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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. 1 hour ago, SuperNova125 said:

    Now about Rhea. I am really confused and a bit salty about her. Being a supporter for Female Byleth left a bad taste and her weird situation with Seiros makes me wonder how her votes will split. I hear Seiros (as a mythic but my point stands) more than Rhea as many people are satisfied with the summer duo. I think this will be her year as the Lords and the popular students have enough attention so she can now be the focus. 

    I remember Academy/War Rhea were oddly kept separate last year, I wonder if that was for spoiler reasons, and if this year they'll tally the votes together? It would be unfair to keep them separate imo. As someone also planning to vote for her, I hope this is confirmed once the site opens.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Karuu30 said:

    Is that time of the year again yay!

    I guess I will give some votes to Constance von Nuvelle and Elincia and wait for the mid-results to decide my last votes. I don’t have a preference for the winners, but it would be cool if Eirika wins.

    Shit how did I forget Elincia? I'd totally vote for her over Dorothea but I feel the latter has a better chance of scoring highly given recency bias and the coveted horny vote.

  3. 1. Nyna

    2. Medeus 

    3. Gotoh

    4. Jedah

    5. Elphin 

    6. Nergal

    7. Sonia (FE7)

    8. Ashera

    9. Pelleas 

    10. Thales

    And I know you specifically mentioned her as a bad pick but Rhea absolutely deserves to be in as a standalone character. Lekain, Manfroy, and Anankos should probably also be on the list but I had to leave them out for reasons. Validar who? I don't know her.

  4. I just saw the Book V stuff and damn, that's the most interesting FEH has been in a while for me. I'd love a full game with this steampunk setting.

    I am getting sick of the freebies always being cute girls though. Would've liked if Reginn was older or tougher looking (like her brothers). 

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