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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. 3 hours ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    Please consider instead supporting content creators who aren't predators.

    Not to mention racists/homophobes/sexists

    Used to enjoy content from some others that came off looking real bad after the accusations of abuse surfaced so I haven't sought out any FE content on YT for a while. Phoenixmaster and Ghast are probably the only ones I'd still consider worthwhile.

  2. Picked Edelgard as my freebie then went through two full cycles and also got Dimitri and Lysithea as free pulls. Only one I wasnt able to get is Claude, and I'm now out of orbs, so hopefully I'll be able to summon him before the banner is done. Happy with the other three! 

    I miss Legendary Edelgard's insane movement though, thinking of giving this one Galeforce.

  3. Love the art for the CYL Heroes, but damn I was hoping for something more creative not just their final classes. Will be using my free summon for Edelgard of course but I'm going to try to get all four.


    Also I love that Jorge is a GHB lmao.

  4. Azure Moon for sure. It has amazing development for Dimitri and Edelgard and adds a lot of important background to the overall story. Dimitri is a great subversion to the typical FE goody two shoes lords and goes through a pretty awesome and unique arc. While it is tough to go through as an Edelgard fan because part 2 is basically "let's blame everything on Edelgard and then hate on her some more", I will say it only made me more sympathetic to her, even if we do see her at her most desperate by the end.

    I love Claude but his route is the worst of the 3 lords'. It's the only one that directly addresses TWSITD so it's worth playing through, but AM/CF are much more impactful both as great character development for the main lord and for the overall effect they have on your understanding of the story.

  5. I don't know if excusing all your evil dad's evil deeds to the point of "what is justice, really?" qualifies as daddy issues. Maybe Leo, who actually struggles with the guilt of having an evil dad, or Camilla, who was emotionally traumatized having to fight for her evil dad's love, or Elise, who never got affection from her evil dad, would've fit the theme better.


    Anyway, voting for Altena.

  6. 45 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Nice to see Genealogy at the top. When do we expect our "Ribald Tales of the Faith War" remake?

    Surprised for Mystery's spot, but I suppose it's understandable if the likes of Awakening and Three Houses exist. At least it still made Top Five.

    Because Earthbound Beginnings had already been localized long ago. The game almost got released overseas back in the day. It was practically a last-minute decision to cancel it. So it was a simple matter of putting the ready-for-release version in the eShop, after some last few tweaks for accommodation. For Genelaogy, they'd have to do all the work now. Now granted, at this point in time the series could afford it. However, much as I'd be sad to say, we might not see a localized version of the game unless they pull a Trials of Mana, where they're remaking it and choose to throw us a bone by translating the original too.

    I remember Treehouse said they have rough English scripts of all JP only games for reference for working on Heroes and in general. Probably would need a bit of touching up but it seems like they have something to go off.

  7. FE4: Eldigan the Lionheart 

    FE5: Base (not sure if this is the actual name)

    FE6: Beneath a New Light

    FE7: Distant Travels

    FE8: Truth, Despair, and Hope

    FE9: Congregation of Ambition 

    FE10: Eternal Bond / A Grasping Truth

    FE13: Conquest

    FE14: Dusk Falls / Road Taken

    FE15: What Lies at the End / Twilight of the Gods

    FE16: Chasing Daybreak / Apex of the World / Blue Skies and a Battle (yeah choosing three is cheating but I really can't pick one)

    Can't recall any from FE11/12 😬

  8. I want this for new games, but not for eventual Tellius remasters. I don't think the games will receive a complete remake, probably somewhere between remaster and remake, but adding explorable bases would be overboard imo. There's more pressing issues to solve, like adding supports, fine tuning balancing, quality of life features like speeding up battles, etc. If they do make explorable bases in the future, having a menu where you can quickly access commonly used activities would be great so it's not always necessary to run around/quick travel to the specific rooms.

  9. I haven't played SS, but I was disappointed in VW... that said I don't like the idea of saving his route for DLC or even making it the Golden Route. Tbh I wonder if maybe the best course of action would've been keeping their original plan of having only SS/CF, with the students from other houses being recruitable as usual but keeping Dimitri locked to SS, which would incorporate his arc from AM, and Claude locked to CF, as secondary lords. VW makes a point of how Claude and Edelgard shared some ideals, and for being built up as a schemer he never really does anything to earn that reputation. How could he have been more involved in the plot? If he was actually taking advantage of the situation to further his own goals, playing both sides to find out the truth, and joining Edelgard mid to late game to take out TWSITD.

  10. Tellius is my favourite in the series. Echoing everyone praising PoR. However RD is my favourite and I think people are a bit too hard on it, the story has some issues but they mostly come in the latter parts and don't, imo, ruin the overall plot. It does some ambitious things and it doesn't always execute them perfectly, is all. Definitely needs to be played after PoR though, the story and most of the cast is deeply tied to the first game. Gameplay in both is linear, including set promotions, so I'm not sure how hard it would be to go back to that if you're more used to the newer games which allow more player choice. However, maps and mission variety is excellent, and skills/forging still allow some customization.

  11. Radiant Dawn is still my favourite. Tellius is so good and PoR is easily in my top 3 as well (3H being the other), but I love how much bigger in scope RD is, even if it doesn't land everything it tries to do. The story is great for like 90% of a huge game, which for me is enough to look past the later issues. I love how it tackles stuff the series usually glosses over, like what happens to a conquered country trying to rebuild or what it's like being thrust into ruling when you have no experience. I like the perspective shifting around a lot and would be interested in them attempting it again with better balancing. The DB being so weak and undeveloped is one of the things I would like changed if the game is ever remastered, but the rest of the cast is one of the best in the series, even if that's in large part thanks to PoR. Maps and gameplay are great, even with the weird difficulty. I'll never claim RD is objectively the best, much less perfect, but it does so many things I love that I can overlook the flaws it does have. That's kind of how I would describe 3H, too. PoR is really the only game I would describe as close to perfect.

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