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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. 4 hours ago, Gemma said:

    Dixie Kong and Ken do seem to be obvious picks


    You think they'll make an echo fighter for Robin?

    I don't expect any more FE characters, personally, not even echoes.

    2 hours ago, Jedi said:

    What my hope is with Isaac is if he shows up that Felix comes with him like Richter did with Simon.

    I would cry so many tears of joy seeing a trailer with Isaac and Felix on Venus Lighthouse. I've wanted that in Smash for years.

  2. Now that we have a better idea of how this roster is shaping out, and since a few leaks were confirmed... I'm guessing we're still getting:

    Brand new: Skull Kid, Incineroar (both rumoured by someone who leaked Simon and Ridley if I understand correctly, and apparently fit into the villains theme), Elma (long rumoured), and Heihachi.

    Echoes: Isabelle, Shadow, Ken, Dixie, Impa.

    DLC: Rex and Pyra, Malos (echo), Spring Man, Ribbon Girl (echo?), Octoling (echo), a new Pokemon for gen 8.

    My top hopes right now are Xenoblade newcomers, and I would love if Impa makes it and Skull Kid turns out to be true. Also Isaac has not been seen as an AT yet and he definitely did well on the ballot, so... I don't wanna say that means anything since he was cut entirely before but maybe Sakurai will notice him this time...

  3. The FE roster is sooo bad, it started well enough but with Smash Wii U Sakurai got way ahead of himself adding so many newcomers. Look, I love Roy and I mained him over Marth in Melee, but honestly I would have accepted him remaining cut along with Lucina (who I DID want for Smash U), Corrin, and Chrom not getting added, and instead getting Robin and Azura in Smash Wii U and Lyn and Edelgard in Ultimate. That way the roster would have still had 3.5 sword users but instead of four Marth variations we would've had the elegant swordsman, the heavy swordsman, the sword mage, the water bending lancer, the katana/bow fighter, and the axe user. A far better representation of FE with less characters than we have now. And even if there had to be echoes because it's easier, fine, how about Marth, Ike, Robin, Roy (returning in Smash 5) Azura, Celica, and Edelgard.

    I admire Sakurai and would never tell him how to do his job but I do feel he really made some questionable choices the last two games as far as FE 

  4. 2 hours ago, Slumber said:

    I just want Golden Sun. Give be something from Golden Sun and I'll be happy. Somebody at Nintendo must remember that those games exist. Thought I don't know if anybody at Camelot even remembers. I'm sure they're all "What? No. We only make Mario spin-offs and sports games." 

    If Isaac is playable in this I will never complain about Chrom being playable again. Your move Sakurai.

  5. 3 hours ago, Etheus said:

    That is an illusion though. Removing an echo fighter doesn't mean adding a new unique moveset. The scale of work involved is completely different. After all, was anyone in the entire universe asking for Daisy? Probably not, but a recolor of Peach with some slightly different mechanics takes less work than putting in someone like Walluigi or Captain Toad. 

    If we are getting a new moveset (cough Edelgard cough), it will be as DLC by popular demand or to promote a new game, and I'm personally okay with that.

    Ok so why not Celica instead. Echo of Robin with a self damaging moveset and different spells. More recent, more popular, more unique than Chrom.

    I don't see 8 FE characters happening. I'd love to be wrong and have Edelgard or Lyn as DLC.

  6. Not a fan of Chrom in FE and even less in Smash. He brings nothing new or interesting to the game and actually makes the roster worse because this time it does feel like there was only one possible FE slot and he just took it from someone more unique like Lyn, Celica, or Edelgard. I don't see any other FE characters being added since no one was cut and now we have another clone.

  7. 20 minutes ago, The DanMan said:

    On the bright side, at least it's not like Pokemon-- were 6/9 of the characters are exclusively from Gen 1 with all the odd numbered gens lacking representation. FE at least has each "era" covered (Marth for Nes/Snes, Roy for GBA, Ike for GC/Wii).

    Yeah definitely, Pokemon has it rough too. Especially now with Gen 1 Pokemon Trainer being back, that roster is really skewed as well.

    I would say I'm hopeful for DLC Lyn, Celica, Hector, or anyone not from Awakening but I really don't think FE can add more characters at this point without the overrepresentation meme becoming true. Maybe Edelgard but I don't think even she has a shot.

  8. Simon is amazing and the stage is incredible with all those cameo appearances, holy shit. And so much Castlevania music. I really hope this means a new game/compilation is in development.

    K Rool is deserved as he's been requested for so freaking long.

    I'm super bummed about Chrom, though. The FE roster is such a disappointment, seriously the series has such varied and interesting characters and instead we're stuck with all sword users and almost half the roster from one of 15 games. Marth, Hector, Ike, Robin, and Celica is such a better and well rounded roster that I wouldn't even have minded Roy being cut permanently after Melee or Lyn not being in if it meant better representation for the series. Speaking of, if Chrom was added due to backlash why the heck is Lyn still an AT? She's been requested far longer and has proven to be more popular. Oh I know, Awakening saved the series. Can't we move on already? Sigh.

    Anyway aside from that rant, I thought the Direct was great. Super excited for the game.

  9. Jugdral, Tellius, and Elibe. Yeah they're my favourite 3 worlds but it's asking what we want, so my bias is somewhat justified.

    Anyway, Elibe is missing important characters from both games but especially Binding Blade. I'd like to see a Bern banner/GHB with any of Guinevere, Miledy, Zeiss, Gale, Murdock, Brunnya, and Idunn. We also need Dieck, Echidna, Lalum, Elphin, Perceval, Lugh (literally the only one in his family not in the game yet), Wolt, and Marcus.

    From FE7 Pent and Louise (and Nils!) are the most glaring omissions, but also, we are severely lacking in villains. I'd like to see Sonya, Limstella, and Ephidel become playable, but clearly Nergal would be a priority for GHB (let's be real, they're going to want Sonya as whale bait). At least Linus is finally in the game.

    Also let's add Merlinus as some sort of seasonal because I just thought of him being a grey horse unit that throws random FE items to attack.

    Tellius is missing the laguz, but also other really popular characters like Jill and Haar and other important ones like Pelleas and Sephiran.

    And Jugdral needs a ton of characters from everywhere still. Lewyn when, IS?

  10. Nooo, I really want Brave Micaiah!

    Honestly I'm expecting the next winners to be like, Takumi, Chrom, Eirika, and Camilla or Loki (assuming Marth is being counted as the 5th winner for CYL2). None of which I would vote for, but I already got plenty of favs in the first two polls, so I'll just do my best to support Micaiah and the rest of my favs who have like no chance of winning. But if they made everyone who's already in Heroes ineligible, it wouldn't be very exciting since at this point most of the characters that aren't in the game in some form are very minor.

  11. I am ready to be underwhelmed.

    Honestly even CYL2 isn't that hype anymore since everyone on it except Veronica have already gotten alts. Still will be cool to see what they do with the characters but it's not really a novelty anymore.

    It's too early for an FE16 banner and I've given up expecting laguz to be added anytime soon, so I wonder if there will be any unexpected banners.

    Edit: oh, no CYL? Well then I really have no clue what they'll talk about.

  12. On 1/7/2018 at 6:35 PM, Aera said:

    PoC/LGBT characters require world-building whereas the heterosexual/cisgender white character simply exists. As you said, the problem is rooted in using European people and culture as the standard. 

    Anyways, Fire Emblem: Terrace House.

    Not to bring up an old debate again, but that's simply not true. What world building did Danved or Heather "require" to exist? Or Flavia and Basilio, beyond "this is a different country from that of the white protagonist"? Or Ike?* Also, I thought we agreed after Fates that what we need more of is in fact better world building. Is it suddenly a bad thing if it's used to bring in more diversity?

    Let's remember FE is fiction, and that no game takes place in actual medieval Europe. Continent Y can have a European aesthetic and feature gay dark skinned characters and not have to explain why they're there at all.


    * if you accept that he is coded as a gay man.

  13. Hey, this banner is actually kind of... cool? Linde is pretty much in her normal outfit, Tiki isn't creepy, Camilla isn't in your face, and Takumi is a nice surprise. And they're all interesting unit types in a way. I usually don't pull on seasonal banners beyond the free pull. The only times I can remember spending several orbs were the dancer banner, Love Abounds, and the flying Ninian banner. I'll probably go for Linde and Takumi and then maybe the other two this time.

  14. 16 hours ago, Regal Edelgard Axe Master said:

    uh...you can also say this about Lucina(and she's one of the most popular FE waifus ever), Micaiah, Celica, Eirika etc list goes on she will obviously be no different. This has ALWAYS been a very popular thing for JP/Otaku culture for Games/Anime series than just FE. If your really THAT bother by a series that is pretty much anime influenced in general I feel really sorry for you well only a little.

    Lucina is from the first game to make self insert marriage a key feature so it makes sense some people call her a waifu, though that's still reducing her character to "pretty girl" but ok call her that if you want.

    Micaiah, Celica, and Eirika, even Lyn, were rarely referred to as "waifus" before circa 2012. Yeah, they had fans who liked them in that way, but my point is the discourse around FE women has changed in recent years. Comments like "hurray new waifu" about Edelgard when we've only seen her portrait and gotten a few lines where she throws plot at us just seems childish to me. Like her defining trait is "pretty girl for me to fantasize about". I expect more from FE so maybe that's why it bothers me. It also doesn't help that it's much rarer to see "hurray new husbando" comments. Feels like female characters are expected to be pandering and fanservice. As someone who's into guys, my main concern regarding Claude and Dimitri isn't "hope I can stroke their faces" so I really don't get this whole side of the fanbase.

  15. Interesting concept...

    Mario series: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Yoshi. All icons of video gaming. 5/20

    Zelda series: Link, Zelda, Ganondorf. The core three of Nintendo's second (?) biggest franchise. 8/20

    Pokemon series: Pikachu, Mewtwo, Lucario. The previous two are arguably the two most recognizable (as is Charizard but not everyone can make the cut!) and Lucario is in my mind the biggest post gen 1 Pokemon. 11/20

    DK, Samus, Kirby, and Fox round out the iconic must haves. 15/20

    Marth is definitely deserving as FE has grown in popularity quite a bit. Ness for the same reason and he serves as the retro character. 17/20

    We need newer characters to round out this mostly classic roster so the last 3 spots go to Inkling, Villager, and Shulk. 20/20

    If I could add 5 more, at this point in time, I'd choose Robin, Diddy, Sonic, Megaman, and Pac-Man.

    Then launch the FE DLC pack with Ike, Lyn, Ephraim, Celica, and one of the FE16 protagonists 

  16. I usually like Gamexplain as a casual news/speculation page but when it comes to FE Derrick is like the only one who knows what he's talking about and he's pretty new to the fanbase so yeah, he still gets stuff wrong. Still good to have them give the game some attention since they're pretty influential.

    Side note, I really hate how any female character gets instantly labelled a waifu now. It's pretty damn demeaning that that's all people care about or look for. Especially when nothing about Edelgard hints at fanservice. How about hoping she's a good character and speculating about that instead of whether she can marry your avatar? Ugh.

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