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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. 2 hours ago, a bear said:

    I'd like to think with decent designs and voice clips they'd be fine. They can still use actual characters too, even older FE characters if they're short on ideas, it'd be kinda like in Heroes. The main point really is just to have the same kid system functionally without all the writing and scenario baggage that comes with it. And there's a lot of that.

    That doesn't go with what FE is about. There's always been more of a focus on characters and the player's attachment to them than say FFT where most of your group is made up of generic, expendable units. To have a system where your characters make a bunch of generic child soldiers or summon Einherjar compromises the entire point of FE, which is to make you care about your units and think of them as more than a bunch of stats, not to mention it's another Fates scenario where even if it's not part of the main plot the implications mess with it anyway.

  2. Got him on Lunatic with 5☆ Ike +HP seal, 5☆ Ninian, 5☆ Lukas with Brave Lance+, and 4☆ Michalis +Attack seal.

    I lured half the enemies north with Ike, Berkut and the other cavs south with Michalis on a defense tile, then took out the survivors: axe cav with Ike, Berkut with Michalis (danced) and the bow cav with Lukas. Green mage attacked Ninian the next turn, she survived and warped away and on the next player phase Ike and Michalis took down green mage.

  3. Thing is, good sales for this game will likely be interpreted as success because of Awakening and Fates characters. Even if good sales spur a sequel, there's no guarantee it won't just feature characters from FE16, ones from 13/14/Archanea that didn't make the first cut, and maybe Alm and Celica depending on the timing. This is using the very logic people have used to defend this game's roster, mind you. Why risk the sequel failing by including characters from games who by that point will be even older instead of focusing on the hugely popular 3DS era and the latest entry on the Switch? Awakening and Fates have a large enough roster between them after all where they could easily make another game with mainly those two games.

    There is no guarantee that even if fans who are let down support this game the creators will be fair in creating the roster next time around. 

  4. A few comments on some stuff that's come up...

    1. Not liking these features doesn't mean we want the series to stay static. The series can evolve in other ways. You could also argue that keeping these features just because they were popular a few times, even if they don't fit in the next game, would be remaining static.

    2. The success of 3DS FE is not owed just to these features. It's also due to much bigger advertising and more accessibility.

    3. Since the topic of censorship was brought up again, I'm pretty sure even in Japan stuff like petting and tits and ass are focused at a very specific niche audience. It rubs me the wrong way when people refer to this as part of "Japanese culture" to justify FE being more fanservicey now, as if Japan is way more open to sex and sexy stuff than the West. Maybe @shadowofchaoswould have a better point of view on this though it may not be the best thread to discuss it in.

    4. The kids in Fates affect the plot in that it makes no sense for the characters to get married and go through 9 months of pregnancy during the campaign, and they all end up abandoning their kids anyway which makes even the most well intentioned of them look like dicks. 

  5. Avatar: I don't feel they add anything of value. Customization in FE is not something I think fits very well, and even then there could just be some sort of armour system that is kind of a natural progression to how the 3DS games have equippable items show up on the character models. Maybe like in Bravely, where you can equip gear for the effect and then also have a different set equipped for the look you want. As far as "being able to see yourself in the story ", it's just something I will never understand, as I feel any character can serve as the link between the story and the player, just like in other forms of media. FE has not successfully done a blank avatar, anyway.

    Kids: Story-wise, if they are forced in like in Fates it damages the seriousness of the plot. Retreading Genealogy or Awakening is not something I want either. If they feel like they have to put in a child system, then they should build the story around that and figure out a creative way to tell it.

    Romance: Yes, by which I mean a support system that includes romance, but doesn't revolve exclusively around it.

  6. 15 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Making the legendary weapons unbreakable but also having a repair feature seems like conflicting features. If you're going to be able to repair things then it makes sense to have them as OP and a resource to use.


    On my own personal opinion I'm fine with Idoun being a pushover final boss. It works with her plot. She's sympathetic, not actively aggressive (you're chasing her down) and wasn't even built for combat (unlike most other final bosses the threat she poses isn't because she's powerful, it's because she can breed war dragons). But the game still needs a satisfying conclusion so I'd really like Yahn threat level to be increased. Really play up the true Fire Dragon status he has with a sprite different from the War Dragons. The divine weapons can still be effective against him but just give hime much high stats to compensate and maybe some area of effect attacks.

    I agree that Yahn should be the stronger of the two final bosses but I still think Idoun should at least be made so it's not possible or as easy to one-turn her. Redesign the map so getting to her is the challenge at least.

    Speaking of Yahn, he should be more present in the story. Have him show up a few times before endgame, but in a way that he's kept somewhat mysterious until the end.

    As far as other things I'd like: expand the supports and add more paired endings; develop the contrast between Roy and Zephiel more; add a walkable barracks; expand Lilina's and Guinevere's roles in the story; make Guinevere playable even if she's built as a more supportive mage to reflect her peaceful nature; incorporate Lalum and Elphin into the story regardless of who you recruit; have more cameos/references from FE7; let the player choose between branching paths or expand the story so you visit all of them in one playthrough.

    And of course, voice acting and cutscenes, balancing Roy's promotion time/hit rates, etc. If the difficulty is kept around the same then they should also consider adding in-battle saves or a Turnwheel type mechanic.

    One thing they NEED to make sure they get as close as possible to the original though, is Zephiel's battle animations. 

  7. Ike: I like his down to earth personality and his unique perspective among FE lords. His relationships with his family/friends are endearing and I especially like his relationship with Soren. As far as gameplay he's a beast.

    Lyn: I find her story to be really good, for touching on themes of racism and nobility and I find her to be one of the stronger characters for fighting as a non-white woman. She has a tragic story all things considered but it's touching that she gets some peace of mind in the end. 

    Micaiah: I find her to be one of the more complex lords which many people dislike her for, since she has more moments of self-doubt, bad decisions, and mistakes than other lords. The only part of her character I'm not fond of is how everything is revealed about her at the end all in one go, I think it could have been handled better. 

    Ephraim: He's a bit like Hector in that he much prefers fighting and travelling than being a ruler. But his relationships with Eirika and Lyon make him a bit more interesting to me. I also loved having a lance lord.

    Roy: Like others have said, he's a kid who would rather be studying than leading an army, and he puts on a brave face despite him being so young. I think it's interesting to have such a young MC, and while he may be mature for his age at times, it really shows just how naive he still is. It's something I hope gets developed a bit more in a potential remake. 

    Celica: I find her to be unique in that she's the only female lord that really sets out on her own accord. She has a clear purpose of her own, without being forced or dragged along. She also has personal struggles and moments of doubt throughout her story which for me makes an interesting character. Haven't quite finished SoV but as of act 4 she's gained a spot among my favourites. 

    If Elincia counts, she too would be a favourite for her arc from sheltered princess to determined leader.

  8. I still like Fates for the gameplay and the characters. I have a weird view on the story/world. I was one of those people who got over-hyped thinking this was going to be a well-written political drama, and was utterly let down when instead we got fanservicey anime #68319 with a story that makes no sense. I still see so much potential there that would have made Fates amazing, so while I hate the story and the fact that the world was so poorly developed, I still like imagining the possibilities.

    Conquest wins hands down for gameplay, and while there's plenty of characters I can't stand, there's a lot to like. Birthright is mediocre but decent enough with a likeable cast. Revelation is the only path I don't see myself revisiting because of how bad it is.

  9. So I pulled Eldigan and promoted Reinhardt today, which inspired me to finally make a dedicated horse team. I'm no good at the whole skill inheritance thing so I wanted to ask opinions here.

    For now I'm working on these characters:

    Eldigan 5☆: Mystletainn, Swap, Growing Light, Fury 3, Axebreaker 3, Ward Cavalry

    Reinhardt 5☆: Dire Thunder, Blazing Thunder, Darting Blow 3, Vantage 3, Goad Cavalry

    Camus 4☆: Silver Lance, Growing Thunder*, Grani's Shield, Seal Speed 3, Goad Cavalry*

    Priscilla 4☆: Panic*, Rehabilitate, Solid Earth Balm*, Spur Def 3*

    Cecilia 4☆: Gronnraven, Rally Resistance*, Glacies, Attack +3*, Escape Route 3*, ???*

    The starred skills are the ones I'm unsure of though general advice is welcome. Not sure about natures either unfortunately... though I could post stats if that helps.

  10. I'd like to see SoV exploration taken one step further with full towns and more interesting dungeons. Also the voice work should be up to the standard of this last game.

    Cutscenes were much better quality in Awakening and Fates, but more relevant in SoV. Some of the cutscenes in the former two games felt unnecessary. So I hope there's a return to the style of 13/14 but with an emphasis on story importance.

    For gameplay, Conquest and RD are my favourites so hope there's inspiration taken from them as far as level design, objectives, skills, etc. Supports should be like PoR or SoV.

    For story I would like something grand, but more Jugdral or Tellius rather than Ylisse/Fates. Those two latter worlds went too far into the "shonen anime" spectrum for my liking.

    And for animations, the 3DS games clearly took inspiration from the GBA games in trying to be flashy as opposed to the at times dull animations in Tellius. Hopefully they can do some cool stuff on the Switch to continue making battles more dynamic. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Lushen said:

    What's with all these people asking for SS banners without Cormag?  C'mon you can't get Tana without Cormag :(

    Alternatively, have a flier banner :)

    Altena (axe), Sigrun (lance), Tanith (sword), Reina (bow), Cormag (lance)


  12. I think the one that's needed the most atm are the SS royals. Innes, Tana, Joshua, L'Arachel  (hopefully with magic instead of staves), and Myrrh. You even have at least one character per colour there assuming Myrrh is green. And Lyon as a GHB.

    Other ideas are an RD banner with Micaiah, Sothe, Haar, Pelleas, Elincia. And a second PoR banner with Nephenee, Reyson, Jill, Ena, and Marcia. With Ashnard and the BK AS GHB.

  13. Aww... Lachesis was so close, but we couldn't win. Still glad to have gotten so close.

    Wasn't sure who to support for the final. I like Elise more as a character, but I like the idea of a Priscilla upset. I joined Elise just because I think she'll win but I probably won't play this round. 

  14. One female lord would be fine. Have her wield bows, and she could have a younger mage brother (who could just be a regular unit) to serve as a role model for. I'd like a main female character with a strong personality who remains the focus of the whole game. 

    If there's multiple lords then I'd still like the above, and maybe also a meek male mage lord (think Pelleas if he got more screentime) and/or a Robin Hood type thief lord.

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