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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. Haven't posted but I'm loving this game. Haven't finished but at this point I would say it's my favourite of the 3, I'm enjoying it more than 1 and I just wasn't a big fan of X.

    I love Nia and the fourth party member, but really the whole main cast is great. Rex has grown on me a lot.

    Question for anyone who has reached a big chapter 7 spoiler:


    Did you use Nia mainly as a blade or as a driver? I heard she's the best healing blade, but I also kind of prefer having her as my dedicated healer with her own blades. I've been raising her affinity up with Morag and Zeke as my other party members, and Zeke has Nim so that gives me two potential healing sources, plus when I get Mythra back she's pretty good for healing as well. I might use her as a blade for sidequesting so I can use Zeke more and then keep my usual Rex-Morag-Nia setup for story bosses.

  2. If the top 4 from last time aren't eligible, then my votes will be:

    Micaiah, Elincia, Zephiel, Lewyn, Arvis, Leif, Jill

    If 13 are allowed then also Jaffar, Nino, Ephraim, Pelleas, and Eldigan

    It will be interesting to see how things shift. I fully expect Tharja to place first for the women, but it's not so obvious who will win among the men. I think SoV characters will rank higher and I expect Celica in the top 10, maybe also Alm. Fates characters will probably rank lower overall this time while Awakening ones will still rank well. Older characters who have been good in Heroes like Reinhardt, Hector, Klein, Ninian, etc. will probably also do better.

  3. After some issues with the game and freaking out thinking I would miss this banner, I finally was able to pull today. I got Micaiah after around 80 orbs, then I focused on trying to get either Sothe or a repeat Micaiah. I said to myself I would go down to 100 orbs and stop even if I didn't get them. On the second to last orb before I hit 100, I got Sothe too. Waited for RD for so long and got the two I wanted from the banner without much stress. I was growing bored with the game recently but training up Micaiah is just what I needed to get back into it!

  4. It would be interesting to see a few characters go up, but I think mostly the top results wouldn't change much.  The top characters were popular before and will still be popular now. If they make more Brave Heroes then I think they should keep going down the list we have. Plus with FE16 around the corner it would be better to wait for that game to release and hype to die down a bit to have the most fair poll if you wanna phrase it like that. If they do it just before or just after FE16 releases then characters from that game would either not be included or rank higher than normal due to being the newest cast around. 

  5. I ended up loving BD. It has a pretty good story, and really great characters and voice acting. The gameplay is solid and if you like RPGs you will appreciate how it feels like a classic one with major improvements like a toggle for random encounters. The job system is fun and the game uses pretty much every aspect of the 3DS to enhance the gameplay. 

    The infamous second half, I didn't find bad at all. Like I said it isn't a problem because you can choose how fast you want to progress through the second half. It's definitely worth playing the whole game yourself, because the final battle just won't be the same if you watch a video of it.

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