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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. I think something inspired by the Spanish conquest of Mexico would kick ass.

    Could be a story where one region/tribe has a power grip on the continent and so rebellion breaks out among other regions/tribes as the foreign invaders also arrive, leading to a shaky alliance with them and eventually leading to an endgame where you've toppled the first unjust ruler but must now also fight your former allies as they take on the role of oppressive rulers. Maybe a time skip would make sense here. Haven't really thought of the story details, basically I just want Aztec aesthetics and feathered serpent/jaguar shapeshifters.

  2. 35 minutes ago, Yexin said:

    3) Other, simply because there is no "I don't want ports/remasters" option

    Haha understandable

    36 minutes ago, Fire Brand said:

    While I'd like to see a Genealogy remake, I also fear they'd ruin it. The game has a lot of retro charm as well as writing which could be ruined very easily by new Fe tropes. While we could get a really amazing remastered soundtrack, I'm still cautious about a Genealogy remake.

    Fe warriors 2 could be interesting, but honestly, I'd most like to see a third Tellius game, set far in the future with Lehran and Ashunera's new hero. Who knows, perhaps characters like Kurth, Nasir and Ena would still be around? Of course there would be an entirely new cast, though. 

    Three Houses renewed my faith in their ability to write good characters, so I'm not too worried. As for a Tellius sequel, I'd have to see it to believe it. I love the games but I feel that story is done.

    11 minutes ago, Armagon said:
    1. However, assuming the next game is a remake, i would much rather FE6 than FE4. Am i oppposed to an FE4 remake? No. But the Jugdral series left a bad taste in my mouth because of how awful the gameplay was in those two games (my hot take of the day is that FE3 is the only enjoyable Kaga-era game). If we get an FE4 remake, extensive changes would have to be made to the gameplay before i even consider buying it. On the flip side, an FE6 remake is pretty much a day one buy for me. 

    FE6 is up there on my list of favourite FEs and it's definitely the safer option. Ideally a remake of FE4 would fix the gameplay issues of the original, though I'll grant you that previous remakes don't leave a very good track record in that regard.

    8 minutes ago, shad2810 said:

     If they do choose the fodlan route, I would prefer to see more of Dagda and Brigid (or any other countries/continent) away from fodlan with only a few minor references to said country as the next fire emblem..  

    One of many ideas I've got floating around in my head is a midquel in Brigid with Petra as the lord, Thracia style.

  3. I've been wondering for a while what's next for FE and also what the fanbase is hoping for. We've got 3H DLC coming for a while still, but I have to imagine IS are already working on plans for the next entry. And with FE growing bigger than ever with each new entry since Awakening, there's quite a lot of possibilities imo.

    I think it's generally assumed they're working on an FE4 remake, but the director of SoV did state he wanted to do FE6 next, so it isn't a sure thing. There's also the possibility of a new Warriors game or another spinoff, remasters, and classic games being added to the Japanese Nintendo Switch Online app. That's without even considering a new game or follow up to 3H.

    So what would everyone prefer to see next? For the first question, try limiting yourself to your top 3 most wanted choices. Also, if discussing possible follow ups to Three Houses, please spoiler tag anything that reveals details about the story.

    I personally do want to see an FE4 remake next, as I feel it could build on the engine they've got for 3H and as it was sort of an inspiration for the story this time, it makes sense to remake it now. I'd also love a Tellius remaster double pack, as it's my favourite FE world. And finally, I'd love some sort of follow up to Three Houses,  as I think Fódlan has a lot of potential still and we haven't really had a direct sequel/prequel in a while.


  4. Played for about 150 hours, two routes, still love it but the flaws are more apparent.

    The story and cast is my favourite since Radiant Dawn. That's a long ass time where FE was largely underwhelming in those areas to me. The gameplay is still fun but I really wish Hard was harder than it is, because while I find it too easy I'm not a fan of lunatic tier difficulty so Maddening isn't really appealing either. The monastery could use an option to do everything from a menu. The reclassing is excellent though. Maps are generally good but it does suck how much repetition there is.

    Still think at this point I'd rank it up there just beneath Tellius. 

  5. I assumed the thread was gonna be about manaketes, which yeah could've been interesting, since there's lore behind it. But like, Kaden and Keaton who come from X country that has no bearing on the story and can randomly transform? No, that wouldn't have added anything, just as it didn't add anything in Awakening or Fates. And like others said having different shifters running around would make the existence of dragons kind of underwhelming in comparison, which in the story has to be a big deal.

  6. 4 hours ago, Jena said:

    The only two times in the game (part 1) where we see the KoS kill someone was when they were trying to kill her or using violence against the Church...(inspired by TWSID)

    People wanted crests for power, not for religion. The empire, the place least influenced by the religion of Fódlan was where most crest experiments were made. And also, where most corruption existed. If I may add to the point before,  there was a Southern Church in the Empire that disappeared (probably due to TWSID influence or something like that) and we don't see Rhea trying to restore it by force at all. And there are powerful (by influence) nobles without a crest. For example, Judith or even Arundel, who was the main figure of the insurrection of the 7. 

    Claude doesn't consider Rhea an obstacle for his objectives. He just doesn't care that much about her. And well, looking at the supports with Cyril, he doesn't consider her a direct threat, and he even ends up believing that Rhea might agree with what he thinks.

    Well, the "experiment" with Byleth is explained in SS. And in the end I think is clear Byleth develops emotions. Also, Rhea literally thought that Byleth was Sothis, so in the case El didn't start the war, she would have probably let them do what they wanted. Because for her (before the ts), Byleth is the Progenitor God and the true leader of religion in Fódlan. 

    For your first point, we also learn that Lonato's son was actually framed by the Knights of Seiros and killed because it was the easiest thing to do. Catherine also talks about how she has killed for Rhea just because she ordered it and would again, and I know she doesn't necessarily represent the entire Knights of Seiros but they clearly operate on a "kill first, ask questions later, or not at all" basis, so it's not hard to imagine that more innocents have been wrongly put to death by the Church over the centuries due to misunderstandings or lack of complete loyalty. 

    As for crests, yes their influence is due to the power they grant, but the status and standing of those with crests is still due to Rhea lying about them being gifts from Sothis and their bearers being descended from legendary heroes. While there are nobles that have fought for power without crests, we also see that there's nobles who are brought down simply for lacking one. Without the lies it's possible that crest bearers wouldn't overwhelmingly have a grip on the power structure of Fódlan, nor would there be such a focus on passing them down.

    And for the last part, my assumption is that Rhea would have still discovered that Byleth wasn't actually Sothis but had only received her power, so rather than giving them free reign she would've had to mold them to rule according to her vision of what Sothis would want (which is the messed up society most of the characters want to change). And since Byleth stops hearing Sothis once they receive her power, there's no way they would've been able to fact-check Rhea, nor would there be a reason to doubt her version of history unless someone (Edelgard) calls her out on it, at which point Rhea/Byleth presumably sic their army on her accuser for blasphemy and we get a war anyway.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Cyan1456 said:

    Well you have to question how necessary it really was to unite all of Fodlan. Keep in mind, there was relative peace between the three nations regardless beforehand and the Alliance and Kingdom broke off from the Empire of their own volition. Yes, they've united Fodlan, but at the cost of thousands if not millions of innocent lives. This might be just me, but no matter how good an ideal you have it means nothing if you're willing to trample so many people over it. 

    And the Church thing, Rhea was planning to step down anyway and make Byleth the Archbishop. Edelgard probably would've had decent relations because they knew each other beforehand, and she could have a sway in how things go politically.

    Eh, Fódlan had peace but it was based on fear and opression. Rhea was the ultimate authority and if you didn't subscribe to her doctrine she had an army ready to kill no questions asked. It's also thanks to her lies that the crest system was in place and while some nobles kept the peace, those without crests still suffered under their dominance. So I get Edelgard's disdain for the Church, and Rhea's system wouldn't have allowed Claude to realize his goals either, so I actually like how he makes it clear he only wants to rescue Rhea because he knows she's the only one with answers. Rhea stepping down to make an emotionally stunted kid she experimented on with her mother's heart in them her heir doesn't exactly strike me as very positive either. Without Edelgard's war I'm sure Rhea would've just filled Byleth with her lies so they'd maintain the status quo and nothing in Fódlan would've really changed.

  8. I'm about to do the last chapter on GD and, is it just me or was Edelgard not really that bad on this route? Is everyone who calls her merciless and extreme basing that on only BL or am I still biased due to starting with Crimson Flower? Like she didn't really do anything reprehensible except cooperate with the slitherers, which even Claude says he can try to understand why she felt she had to do. In fact I got the impression Claude agreed with her in everything but her starting a war to achieve her/their goals, but like... without a war it would've been impossible to unite Fódlan, restructure the Church, and get rid of the slitherers.

  9. Killed her and Seteth, didn't know they could be spared. I like them both so it was painful.

    Generally I don't go out of my way to spare characters even if I like them, the only exceptions so far being Claude on CF, Ashe on GD (because I recruited him pre skip) and CF (didn't fight him), and Linhardt on GD (purposely ended the fight before he could be targeted by green units).

  10. Gremory Hilda because look at her. Those pink pigtails? Come on. She gets Thoron early on and eventually Bolting. She's surprisingly good even though you really have to push her skill levels since she's naturally bad at magic.

    Falcon Knight Marianne with Levin Sword is great. Eventually she got caught up in strength so she's good with her relic too.

    55 minutes ago, Chaotix said:

    Big downside: nobody else in Golden Deer gets Physic, so you probably want to recruit Linhardt or Mercedes to be your main healer.

    Ignatz gets Physic. 

  11. Playable Jeritza is great. Judith should be a free addition too honestly.

    Very curious about the new story mode. Hope we get details soon.

    As for the new classes, I hope they add a brawling class and dark magic class for the women (or just make them able to promote to Dark Mages). After that, a master tier Sage class for men and Halberdier would be cool. Maybe something to make Hero worth going through. Vanguard?

  12. 7 hours ago, Julian Solo said:

    Umm what? She didn't she let humans rule themselves. She never once made society about her. She never once in all routes had power over all humanity. She had no hand in spreading of crests besides the empire royal family crest and her knights. All nobles have power because there rich not just crests this is proven by Ingrid family. She never killed anyone that questioned her she only killed people that tried to kill her and only Catherine is a zealot. Shamir and Cyril are atheist.

    Huge Rhea spoilers below:

    She let humans rule Fódlan if they worship Seiros and Sothis, aka her and her mother. It's said that the nobility generally follows the church of Seiros, and why wouldn't they when their noble status is entirely based on Crests "granted by the goddess"? Rhea constructed a religion she's at the centre of, even if people don't know she's Seiros, she's still the archbishop and ultimate authority. The ruling class still depends on her.

    While it's true Shamir is more level headed, I don't know about Cyril. Even if he doesnt follow the religion of Seiros, he's obsessed with Rhea and it's telling that he stands beside Catherine in the Crimson Flower endgame even after Rhea burns the city. 

  13. I think they're both characters with good intentions that do some bad things.

    But Rhea had absolute power for centuries and used it to create a miserable world that only has peace because she has an army of zealots ready to kill anyone who questions her, no questions asked. We see this in Part 1 no matter the house. Crests are responsible for the cycle of suffering in Fódlan, and while she may not have created them she certainly is responsible for their role in the present. And while I sympathize with Rhea's backstory, her actions are ultimately selfish. 

    When Edelgard wins, she uses the same absolute power Rhea had before her to create a system where everyone has more equal opportunities, do away with class distinction, and gives it up to a chosen heir once this is all established. She leaves the world better and doesn't  restructure society to make it all about her, which is what Rhea did. Even in routes not her own, it's because of her war that Rhea is forced to confront her failings in the first place. 

    I love them both. Great characters. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    ...He has a paired ending with Felix? Even though Sylvain only ever shows romantic interest in girls? Wtf...? Is this more pandering to the crowd that wants more gay/bi characters? (Not that I'm against having fictional characters who are gay/lesbian/bi, I just don't like it when it's forced somewhere where it doesn't belong. People should create characters that happen to be gay and lesbian and all. Not force it on a character just for the sake of it, especially if said character is already established to be straight like Sylvain.)

    This does explain why I've seen pairing art of those two though.

    On another note, I finally made Sylvain a Great Knight! He's going to be epic as this class with his crazy Atk and Def.

    He does and no it's not pandering, not sure why it's your first thought. A lot of the characters in this game have endings with same sex partners that range from friendly to romantic, even some that can't S rank same sex Byleth. It's actually refreshing to see.

    The supports with Felix at first kind of seem like it could just be a one way crush that Felix has but then naturally develop their relationship and Sylvain is actually the first one to make a move that could be seen as romantic, but in a much more heartfelt way than he ever does with a woman. And the ending text makes it pretty clear that they felt very strongly about each other. Seeing how his whole thing is that he was made heir to his house over his older brother because of his crest, I thought it was interesting that he has an ending where he doesnt marry or have kids but instead has a pretty intense lifelong thing with his childhood best friend. It makes the womanizing thing look like an act he took to the extreme because of the pressure of being the only legitimate heir to his family and having to pass on his crest and name, but with Felix he finally chooses to completely break free of that obligation and just lives how he wants. That's not to say his endings with women are lesser or anything, like I said I like his supports with Dorothea, but having a romantic ending with a man just adds an interesting layer to his character.

  15. He's pretty fucked up for pretty much emotionally manipulating women, even if his reasoning of them only wanting him for his crest is probably true. But his experiences with women and his brother show how the Crests corrupt the mentality of those born both with and without one, tears families apart, and, like a lot of other characters, he gets better in supports. I especially liked his supports with Dorothea, and his BL ending with Felix is really cute. In the former they both find a deeper connection than they thought possible, and in the latter as well with the bonus of making me see his whole character a looot differently.

  16. My first run was Crimson Flower and I pretty much stuck to classes that made sense. I had:

    Edelgard: Empress

    Hubert: Warlock (ran out of Dark Crests)

    Petra: Wyvern Lord (MVP)

    Ferdinand: Hero > Holy Knight for the last few chapters

    Linhardt: Dark Knight

    Caspar: War Master

    Bernadetta: Assassin (benched)

    Dorothea: Gremory

    Sylvain: Paladin

    Lysithea: Gremory

    Marianne: Holy Knight 

    Felix: Dancer

    For my second run I decided to experiment a bit more. I'm almost at the skip and this is what I'm rolling with:

    Claude: Barbarossa

    Hilda: Bishop or Gremory (Serra memes)

    Lorenz: Dark Knight 

    Lysithea: Gremory 

    Marianne: Falcon Knight (once I gave her a Levin Sword she became indispensable)

    Ignatz: Dark Knight (not the best mage, probably the only experiment that has failed me and I really like him so it sucks)

    Raphael: War Master

    Leonie: Bow Knight

    Petra: Assassin

    Dorothea: Gremory

    Ashe: Wyvern Lord (has been quite good)

    Caspar: Dancer

    I haven't used the monastery characters much, I made Manuela a Pegasus Knight in BE and pretty much spammed Soulblade, and I want to use Seteth in GD.

    For BL I'm thinking of doing an all-mounted run except for Dimitri and my dancer (probably Ignatz).

  17. Part 2 recruits could've been really beneficial, yeah. I really wanted Ladislava and Randolph to join in BE, and when I saw Judith I thought she would be perfect for GD. Nader also makes a lot of sense. For BL I guess Rodrigue could be added, but I can't think of a woman they could add to make it even across the houses. These characters all have potential and if they were added as DLC I would be pretty happy. 

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