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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. 2 hours ago, Gregster101 said:

    Yeah, while Binding Blade might be the more sensible and safer option due to Roy's popularity in Smash, Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 need remakes much more than Binding Blade imo

    Also, it just makes so much sense to do a Genealogy remake capitalizing on people being fresh off Three Houses and wanting to see the game that inspired it. I'm 90% sure we'll see that next, maybe not until 2021 though, since 3H DLC is planned until mid 2020.

  2. 50 minutes ago, Lief said:

    To finish what is the aspect of Fire Emblem Three Houses that makes you the most proud?

    Mr. Yokota : I am quite proud of this great monastery which is the gathering place in the game but also of the historical context around the continent of the game, Foldan. I am quite proud of this story, that of this country.

    Mr. Kusakihara : I do not want to sound weird when I'm obviously a developer on this game, but when I did the game from A to Z, when I got to the end of the story of the final version, I I had this incredible feeling that this country really existed, that it had a story to discover. Even as a developer on the game, I had that feeling of experiencing something that really existed. That's what I would like players to feel: the feeling that all of this has existed.

    Surprised to see world building as something the devs are proud of. Seems that they took the criticism of Fates' world to heart when writing TH.

    This is great to hear. The world building does seem good from what we know.

  3. 34 minutes ago, Owain Dark said:

    But who will kill Byleth? 

    Byleth will be crowned new god-emperor of Fodlan beside his harem of waifus and absolutely no one will have a problem with it.

    I could see Byleth either becoming the closest advisor to each lord in their path or disappearing forever leaving legends and songs of their greatness behind.

  4. 11 hours ago, BZL8 said:

    Something tells me one of the three are always going to die in all the routes whether we chose his or her side or not.

    Based on what we know, my current theory is that if you choose Edelgard, you'll be killing Claude for treason when he tries to help Dimitri and Dimitri due to their clash of ideals. If you choose Dimitri, you'll be killing Edelgard to overthrow the Empire and maybe Claude if he tries to stand in his way. And if you choose Claude, you'll have to kill Dimitri after Dimitri has killed Edelgard and turned to total anarchy.

    Hey, we said we wanted a dark FE game right? 

  5. 1 hour ago, VincentASM said:

    Which one? There's the Black Beast here.


    Here's my analysis as well.

    I was literally half asleep when I wrote it, so hopefully I didn't make any silly mistakes XD

    That's a great write up Vincent! Only 3 weeks to launch so you'll have some rest soon, haha.

    Man, it's crazy how the marketing for this game changed completely in the last month from "this is a fun high school sim FE" to "this is an epic war where old friends will see some shit". And it's generated so much hype. That main theme in the trailer is pure nostalgia. Really hoping it does well and lives up to expectations. Could be a big turning point for FE.

  6. I hope so too. I realize it's unlikely as it would take way more work than was probably feasible, but I hoped that we would have several bases during the story after leaving the monastery, like for example a castle for each lord, a campsite (used as the base when travelling), and one or two important towns, changing the home base depending on the story to fill in for the monastery when necessary. All the games and training features would move along with us, just the setting would be different. I now think the monastery will be the central hub for most of the story though.

  7. I hope most are, if only to add some age diversity into the group of playable characters. They'll each have different insights into the lore and history of the world that our younger students wouldn't have, so I'd love to see that in supports and how it shapes their allegiances after the time skip.

  8. Ah yes, I've been thinking about this recently. I'm also focusing Edelgard in axes. I'm thinking Hubert as a mage, Petra as a myrmidon, Ferdinand as cavalier or wyvern rider, Caspar as brawler, Linhardt hopefully as a mounted mage or just a plain mage, Dorothea as a Pegasus Knight unless there's something better for refreshers, and Bernadetta as an archer or cavalier.

    I also want to recruit any of Ashe as an archer, Ingrid as a Pegasus Knight, Marianne as a mage, Felix as a hero, Mercedes as a mage, Hilda as a mage, and Dedue as a knight/cavalier.

  9. 1 hour ago, Cysx said:

    That eagle(?) she seems to be looking up at, on the cover... there was an eagle in the E3 trailer, too, it struck me as slightly out of place then. I wonder if there's something to it now.

    The eagle is on her house banner after all, and the cover seems to reference the lyric "reach for my hand, I'll soar away". Both point at Edelgard's story dealing with her wishing to stay with her friends and having to learn to leave that aside to lead the Empire. The eagle appeared right before she says her line about justice in the trailer too. I'm really glad she's shaping up to be an interesting character.

  10. That's Donkey Kong, no one can tell me otherwise. Therefore the other must be Peach, and the rest of the new units will be Mario and Diddy Kong.

    But if it's FE characters, uh uh... Gonzales? It looks like a super beefy guy, like beefier than Bartre, Hector, Vaike... and the girl could be Lilina? It does look more like Severa though.

  11. I have to add that, beyond gay options for the "avatar", it'd be nice to have gay pairings period. I don't expect it in this game but there's really no reason why there shouldn't be any. I mean theoretically if Ingrid can S support female Byleth, and Annette can S support female Byleth, why shouldn't they be able to S support with each other/other girls?

    Also hoping we get some non-romantic paired endings among the bunch. If, as I suspect, some of the teachers and older characters are recruitable post time skip, I could see this happening between them and their former students. Maybe that's what the weird A》 support seen in the Treehouse means?

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