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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. I recently have been thinking they may go with an Awakening-connected game, which to me would be a disappointment, so I really hope that's not the case. That world is done, and I think they should let it be.

    I would hope that they go with a completely new world and build off of RD as the last console game and the 3DS games in terms of gameplay with Conquest and SoV with story presentation. 

  2. 45 minutes ago, Lushen said:

    Not sure if this has been pointed out but Valter is actually our first lance wyvren.  All the other wyvrens have either been mages or axes.  And we never had (and probably never will have) a Pegasus Knight axe user (they can't learn axes).  Also, we will probably never see a sword wyvren.  Seems like pegasus are going to take on lances, swords, and healers (Elincia ) and wyvrens are going to take on lances, axes, and mages.

    Oh they better not make Elincia a healer, not when she can have Amiti. A big part of her arc is the moment when she decides to take it up and fight with her soldiers. Also, I personally hope we eventually get Reina despite not particularly liking her just because she's the only canon bow flier. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Extrasolar said:

    I think that, when talking about humor in the series, one has to strike a delicate balance. After all, this series is about things like war, death, rigid social order, politics, tyrannical rulers, racism/prejudice, etc. Of course, it never gets so exaggerated that it goes straight-up grimdark (this isn't quite ASOIAF...though Jugdral starts to lean that way) with any of this stuff and it's pretty light on it, all things considering, but in general, the themes it deals with are serious, mature themes. A little comic relief from all of that is good, but...sometimes I feel like some of the newer games get just a little carried away with trying to make the audience laugh at the expense of atmosphere and immersion.

    Awakening is a story involving an apocalyptic future having been destroyed by a dark entity and an evil cult, and a traumatized young woman coming back to prevent everyone she knows and loves from dying horribly, or worse. But some of the lol!wacky antics we get in that game sort of push the whole "fighting for everyone's future against an evil apocalypse dragon and cult" to the background to focus on a wacky, sometimes cartoonish style of humor. Ehh...it just...doesn't mesh very well in my opinion, and a lot of the moments to reek of "trying too hard." (And I do like Awakening a lot, as a disclaimer. The comedy is just...eh, imo.)

    This is one of my major complaints about the scripts for the newer games. I'm not sure if this is a problem present in Japanese as well or if it's a localization issue, but 13 and 14 have dialogue that is just really jarring with the setting and especially coming from previous games where the dialogue was more formal and "proper" to the medieval setting. There's too much slang, memes, and dialogue that tries to force a laugh for my liking in the 3DS games -- SoV is much better but still has stuff like Mae speaking like a modern preppy teenager.

  4. On 2017-7-12 at 2:00 AM, Flee Fleet! said:


    Also an arena system like in Genealogy.

    I agree with this. Either that or have arenas earn some other materials like in Fates. Also, if arenas do come back, I really hope they remember to remix a past battle theme this time around. I was disappointed Fates used a boring track instead of a remix as is tradition. 

    Iirc FE6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, and 14 haven't had an arena remix. So theres plenty to choose from depending on what fits best. Conquest (Ablaze) or Road Taken (Roar) could fit for the 3DS games since they don't have separate battle themes. 

  5. Best news for me was Valter, character log, and free summons.

    Kinda disappointed about the new banner being another fanservice one with repeats, and the voting gauntlet. Still I'm tempted to try for summer Leo and Femui.

    Think I may have to get a new phone sometime soon, these updates are getting bigger and bigger. :v

  6. 47 minutes ago, Anacybele said:


    I have a general rule of thumb I like to follow when I create or critique characters. If I can sum up a character like three words or less, that's a bad character. If this character needs several words and even sentences, that's much better.

    Going back to Frederick, I can never describe him in just a few words! If I try, it just doesn't do his character justice. He needs a full sentence, maybe two. Very serious overachiever obsessed with his retainer duties, fitness, and training. Hates bear meat, loves campfires and knitting, and hates training even though he's committed himself to doing it a lot. See, I can't truly describe his personality without saying all that.

    But let's look at...Sumia. Clumsy animal lover. That pretty much sums her personality up. Not very good at all.

    I get what you're saying with this part but I don't think it's that simple. You could do the same thing the other way around: Fred is an obsessive overachieving retainer. Sumia is a clumsy lover of animals and literature who cares greatly for her friends and never stops trying to be better despite her self-consciousness.

    A better way to put it is maybe that a bad character is one that's dominated by one or two gimmicky traits that overshadow all other aspects of their personality. And that is something I see a lot more of in Awakening and Fates than in other games, though granted there are cases in those as well.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Locke087 said:


    If FE wants to continue its growing concentration towards humor I think it needs to move towards characters that bounce off each other to humor situations (like Soren and Aimee, see Item Shop), rather than characters that are in and of themselves a joke because they can be very repetitive and in the many cases that they simply do not bounce off of the character in front of them they come off as flat.

    I agree with this. When I think of funny moments in FE, it's character interactions: Soren/Ike/Aimee, Serra/Erk, L'Arachel/Dozla/Rennac. The 3DS games rely far too much on "look at this funny guy isn't he hilarious?" and repeating the same joke over and over and less on working comedy into interactions between its cast, though there are still a few good examples like the Chrom posters.

    For the record I just finished watching an FE5 LP and omg Shannam/Marita is probably the funniest thing I've seen in the series, again, because of the interaction and not for any one gimmick/aspect of either of the characters.

  8. Remembered a couple more liked characters who I dislike:

    Arthur, for the reasons mentioned above. He is too hammy for my tastes and he also comes across as a hypocrite though admittedly due to "ignorance is bliss" sort of thing. His design is also very jarring, I tend to think of him and Peri as the worst designs in Fates. 

    Frederick: His gimmick annoyed me as it's overplayed and he comes across as irritating more than anything. I also dislike his in-game portrait (his art not so much) and his armour. 

  9. Seeing a lot of Micaiah and Pelleas as characters generally disliked by others, in which case I'd like to add that I also like both of them. Micaiah is one of the more complex lords morality wise, and although some aspects of her are fumbled she's overall effective. Pelleas is a very interesting character in RD and it's fun getting to use him as the only playable dark mage in Tellius.

    I think Roy is generally liked, even if people complain about him in FE6, which I don't really get. I've never had a problem using him.

  10. 35 minutes ago, SageHarpuiaJDJ said:


    Oh. I don't really know a lot about RD, but he seemed like an important character from what I've seen.

    He is basically the starting prepromote, and has story presence as Micaiah's main support throughout the story. He's one of several characters including Ike and Micaiah who you are forced to bring for the final chapter. But in terms of overall importance, it's basically him being Micaiah's right hand man. He never really does anything significant on his own.

    He's another of those characters who aren't particularly popular, but I like him.

  11. Unpopular characters I like: 

    I legitimately like Serra even though she's (rightfully) seen as annoying by many people. Like I get that she's a total snob and I would probably hate having to be around someone like her in real life, but she just works really well as a comic relief type character for me.

    Knoll seems to be one of the most forgotten characters from FE8, but I love the perspective he brings to the story and his supports.

    Likewise, Sigrun seems to be someone most people ignore in favour of Marcia, Jill, and Haar, but if I'm using a Pegasus knight in Tellius it's always her. She has my favourite design and personality of the three playable Peg knights, it's a shame she's only playable near the end of RD.

    Maribelle is probably my favourite Awakening character. She has excellent voice clips, and her supports reveal surprising depth.

    Not sure if Camilla counts more for being unpopular or popular, but I also legitimately like her and find her interesting. Despite the Corrin-worship.

    Popular characters I don't like:

    Seth, I've never used him, but he seems like a pretty generic guy. I don't hate him, I just don't see what all the fuss is about. I get that he's a good unit, but if that's all there is to him, meh.

    Tharja, she is just creepily obsessed for the sake of being creepily obsessed (whereas with Camilla we at least get a hint that it's a symptom of something else), abuses her child, and doesn't ever really redeem herself for it.

    Gregor and Kellam are two characters who are fairly liked for their gimmicks, which I never really understood why.

    Also, while I don't dislike Donnel himself, I do dislike his meme status as "OP God of FE" as it's totally ridiculous.

    Xander is fairly popular, but I consider him one of the worst characters in the series because he is completely hypocritical but is never called out for it, instead he is treated as if he's some sort of wise conflicted paragon. 

    Peri is not that popular but I just have to mention my hatred of her.

    Finally, Mae seems to be one of the most popular characters from SoV, but I find her more annoying than cute/funny.

  12. They could also go with a theme as opposed to a game for the next banner, like the siblings banners, so we could get characters from various worlds. Though I would prefer Jugdral, Magvel, or Tellius as well.

    I hope the CYL characters get released as circulating freebies or special battles. Wonder what the odds of that are?

  13. I still think RD has the best cutscenes in terms of both style and substance. I also like the 3DS graphical style minus SoV which felt a bit lacking. PoR has many strong points, but its cutscenes are not one of them. 

    I hope they go all out with cutscenes for this game. That plus having full voiced dialogue would do wonders for the characters and world, if done right.

  14. I've been watching Jugdral LPs at work... And I gotta say we are overdue for some more characters from that world! And some maps would be great too, for that beautiful music.

    We are missing so many awesome Jugdral characters... I would especially like Lewyn, Ayra, Cuan, Ethlyn, Alvis, Julius, Ishtar, Shanan, Sety, Oifey... and Thracia really needs a banner with say Leif, Finn, Nana, Altenna, and August (afaik he doesn't fight but this is Heroes, where anything goes).

    I just really have a craving for new art for these guys! I think all the Jugdral characters added so far look great save for Seliph, hope the trend continues.

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