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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. 3 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    I'd kinda be disappointed if it was Marth, not because it's Marth, but because IS have been decidedly unadventurous in terms of unit type for Legendary heroes. Looking at the wiki just now, Marth is never anything but an infantry sword in all of his games, and that is something that I Do Not Want.

    Unless IS change their policy on the "canonicity" of Legendary heroes, I'd rather see Marth pop up as a random banner alt instead, so they can at least be a bit adventurous with his move or weapon type. Put him on Caeda's pegasus or something, I don't know.

    I'll go Red Dragon Corrin (either) as the next Legendary.

    For Legendary Marth, someone here once suggested he get Starlight and it struck me as an awesome idea.

    Edit: I have to say I am surprised Lucina doesn't have a Legendary alt yet. I'm guessing she'll come with Awakened Falchion or another legendary lance, maybe with built in distant counter?

    And Ike still has to get an alt using his lord outfit!

  2. Just now, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    I know, right? After Marth, Roy, and Ike got all the attention thanks to Smash Bros., and Lucina after Awakening, Lyn is finally getting some attention. It's awesome!

    The cherry on the cake would be her getting upgraded to playable in Smash! I think she could have a shot for DLC considering IS and Nintendo finally know how popular she is.

  3. Holy--


    I did not expect Lyn to be the legendary! I thought for sure it would be Takumi. 

    She looks great! That animation is soooo good!

    I have no orbs and no Leif after the Thracia banner but... I'll definitely use any I can get on this banner to try for legendary Lyn! 

    I'm loving how much attention she's getting ever since CYL :3

  4. I would've liked Finn to be more eye catching for sure, and for Leif to have a magic sword, but I'm not at all annoyed that Reinhardt and Olwen got more interesting alts on the Thracia banner. Thracia is the least played/known game overall, so they had to make it attractive for the large casual Heroes playerbase. Could Leif have been treated better as a main lord? Definitely, but heck, he's better than Marth in the game. Hopefully both Finn and Leif get updated weapons, and maybe a legendary alt for Master Knight Leif eventually.

  5. Well... Leo doesn't technically do much in Conquest's plot. If he was the main character, everything would be so much better. The story actually becomes Leo trying to fix Nohr from within like it was advertised because he already knows something is up with Garon, he has no reason to trust Azura or conquer Hoshido with her, Camilla becomes a better character bc no Corrin means no obsession and instead she helps Leo and Elise, Xander becomes a better character because he would probably become a recurring enemy/NPC until he  eventually betrays Garon and joins later in the campaign... also being the lord Leo becomes a better unit and gets more deserved screentime :3

  6. From FE I want Rigel Castle and I think Nuibaba's Abode would be a cool stage too. If there has to be something from Fates then I'd want the Valla pyramid or the Nohrian Capital (with several levels and the training pit in the center). Hopefully this game has some cool FE stages as there's so many possibilities and we've gotten mostly generic stages so far.

    New Donk City is a must. For Zelda, Hyrule Castle or a touring stage that takes us to the 4 beasts. 

    For Xenoblade Chronicles 2, I'd want a pretty spoilery stage...


    World Tree with all the Titans fighting in the background  



  7. I'm not really a fan of route exclusive characters unless you play both routes at once like in SoV. And if there are big differences between routes I would rather not have to pay full price for each one again. 

    Imo, the best option is either to have simultaneous routes like SoV or to have both/all sides of the story playable in one run, like RD.

  8. 39 minutes ago, SuperNova125 said:

    How long has it been in development? Square Enix does this, announcing games when they start development, overhyping the people and releasing the game after some good five to ten years (KH 3, FF 15). Unless they started development after fates and had Echoes as a sidething to keep the "FE spirit" up. If that is the case then Japan for sure will get the game this year (I had hoped to get a worldwide release, xenoblade could pull it why not FE)

    Afaik that's exactly what happened, a smaller team did SoV while the bulk of the staff went to FE16 after Fates.

    So the game has been in development for quite some time. Which makes it very odd they've kept it so quiet. 

    If we don't get anything before E3, the only strategy left that makes sense for releasing it this year is teasing it at their presentation and then following up with one or two game specific Directs before release. Thing is, Smash is rumoured for September, so in theory FE has to launch before then if they don't want it to be completely ignored. That leaves around 3 months between E3 and potential Smash for them to announce, hype, and release FE.

  9. Holy shit, just checked back in and Alfonse is winning significantly. I'm on team Anna in outrealm 1140. It doesn't look possible for either of the other two teams to win because as soon as I try to reclaim a spot I get Alfonse rushing in to save it and Sharena going in to muck things up. Meanwhile there's a sea of green/blue back and forths that Alfonse is advancing towards.

  10. I think "Fire Emblem Switch will for sure be announced at [upcoming presentation]" is gonna be this year's Increasingly Nervous Man meme.

    As far as graphics... There's some debate whether they'll use classic sprites or Tellius style 3D models on the actual maps. Personally, I'm hoping for 3D models. RD already looked good, to me anyway, and now with better hardware and a bigger budget I'm sure they could make some nice looking battles. I love the classic sprites as much as anyone, but I feel like it would be more impressive seeing everything in 3D. For the actual battle models (presumably also for cutscenes), I hope they aren't like Warriors. I agree that the models in that game look too plastic, there's something off there. Something like Xenoblade 2's style would work, graphically speaking of course... NOT design wise.

  11. Everyone is freaking out about Reinhardt and Olwen and I just find it hilarious thinking about a potential remake down the line and people with no exposure to Jugdral outside of Heroes being totally confused about how minor they are in the game.

    I'm aiming for Leif and Olwen first and then maybe Reinhardt and last of all Nanna. Sorry but I just don't really use staff units. Glad Finn is free though I feel like maybe he and Reinhardt should've switched places.

  12. 4 hours ago, NoirCore said:

    Please do not start something.

    That guy is a huge GameFAQs troll, it's best to just put him on ignore.

    Anyway I am back to really doubting that there will be another Direct before E3. FEH channel pretty much deconfirms an FE specific Direct and anything else they have lined up would probably best be saved for E3. Smash will obviously be their focus for this year and there's pretty much only Dark Souls, Crash, and Hyrule Warriors between now and then.

  13. I wonder if they'll also show off a second farfetched heroes banner. Selkie, Owain, Kliff, Keaton, Aversa, and Ishtar are the highest in the poll that aren't already in/confirmed/Heroes OCs.

    If beast units are coming I could see the banner being Selkie, Keaton, and Kliff with Owain as a TT and one of the two villains as GHB. Alternatively, they could do Kliff, Owain, and Ishtar on a banner and Aversa as a TT/GHB. 

  14. On 5/4/2018 at 10:13 AM, dmurr said:

    I wouldn't be surprised to see Celica as what Lucina was originally intended to be, a Marth costume, though I'll admit Celica being a Marth clone in Warriors gives me that bias.

    I've seen people saying she could be a Robin clone with a self harming mechanic instead of weapons breaking. It could work with a "light" variant of Nosferatu and maybe switching her neutral special to Fire and Ragnarok and the side special to Aura instead of Robin's Thunder/Thoron and Elfire. Of course if Celica is in I'd rather she not be a clone but hey this could be fun too.

  15. 4 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    I would say Sacred Stones failed on both accounts - it was stingy with too many classes (ignoring trainees, you only get one [mediocre] fighter, one Knight, one archer, one mercenary, one wyvern rider, one mage, one dark user, and one [mediocre] Berserker), and it didn't exactly pass the "good amount of well-written or memorable characters" test either.


    I guess on the gameplay side you have a point. Thinking on it I think I always just use the same units. I like the royals and feel they were pretty well developed, but you could argue that their being so prominent took away from the other characters like in Fates. Still, I consider it an improvement over the games that came before it in this regard, as Archanea and Elibe are filled with characters who get one or two recruitment lines whereas you still get standout secondary characters in the story in Magvel like Cormag, Knoll, Gerik's crew, and some others. The unlimited grinding in Magvel probably helped too as it was easier to see supports without having to do multiple playthroughs. 

  16. Honestly, around the size of SS and SoV's. It's just easier to develop a smaller cast than one the size of RD or Binding Blade's. Plus you avoid having a large portion of the cast be redundant gameplay wise.

    PoR is the only game with a pretty sizeable cast that handles it well in the character development department, imo. Though I wonder what supports could have done for Archanea or what they could do for Jugdral...

  17. 1 hour ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    I'd love to see this too, though I'm not sure what kind of classes the Aztec-eqsue side would have.

    It would be easy to adapt mercenaries, soldiers, and fighters just with an Aztec aesthetic. There could be a focus on dark magic and introduce water/earth magic as part of anima. For their mounts they could go a little wild and have jaguar riders (fast and powerful but low defense cavaliers) and feathered snake riders (fliers).

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