (several years, honestly). I check this site super infrequently, but I check it nonetheless. My interests are reading and working out. Since I've been out of actual books to read I've ended up scouring TVTropes for recommended fanfics, and MAN you do not wanna walk down that road unless you're willing to lose a lot of free time. FE caught my interest with SSBM, but I actually didn't end up playing a game until Shadow Dragon. Retrospectively it wasn't that great, but it got me into Rekka no Ken so I'll let it slide on account of Rekka being really damn fun. I've played every game after FE6 at this point. I won't lengthen this since I won't be posting much at all, but that's me in a nutshell. Reading, school, work and working out. FEEL FREE TO REPLY AND VALIDATE MEEEEE Looking forward to digitally conversing with you, comrades.
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