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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. On 15/1/2019 at 7:30 AM, Etheus said:

    1. Cormag (Sacred Stones) 

    The most glaring absence from Magvel, and the last character needed to adequately represent the game.

    Imma let you finish but Duessel and Selena were some of the most iconic SS characters of all time.

    Cormag not being in yet is really weird though, he's really popular.

  2. Yeah I'm also really against the idea of a collaboration.

    Still so many FE characters waiting to be added. Plus only a few Nintendo series wouldn't clash with the style of FE. I would roll my eyes if Mario characters were added.

    As far as them dressing up as other Nintendo characters, I don't really like many seasonal banners, and that's not a banner I'd pull on, probably.

  3. I feel like this turned into "my 10 most wanted" really fast.

    Most deserving, imo, are (in no order):

    Ashnard: One of the more well liked villains, is a sword wyvern, would probably be a tanky flier which isn't too common.

    Jill: Very popular and generally considered one of the better written FE characters.

    Sephiran: Important in two games and generally considered a good character.

    Medeus: Now that Gharnef is in, it's only fair if the dragon that started it all also makes it.

    Nyna: She's probably the biggest Archanea character still not in Heroes, and since she's important in both games it feels unfair to exclude her.

    Nils: Ninian is more important to Elibe, but you can't have one without the other. Plus, I feel like he's important to include for the western fans that started with FE7.

    Sonia: May be odd to choose her over Nergal, but I feel she was the most iconic villain in the first game to hit the West.

    Emmeryn: One of the most important Awakening characters left.

    Flavia: See above.

    Basilio: See above.

    My 10 most wanted would be very different and much more skewed towards Tellius.

  4. 14 hours ago, Guest Perle said:

    Besides, looking to Fire Emblem for quality storytelling is already playing yourself. If the "no waifu" crowd want an SRPG with good story, Yasumi Matsuno's games are always there. Complex character writing, excellent dialogue and worldbuilding, antagonists with motivations beyond cartoon character level writing with not dumb magic cop outs like "dragon madness" or "he was possessed the whole time". TO:LUCT even features an alignment system that isn't just a boring, flat "good or bad" like most games.

    If you aren't approaching Fire Emblem with the same expectations you would a light novel anime, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

    I do however, have high hopes for the gameplay.

    This argument is a thing since Awakening and frankly isn't true and is just used to dismiss criticism against the bad writing in the 3DS era.

    FE used to take its writing seriously and have stories that made sense. Awakening and Fates, and to a degree SoV, have a very different approach that is more like what you describe. But it doesn't mean we can't hope Three Houses doesn't ignore its own themes (Fates/SoV) or isn't a confused 3 in 1 mess (Awakening).

  5. Well, with Nintendo seemingly foregoing a January Direct and instead announcing stuff on social media this year, I'm thinking this got delayed again. I mean, unless we get an FE Direct, I don't see a general one happening until March if there isn't one this month, and two months seems awfully short to basically re-announce the game and release it. I would've guessed May, now I'm guessing September. Would love to be wrong...

  6. It's amazing how much more fun this is than Wii U. A change of hardware makes a world of difference.

    I've not stopped playing yet and I still have a ton of single player stuff to do. While having everyone back is cool in its own way, the roster still has some questionable characters in it and glaring omissions. DLC doesn't excite me at all at this point since the plant is there just for the sake of being shocking and while I'll probably buy Joker (and Erdrick if he's added) none of the rumoured third party characters are what I was hoping for.

    Still, this is the most fun I've had with Smash probably since Melee. And that's not a diss to Brawl and 3DS since I had a ton of fun with them too, it's just Ultimate is so good.

  7. Right now, after one trailer, I'm cautiously optimistic.

    I like the style but I hope the final game looks better. The gameplay looks interesting, with skills, troops, and exploration. And the characters all intrigue me, except Byleth, because I suspect he's the avatar and that inherently makes me apprehensive. The story doesn't seem too innovative from what we know, but I like the idea of focusing on the three houses and I'm hoping that means there will be more politics involved. The music is good but I'm not a fan of the bit of the sung version of the song we heard. 

    As far as another delay, I would be very disappointed, and would need a port or remaster of another game in the meantime to make me feel better.

  8. All the leaks and rumours are boring to me. I get that Smash has evolved beyond "Nintendo All Stars" but these characters are so... meh.

    Yeah, DQ is a big deal in Japan and if Erdrick had been in the base roster I wouldn't mind, but I'm not tempted to pay extra for him like I would be for say Sora or a Bravely character or a second FF rep.

    Doom Guy bores me as I'm not into shooters at all. For a "mature" rep, why not someone from Resident Evil? Or a first party rep like someone from Eternal Darkness? Yeah it would be less of an "iconic" factor but I think hardcore Nintendo fans would be more excited.

    A Ninja Gaiden rep doesn't make sense to me, I guess it's iconic and fills the classic character role... But so would Takamaru or Prince Sable or Isaac at this point, if only they weren't all assists.

    And then there's Steve, who I don't think anyone really wants but kind of just accept because he would please young fans. Fair point but young fans would be excited for pretty much anyone billed as a cool new fighter, so why not Banjo instead?

    And the fact that all the rumoured characters are third parties just makes it even worse imo. So many Nintendo stars still waiting their turn and these are their choices? I would be really dumbfounded. I realize they can't please everyone with their picks, but when not even one of them gets me excited to buy the DLC, and generally the reactions to the leaks are lukewarm at best (more "yeah this makes sense for business reasons" and not "take my money!"), I can't say they made good picks.


  9. Isaac: Alchemy Unleashed

    Stage 1: dark Kirby on Green Greens (symbolizing possessed Tret). Music: Isaac Battle Theme. 

    Stage 2: blue Roy and red Palutena on Temple Battlefield (Saturos and Menardi). Music: Saturos Battle Theme. 

    Stage 3: giant Inkling on Pirate Ship (symbolizing the Kraken on the Karagol Sea). Music: Weyard. 

    Stage 4: giant Charizard x2 on Venus Lighthouse (end of original Golden Sun). Music: Venus Lighthouse. 

    Stage 5: Sheik and Captain Falcon on Fountain of Dreams (Karst and Agatio on Jupiter Lighthouse). Music: Elemental Stars Remix.

    Stage 6: giant Bowser on Castle Siege (locked to lava cave) (symbolizing Mars Lighthouse being lit). Music: Apollo Ascent. 

    Boss: Rathalos (end of second Golden Sun). Music: Battle Scene/Final Boss.

    Credits: Venus Lighthouse 

  10. Favourite: GCN/Wii. Best story, best world, two great lords, fun gameplay with the return (but not predominance) of skills and other enjoyable mechanics, and a lot of heart and ambition.

    Least favourite: DS. I only played Shadow Dragon, which while I find enjoyable has a lot of things I don't like as well. If I was more familiar with FE12 it might be enough to bump the DS era up a few spots, but as it stands, Elibe makes the GBA era a solid second place, 3DS is saved by SoV and I like Fates despite the bad writing, and Jugdral's story is good enough for me to overlook the meh gameplay.

    I haven't played any NES FE, but if I had it just might be last because the remakes theoretically improve on the originals.

  11. Isaac, I've wanted him since forever so that's an easy first pick.

    Lyn because she's one of my favourite FE lords and her not being playable really feels like a miss.

    Skull Kid because Zelda needs more unique characters and he's my favourite of the AT characters for the series.

    Alucard, love Castlevania and though I haven't played SOTN I'd love him playable.

    Black Knight because bias, but if I had to pick as an unbiased director, I'd pick Shadow to give Sonic a second rep, or Takamaru because he seems cool.

  12. @Slumber and @Sunwoo among others basically summed up my feelings on these two games, and I'm not one of those people who say anyone who likes Awakening/Fates is a bad person (I actually like Fates decently enough), but since I consider it the weakest "generation" of FE I'll give my 2 cents.

    To me, what Fire Emblem was fundamentally changed with these two games. They at once simplified and overcomplicated things too much. What I mean is, the 3DS lords are good because the game says so. All of them, except Lucina at least the way I see it, are worshipped so much despite having clear faults that never get dealt with or developed. Chrom whitewashes his country's/family's dark history? It's ok, he's a nice lovable dork. Robin pulls off dumb/questionable strategies? Of course, he's (read: you, the player) the best tactician ever. Corrin can literally do no wrong and if he does it's ok because it's part of what makes them so awesome. Other characters are reduced to gimmicks and while this happened in other games it's played up to 100 here and it affects most if not all of the cast. Meanwhile, both games have needlessly complicated plots that aren't even sure what they want to accomplish. Awakening starts strong but finishes that arc before it even really gets going in favour of Validar, the most embarrassingly awful villain in the whole series, and a random Valm arc that does nothing. Fates has 3 versions that tell incomplete stories that aren't even good. And finally, the fanservice and waifus are clearly at the forefront when neither was part of I enjoyed about FE before and negatively affect the writing: ie. supports in Awakening are all whirlwind romances and Fates lets you marry your siblings, except they aren't really your siblings, but they sort of are, but not actually.

    The gameplay I liked at first in Awakening, but grew to dislike the focus on reclassing and making OP kids. I ignored the kids in Fates and with the changes to Pair Up and reclassing, as well as other improvements from Awakening, I really like how those games play (except Revelation).

    I also echo the sentiment that the hugely biased attention these two games got for a long time made me dislike them more than I did at first. It's gotten better now, but for a while it felt as if IS and Nintendo wanted to forget the rest of the series, and the attitude of many online was "well, it's not only natural but correct to do so since Awakening Saved the Series (TM) and the games before don't matter". It got ugly between old and new fans for a while there and unfortunately IS and Nintendo only made the divide worse instead of trying to bring the fanbase together, until Heroes imo. I do feel that after Heroes and SoV there's less animosity than before. Hopefully Three Houses will be something new and old fans can enjoy so we can move entirely past it.

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