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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. Honestly I'm a little concerned. I'm sure it'll do well, since it's a 1st party game on Switch. But I don't think it'll be quite as huge as Awakening and Fates. The hype I've seen here and elsewhere has generally been subdued, and imo that's due to three factors: dull art, a bad direction for the second trailer/info video, and a pretty slow/lack of marketing.

    The art is polarizing, and apart from the main 3 and Byleth I haven't really seen any hype for the new characters. Contrast that to Fates, for instance. I remember when the retainers were shown everyone wanted to know more about them; they looked interesting. Or with Echoes: the redesigns were really beautiful and made these old characters come alive in ways they hadn't been able to do in Gaiden.

    The second showing of the game needed to create hype, and personally, it didn't do it for me. It made me (and apparently many others- even outside "the small bubble that is SF" / "minority of vocal fans") confused about what this game is trying to do. It was only after reading and watching many analyses and theories on the school system and other stuff shown off that I managed to convince myself that yeah, this could be interesting. 

    And finally, Nintendo have barely talked about the game. It's coming out in July, so I'm sure they'll be posting more updates now, but like... I thought we learned how to hype up an FE game after Awakening. We know the bare minimum of the story, we haven't really gotten any details on characters beyond the main lords, they haven't done a very good job explaining the gameplay...

    Anyway the point is that the game feels like it's going to get a lukewarm response in terms of "new FE" numbers and word of mouth, though it's still early to know for sure. Hopefully the marketing really amps up these last few months to create hype.

  2. Haven't really seen negativity aside from the art, personally, unless we're counting apprehension as negative now.

    Anyway, I like the 3 lords and the fact that none have a sword. I like that we finally have another axe lord and it's a woman, as well as our first POC lord. Dimitri has also grown on me.

    I like that so far we haven't seen any outright fanservice. Sothis is pushing it but at least the students are fully dressed and seem to be relatively normal people. 

    I like the sound of the reclass system but I'm curious to learn more.

    Also excited for the explorable castle/hub.

  3. Everything points to part of the story being Tellius lite. I'll be pleasantly surprised if instead of retreading old ground they're playing up the similarities to Tellius so they can subvert expectations by not having Geralt die early and not having Sothis be the misunderstood/imprisoned part of the goddess, not having the church be corrupted by those in charge, etc. But I can't imagine what else could happen with the details we've gotten.

  4. I love Mila's Turnwheel because it's essentially a soft reset without having to start from turn 1, but you still have to think about why your previous strategy didn't work and how you can change it, and it's not unlimited. So I'm happy to see the feature returning.

    The class system seems interesting but I wonder how units will be balanced. And does this mean the main three lords don't have unique classes? I mean it was pretty clear with Edelgard promoting into a Brigand last trailer but it's curious for FE.

    Sothis doesn't inspire confidence in me, and Byleth still seems boring and too much like a wannabe Ike/Corrin mashup. I'd say I hope Byleth isn't too central to the story but the last trailer crushed that hope. Still, I'd like if the 3 lords were just as big a focus as Byleth.

    Wonder when we'll get more story details.

  5. I don't know why but the art and feel for this game just seem so dated already... it feels like this is a game that would've come out like in 2009 from a B-tier developer. There's nothing innovative about the character designs, even Edelgard and Claude who are the best of the bunch aren't exactly amazing. At least the gameplay screenshots look good. Really hoping we get a new trailer soon that shows more of the non-school aspects.

  6. Lord (all main lords, including Elincia and Micaiah, but not including Fates royals)

    • Favorite: Ike
    • Runner Up: Lyn
    • Least Favorite: Corrin


    • Favorite: Mark
    • Runner Up: Kris
    • Least Favorite: Corrin


    • Favorite: Ross
    • Runner Up: Gray
    • Least Favorite: Faye


    • Favorite: Titania
    • Runner Up: Finn
    • Least Favorite: Peri


    • Favorite: Gatrie
    • Runner Up: Effie
    • Least Favorite: Kellam


    • Favorite: Hinata
    • Runner Up: Ayra
    • Least Favorite: Rutger


    • Favorite: Saber
    • Runner Up: Dieck
    • Least Favorite: Soleil

    Fighter/Oni Savage

    • Favorite: Boyd
    • Runner Up: Nolan
    • Least Favorite: Bord and Cord


    • Favorite: Geese
    • Runner Up: Dart
    • Least Favorite: Marty

    Soldier/Spear Fighter

    • Favorite: Lukas
    • Runner Up: Nephenee
    • Least Favorite: Aran

    Archer (also includes Ballistician and Apothecary)

    • Favorite: Python
    • Runner Up: Takumi
    • Least Favorite: Dorothy

    Nomad/Bow Knight

    • Favorite: Sue
    • Runner Up: Rath
    • Least Favorite: Astrid


    • Favorite: Lewyn
    • Runner Up: Soren
    • Least Favorite: Rhajat

    Dark Mage/Shaman

    • Favorite: Pelleas
    • Runner Up: Raigh
    • Least Favorite: Tharja


    • Favorite: Oliver (does he count? He's a good character to hate), otherwise move the other two up
    • Runner Up: Lucius
    • Least Favorite: Artur


    • Favorite: Mist
    • Runner Up: Lachesis if she counts here, otherwise Tatiana
    • Least Favorite: Corple


    • Favorite: L'Arachel
    • Runner Up: Elise
    • Least Favorite: Dwyer

    Thief (includes rogues, ninjas, butlers, and maids)

    • Favorite: Jaffar
    • Runner Up: Sothe
    • Least Favorite: Nina

    Pegasus Knight

    • Favorite: Elincia if she counts, otherwise Clair
    • Runner Up: Clair unless Elincia doesn't count for favourite, then Sigrun is my runner up
    • Least Favorite: Caeldori

    Wyvern Rider

    • Favorite: Jill
    • Runner Up: Altena
    • Least Favorite: Percy

    Manakete (also includes Xane)

    • Favorite: Tiki
    • Runner Up: Myrrh
    • Least Favorite: Nah

    Beast/Laguz (Royal)

    • Favorite: Tibarn
    • Runner Up: Reyson
    • Least Favorite: Skrimir

    Beast/Laguz (Non-Royal)

    • Favorite: Ranulf
    • Runner Up: Ena
    • Least Favorite: Selkie

    Dancer (includes Bards, Singers, and Herons)

    • Favorite: Ninian
    • Runner Up: Reyson
    • Least Favorite: Laylea? Least familiar with her.
  7. 7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    To be fair, he is an enemy in PoR. He sits just outside the battlefield's parameters in Blood Runs Red, and does show up at first as a foe at the Oribes/Riven Bridge, only for Jill to recruit him.

    Perhaps they couldn't think of a GHB to associate with Gallia (although Ashnard with his love of bestial strength, or Petrine because of her role during the GMs' flight to Gallia, would have worked), so they just wanted to get Haar the popular out of the way. Sadly, this means the two missing major villains of Tellius have both been delayed again, and both to my dislike.

    Exactly, like man there's so many cool villains in Tellius just waiting for their GHB and they randomly add Haar with the Gallian units? Petrine would've made a good pick as you say. I mean, it's Haar so I'm happy he's in, but he would've made more sense as a banner unit or GHB with other Daein units. Especially Jill, it's weird to add him without Jill, she recruits him, without Jill there is no Haar in Ike's army.

  8. Playing it now and it's, well, interesting. I'd never tried out games pre FE4. My Japanese is very rudimentary but I've sort of figured out the basics. Wish I could understand the dialogue, I'm only picking up words here and there but not enough to make sense of what they're saying.

    Would be great to eventually get some of the other Japanese games on Switch, even if they don't get translated.

  9. I dunno, this song feels more "Lost in Thoughts" than "Heritors of Arcadia", and while I'm not a fan of theme songs I love the latter because the lyrics were translated beautifully, it flows much better, and it wasn't overplayed. With Lost in Thoughts, the translated version was awkward because it had to fit the music which was obviously made to fit the more concise Japanese lyrics. This one feels a little bit like that as well, though it's grown on me since the initial upload.

  10. Open world doesn't fit FE. I don't think it would be possible to make a game where you're playing as nobles of the ruling families during a world war where you can freely wander around if you want the war to actually be taken seriously. If there's a game like that that exists I'd love to see how it pulls this off. 

    Also, since FE is still a tactical RPG, I struggle to picture how that would work in an open world setting. I imagine a big world like BotW interrupted every time there's an enemy, basically SoV's dungeons blown up huge, and that isn't really appealing to me. SoV's dungeons were tolerable but they weren't very long, I imagine having a huge world built like that would get tiring fast.

    What I do hope for is explorable areas aside from the monastery. I'd love to have some towns we can roam around and do different activities in, take on sidequests, etc. If the monastery really is our base only for the first part of the game, like some people speculate, then maybe that's exactly how we'll access all the training and support options in the later parts of the story, by going into towns, forts, etc.

  11. That is really ugly. Wow. 

    On the other hand, the special edition and... Fodlan edition look really good. I hope they go with that artwork of the 3 lords overlooking the monastery for the standard NA box art.

    The art direction seems to be all over the place for this game, like some pieces are very serious and set an epic tone, then they go with the most ridiculous fanart looking cover design. Hope this doesn't say anything about what the story is like.

    The music doesn't really seem special which is a shame. I'm tired of sung theme songs and the battle music isn't too exciting.

    I'm glad they're starting to show more about the game even if it's not exactly to my liking.

  12. As a fan of FE6, I do like this banner and characters but Idunn is really the only "hype" inclusion for me.

    Ideally I'd have rather had Dieck instead of Rutger and Guinevere or Miledy instead of Thea. Now that would've gotten me scrambling for orbs. Lugh is a character I like but that artstyle is really bad imo, it's also why I never used Raigh despite him being one of my favourites from FE6. And Sue is great but I don't really need her.

    I'd love to see another FE6 banner this year, I'd personally make it Guinevere (blue), Echidna (green), Dieck (red), and Elphin (staff refresher?), Murdock or Brunnya GHB and maybe Wolt TT reward?

    Though a better idea imo would be to start doing multi-game banners again. That way every game can theoretically get new characters throughout the year.

  13. 1 minute ago, Hekselka said:

    You know...playing a game and completing it a week before the banner launches in Heroes certainly was never my brightest ideas...because now I really want to pull

    I feel you, I've been replaying FE6 and I really wish I had some spare orbs, but I blew everything on the Tellius Valentine's banner. 

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