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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. 15 hours ago, Quintessence said:

    When I read it would (supposedly) include gothic elements, I thought about the Templars and their obscure setting, plus obscure religious stuff (though I prefer not to mess with that). I don't know a lot of the gothic culture or the medieval art but I could see them pulling something similar to Fates, in which there are different sects that praise a God in different ways, bringing birth to a Holy military order (knights, pegs and whatnot) and a dark cult (dark mages, monsters, gargoyles and vampires?), and probably the Avatar is somewhere in the middle bringing destruction to both sides to restore order or finish off false paradigms. I better stop making stories in my head :P:

    This sounds really cool actually. My head automatically went to a more fanservicey interpretation of the setting given current trends.

  2. I hope this is finally a tome flier I'm interested in. Not a fan of Shigure (no opinion really as I never got child units in Fates), but I didn't like Camilla and Corrin for being way too fanservicey so I never tried for them. If Shigure has decent art then I may try to get him. Otherwise I really want to save up for Jugdral.

  3. Sounds completely unbelievable to me, except the part about the lord using swords. How would this even leak, anyway? There's no planned conference or showcase so the only way would be if someone from IS or the Treehouse leaked, and while it could happen I find it extremely unlikely they would leak only this if they were gonna risk it. Either way there's not really enough details to interest me. However I hope we get some info soon.

  4. Do we know context for this poll? Is it from a magazine, a website, an event, or what?

    Regardless, it's nice to see a poll that breaks the narrative of generalizing all Japanese fans as fans of Archanea, Awakening, and Fates above all else, even if the polling size isn't the largest. Surprising to see PoR and 7 rank so high though Genealogy doing well isn't too unexpected, I always got the feeling that game couldn't be held in such esteem only in the West.

    Edit: also about Heroes, it's probably less that people dislike the game and more that since it's basically FE lite less people are likely to name it as their absolute favourite. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Lau said:

    I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean by 'increasingly nervous man'. Could you explain?


    And I agree, this is a crossover I've wanted for a long time. But...our opinions don't mean anything. At all.

    The nervous man thing is a meme where said man repeats to himself that something will surely happen despite amounting evidence to the contrary. 

    Also, don't kid yourself, your opinion and anyone's is important to let the developers know what could've been done better. It may be too late this time but if they attempt another crossover after this they may take our opinions into account. And as down as I may be on this crossover I don't want them to stop trying, I just want them to consider that maybe going the safe route with character selection isn't the most exciting choice and that there's an audience waiting for other characters to be acknowledged too.

  6. Bump.

    I've been thinking about the way Final Fantasy has done certain things and how FE could go a similar route. I think Warriors has shown people really want a crossover among the different FE universes. So I think Dissidia is a good model for how this could be done with the chance to include all games.

    Dissidia FF is a fighting game that includes all main characters from the FF games. So the FE version would follow suit and have the base roster be Marth (Falchion), Alm (Falchion/bow), Celica (Zofia/magic), Sigurd (Tyrfing, mounted), Seliph (Tyrfing, foot), Leif (Light Sword, foot), Roy (Binding Blade), Eliwood (Durandal, mounted), Hector (Armads), Lyn (Sol Katti/bow), Eirika (Sieglinde, mounted), Ephraim (Siegmund, foot), Ike (Ragnell/Urvan), Micaiah (light magic/recovery), Chrom (Falchion/lance), Lucina (Parallel Falchion/Geirskögul), Corrin (Yato/breath), Azura (lances), and FE16 MCs. Unlockables would bring villains and other favourites. My personal picks would be: Tiki (breath), Caeda (Wing Spear/sword), Minerva (axes), Arvis (fire magic), Lyon (dark magic), Black Knight (Alondite), Robin (Levin sword/magic/Grima powers), Camilla (axes/magic), Takumi (bows), and the villain of FE16. They could also further expand the roster with updates or DLC. As far as mechanics there could be supports, pair up, and equippable skills. The story would be totally new with the FE characters being summoned to help as in Heroes.


  7. 3 minutes ago, Lau said:

    Why on earth are people thinking that this is the only DLC we're getting? Once we get these three games out of the way, I'm sure that we'll get more featuring the other games throughout next year.

    And even if we don't, why are you all acting like it's the end of the world? You're just going to have to wait for a potential sequel, if the game sells well. Oh, but according to you lot, it won't, due to a 'phantom audience' like what the hell? Just let the people who are genuinely excited for the game, be excited.

    And I'm seeing a lot of people here who have hated on this game from the start, and I have to ask...why are you still here?

    1. Says increasingly nervous man for the nth time this week. Also you're basically saying we shouldn't be disappointed because we can potentially pay the price of the full game plus overpriced DLC just for the chance of having one or two characters from other games show up. Man, what a deal.

    2. I am sure you would patiently wait for a sequel if this first game had a tiny selection of characters you like, right? This argument lost any steam it once had when people started losing their shit over Azura and more SD characters not being in.


    8 minutes ago, Book Bro said:

    because this was a scenario many of us had been excited for and speculated about for a long time. 


  8. Shoutout to everyone who said not to be so pessimistic and surely other games would come in DLC so those complaining should support the game anyway. 

    This has been awful decision after awful decision. It's sad because this was a scenario many of us had been excited for and speculated about for a long time. 

  9. 50 minutes ago, Thane said:

    I still think they could've gone the all-lords-route and then pad out missing niches with suitable characters.

    Sword: 12 - Marth, Alm, Sigurd, Leif, Seliph, Roy, Eliwood, Lyn, Eirika, Ike, Chrom, Lucina

    Axe: 1 - Hector

    Lance: 2 - Ephraim, Azura

    Tome: 3 - Celica, Micaiah, Robin

    Breath: 1 - Corrin

    While it seems like we've got a handful of clones, we do have around, what, 11 sword users in the base game? I think this list would make a lot more sense, especially if you fill it out with characters like Takumi. That way you could even market to the people who have only played the 3DS games while simultaneously honoring the entire series.

    This is a perfect example of why making a series wide roster wasn't so complicated. I mean, even going off this list, you can see that there's still variety among the sword lords. You have fencers, swordmaster types, magic swords, mounted swords, and bulky swords. Sure there's a few shared movesets, but it's what we got anyway and at least this way you appeal to a wider range of fans. 

  10. I think the simplest thing for Heroes is to treat all shapeshifters the way manaketes have been. I also think laguz should come in varying colours and movement types. For example, beasts can be normal infantry, ravens/hawks/herons flying, and dragons armoured. As for colours I guess cats would be red, wolves blue, taguel green, hawks green, ravens blue, herons colourless, and dragons depending on their breath type would be red, blue or colourless (white breath), or green (black breath).

    For Xane to be added I assume they would have to make him copy whoever he is attacking or have a skill that allows him to shift once to a specific unit on the map selected by the player.

  11. Honestly my favourite is Eldigan. It conveys his character very well. You get that he's a stoic, serious lord, but in his battle art you also see that he's a skilled and dangerous fighter. There's also an air about him that really captures his title of Lionheart. The overall design is very close to his original art, but it also takes what was a very 90s anime look and makes it feel contemporary. 

    As for the other extreme, there's the typical Lloyd, Eliwood answer, but one piece of character art that I particularly dislike and don't see mentioned too often is Hector. First of all, the style clashes way too much with the rest of the characters. But even aside from the style, I don't like how his armour is all one shade of blue. In his original art and even in his Heroes sprite you can see that there's different tones to it. In this art it looks weirdly like a body suit. I also don't like his face in the neutral and damaged poses. However, the attacking pose is cool. 

  12. In random order...

    Wada Sachiko (Brave Roy)

    Tobi (Klein)

    Kita Senri (Brave Ike)

    Yamada Akihiro (Zephiel)

    cuboon (Tana)

    Daisuke Izuka (Michalis)

    My absolute favourite is PenekoR who drew Eldigan, Saber, and Valter (not sure if that's all). I would love to see what s/he can do with a main FE game. 

    Edit: I also like Kippu but they're a bit hit and miss for me. I like Linde's neutral/attack art but not her damaged art, I like Ninian's attack art but not her neutral/damaged art, and I like Elincia's attack/damaged art but not her neutral one.

  13. Aversa. It would be neat if they could somehow make her team be generics that mimick your own team's skill set to reference her paralogue in Awakening but I'm not sure that's feasible in Heroes.

    Arvis, with his map based on Balhalla. 

    Ashnard, map based on the final map from PoR.

    Linus with his map based on the shrine of seals.

    Lyon with his map based on the last map of FE8.

    Uhh... that's a lot of reds. Which is why I think Lyon and Aversa should get dark tomes of a different colour, but I based this off what's already established in the game.

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